Chapter 12. An old friend.

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Before we begin the chapter there's something I'd like to tell you guys. I've been told the years on this book does not match the events occuring in the game's cannonical event. With this I mean, the invasion during the game happened a century ago. On this book, I mentioned it may have happened at the very least, 10 years ago. So, for continuity's sake, the invasion on this book only happened 10-20 years ago from current events. I hope none of you mind this mistake from my part. I apologise. 

With that being said, enjoy the chapter!


We were about to leave. Snow White was doing some last maintenance to her weapons. I was patiently waiting, staring at her. Her equipment ain't the only thing damaged, she is too.

Y/N:"You're pretty banged up."

Snow White:"That's beacause my equipment isn't quite up to par."

Y/N:"Really? For how long has it been like this?"

Snow White:"I... don't remember. A decade perhaps."

Y/N:"Really? That's a long-"

Snow White:"No more questions. I don't want to talk about it."

Y/N:"Oh. Sorry then."

I kept my mouth shut for a while. Not gonna lie, seeing a Nikke as old as her that was once part of the Goddess squad was a little intimidating. I had a lot of respect for her. Specially considering I wouldn't be here if not for her.

Snow White sighed and looked at me with an apologetic expression.

Snow White:"Sorry. I did not meant to be rude. I'm having many thoughts right now. For example, why would Chatterbox try to kidnap you?"

Y/N:*Shrug* "I have no idea. I'd like to know why myself."

Snow White:"Something here stinks. Look, what you're doing is not something that ordinary humans are capable of."

Y/N:"Sadly, these days have been very similar to what I'm currently doing. I think I'm getting used to it."

Snow White:"I see. As for Chatterbox, I don't know those guys either but I'm sure they work under the queen. We find them, we find the queen."

Y/N:"Sorry but you have me at a disadvantage here. Queen?"

Snow White:"The Rapture's Queen. If we manage to bag her, we'll usher in a new era."

Y/N:"So she's like their leader of sorts."

Snow White:"Yes."

Y/N:"Well, in that case count me in. I think I speak for everyone in the Ark when I say I'd like to see her going down."

Snow White:"Don't get your hopes up. I'm glad I managed to reunite with you but that doesn't mean I'm dragging you with me. You're a Commander now right? Then you must stay with your squadron."

Y/N:"What happened to the 'I'm intend to keep my promise' eh? Back to being strangers now?"

Snow White:"I didn't say that. I'd like to remain as a friend and your partner. But you cannot come with me nor can I go to the Ark. I must complete my mission and you have yours."

Y/N:"We could always aid each other."

Snow White:"Yes. We can. Now, let's get moving before this snowstorm gets any worse."

Snowstorm? I got up and followed Snow White who had all her weapons ready. Upon getting closer to the entrance I started to hear the wind outside. Yeah, there's surely a storm out there. Snow White heard it from inside? Impressive...

We went outside just for snow to immediately hit our faces. I closed my eyes a little in response, Snow White barely reacted. She went outside and started walking to a direction with her mask on. I simply followed her.

Y/N:"I assume you can see their tracks with that mask of yours?"

Snow White:"Something like that."

Y/N:"They're close?"

Snow White:"No. We're gonna have to make a couple of stops."

Y/N:"Well, it is what it is..."

Snow White:"A question. You did not come here alone, did you?"

Y/N:"No. My group and I fell on a trap. Chatterbox captured me."

Snow White:"Then either they left you, or they are on the search. We must continue nonetheless. Chatterbox and the Heretic could take the chance to abandon the area."

Y/N:"I agree. I want answers."

Snow White:"So do I. Leave the talking to me."

Y/N:"That's my line."

We kept walking through the snowstorm. It wasn't too thick, but the more time we spend out here the worse it gets. I have to endure it for the time being.

Y/N:"So Snow White."

Snow White:"Speak."

Y/N:"What happened to you and the rest after you rescued me? I remember being brought to a hospital within the Ark but I've never seen any of you return to it. Not even your Commander, What happened?"

Snow White:"...that's a long story. One I don't have the time to tell. Not like I wanted to do so in the first place."

Y/N:"I see that was something touchy. My apologies."

Snow White:"Let's talk about you instead. You say you became a Commander because of me. I don't entirely believe that's true. After all, your father's one too."

Y/N:"Was. He got injured. He's retired now."

Snow White:"A shame. He's one of the few I liked. Point is, why being a Commander? What drived you to take that career? Your father pushed you to it perhaps?"

