Chapter 13. Out of comission.

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Before we begin, a heads up. One of the extra chapters will contain sexual content. If you're not interested in such a thing, you are free to skip it. All sex scenes will be written in extra chapters for those who dislike them.

With that out of the way, enjoy the chapter!


I slowly open my eyes to find myself laying on the cold floor of yet another forsaken bunker. All my Nikkes including Snow White (who's sitting next to me, applying a bandage on my left arm) are present. Some of them are damaged. I can also feel the cold wind getting inside the bunker. It's not properly sealed. This ain't good.

Y/N:"Where... are we?"

My throat hurts. The explosion hit us bad. Looking down at my body I see blood on the jacket I'm wearing. I feel bandages. They must've treated my wounds when I was unconscious. As for the throat, it's due to the unbearable cold weather. It's getting worse and worse.

Rapi who was doing maintenance on Sin turned around and answered my question.

Rapi:"In a nearby bunker."

Anis:"We got separated  due to how massive that explosion was. It wasn't easy wrangling everyone back together."

Neon:"But at least we're all alive."

Snow White:"How are you feeling?"

Y/N:"Dizzy, cold and confused. That Nikke... she was-"

Sin:"With all due respect Commander we have much more worse things to worry about than the identity of the heretic Nikke."

Y/N:"You're absolutely right. Rapi, status report."

Rapi:"Counters and the Pilgrim have sustained heavy damage caused by the Heretic's explosion. We are currently in a nearby bunker awaiting rescue. Communications are down, heavy snowstorm outside, visibility less than 1 meter."

Y/N:"Damage report."

Rapi:"I broke my rib and my core was punctured. Mobility is temporarily not an option. Anis' pelvis is severely damaged. Mobility is temporarily not an option. Neon was damaged in the stabilizer of her spine. Mobility is temporarily not an option. Sin has her right optic disabled and her left leg fractured. Mobility is temporarily not an option."

Snow White:"I'm mostly okay but just like Masky over there, I also have one of my legs seriously damaged. I cannot properly move."


2B:"Sustained heavy injuries on my arms. Combat capabilities are completely disabled. I can move, but not defend myself."

Y/N:"What are the chances of a rescue team to come pick us up?"

Rapi:"To be frank, zero. The snowstorm is too large. It would be impossible to pinpoint our location."

Anis:"This isn't a bunker. It's a tomb."

Y/N:"Don't say that. I'll think of something."

Everyone stared at me, waiting for me to figure something out. To be honest, the accumulated stress along with the coldness was starting to get into my head. It's hard to think.

No matter, you have to Y/N. Think, think!

Okay, it's clear someone has to go out there and either pick us up with a vehicle somehow, get in contact with the Ark or lure a rescue team to the bunker. Rapi, Neon, Anis and Sin are not an opton. They are unable to move. I'm not a smart choice either, I'm the only one that will freeze to death out there. The snow is starting to pour into the bunker tho, we will drown if nothing happens...

Y/N:"2B. Can you use a rifle?"


Y/N:"Sin, give your weapon to 2B. You will get out there and find a way to rescue us. You think you're up to the task?"

2B:"I will not fail."

Sin stood up and gave 2B her rifle. With her arms damaged, she cannot apply enough force on her sword to properly use it. So she has to use a gun. Sin patted 2B's shoulders who nodded at her in return.

Y/N:"Our lifes are in your hand, 2B. We're counting on you. Remember, you're still heavily damaged and on your own. You cannot get spotted by any means. Use the rifle as a last resource."

2B:"I won't fail you. The cavalry will be here soon. Just hang in there."

There was nothing else to say. 2B open the door and made sure to close it as tightly as she could. I sat on the ground and everyone sat around me. The mood was a rather depressive one. And it's to be expected. We just sent 2B to a suicide mission...

Rapi:"If the worst were to happen, I'll use my core to heat you up as much as I can."

Anis:"Extracting your core will kill you Rapi!"

Y/N:"You're not doing that. I refuse to-"

Rapi:"I do not care! I've already failed to protect you multiple times! I can't just stand here and watch you die!"

