Chapter 21. Your true colors.

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Before the time begins, I want to warn you guys. There's always a time in my book where I say "screw you" to the game story and go my own path with it. I decided now's the time. From now on, chapters may not include events from the game but instead, new ones. There are a couple I still want to touch (Modernia) but not everything will be the same. You've been warned. With that out of the way, enjoy the chapter.


Y/N was in his office, peacefully writting some reports of many scavenges his Nikkes has done on the surface. He is starting to draw maps of the surface and how things currently are after the Raptures changed the enviroment. Is a hard task, considering how big Earth is, but if he wishes to retake the surface one day he's gonna need all the information possible. 2B is helping him make the drawings more accurate. His skills are... lacking.

2B:"Commander, I believe we should contract a Nikke who enjoys drawing in their free time for this. You are... well..."

Y/N:"Speak freely."

2B:"You suck."

Y/N:"Don't speak freely ever again."

2B:"My apologies."

Y/N:"It's a joke, no worries. However, yeah. I'm not good at this."

Before they could continue speaking, Sin surprised both by entering with Shifty. She was nervous and has obviously shed some tears. Y/N and 2B immediately got serious, with Y/N also getting very worried for their operators.

Y/N:"Shifty? What are you doing here? What happened?"

Shifty:"C-Commander... I'm scared...please... let me stay with you."

Y/N:"Of course." *Looks at Sin* "What the hell happened?"

Sin:"I don't know. I was on patrol and saw the elevator being used. There was no alarms so I assumed it was a friendly. Until she came out of it. I'm as surprised as you are."

Y/N stood up and grabbed Shifty's hands, guiding her to his bed. He gave her permission to sit there. 2B walked to the window, making sure no one was following there. She assumed something really bad happened. Sin leaned on the wall, curious as to why Shifty is here.

Y/N:"Sin, go bring a cup of tea please."

Sin:"I don't..."

Y/N:"Figure it out."

Sin:"Fine, fine."

Sin sighed and left the room, giving privacy to the three of them.

Y/N:"Now Shifty, calm down and explained what happened. You don't need to worry, you're safe here."

Shifty:"O-Okay. Yesterday I decided to stay up late at work. There was an operation I wanted to participate as an operator. When I came back home... e-everything was in shambles. Someone broke into my apartment Y/N. They were looking for something. However, they took nothing. W-What they're after? What if they're looking for me? I-I don't know what to do..."

Y/N:"I see. Don't worry. I'll take care of this. You are safe here. 2B, bring D here."

2B:"Yes sir."

2B left the room to search for D. Meanwhile, Y/N grabbed Shifty's hands to hold them. He was trying to give her some comfort. Y/N can see how scared and afraid she is.

Y/N:"I need to know more, Shifty. Do you have enemies inside The Ark? Did you partake in something ilegal?"

Shifty:"No, no! I always played by the rules! I spend most of the time at the job! I'm always helping you guys in every operation! You know it!"

Y/N:"Had to be sure. Did you see someone? A man, a Nikke, something?"

Shifty:"No... but my front door was busted down. My door is heavily reinforced Y/N. No man could've done that."

"So whoever went for Shifty had a Nikke or was a Nikke." Y/N thought.

Y/N:"Any ideas as to why?"

Shifty:"Only one. You."


Shifty:"You... got a lot of attention. A rookie commander who managed to fight a creature never seen again and got in contact with a Pilgrim. A commander who went into the surface multiple times and went back with just two casualties, one of them getting repaired. You're making them look bad... and they don't like it."

Y/N:"Of course I'm making them look bad. I have only two explanations for what I'm doing. Either I'm god's gift to mankind or I'm the only one competent around here. But that's no excuse to harm you."

Shifty:"I-I know..."

Y/N:"They were probably looking for information about you. I doubt they wanted to get you."

Shifty:"How are you so sure?"

Y/N:"Get to an operator is simple really. They are always available to any commander in the Ark. I've already... had bad experiences with some of them. Wouldn't be surprised if whoever is behind this is also a commander."

2B came back with D. Upon looking at Shifty's state, her mood dropped and knew this was about work.

Y/N:"D. I want you to go to Shifty's house. Someone broke in and we don't know why. Try to look for clues."

Shifty:"I-I'll give 2B my address."

D:"Will be done."

Y/N:"Good. Let's see what the hell is going on."