Y/N:"A little bit but I always wanted to make the raptures pay for invading our planet. Getting pushed to the Ark, seeing my care taker die by their hands... it only made the fire within me grow."

Snow White:"Cheeky, but I can understand what you mean. I had a similar experience. Many would've broken down after seeing the reality of this war. Not us."

Y/N:"Well, what do you know? It seems we have more in common that you would expect!"

Snow White:"Not true. You and I are nothing alike."

Y/N:"Really? Why don't we get to know each other?"

Snow White:"Now of all times?"

Y/N:"We may die in a couple of hours so why not now? Hell, I may die sooner due to the weather. I won't have many chances."

Snow White:"Don't say that. I won't let anything wrong happen to you. I'm a Nikke after all. Besides you..." *Sigh* Okay, okay. What do you want to know?"

Y/N:"What about hobbies? Something you like to do? Don't answer fixing your guns. I can imagine that."

Snow White:"I like building stuff. Repairing old tech, making new tech... all that stuff. I even developed a videogame once."

Y/N:"Really? I was very into videogames on my youth. You have to show me that game one of these days."

Snow White:"Like hell I will! It's not even properly made! And it hasn't been updated for a long time! Only god knows how many bugs and glitches it may have..."

Y/N:"Don't you like to fix things? Then fix the game and we play it the next time we meet. What'd you say? I'm sure it will be fun."

Snow White:"I have more important things to fix than-"

Y/N:"There's an almost infinite source of food back on the Ark. Food that the Outpost has access to."

Snow White:"...That's not fair."

Y/N:"Everything's fair in love and war."

Snow White:"W-What?"

Y/N:"It's a set phrase."

Snow White:"I know that. The meaning behind the phrase you used is what confuses me..."

Y/N:"What do you- OH! No, I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry, that's not what I wanted to imply!"

Snow White:"I don't mind it, just want to make sure in what page do we- hold it. We have contacts."

Snow White raised her fist to give me the "stop" signal to which I complied, standing still behind her. I couldn't see anything due to the storm but I'm sure she can with that mask of hers.

Y/N:"What do you see?"

Snow White:"Raptures. Scout team. Most likely sent to prevent us from finding Chatterbox. I'll rather not fight them, it'll be a waste of time. Follow me and stay crouched."

I nodded and sneaked around the rapture group with Snow White, making sure to always keep my head down, just in case they see us to not get immediately shot in the head.

Y/N:"What if they use the thermal sensors? You thought of that?"

Snow White:"Raptures are not inmune to cold. They are walking heaters. Using the thermal sensors around one another will basicly be counterproductive since they would blind each other. It would be like using night vision googles when your allies have flashlights."

Y/N:"I see. So raptures have to mantain each other in check in low temperatures..."

Snow White:"It's not like they will die like a human would, but their movement would be very restrictive. Also rembember their weapons are beam weapons. The raptures fire extremely heat lasers. If their cannons are too cold... the lasers are not that strong."

Y/N:"So they raise their temperatures. How?"

Snow White:"I'm an expert at killing raptures, not at manufacturing them. I do not know how they do it. In all honestly, it doesn't really matter. It's pretty rare for them to visit environments like these since humans have less life expectancy in them."

Y/N:"Which would explain why they didn't develop something more advance for places like these knowing how technologically advance raptures are."

Snow White:"Mhm."

Although I couldn't see them I did hear their footsteps on the snow passing next to us who hid from them until we couldn't hear the footsteps anymore. At least, Snow White couldn't since she has a far better hearing than I do.

Once we were safe to continue we kept moving forwards.

Y/N:"Snow, I have a question. The Nikke in that armor, who were they?"

Snow White:"A traitor. Scum."


Snow White*Sigh* "All I can tell you is they are mankind adversary without a doubt. They're also my ticket to the queen. I've said too much. We need to speed up."

I nodded and continued walking. The snowstorm got worse, turning into a full on blizzard. I was hugging my own body at this point to try and warm myself.

Snow White:"Damn blizzard, even with my mask the tracks will dissappear soon... We need to move faster." *Looks back at me, stares with a worried face* "Hey, are you okay?"

Y/N:"S-Should've brought a heavier jacket..."

Snow White:"Go back!" *Grunts* "What am I saying... you couldn't go back even if you wanted to. I'll try to find a place for you to stay, c'mon." *Whispers* "I haven't made any progress..."