I sighed and nodded. What can I do? Keep saying no? She could easily overpower me. Specially if it's about a loved one we're speaking you are willing to ignore orders without question. I know that very well, for I would do the same.

While I was deep in my thoughts I looked at my right leg. The cast I have... I can give it to Snow White. At the very least, I can make sure one of us makes it out alive. I removed it and gave it to Snow White who stared at it, a little confused. Rapi was surprised.

Rapi:"What?! What are you doing Commander?"

Snow White:"Huh?"

Y/N:"You are the only one with a damaged leg that can barely move. Use this, it's an exoskeleton originally meant for Nikkes. You'll be able to leave in no time. Get out of here."

Snow White:"What? No. I'm not leaving."

Y/N:"You'll die here."

Snow White:"No matter. I'm not leaving you again. Besides, I still have to increase the score."

Y/N:*Chuckles* "You're very optimistic."

Snow White:"I faced worse."

Y/N:"Still I assume you're not coming back to the Ark with us. Once we're all safe, take it and leave."

Snow White:"Okay. Thank you."

She mantained a firm grip on the exoskeleton. I know Rapi does not agree with my actions, but little does it matter now. A broken leg it's the least of my concerns.

We stood there in silence for 10 minutes, minutes that felt like days. Anis got closer to me and hugged my arm.

Anis:"If this is it... I'd like to at least get an answer Commander. I'm sorry to pressure you but I fear we may not have a chance to talk about this..."

Y/N:"The answer is yes Anis. I'd like it for you to join us."

She smiled and quickly grabbed my face, planting a kiss on my lips. Everyone's surprise was as great as mines but when I saw the tears falling down her face I kissed back. I'd like to make her happy one last time.

Once the kiss ended, they all got closer to me to try and give me as much warmth as possible. Time pass by. Minute after minute, hour after hour until 3 hours have passed. I was barely conscious. My vision was starting to blurry. A loud sound was heard on the door. Snow was getting in at a fast pace.

Anis:"Bad news, guys! Snow is wafting into the bunker!"

Neon:"We'll be snowed in if this keeps up!"

Sin:"How long has 2B been out?"

Rapi:"Three hours."

Anis:"Damn it! Why is she taking so long to find someone?!"

Sin:"What if she's dead?"

Snow White:"Let's hope that's not the case."

Neon looked back at me. She tilted her head in confusion at my state.

Neon:"Master, are you all right?" *Places a hand on Y/N's forehead, gasps* "Your temperature... Rapi, at this rate..."

Rapi:"Everyone huddle around the Commander! Adjust your output to 98.6 degrees!"

They all sat extremely close to me. I could feel their breaths. Their bodies were also extremely warm but there's so much they can do. Sin removed my shirt and dressed me with her jacket. My shirt was wet by the snow. Even Snow White removed her cloak and placed it on me as a blanket to try and make me warm, revealing her black shirt.

Anis:"We won't last much longer like this...To hell with it. Let's do it. I'm not letting the Comma-... Y/N die before us."


Slowly, they all started to get even closer to the point of embracing me. Neon and Sin on my left, hugging my arm. Rapi hugging my torso and Snow White awkwardly staying close, not really doing what they were doing. Anis was hugging my right arm.

Anis:"Um... this is..."

Neon:"A bit embarrassing..."

Anis:"I was going to say nice- but yeah, sure."

Rapi:"Just hold on a little longer, Commander."

Sin:"Counselor, if you let a small breeze kill you I'll remove every point you've ever obtained. You cannot die. Not now."

My eyes close... they're very heavy... breathing hurts...

Sin:"Commander? Hey, hey, hey! Don't close your eyes! Stay with us!"

Snow White:"Y/N!"

That was the last thing I heard before completely blacking out. I could only hope this was all a bad dream...

Timeskip brought to us by Snow White, hugging Y/N's body one last time before leaving.

I open my eyes- wait, I open my eyes? Where am I? How am I still alive?

As I was saying, I open them to see the Commander quarter's ceiling. I was on the Outpost. Was it all a dream? Am I dead? Did we actually made it home? I'm laying on my bed, sheets on me. As soon as I tried to move I realise this was not a dream. My body is all sore from all the fighting. I have bandages on my torso. I get hurt all the time man...