Timeskip brought to you by Y/N making a list of Nikkes for a possible special hidden group.


The Ark.


D and Y/N made their way to Shifty's apartment. She lives in a humble neigbourhood where there's very little trouble to find. People are very modest, but everyone either has a job, is studying or works in their houses. Y/N cannot find anyone suspicious in the streets. Everything is spot clean, even sometimes a commander or two along their Nikkes can be seen walking around. Not a bad place inside The Ark.

Y/N brought his earplugs to communicate with the people back at his Outpost. Shifty was supervising their mission along with 2B to offer support in case Shifty can't handle it.

Y/N:"Okay, we're here."

Shifty:"S-Second floor... you'll see the door yourself."

Y/N and D walked inside the apartment complex. Everything was in silence. Sometimes you can hear a voice or two coming from the different apartments, people talking to a friend, a relative or through their phones. Everyone was going on with their lives. Either they're unaware of what just happened or they don't care.

When they arrived at the second floor they noticed one of the apartment doors having a huge hole where the door handle should be. D and Y/N knew this was Shifty's place.

D:"Hmm. There's no way one of my former work partners did this. We were told to always look for a subtle approach no matter if we were sent to kill or not. Busting down a door is unnecesary. You can always lock pick it or, if it has a mechanical lock, hack it."

Y/N:"So we're not facing your buddies. This is something different."


Y/N opened the door and walked inside with D. Shifty's apartment was very humble. In the living room, there was a plasma television, a table with a couple of flower pots and some books, a videogame console and a carpet with drawings of blue cats. The leather couch was aimed at the plasma television. There's a window with sights to the Elysium tower. The window is closed. The walls are decorated with some metal posters of videogames, shows and books Shifty enjoys. To the far end of the room there's a small kitchen with a furnace, freezer and a sink. Nothing too out of the ordinary. There's two doors, one leading to her bedroom and another to the bathroom.

However, a ruckus is definetely present in the room. Files, papers and a bookshelf are on the ground. The carpet looks to be out of place. The couch, chairs and even the piece of furniture the television were on seems to be moved.

D walked inside Shifty's bedroom to investigate. Her bedroom was also very simple. A bed on the right, a desk on the left with a laptop, some literature books and figurines of a show she likes. A wardrove filled with her clothes. Lastly, her nightstand. Just like in the living room, more chaos. The nightstand is fully opened with more papers around the bed and floor. The wardrove is opened, but all the clothes are there.

Y/N noticed something strange. There's a lot of valuable things inside the apartment. The laptop is small, they could've stolen it if they wanted. There's also credits in the room, along with many expensive merchandise. The kitchen is completely untouched and the bathroom shows no signs of intruders. Some cabinets are also left untouched in her bedroom. When D opened them, she realises they were filled with disk drives.

D:"A Nikke was definetely here."

Shifty:"How are you so sure?"

D:"Look around you. Your valuables are in place. They came here looking for files. Information. The laptop and the disk drives are also were you left them. However, anything that was written in the old ways, with papers, were actually moved. A Nikke can download information from any device without having to physically interact with it."

Y/N:"They didn't bother closing neither the wardrove nor the nightstand. They knew where to look already."

D:"Indeed. When you're breaking into someone's house looking for something in particular, you look everywhere. You don't leave a single stone unturned. However, there are places where they didn't even bother looking."

2B:"Some Nikkes can detect electronic devices or have X-rays. It's not too far-fetched to think they came here and knew where to look."

Y/N grabbed some of the files to read them. Reports of operations Shifty supervised, background informations on commanders and Nikkes she worked or currently works with, reports... everything is related to her work. However Y/N notices how there's not a single file mentioning him, his Nikkes or any of the operations Shifty participated with them.

Y/N:"Shifty, did you write reports about us in paper?"

Shifty:"In paper and in the disk drives. My laptop also has info about you."

Y/N opened the laptop. Shifty kindly gave him the password to log in. With Shifty's guidance, he found the folders where she stores the reports she wrote about them. They're still there.

Y/N:"We're going to bring the laptop home. 2B, Shifty, find out if someone made copies of the files, if anyone had access to the laptop."

D walked towards the window and opened it. She peeked her head and looked around. D noticed how there's multiple points around the area where a Nikke could jump inside Shifty's apartment from. There's no signs that they were used.

D:"They must've been amateurs or, stealth is not their main field."