Y/N:"D-Don't worry about me. Just keep going. I'll manage on my own."

Snow White:"Never. I may have been in the surface for a long time but I'm still a Nikke. I can't just leave you here to die. Not you. I'll carry you if I must. Let me give you a hand."

Snow White tore a section of her cloak and placed it around myself. It extremely hot. So hot I could definetely sweat by just wearing this if I wasn't in middle of a goddamned blizzard. It will do but we need to find shelter at some point.

Snow White:"Put this on. It should heat you up but in this kind of weather, it's just the ticket."

Y/N:"Thank you Snow White. Really."

Snow White:"No need. It's what I do."

Y/N:"Have you ever thought of going back to the Ark?"

Snow White:"No. I told you, we haven't completed our mission."

Y/N:"You'll always have a spot on my Outpost."

Snow White:"You're very kind, but we know nothing about the Ark."


Snow White:"Surely you don't believe I'm the only one of my kind?"

Y/N:"I was looking for a confirmation."

Snow White:"And since you were perceptive enough to catch my words, I gave you so. Don't expect me to go any further than that."

Y/N:"Returning to the Ark, what do you mean by that?"

Snow White:"Absolutely nothing. Not a single thing. We don't have the slightest idea about what kind of environment that place is. So we can't go to the Ark. Even if they wanted me, I still wouldn't go. We are but Pilgrims wandering the frozen lands, looking for a glimmer of hope."

Y/N:"We all deserve a place to call home. Earth was once our home and we will retrieve it, I promise. But, in the meantime you can always go back to my Outpost and relax if the need arise. No pressure. You saved my life. Twice. It's the least I can do."

Snow White:"Then I'll keep that in mind. I always wondered... do you think everything will be the same as before once we retake Earth?"

Y/N:"No. So much has changed... we will never be able to go back at how things were before. It's not an excuse to forever exile ourselves in the Ark. We'll take Earth back no matter the price and give our people a better place to call home."

Snow White:"We're on the same page then..."


Snow White:"Nothing. Hey, look alive! It's them!"

Snow White took a small sprint forwards and laid on the ground. Laying on cold snow it's not the thing I was looking forwards the most but neither was getting spotted by our enemies so I cut my losses and laid on the snow even tho it's cold. We were laying on a small snowy mountain that gives us enough high ground to see our targets without getting spotted... well, I'm not really seeing anything due to the blizzard but I would if it wasn't here.

Snow White:"Chatterbox and the Heretic... Is she reapairing Chatterbox? They're awfully chummy, aren't they?"

Although I cannot see nor can I hold Snow White's gun due to the weight of it, she was kind enough to hold it and let me use the scope to see. When I looked through it I realised she's right. The heretic seems to be repairing Chatterbox in some way.


Snow White:*Loads gun* "I'm going in, guns blazing. You better find some place to hide."

Y/N:"Wait. Let's make a plan."

Snow White:"We don't have time for that."

Y/N:"Don't be a fool. I'm sure that girl is hoping you get in there without thinking of anything. You managed to ambush Chatterbox something that I'm sure wasn't a part of her plans yet she almost catches you off guard. Let's think of something."

Snow White:"I'm all ears then."

Y/N:"It seems the repairs are going to take some time. Sneak around them and fire a bullet through Chatterbox and towards the Heretic. It won't do much, but it will put down Chatterbox for the rest of the fight, making the repairs completely useless."

Snow White:"I can do that blindfolded."

Y/N:"Do you have a gun I can use and can shot something explosive of some sorts? Like a flare gun?"

Snow White:"Yes I do, but my squad is not around. Why?"

Y/N:"Remember, I came here with a squad of my own. They must be searching for us. I'm sure they will assist you on the fight."

Snow White:"Do you honestly think they will-"

???:"You just don't get it, do you?"

We looked up to see the heretic standing right there, looking at us. We immediately jump into action just for her to kick me in the chest, sending me down the small snowy mountain we were in and for Snow White she punched her, also sending her away a couple of meters. She then walked towards Snow White, ignoring me.

???:"I was merciful enough to let you go once before. Out of sympathy for your poor wretched souls, destined to forever wander this cold, dark planet alone."

Snow White quickly jumped into action and went to grab her sniper. When she realised she was disarmed by the heretic when she got the jump on us, the Nikke quickly grabbed her assault rifle and got ready to fight.

Snow White:"Enough!"