Anyways, onto more important things. I noticed how I'm wearing some pajamas I do not recall buying. They are black and red. As for the other important thing, I feel some type of  heavy statue laying on me below the sheets. I lifted them a little to see Rapi, peacefully sleeping on me. Thanks god she's in a good position or she might have crushed me...

I'd like to watch her sleep forever but I was anxious to know what happened so I shook her. She groaned a little and opened one eye, seeing me fully awake. Rapi blinked a couple of times, thinking she was still dreaming. She sat up, the blanket falling on my knees. Rapi's smile grew and grew until realisation finally came in. My Nikke hugged me and laughed a little.

Rapi:"You're finally awake! I'm so glad..."

Y/N:"So am I dear. For how long was I out?"

Rapi:"3 days. The medics said you were fine, just needed to rest. We brought you here and took care of the Outpost in the meantime. Everyone's going to be so happy when they see you..."

Y/N:"How we got here?"

Rapi:"2B truly does not dissapoint. She found Ludmilla and Alice who rescued us. They escorted us back to their bunker. Alice managed to heat you up in no time. Once the snowstorm was out and we were all ready to leave, we called Shifty and got us a ride home. You can imagine the rest."

Y/N:*Sigh* "So mission accomplished. I hope Andersen give us a break after that one..."

Rapi:"I have good news then. He gave us an entire month. Mostly so you can fully recover but I'm sure we both agree that we earned it."

Y/N:"Yeah. Hey, what about Snow White?"

Rapi:"Once she made sure we were okay the Pilgrim left. Speaking of which, why did you gave her your exoskeleton? Your leg is still not fully recovered. We could've gave her some proper maintenance."

Y/N:"That would require taking her to the Ark for full repairs. She does not want to come here. We must respect her decision. I wouldn't be here if not for her."

Rapi:*Sigh* "If you say so, Commander... Let's speak of something else. Why don't I make you something for breakfast? I'm not a good cook but I think I'll manage."

Y/N:"...W-Why don't you let me cook, huh? I-"

Rapi:"Don't worry I won't do anything sophisticated. Toast and coffee, the one you like. Just stay here and rest. I'm sure you're tired."

I sighed and nodded, agreeing with her decision. I cannot lie, having a beautiful woman doing all of this feels nice... and a little weird. I don't like being dependant of- wait what the hell?

While I was thinking of all this bullshit I was staring at my ceiling. I can see the ventilation rafts on the left corner of the room. There, I see a face. Snow White it's here! How did she get in?!

When Rapi entered the kitchen she silently opened the raft and dropped down, not making a single sound. She stood next to my bed and gently dropped the exoskeleton on my bed.

Snow White: *Whispers* "I came to return this."

Y/N:*Whispers* "Thank you, now hide it! If Rapi sees it she'll know you've been here!"

Snow White:*Whispers* "Calm down, she won't do anything."

Y/N:*Whispers* "Then why are you whispering?"

She sighed and did as told, putting the exoskeleton under my bed.

Snow White:*Whispers* "How are you holding up?"

Y/N:*Whispers*"Oh I'm perfect."

Snow White:*Whispers* "Yeah, one just have to look at you."

Y/N:*Whispers* "Har, har."

Snow White:*Whispers* "That Heretic girl... it seems like you knew her."

Y/N:*Whispers* "Yeah. She was my first Nikke. My first assistant."

Snow White:*Whispers* "Are you sure about that?" *Sighs* "Here."

She now dropped a bullet on my bed. I stared at her and Snow White rolled her eyes, hiding it underneath the bed.

Snow White:*Whispers*"Take this to the lab. It should be of some use to you."

Y/N:*Whispers* "Hey..."

Snow White:*Whispers* "What?"

Y/N:*Whispers* "You could always join us, y'know? I'd love to have you around."

Snow White:*Whispers* "You're very kind, but do you realise how much time have I spent on the surface? We live in completely different worlds."