D:"A Nikke tries to always use methods a normal human could accomplish to make it harder for investigators. Use ladders, try to climb up towards a window, lockpicking as I previously mentioned... punching a hole into a door is not something a human can do. Whoever's doing this has no intentions to hide what they are. Besides..."

Y/N looked at her eyes. They changed color. It seems she's using a special vision of sorts.

D:"I see no fingerprints on the files. I see footprints on the carpet of different sizes. Three people in total were here. One of the pairs seems to be using shoes."

Y/N:"Shoes? Shoes are only to be used by military personal. Civilians must use any other sort of footwear unless they're partaking in an activity related to the government. So, either a commander was here..."

D:"Or a high up."

Shifty:"Oh man..."

Y/N:"What about the other two?"

D:"Nothing worth mentioning."

Y/N stood in silence for a while. Why could anyone try to enter Shifty's house and take files were he is mentioned? He then remembers the man who contracted D to kill him. Guilty spotted an unknown Nikke executing said commander. What if...

Y/N:"D. Remember the man who hired you?"

D:"Alexei. Yes, I remember him."

Y/N:"What if he was working with someone else? Someone in a higher position?"

D:"A possibilty. It would explain why they're so interested in us. Specially given how we were present during Alexei's execution. It could also explain why he was executed in the first place."

Y/N:"Loose ends." *Through radio* "2B, find everything you can about Alexei. Everything. I want to know where he was at every given moment prior to his demise."

2B:"Yes sir."

Y/N:"One more thing. I want you to bring Sin, Guilty, Mihara and Yuni to my office. Do not tell anything to any other Nikke. You will act as my assistant for the time being."

2B:"Commander? What about Rapi?"

Y/N:"I'll explain later."


Y/N:"C'mon D. We're going home. We'll catch whoever did this."

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N, looking at a mirror, judging himself.

Back at the Command Center, the Nikkes Y/N asked to be present were there. Mihara sat on Y/N's bed with Yuni on her lap. Sin was leaning next to the door, focused on making sure no one was trying to listen. D was sitting on the couch next to a now more calm Shifty, who's a little worried of Guilty holding her close in a protective way. Lastly, 2B sits on Rapi's chair who was sent to command an operation to explore the surface along with Anis, Neon, Noise, Litter, Centi and some MPN'S.

Y/N:"Before I begin, there's one thing I'd like to say. All of you are permitted to leave and turn your backs at what I'm going to do. The reason you're here is to form a special ops team inside the Outpost who will do tasks only you can perform. Not just due to your skills... but due to the morality of them."

Shifty:"S-Should I be here for this?"

Y/N:"No but you have no other choice. I don't want to force you into anything but if you want me to catch those bastards... we're gonna have to play dirty."

Shifty:"I.... I'm in."

Y/N:"2B. Where does your loyalty stand?"

2B:"Next to you Commander. I live and die by your command."


Guilty:"All praise Saint Y/N~"

Y/N:"Remind me to punish Anis again. Sin?"

Sin:"You're an execptional individual, Counselor. No matter where you go, I'll follow."

Y/N:"Don't need to ask you, but, D?"

D:"So long it alligns with my believes, yes. I'm in."

Y/N:"Mihara? Yuni?"

Mihara:"I want to catch those bastards. And if you want my loyalty, you don't need to ask for it. You gained it the moment you saved my memories, the moment you gave me a home."

Yuni:"If Mihara stays so will I."

Y/N:"Good. This new task team could be sent to eliminate targets inside the Ark, kidnap important figures, steal Ark property or commit acts that could be described as terrorism."

D:"So, in the end, you're gonna make the same acts I was tasked to kill you for."

Y/N:"Only against those who dare harm The Outpost, it's inhabitants or The Ark. I'm fighting a war and I'm losing. Last thing I need is my own people going after my head."

D:"I'll be the judge of that. But if you stray too far of the righteous path, even if it pains me..."

Y/N:"I'll let you be my executioner if my remedy turns out to be worse than the affliction. You have my word."

D looks at Y/N with clear worry in her eyes. However, she decided to trust in his word.

Y/N:"There's only three rules I want us to follow. One. We do not harm the innocent until there's proof of them being criminals. Two, we do not harm those who can be potential assets to our cause. Three. No one else that is not a part of this group must know of it's existence. Clear?"

