Chapter 22. How to turn a Heretic.

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Since it's been a long time, I'll start putting images of all the characters once more to refresh your minds. And why the hell not, to add more fanservice. Now, enjoy!


The vacation week is over. Y/N has to do the mission he agreed to go for Ingrid and Andersen. They hope to find a way to destroy Marian's NIMPH and restore her memories previous to the corruption. How? That's what they mission is about. To figure out how.

They must travel to Area H. A place where multiple Heretics have been spotted. Plus, rapture activity is off the charts. That means Y/N has to make a strong squad. He also counts with the help of the Absolute squad. So that's something.

Currently, he is in the Outpost looking at a computer, trying to create a squad that's perfect. Rapi is in front of him, sitting on her seat also writting a report. She has her rifle laying on her lap, ready to be deployed when necessary.



Rapi:"You haven't explained why Shifty has moved in The Outpost yet."

Y/N:"I did. I said she decided to get closer to us. After the incident with Syuen, she wanted to come here so everyone is always assured our operator is not someone else impersonating her."

Rapi:"That can be done from the Elysium tower. I don't buy that."

Y/N:"When did I gained your distrust?"

Rapi:"The moment you launch an operation without letting me know."

Y/N looks at her, wondering if she was speaking about Jessica.


Rapi:"I know 2B, D, the criminals, Mihara and Yuni participated in an operation I wasn't aware of. Why do you hide information from me, Commander?"

Y/N:"To not tell you something is not to hide. I deployed them on the surface to scavenge more materials. I'm... in the process of something big. Now's not the time for doubts Rapi."

Rapi:*Sigh* "I just don't want you to go off without me."

Y/N:"Next time, which is in a couple hours, I'll bring you with me."

Rapi:"Speaking of, you figured out the squad?"

Y/N:"You, Anis and Neon of course. I want to give yesterday's Nikkes some rest. I want them to stay here. We also need someone who can figure out a way to create a weapon to destroy NIMPH and a way to reprogram Nikkes. Centi will have to do. Lastly, I invited Helm to come with us. She accepted."

Rapi:"So that's why we're waiting."

Y/N:"Yes. We wait for Helm."


As soon as their conversation ends, someone knocks on the door. Y/N gives permission to said individual to enter. The doors open and Shifty goes in.

Shifty:"Commander, Helm and the Absolute squad has arrived."

Y/N:"Perfect. Where are my Nikkes?"

Shifty:"Downstairs, they are all ready."

Y/N:"Good. Let's go, Rapi."

Rapi:"With you Commander."

Y/N stands up and walks towards the entrance with Rapi. When they pass next to Shifty, she grabs the sleeve of his jacket.

Shifty:"Commander... thank you once more for helping me with my... personal matters."

Y/N:"Don't worry. As I said I'm an expert in brain surgery. Jennifer can vouch for me."

Shifty:"That's fucked up Commander."

Y/N:"Hmm. Maybe. In any case, don't worry. You can count on me for anything."

Shifty:"Duly noted."

Shifty let the Commander go, who while walking downstairs recieved a curious look from Rapi.

Rapi:"Personal matters? Is Shifty okay?"

Y/N:"She is now."

Rapi:"Did... something happen? That's why she's here?"

Y/N:"No need to worry about it anymore. Let's focus on our mission. If we encounter Marian, I want you to be ready."

Rapi:"My apologies Commander. I'll be ready."

Downstairs, Neon, Anis and Centi are waiting for Y/N and Rapi. The three have their guns ready and are looking for some action.

Neon:"Man! Finally! Some more fighting! I was getting bored here!"

Anis:"I'm glad to see you haven't lost your touch, Neon."

Centi:"My first operation... I-I'm happy you chosed me, sir!"

Y/N:"At ease. Let's reagroup with Helm and Absolute squad and go to Area H."

Nikkes:"Yes sir."