Y/N:*Whispers* "You'll get used to it, just like we when we make it back to the surface. Just... let me help you."

Snow white smiled and did something that surprised me. She bent down a little and planted a small kiss on my lips, just to quickly jump back to the ventilation raft and dissappear. So... that's a yes or...

Rapi:"You said something Commander?"

Rapi quickly peeked her head and looked at me. When she saw my blushing face she tilted her head, confused.

Rapi:"You're... blushing? You have a fever?"

Y/N:"Huh? N-No, no. It's just..." *Chuckles* "I realise why I thought I was dead. After all, when I woke up the first thing I saw was the face of an angel."

She took a couple of seconds to realise what I meant. Once she did she widened her eyes and quickly hid on the kitchen, going back to what she was doing. I perfectly know how red her face must be even though I cannot see it. I could only laugh in response.

After a couple of minutes that passed far too fast for my liking Rapi came with a tray of food. Toast and coffee, just like she said. It actually smells nice which is a surprise considering Rapi is a noob at cooking. She gently placed the tray of food on my lap and grabbed a toast.

Rapi:"Say 'ah', Commander."

Y/N:"Rapi I can eat myself."

Rapi:"I know, but today, you... you have me all for yourself. So, I want to enjoy our little time together by getting closer... and closer."

That last part was said in a very certain tone that I may or may not like. In any case, Rapi was about to feed me until the door open. Mihara and Yuni went inside, both worried.

Mihara:"Oh dear, we heard what happened Commander and we came as soon as possible. How- oh. I see we're interrupting something."

Rapi:"Yes. You are."

Mihara:"That's okay. It will make it more enjoyable then."

Rapi grunted and crossed her arms, leaving the toast on the tray. Hey, I wanted to eat...

In any case, Yuni and Mihara both grabbed a chair and sat next to me. It seems they were dispatched to get some extra supplies for the toy store while I was gone. It's already built. They also told me they took care of the preparations and already recruited two Nikkes for the store. Belorta and Mica. I'll have to meet them later.

They've also told me some interesting things. Firstly, it seems they discovered a hidden entrance that leads to the sea. There's an old port there. Perhaps we could do something with it. Also, they gave me the news around the Ark. There's a Nikke on the loose that has killed a couple of high-ups from Elysium and Missilis. They were all corrupt in some way, but it's a little scary to know we may have a rampant Nikke around.

After a while, the two left and Rapi's smile came back. She sat on the bed once again and grabbed the piece of toast. She's not giving in.



Timeskip brought to us by Belorta and Mica scamming young MPN's.

After a very... long yet enjoyable day everyone came back to the Outpost. They were all excited to see me up once again. Anis hugged me and kissed me so much the little energy I had from resting... well, "resting" yesterday was immediately spent. 2B had to separate her from me. Not before dedicating some kind words to me. Sin gave me a small hug and so did Neon.

Once we were all together we all walked to the Ark's elevator. It's time to report to Andersen. Yesterday he wanted me to focus on resting but now I gotta report. I'll have the entire month for resting even more if needed.

While on the elevator, Anis noticed how Rapi's smile was bigger than usual. She also noticed how it seems she didn't mind holding my hand in public.

Anis:"Getting bolder each day huh Rapi?"

Rapi:"Huh? Oh. Yeah. I realised how fragile Y/N's life is. I want to enjoy our relationship as much as we possibly can."

Anis:"Has... anything happened while we were gone?"

Rapi:"Nothing you should be aware of."



Y/N:"Yes, 2B?"

2B:"During the time you sent me to find help, back at the mission, I realised the importance on having an option for ranged combat so I requested Elysion to build me an assault rifle of my own."

Y/N:"It's a good idea."

2B:"I knew you would like the idea. I'm only saying this in case you notice the drop on credits."

Y/N:" much?"

2B:"10000 credits."


Anis:"What's up?"

Y/N:"No soda for an entire week."

Anis:"Huh?! Why am I the one being punished here?!"

Y/N:"Who gave her access to the Outpost's bank account?"

Anis:"U-Uh... I didn't had the credits to spare, okay?!"

Y/N:"No soda for a week."