???:"Ah, I see. 'Enough', you say? That's why you came to me? You want out?"

The heretic Nikke pointed the rockets on her armor straight at Snow White.

Snow White:"Enough of your blasphemy! Traitor!"

???:"In that case then allow me... to put you out of your misery."

Snow White fired her assault rifle. Before the bullets could hit her, they exploded.

Snow White:"A magnetic field? She can do that all on her own?"

???:"I'll admit that you know your way around a firearm. Unfortunately, it seems that your equipment is somewhat lacking. What a shame."

Wings came from the heretic's armor. She flew towards Snow White and tried to whack her. Snow White rolled away but the heretic quickly redirected herself towards the sniper and kicked her torso, sending Snow White to the ground

???:"I do believe your pain sensor is out of order."

That's not good. She dropped her assault rifle due to her being able to feel pain. I suppose she's not used to it. Shit. I have to do something.

I watched the sniper rifle she dropped. I'm not strong as a Nikke, I cannot hold it. But, perhaps, if I crouch down and support the weapon on my knee I would be able to fire a single round. It should be enough to buy her some time. I started moving towards the sniper rifle without making a sound to not get the attention of the heretic Nikke.

???:"Poor thing." *Lifts Snow White with her wings* "Out of respect for all the time you've dedicated towards helping these  humans I'll make your death as painful as possible."

She started punching and kicking Snow White's face. The heretic was enjoying it, laughing and celebrating every small whimp and cry of pain Snow White released. Poor thing can't do much against the heretic in a situation like this, she's completely overpowered. I must help her, now.

I reached the rifle and lifted it a bit. It weights a shit ton, but I have to do it. I crouched down and slowly managed to support it on my knee. I placed a finger on the trigger and took my time to aim it at the heretic's head. I cannot fail the shot, so better to risk it than missing entirely.

Snow White:"H-Hey..."

???:"What is it?"

Snow White:"I... can't reach this spot on my back... can you scratch it for me?"

???:"Haha! With pleasure!"

She threw her to the ground, kick her body to force her to lay on her stomach and stomp her back multiple times. As cruel as this may sound, this is what I needed.

I finally had the perfect opportunity. I took my time to aim and fire the weapon. The kick of the gun was so powerful, the recoil alone made me fly away a couple of meters away from my original position. Luckily I landed on a soft spot so I was okay. When I went to see the results of my shot I wasn't too pumped. I did hit her, yes, but she managed to lift an arm and shield herself in time. However, there was a noticeable hole on her arm.

???:"What was that?"

Snow White:"Hey, hey, hey!"

???:"What is it?!"

Snow White:"Watch your back."

Before either the heretic or I could question what she meant by that, bullets started to rain at the heretic from various directions. She got ambushed by my own squad that managed to find us. Rapi and Sin were using her assault rifles from behind her, making it impossible for her to turn around and leave since she would get filled with lead. Neon and 2B flanked her, one firing her shotgun at the arm I damaged and the other ready to rush her with her sword. As for Anis, she was besides me making sure I was okay.

Anis:"Commander! Grab my arm! I'll get you to safety!"

Y/N:"Negative. I will not leave the Pilgrim alone."

Anis:"We will help her aswell, but you're the priority! Follow me!"

The heretic left Snow White and quickly retreated, getting into cover. 2B stopped near Snow White to check her condition. The Pilgrim waved her off. She's okay. Snow White stood up, grabbed her missing weapons and reagrouped with me, getting behind a cover Anis dragged me into. All my Nikkes also got in different positions ready to fight.

Y/N:"And Chatterbox? You took that into consideration Anis?"

Anis:"Rapi did. He's out for commission. We'll deal with him later. Like I said, you are my- our priority."


Neon:*From afar* "Master! We're happy to see you! Rapi was very worried and sad!"

Rapi:"That it's true. I'm glad you're okay Commander. Awaiting your orders."

Y/N:*Looks at Snow White* "I hope you don't mind some extra hands?"

Snow White:*Reloads sniper rifle, smiles* "The more the merrier."

Y/N:*At Rapi* "This heretic has been an annoyance for far too long. Let's end this, now. Take her down."

Rapi:"Orders confirmed. Encounter!"

Y/N:"Neon, stay on your position! Anis, lure that thing out of her hiding spot! 2B, get ready to slice her up! Rapi, Sin, cover fire!"