Everyone walked outside, headed to the elevator where Helm and the Absolute squad are. As soon as Y/N and his Nikkes walk in, tension arises. Eunhwa is glaring at every member of Counters, including Helm. Vesti is nervous due to her squad leader's behaviour. Emma is smiling.

Y/N:"Centi. This is your first operation with us. Since Vesti uses the same weapon as you, a rocket launcher, follow her instructions."

Centi:"Yes sir! Vesti, I'm in your hands!"

Vesti:"H-Huh? Me? I-I don't know if I'm the most-"

Helm:"You'll be fine."

Emma:"Yeah, you're one hell of a rocket launcher user, you're gonna be-"

Eunhwa:"Y/N. Why are we here exactly? I thought you didn't need us for your operations given how you're recruiting a large number of Nikkes. Some of which are criminals."

Y/N:"Eunhwa, I'm going to be very straightforwards with you. If you start acting like a bitch, I'll treat you like one. We are a team here. Regardless of how much you like it. You're a member of Absolute, one of the most elite squads in The Ark. Start to behave like a proper soldier."

Eunhwa widened her eyes, not expecting such boldness from Y/N who was looking at her with serious eyes. Eunhwa dropped her head and nodded.

Eunhwa:"Yes... Commander."

Emma:"My oh my. You managed to make her say Commander. I've never seen such a thing!"

Eunhwa:"Shut it!"

The elevator arrived at the surface where a helicopter was waiting everyone to take off. They went in and the chopper started taking them to their mission's destination. Y/N decided to stand up, looking through the chopper's window while smoking. Rapi rolled her eyes and went to take the cigarette from his hands, but this time, Y/N did not let that happen.

A little bit of surprise could be seen in her eyes, she tried it again just for Y/N to move his hand out of the way and look at her, a little annoyed.

Y/N:"Can you please let me have an addiction?"

Rapi:"One that's gonna turn your lungs into charcoal? No."

Y/N:"I'm going into a mission hanging on by a thread of hope, not knowing if I'll be able to save my friend by the end of it. Let me relax in my own way. Please."

Rapi:"...the last time."


Rapi sat back, looking at Y/N with concern. She noticed how he has changed a little. He's more...

Anis:*Whispers* "Aggressive, right?"

Rapi:"H-Huh? Oh." *Whispers* "Yeah."

Anis:*Whispers* "Noticed that too. I mean, look at Eunhwa. She's following orders like a good girl. Something I wasn't expecting out of her."

Rapi:*Whispers* "So long he doesn't lose his way... I'm fine with the changes."

Anis:*Whispers* "Oh I'm fine too. I like a man that can boss me around."

Rapi:*Whispers* "What?"

Anis:*Whispers* "What?"

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N looking at his Nikkes from his Command Center, them looking at him back, imagining him with a halo on top of his head.


Counters Squad, Absolute Squad.

Rapi, Anis, Neon, Helm, Centi, Vesti, Emma, Eunhwa.

Area H.


The chopper landed in mid of a destroyed village. There's sand everywhere, a clear contrast to the mission where they found Snow White. It's very hot, there's barely any wind and the sun is hitting hard. Thankfully, it's not too bad. Yet.

Y/N:"Listen up people. Our mission is to find heretic samples to develop a 'cure' for NIMPH. This area is known for having lots of heretic presence. If we find one that's not Marian, shoot on sight."


Y/N:"Our priority target."

Eunhwa:"You want to get a heretic for yourself? That's impossible Y/N. Heretic Nikkes get re-programmed by-"

Y/N:"You don't need to explain what I already know, Eunhwa."


Everyone looked at one another, on edge. Not for Y/N but rather, due to Eunhwa being pretty much hostile to everyone present here. Even Shifty, who was their operator at the moment was on edge too.

Anis:"So... a little bit crowded, don't you think?"

Eunhwa:"If it bothers you so much, feel free to leave."

Anis:"Oooh! Can I?!"



Eunhwa:"I don't get it... Why does Absolute have to babysit a third-rate squad like this sorry bunch?"