Anis:"OH C'MON!"

The door opened and we all went outside and walked towards the Elysion tower. Rapi is no longer affected by crowds, most likely due to so many of us being around. I do notice how people stare at Sin's mask, a little fearful of her presence. She's doing her best at ignoring the glares but even her cannot help but feel a little uncomfortable here.


Sin:"Yes, Counselor?"

Y/N:"How about you and I go around the Ark one of these days and do something together? What'd you say?"

Sin:"Oh. I'd like that a lot Counselor. I thought you'd never ask me out~ 10 points for that!"

She's now happy. The same cannot be said for Rapi, who tightened her hold on my hand. Anis was now clinging on my left arm also sharing a similar threatening look with Rapi.

Anis:"How shameless Commander, flirting with other girls in front of us."

Y/N:"C'mon dears, don't be jealous. I know a lot of girls! That doesn't mean I-"

Rapi:"You know other girls?"

Neon:"It was a pleasure to meet you Master."

Y/N:"Darn it."

After recieving a lecture by Rapi on how I should notify her of every member of the other gender I know and formed a bond with (Better not to tell her about Blanc and Noir...) we reached Andersen's office. He immediately noticed the poor state I was left in due to last mission.

Andersen:"There you are. You really put yourself through the wringer with that last fight. Anyway, it's good that you made it out alive."

Y/N:"Thanks sir."

Andersen:"Let's cut to the chase. The reason I called you here in such a hurry was because I recieved instructions from the Central Government."

Huh. No report then? Perhaps Shifty already told him all he needed to hear.

Y/N:"I... hope it's not another mission sir I-"

Andersen:"Nothing like that. You're the only Commander that has survived multiple encounters with Chatterbox. You're the first to come in contact with the Pilgrims and the Heretics and witness an altercation between them. You're also the first to see one of their former subordinates become a heretic."

If only he knew it's Marian and not a Pilgrim...

Andersen:"Therefore, some key personnel in the Central Government have come to a decision. Considering how often you've come into contact with living beings up on the surface you and your squad are being appointed as Special Commandos."

Oh man. This is great. Now I can freely explore the surface without the Ark being up my ass everytime I leave. I can do my own missions in fact.

Y/N:"Thanks sir. I really appreciate it."

Andersen:"I assume you already know what this means?"


Andersen:"Remember. So long you maintain regular reports, no one can touch you."

So no more forced missions one after the other. Good.

Andersen:"I should also mention that, if you were so inclined, you are also entitled to conceal information. Ah yes and the Big Three from the CEO's have no power over you whatsoever. That was my own suggestion."

Syuen's not gonna like that. Somehow, I know she'll find another way of screwing with me.

Y/N:"Thank you sir."

Andersen:"But you are still stationed at the Outpost. You've come a long way in such a short span of time. You were the only logical choice. From now on, you will live in the Outpost, where you may investigate all beings above ground as you see fit. In regards to the Ark, you are free to come and go as you please. Although you've already been doing that."

Y/N:"M-My squad has certain necessities..."

Andersen:"I don't need to hear it. As for now, you and your squad can enjoy a month vacation as promised. You've all been through a lot. Take this as an opportunity to rest and recuperate."

Y/N:"I wasn't in any mood of going on missions so thanks for the vacation sir. I'll be sure to enjoy it at my fullest."

Andersen:"Good. I was hoping that you would slip under the Central Government's radar, specially considering who's shoes you are trying to fill in. But now, their ambition devours all. That's why I sent you to the Outpost in the first place. Out of sight, out of mind. The Central Government corrupts everything it's hands lays on. We need a Commander like your father was before. Whatever you do, keep walking the path you currently walk. Don't listen to any other point of view."

Y/N:"Understood sir."

Andersen:"That'll be all. I'm due for a lunch meeting. Keep up the good work."

I nodded and left the room in a happier mood than later. Everyone was happy too. Being promoted to Special Commandos means having a vast freedom when it comes to what missions to partake in. Also, I'm sure we all agree having no need to listen to Syuen anymore it's exciting for all of us. Anis was already planning on some pranks for next time.