Nikkes:"Yes, Commander."

Y/N:"Good. 2B, start the debriefing."

2B turned Rapi's computer on, letting everyone see images of what she's describing.

2B:"After digging a bit more about Alexei I found out very interesting yet suspicious things. He called multiple times to other Commanders, all of them within Missilis enterprise. Most of the calls were nothing important... except a couple. A couple of them having Y/N as their main topic of conversation."

Mihara:"The others. Who are they?"

Three photos appear on the screen. The first, the same man that flirted with D at the party. Frederick. The next one, a veteran commander from Missilis. A woman with green eyes, long blond hair and a beautiful smile called Jennifer. The last photo is a placeholder image. No info about the third party was found.

D:"That man... the fat guy. He's the one at the party."

Y/N:"Yeah... and he was trying to be kind to us." *Chuckles* "Turns out I was right. A stinky rat."

Sin:"What about the woman? Who is she?"

2B:"For what I could gather her name is Jennifer. It seems she's collaborating with other commanders in dubious activities. She's also linked with a terrorist group called Heavenly Ascension."

Yuni:"Why the fuck is a terorrist working with us?"



Sin:"She's a spy. A double agent... a triple one maybe."

Guilty:"I heard stories of commanders going into missions that forever change them. Some of them never left The Ark to begin with. I thought they were just dumb stories. Maybe this is what they're refering to."

Y/N:"Heavenly Ascension. Who are they?"

2B:"Terrorists who bombs innocent civilians as a way to protest for the time is taking for the surface to be reclaimed and the poor living conditions of the Outer Rim. A bunch of degenerates, if you ask me."

Y/N:"They're still active?"

2B:"As far as I know, yes."

Y/N:"Interesting. I never heard of it."


Y/N:"The government likes to maintain their secrecy. There's a million things I'm sure they're hiding from us, both good and bad. What can you tell me about this Jennifer?"

2B:"I could not get much. From the Ark's database, Jennifer is listed as a commander that joined a year ago. She participated in very few operations. She has a single Nikke at her disposal."

A photo of said Nikke appears in screen. Sin widens her eyes, recognising her.

Sin:"That's the Nikke that killed Alexei!"

Y/N:"Are you sure?"

Sin:"Absolutely my dear Counselor. It's her."

Y/N:"We got a lead. Okay people, listen up. Our mission is to lure that Nikke and her Commander to us. We will capture and interrogate them."

Guilty:"And afterwards?"

Y/N:"Dispose of them. I have no time for traitors. If you attack my people, I'll make sure you don't do so again."

D:"These two are working with a terrorist organisation. I have no problem with dispatching both."

Y/N:"Good. Operation starts. Let's hunt them down."

Yuni:"Wait! Our squad needs a name! What do we call us?"

Guilty:"I know! The Cult of Saint-"


Sin:"Silence... I like it."

Y/N:"No, what I meant is-"

2B:"We are the ones who mute those who spread vicious lies in the Ark, a dagger that slits the throats of those who got corrupted by money and power. The ones who keep The Ark safe from the dark. We are Silence."

Everyone looks at 2B, a little surprised at her speech.

Sin:"Uh... yeah, that."

Mihara:*Giggles* "You're so cute when you look so serious 2B!"

Shifty:"So, all the time?"


D:"I don't mind it. It has a ring to it. I assume I have to buy a suppresor for a more fitting approach in operations given our name."

Yuni:"Was that a joke?"



Y/N:"Okay, enough nonsense. If you girls like it... we will call you guys the Silence Squad. Now, hear me out..."

Timeskip brought to us by a woman with black and red hair looking at the Elysium tower from the Outer Rim.

'Cornered Rats'

Silence Squad.

D, Sin, Guilty, Shifty, Mihara, Yuni, 2B.

The Ark.

Shifty was standing still inside the Elysium tower. She has never been in a situation where she participates in an operation as a ground agent. She's obviously nervous. Shifty is using her earplug as an operator to speak with Y/N and the rest of the Squad.

Y/N:"Okay Shifty, let's go through it again. You sent a request for an operation to get yourself a small squad to 'keep yourself safe' while you go home. A bait for the Commander and that Nikke to appear."

2B:"We believe they could be looking for you anyways. Getting you inside your apartment is the perfect opportunity to make sure they left nothing there and then kidnap you. Of course, that won't happen."