Neon:"Third rate? Well, three is higher than one and two, right?"

Anis:"Yes, absolutely!"

Eunhwa:"Shut up you idiots."

Neon:"Takes one to know one!"

Anis:"Yes, absolutely!"


Vesti giggled a little bit, making Eunhwa glare at her in a scary way.

Eunhwa:"Are you finding all of this amusing?"

Vesti:"Hah-u-uh... n-no, sorry."

Rapi:"You're not here to 'babysit' us. This is a joint operation."

Eunhwa:"Joint operation? Look around you. You can't possibly think you're on our level."

Emma:"All right, steady now. We mustn't judge a book by it's cover. Besides, we're doing Ingrid a personal favor here. If you keep acting up, I'll have to report you."


Shifty:"Hey, anyone there?"

Anis:"Interesting. Mentioning the boss and grumpy pants over there clams right up."

Eunhwa:"Listen, you walking junk heap. Just because I entertain your idiocy doesn't mean we're equals. Not even close."

Anis:"Hey, you oughta watch your language. I might just tell the boss about your potty mouth."

Surprising everyone, Eunhwa grabbed her side arm and fired at Anis feet, angry. What she wasn't expecting is to get another handgun pointed directly at her brains. Eunhwa raised her hands and dropped her sidearm, taken by surprise. She glanced at her right to see Y/N being the one holding the gun, not amused by her actions.

Y/N:"Fire at one of your Nikkes one more time and I dispose of you right away. I already have a sniper, I don't need you. Don't test me, Eunhwa. You won't end up well."

Eunhwa:"...right. My apologies."

Y/N lowered his gun and put it back to his holster.

Anis:"My hero~"

Y/N:"And you. I don't care that you dislike each other. If you wanna kill each other do it in the Arena. Here, we're teammates. Like it or not. So drop the attitude too."

Anis:"Y-Yes Commander!"

Y/N:"Now, Shifty. You there?"

Shifty:"Finally! I was trying to contact you guys for so long!"

Y/N:"My bad. Have some... obedience trouble. It's all fixed. Now, give us a more detailed debrief, please."

Shifty:"First things first, you need to get moving. You've been in the same location for far too long."

Y/N nods and orders his Nikkes to advance. Neon and Emma take lead, with Rapi close to them. Eunhwa, Centi and Vesti stay around Y/N, close to him. Helm and Annis cover the rear.

Shifty:"The goal of this operation is to collect what we're refering to as Heretic fragments. In the past, Absolute and Matis fought together against the Heretics and were victorious. However, a large explosion caused by the Heretics being shot down covered the whole area. The explosion ended up creating a massive crater. The immediate area surrounding it burned for 3 months."

Y/N:"Interesting. And that's where the Heretic fragments must be located, correct?"


Centi:"What about the flames? We Nikkes may be able to go through, but the Commander..."

Shifty:"No need to worry. The flames has died down. It is safe. To summarize, the objective of this joint operation is to enter the center of the crater, pick up the fragments and retrieve them back to the Ark."

Eunhwa:"The flames. Why are they gone?"

Shifty:"It is believed that all the natural gas underground has been exhausted."

Eunhwa:"Hmm. Mark the route and target points."

Shifty:"Affirmative. Marking complete."

Eunhwa:"Considering how long the flames lasted, Alva particles concentration should be low."

Shifty:"Ah... yes. That should be right."

Eunhwa:"So there's no need for a purification sequence. Let's get this over with. I don't-"

Before she could say anything, she glanced at Y/N who was already looking at her. Eunhwa decided to keep her lips sealed.

Eunhwa:"...why did you chose Counters?"

Y/N:"It wasn't a choice. They weren't the squad I was assigned to. I didn't had a squad in my first mission. Just one Nikke. Besides even if I had a choice in the matter, would you trust in me being capable to lead you?"


Y/N glances at Eunhwa, who's face shows a little bit of jealousy.