We returned to the Outpost and my Nikkes already planned on things to do for the vacation. Some wanted to try out the artificial beach we have in the Outpost. 2B could only think of work, so she talked with me about ways to improve the Outpost in the meantime. Sin made an exercise plan to make sure I don't get out of shape. I like that. Neon, Anis and Rapi were having an argument of their own with the artificial beach.

Since I didn't had much to do for today, I decided to retire at my own quarters with 2B following me. I sat on my desk and 2B on Rapi's seat.

Y/N:*Sigh* "I don't know what to do for a month..."

2B:"We could always take care of the Outpost as mentioned."

Y/N:"What you had in mind?"

2B:"The toy store is having great results but we have few things for the grown up MPN's. I was thinking on a music store. Everyone likes to listen to some tunes. It would be a perfect opportunity considering the debut of that Nikke Anis likes a lot."


2B:"Noise. She released a song that blew up like dynamite around the Ark. Due to her low cache and not being in any squad, Noise could be a perfect Nikke to get under our wing. We are both perfect for one another. A singer that appeared out of nowhere and took everyone by surprise, in a squad that appeared out of nowhere and took the Central Government by surprise."

Y/N:"Good thinking. Start the preparations. In the meantime, I'll go and meet the Nikkes on our toy store."

2B nodded and booted up Rapi's computer to get in contact with her manufacturer, Tetra. Before leaving to the toy store I decided to grab the rehabilitation profiles of the two Nikkes I have left. Although I'm in no state to try and take care of Guilty I worry I'll never truly be, so let's take care of her right away.

I took my time to walk to the toy store to properly read Guilty's profile. She's crazy strong if she can break a Nikke with her bare hands. I also noticed how in her patterns, it seems she's passive until something ticks her off. Unlike with Sin, there's a huge risk if I fail to convince her. My life could be at danger. I must be cautious. I'll ask Shifty to send me every recording the Central Government has around Guilty, no matter what it is.

From now I can say Guilty shows clear patterns of agressiveness towards people she distrusts. During every counseling attempt, she always asked questions to the Counselor to catch them off guard. I must gain her trust, just like Sin, but how? She's so analytic and dishonest...

I guess I cannot play any games with her. She will catch on rather quickly. I'll have to be very honest and kind with her. The more I open up, the better.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I walked inside the toy store to see two Nikkes organising the stands. It seems they have no customers today so they're taking this opportunity to do things around the store. Upon showing myself, they smiled and quickly went to meet me.

Belorta:"Hey there old timer! We are glad to finally meet you!"

Mica:"Hello Commander. I'm happy you chose us for this store!"

Y/N:"The pleasure is all mine ladies. How are things going around here?"

Belorta:"Mostly fine. People always come here to buy a toy or two. We also started selling consoles, computers and all that stuff even though they're not toys to amuse the grown ups."

Y/N:"You do? You sell videogames too?"

Belorta:"Yes we do! They're mostly old ones since the industry hasn't advanced much due to the war but they all work and are functional! Tested by yours truly!"

Y/N:"Okay. I'd like to buy one."

Mica:"Then follow us dear customer!"

Mica and Belorta grabbed my hand and accompanied me to the stand they sell videogames. I guess I'll grab one or two... and a console. Man, they finally have stock for PS5.

Anyways, after buying a couple of stuff and paying an absolutely outrageous price for everything (I'm gonna have to talk with 2B about the prices) I returned home. Everyone was already around the Command Center, doing various things around. Sin was doing yoga with Anis and Neon who barely managed to keep up. Mihara and Yuni were also present, teasing the two noobie Nikkes. Surprisingly, Senti and Litter were here too. When I made my presence known, the two turned around and walked towards me.

Litter:"Commander, we have a request to make."

Y/N:"I'm all ears. Why don't you help me with this and I listen to your request."

Centi:"Sure! You bought a PS5? Nice!"

Y/N:"Sin, once you're finished I want you to meet me at my quarters. We need to talk."

Sin:"Sure. Everything's okay, right?"

Y/N:"Don't worry you've done nothing wrong. It's about the others. If you know what I mean."