Everyone nodded and did as told. Anis started launching grenades at the heretic's cover. 2B sprinted out of her cover and flanked her to catch her off guard. Rapi and Sin aimed and waited for whenever the heretic tried to attack to either destroy the projectiles or force her to stay defensive. As for Snow White, she took her time to aim.

One of the grenades landed next to the heretic, pushing her out of her cover. Neon took the opportunity along with Snow White to fire at the enemy Nikke, hurting her a lot. 2B founded the opportunity she was looking for, getting in close and personal with the heretic and slashing the left arm, destroying the armor. The heretic grabbed 2B and threw her at us. She landed near me, but was okay. 2B immediately stood up and crouched near me to hide. Rapi and Sin open fire once again to give Neon time to reload.

I noticed something. The middle part of her armor is shining. She has a core in her armor, just like a rapture does!

Y/N:"Snow White! The yellow shining ball is her core! Fire at it!"

Snow White:"Copy."

The Nikke is not completely stupid however and made sure to use her arms as cover, hiding the core from Snow White. Also, the other arm regenerated but I do see how her movement has slow down a little. It must take a toll on her armor. Perhaps regenerating limbs spends a lot of energy? Doesn't matter, so long we keep doing damage she will eventually open her core.

Snow White:"I don't have a clear shot."

Y/N:"2B, to the left! Open that arm for us!"

2B:"On it."

Sin quickly came towards me, Rapi giving her some cover fire.

Sin:"Counselor, I have an idea."

Y/N:"What is it?"

Sin:"She's a Nikke. I can use my powers to-"


Sin:"I thought you trusted me."

Y/N:"And I do. What I fear is what the Ark may do to you once they know I dropped your leash."

Sin:"Sir with all do respect, this thing won't go down easy if we don't do anything I fear we may stay here for so long either you die of hypothermia or one of us gets shot. Let me do this."


Snow White:"I have another idea. I'll use something stronger."

Sin and I looked at Snow White who grabbed what seems like a gauss cannon out of her Seven Dwarves. She aimed and started charging a shot.

Snow White:"I'll need some time tho."

Y/N:"You heard that Sin. Buy us the time she needs."

Sin:"Aye aye."

Sin went to her original position while firing at the heretic. Snow White charged her gauss cannon in the meantime.

2B jumped at the heretic once again and sliced the left arm, opening the core just for it to be quickly hidden by the right arm. The Heretic kicked 2B away and open fire at Neon who had to hide. Anis launched some grenades and had to hide too, avoiding our position from being blown up by her.

The battle was in a constant back and forth from us attacking and she counterattacking, no real gain from neither side until Snow White was fully charged.

She fired at the heretic, going through the arm and damaging the core. She stopped for a moment, the pilot's shuttle opening and revealing her true form.

???:"It's... weird. Not matter what metric you use I'm superior in every way. How could this fight have been so close?"

2B:"You're not better than us. Don't look for any other explanation. Is as simple as that."

Before she could say anything, her helmet broke. Her face shocked me beyond belief. It's... It's Marian!

Marian:"Damn it! Should I have come with Nihilister?"



Y/N:"Marian! Is that you? Is it truly you?"

Modernia:"Are you talking to me? Sorry, but you seem to have gotten me mixed up with someone else. My name is Modernia and I work for the Queen."

Suddenly, her eyes trailed to the ground. She seems to be in deep thought about something to the point her guard lowered. Snow White was about to finish her until I raised my hand, making her lower her gun.

Modernia:"...Marian?... Marian."

She seems to suddenly realise something, yet her face looks troubled.

Modernia:"Amazing, no wonder it's got this familiar ring to it. Marian. Marian. Marian!"

She started repeating her name, her true name, almost in a bliss by remembering her identity. Out of nowhere, a rumble appeared. We all almost lost our balance due to it. Her body was releasing a black energy I've never seen before.

Modernia:"Greetings Commander... My name is... Marian... From now on... I will be... your assistant."

The energy got worse and worse, her body releasing more of it.

Y/N:"Marian it's me, the Commander! Don't you recognise me anymore?!"

She looked at me and her face blushed. On the contrary, it seems she did recognise me. Her face was one of pure happiness.


Before I could say anything, the energy violently erupted in an explosion sending everyone away including me. When I fell to the ground I only had one thought before going unconscious..

How could this happen?

Today's chapter is a little shorter but now you guys have to make another choice! What Nikke would you prefer to see featured in the story?

A rehab center Nikke (Guilty/Quincy)

See you all in the next chapter!

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