Shifty:"Y-Yes. I talk to them, bring them to my apartment and you guys take care of the rest."

Y/N:"Mhm. D is also there, making sure all goes according to the plan. If the commander or the Nikke realises something's wrong, D will attack and ensure your safety."

D:"Do not worry Miss Shifty. I won't let them put a hand on you."

D was dressed in civilian clothes, a guitar case around her neck to hide her SMG in. She is currently relaxing in a leather couch, looking at her phone. It's turned off so the screen reflects what's behind her. Shifty.

Shifty:"T-Thank you."

2B:"Commander, agent Shifty is clearly in distress. I doubt this will work."

Y/N:"I disagree. That's the exact way someone who knows a stranger broke into their house would behave. Specially considering Shifty is not known for bravery."

Shifty:"H-Hey! I'm a very brave-"

D:"They are here."


Jennifer and the suspicious Nikke appear. They look around for a while until their eyes met Shifty's. They smile and walk towards her. Jennifer offers a handshake, which Shifty accepts.

Jennifer:"Hello. My name is Jennifer's Lawson. This is Crow, my Nikke. We took your request madam. May I inquire in why exactly you need a Commander for this instead of a member of the police department?"

Y/N:"Tell them you think someone wants to kill you. Nothing valuable was touched. That's a perfect reason and it won't be suspicious at all."

Shifty:"I-I think someone could be after me. Whoever broke into my house left my money, my laptop- everything expensive there! They just scattered my info! W-What if they're looking after me, what if-"

Jennifer:"Calm down Miss Shifty. Nothing's gonna happen. We are here to ensure your safety. Please, let's walk to your apartment."


Y/N:"Nice going. Try not to speak with them. The less risks we take the better."

Shifty doesn't answer and starts talking towards the apartment. Once it's safe, D stands up and starts to follow the trio, making sure to move from shadow to shadow to avoid detection.

The Nikke, Crow, is on edge. She's constantly looking around and behind herself, as if she was aware someone's following.

2B:"The Nikke is acting jumpy."

Y/N:"She comes from the Outer Rim. I doubt she's used to the more... civilised areas of The Ark."

Mihara:"How are you so sure she didn't caught D already?"

Y/N:"If that were the case, we would see bullets flying everywhere. Crow doesn't strike to me as the subtle kind. Put some faith in D."

D:"I feel offended you think I'll get spotted so soon."

Mihara:"That wasn't my intention, dear."

2B:"Commander, there's two of them. Back at the apartment, there was three pair of footprints."

Y/N:"I know. While Guilty and I handle those two, the rest ensures no one goes in."


Shifty, Jennifer and Crow reach the apartment complex. As Shifty walks in, Y/N gives her more orders.

Y/N:"Walk inside the apartment. They won't go in unless you do."

Guilty and Y/N are at each side of the wall, waiting. They are wearing a huge cloak on their bodies to prevent a Nikke from detecting them through walls. Shifty, Jennifer and Crow stand outside the apartment. Crow scans the inside.

Crow:"No threats detected. It's safe to walk inside."

Shifty goes first. She relaxes a bit and goes inside the bedroom. Crow and Jennifer follow her, but both get jumped by Y/N and Guilty. Y/N punches Jennifer hard enough to knock her out, with Guilty doing the same thing to Crow.

Y/N:"Good job. Time for the fun to start..."

After half an hour, Jennifer wakes up. She feels a huge headache. The female Commander scans the room to see Crow besides her, waking up too. Both are cuffed, Crow wearing really tough handcuffs made for Nikkes. Guilty is besides Crow, looking at her with a dangerous and wicked smile. Y/N is leaning on a wall, a handgun on his hand.

Jennifer sits up and looks at Y/N with a serious expression. She groans and looks around for a way to escape.

Y/N:"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You see, my friend over here... it's been a long time since she tore the skull from someone's body with her own hands. She really wants to again. The only thing keeping her in check is me. We wouldn't want to make a mess of such a beautiful apartment now would we?"

Jennifer glances one more time to Guilty. She is heavily breathing, blushing. The thought of dismembering Jennifer while she's alive... now that's something she's looking forwards to. The sight of such a beast looking at her with killing intent made Jennifer shiver. Crow on the other hand looked at Guilty with clear intimidation, but she wasn't afraid. She looked at Y/N with curious eyes.

Jennifer:"What do you want."