Sin:"I see. I'll be there in a second."

Centi, Litter and I walked upstairs to my room where 2B and Rapi were arguing about whether the other computer is Rapi's only or for common use to whoever has the role of assistant at the moment. Ignoring the two, Centi and I plugged the PS5 to my T.V and to the power. I'll use it later.

Y/N:"Rapi, 2B, silence. Sit down and listen closely." *Looks at Litter and Centi who's already playing with the PS5* "So, what is it?"

I sat on my seat and prompted Litter to sat on my bed who thanked me and did as told.

Litter:"Well, I was notified of how your Nikke wants to build a music store. Problem is, we will need a lot of credits for not only getting the products to sell but also the licenses to sell them. So I had an idea. What about building a cafe instead where Noise can sing? We will make sure she also has permanent residence in the Outpost and she has the freedom to come and go whenever she wishes."

Y/N:"And we will be able to put her song on the cafe whenever we want to..."

Litter:"Along with other songs from other artists of course. Sadly, Noise only has one."

Y/N:"Okay. What does Noise think of all of this?"

Litter:"She was the one who made us realise of the problem. Noise is up to the idea so long she's treated like a Nikke. It seems our little artist wishes to go on some missions too."

Y/N:"So long she can fight..."

Litter:"She's a Nikke Y/N. Of course she can fight."

Y/N:"In that case, bring her in."

Litter:"Sure. I'll do that right-"

Centi:"Oh c'mon! He's camping right there 24/7 why the hell do you guys not kill him?!"

Litter:"...this is what I have to bear all day Commander."

Y/N:"I pity you. Leave her be for today. 2B, can you help Litter with the preparations?"

2B:"Of course Commander. Will do."

2B and Litter stood up and left just in time for Sin to walk inside. She's sweating.

Sin:"You need me Commander?"

Y/N:"Yes. Rapi, get in contact with Shifty. I want to have every recording she can get her hands on Guilty."

Rapi:"Guilty? That criminal? On it."

Rapi sat on her seat and went to work. She grabbed some headphones to talk with Shifty without disturbing our conversations.

Y/N:"So Sin, what can you tell me about Guilty?"

Sin:"Oh, Commander..."

This is gonna be a long, long chat.

Chapter 13-1 Encounter🍋🍋🍋 (Rapi?)


I was still on my bed after a long day of Rapi and I doing things together. The rest hasn't come back yet. Most likely still busy with their missions. Rapi has been in the bathroom for quite a while now. She said she had a surprise. Also I heard her... speaking to herself? She seems to have a very heated argument.

Y/N:"Rapi? Is everything okay?"

Rapi:"H-Huh? Yes dear, don't worry! I'll be there in a second!"


She's starting to worry me. What's taking so long?

Suddenly, she peeked hear head through the bathroom. I noticed how some locks of hair are... red? She dyed her hair?

Rapi:"I'm okay! Don't worry! I just need to... do something. That's all."

Y/N:"Oh. I see. I like your style of hair, by the way."


Rapi grabbed her hair and saw the red locks. Her eyes also changed for a second. The worried face quickly changed to a smile.

Rapi:"You... do?"

Y/N:"Yeah. They're beautiful. Just like you."

She blushed and smirked. An expression I've never seen before. The girl took a huge breath of air and walked towards me, revealing what she's wearing. A revealing night gown that barely does anything to prevent me from seeing her body. Underneath, she has an interest choice of underwear. Red panties with some type of... black bra with a... zipper? I don't judge...

Rapi sat on top of me, gently, making sure to not hurt me. She slowly went down to my ear. I can notice her awkwardness but also how straight forward she's being, almost like a complete different person.



Rapi:"All these things you've done for us... they made me fall for you real hard. I don't think I can hold it anymore. I need you. More than anything."

Y/N:"Well I... do so too, Rapi. I want you too."

Rapi:"That's great. I didn't dress like this for a no, you know?"

She giggled. Although you may think she was going to force me, I know she's joking. Those eyes of her show no malice whatsoever. I smiled and pulled her for a kiss, one she wasted no time in kissing back.

My hands traced to her rear. With my left hand, I grabbed her left cheek. She moaned a little in the kiss, a moan I wanted to hear again. With my right hand I caressed her back, searching for the way to remove the bra. Not before she removed the nightgown on her own.

Of course, the zipper... now I understand why it's placed there.

I grabbed it and pulled it down, revealing her breasts. She smirked and sat on my lap, separating herself, putting them to show. I can see her blush, she's really embarrassed but at the same time, enjoying what's currently going on.

Did her red hair grow?

Rapi:"Commander... why don't we... take it to the next level eh?"

Y/N:"Well, I'm all ears."

Rapi:"Let me lead the way. I'll show you a good time."

She slowly removed her panties and threw them to the side. Once again, Rapi came for a kiss. Her left hand slowly went underneath my red pajama, laying on my member. She teased me, her hand slowly going up and down, caressing it. I was getting very excited. I couldn't help but moan a little, a moan that made her smile. Rapi separated herself from me and stared at me

Rapi:"C-Commander, are you enjoying this?"


Rapi:"I-I'm glad. It's very hard for me to... well... be like this so... I need help. What should I do now?"

Y/N:"Well... if you're ready..."

Rapi:"Yeah. I agree~"

Rapi grabbed my member and placed it inside her. We both moaned a little. Even though I do have some experience on this topic, never with a Nikke. It feels so different to a human yet so good. It's very warm... and there's no hymen so no pain for my partner.

I grabbed her hips and looked at her for confirmation. Rapi nodded so I slowly started thrusting.

Rapi:"P-Please Commander be-" *Moans* "G-Gentle. I'm not good at-"

Y/N:"Rapi, I want to-" *Groans* "Make love to you. I-I won't go rough. I promise."

Rapi's smiled changed from a little perverted to full on happiness. She was glad to hear those words. I swear the red on her hair is growing a little.

I increased the speed of my thrusts a little, making her breasts bounce in unison. Rapi's moans were very frequent now. She closed her eyes and placed her hands on her nape, moving her hips along with my thrusts. She's getting very into this.

One my hands moved to her breast, grabbing it, caressing it. Rapi smiled in return, her moans increasing in pitch.

I was getting closer and closer to release. Nikkes cannot get pregnant so that's not a worry I have, but still I have to ask.

Y/N:"R-Rapi, I'm about to..."

Rapi:"S-So do I. Do it inside, Commander."

I increased my speed one last time, making Rapi scream this time. I was reaching her deepest parts. I had to cum.



And then I did so. I released inside her. With a final thrust, I shot every little bit of 'it' I had in me. We were both left exhausted and out of breath, but we were satisfied and happy too.

Rapi fell on me. I threw an 'oof' sound when she did, after all, she's heavy. Something I'll never said to her face. I grabbed her and hugged her as tight as I could. I looked at her head to see all the red has dissappeared, but her hair seems far more clean and shining than ever. She just washed her hair for me. I was having hallucinations. Great...

Rapi went back to full on embarrassement. She hid her face on my neck but hugged me nonetheless. She did kiss my neck a couple times tho, kisses that were extremely short.

Rapi:"Y-You enjoyed it Commander?"

Y/N:"A lot Rapi. A lot. I love you."

Rapi:"I-I love you too Y/N. I truly, truly do. Could we..."

Y/N:"You want to do it again?"

Rapi:"W-Well I... I'm a little tired but... maybe tomorrow?"

Y/N:"And the next day. And the next one. As many times as you like dear. I'd do anything for you."

Rapi faced me and smiled. I saw a little tear falling down her cheek. It was not out of sadness but of happiness. She released a small laugh. She laughed. Something she has never done before. Once she was over she kissed my lips once more.

Rapi:"Thank you. For coming into my life the way you have. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to enjoy this."

Y/N:"No worries. I think I said it many times, but I love you."

Rapi:"Yeah... me too." *Looks at me* "I love you too Commander. It doesn't matter how many times you say it, I'll always be happy to hear it. Now, would you like to get some sleep? I'm sure you must be tired."

Y/N:"I am. A question though. Where did you get that nightgown?"

From Anis.


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