Y/N:"Straight to the point. I like it."

He walks towards a chair, places it in front of Jennifer and sits on it. He starts to attach a suppresor to his handgun.

Y/N:"Simple. I want you to give me names. Who do you work for? Who's trying to get me killed?"


Y/N laughs, as if he just heard the funniest joke of his life. Guilty chuckles too.

Y/N:"You don't say. Don't use the files you stole against me dear. I know you made your homework. I know you're trying to use my past with Syuen to make me mad. Give me an honest answer dear. I don't have patience for this."

Jennifer:"It's the truth! She-"

Not amused by her defiance, Y/N fired the gun aimed at her knee. The bullet pierced her knee, making Jennifer scream in pain.

Y/N:"A name. Now."

Seeing the cruelty Y/N was diplaying made Crow's heart beat fast. Really fast. Not out of fear... but excitement.

Jennifer:"W-Why... why me..."

Y/N:"Why not you? As a commander I try to fight for mankind. Make sure we can reach the surface. In the meantime I get my people attacked by my own kin, the people I should be fighting with shoulder to shoulder... breaking into my operator's apartment. I have zero tolerance for this. Now, give me a name or I'll make sure you don't do so again."

Jennifer:"F-Fine, fine. Adam Walker. He's in contact with a terrorist group named-"

Y/N:"Heavenly Ascension, yes. What are your orders?"

Jennifer:"T-To retrieve information of the Commander who was causing such a ruckus in The Ark."


Jennifer:"To kill you. Replace you with someone else."

2B:"Adam Walker... I have information about that guy. He cannot be the third party in that call."

Y/N:"Thanks for your cooperation."

Jennifer:"Are you going to-"

Before she could finish the sentence, Y/N executes her. Jennifer's body hit the ground, dead. A small moan escapes Crow's lips. Y/N turns at her, confused.

Y/N:"And what's the deal with you?"

Crow:"Commander... we finally met. I thought you'd be a goody-two-shoes unable of doing what's necessary to save their people... I am impressed. Very impressed."

Y/N:"Words from a Nikke about to be turned into scrap metal are irelevant to me."

Crow:"Let me give you a proposal. How about, a meeting with Heavenly Ascension's leader?"

Y/N:"And why would I believe you?"

Crow:"Why not? I am a good little Nikke who follows order. I have no intentions to manipulate you without my leader's input. What Jennifer said is true. Heavenly Ascension wants to kill you... because they believe you are a tool from Elysium. Let me change their minds. Imagine this: An entire organisation working directly for you. Total control of the Outer Rim."

Y/N:"Why would the leader of such an organisation give me control of the Outer Rim?"

Crow:"I don't know if she won't, but you're a resourceful man. I'm sure you'll be able to strike a deal with her. But, if you can't, you can always..." *Looks at Jennifer's body* "It's up to you commander. However, letting me live will be of more use than to finish me right here and now."

Y/N:"What are your intentions?"

Crow:"I want to see the Central Government burn. The Ark too. I want to give the people of the Outer Rim true freedom. To stop seeing woman and childs be turned into Nikkes, thrown into battlefields and be treated like slaves. I want to murder all the assholes who live as kings while we suffer. That is what I want."

Y/N:"So, you're essentially a terrorist who complains of how things go but instead of fighting for a chance of improving you decide to ruin people's lives? A hypocrite."

Crow:"Are you any better Commander? You just killed a woman a minute ago, a woman who although had bad intentions also had a family, friends, loved ones. Who are you to decide who lives and dies?"

Y/N:"The man tasked to save our race. That's who I am. I'm going to see my duty done, no matter the price. There is no right man or woman to decide what to do with our lives, only results. So far I managed to give us hope. What have you done other than to spread fear?"

Crow didn't answer, but she did look at Y/N with a smirk. She wasn't going to buldge, but she liked his viewpoint. It alligns with hers in a way.

Y/N:"I'm going to let you go. Make sure the leader of Heavenly Ascension and I can get to meet each other. Betray me and I'll use your body as scrap for my engineers to repair The Outpost. Understood?"

Crow:"Of course... Commander."

Y/N:"D, come here. Dispose of Jennifer."

D walked inside the room, hatchet ready. No one was going to find Jennifer again.

2B:"Commander, is this a good idea?"

Y/N:"Yes. They can be useful."

I have a plan. They will help me put it to work.

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