Eunhwa:"We were friends. But instead of pulling the strings as I told you to do and get yourself with us, you went with a single Nikke in an operation where she died and ended up with amateurs."

Y/N:"If I want to be ready, I have to work my way to the top. Not fake it. I would put not just myself in danger for not being ready, but you too."

Eunhwa:"If it's for you... I don't mind. I thought you already knew."

Y/N:"Considering your previous interactions with Anis, I definetely forgot, yes."

Eunhwa:"I don't like them. You always end up injured . I wouldn't let that happen."

Y/N:"You have a chance to prove it. Don't waste it on fighting your allies."

Eunhwa:"Yes... Y/N. One more thing."


Eunhwa:"I... you can call me Eun when no one else is listening."

Y/N:"Dully noted, Eun."

They exited the destroyed village and walked through huge dunes. The sand was getting into their shoes, a feeling Y/N deemed as annoying. Eventually, Helm started to feel strange. Something was not right.


Everyone stopped and looked at her.

Y/N:"What's wrong."

Helm:"It's too silent."

Eunhwa:"I agree with your sniper. We should've seen raptures by now."

Y/N:"Eunhwa, scan. Everyone, enter guns ready."

Emma and Neon crouched down, Emma revving her gatling gun. Neon stood next to her, ready to kill anything that got too close. Rapi was behind the two, standing still and looking around for threats. Y/N crouched on the ground, Centi and Vesti at each sides. Behind the group were Anis and Helm, standing next to one another looking at the village they came from in search for raptures. Eunhwa pressed a button on the scope of her sniper, activating a special sight that lets her detect rapture life forms.

She started scouting the area until she raised an eyebrow. She looked directly to the ground, making some of the Nikkes confused. Until she gasped.

Eunhwa:"Below us! Enemy ambush!"


From the sand, dozens of raptures appeared ready to claw at them, separating the group into three smaller groups.

Two raptures jumped at Emma. Neon stood up and blasted one into oblivion. Emma impaled the other alive with her minigun. She giggled.

Emma:"Fly away."

By firing her minigun the rapture was launched away from their position, an enormous hole in it's torso. Rapi looked at the distance to see multiple raptures armed with laser guns looking at them. She crouched and took aim, firing back and forcing them to aim at her. Neon took cover behind Emma, reloading and covering her from any rapture that wanted to go melee. Emma used her gatling gun to fire at the targets far away, decimating them.

Anis and Helm got surrounded by multiple raptures that charged at them, wanting to claw both to death. Anis chuckled and rapidly fired multiple grenades around her, all of them hitting multiple groups of raptures. Helm took care of the ones that survived the explosions, working as a group.

A rapture appeared next to Eunhwa, who placed her sniper on her hip and fired without using her scope, hitting the visor, killing it. Many raptures charged at Centi and Vesti. They cannot use their rocket launchers due to how close they are.

Eunhwa:"Vesti! Go nuts!"

Vesti growled, threw the rocket launcher at the ground and grabbed a combat knife. She charged at the raptures, ready to dispatch them. One tried to impale Vesti but she dodged to the side and pierced the monster with her knife. She had so much strength that even part of her arm went inside. The knife cut enough cables and wires to deactivate the rapture. Another one got on top of it's fallen comrade and tried to headshot Vesti who rolled to the side, jumped at it, started riding the rapture and continuosly stabbed it until it dies.

Centi was slightly shocked at what she was seeing. Y/N looked to the right to see 4 more raptures, armed. One used an energy shield to provide cover for the other three raptures. Rapi fired, but her bullets ricochet from the energy shield.

Y/N:"Centi, 6 o'clock! Fire! Eunhwa, destroy the one with the shield!"

Eunhwa crouched and took aim, waiting for Centi to destroy the shield. When Centi fired a rocket and it impacted, the shield got destroyed. The rapture who activated it taking some steps back due to the strength of the impact. When it recovers from the blast, it's visor got destroyed by a precise shot from Eunhwa, killing it.

Y/N:"Rapi, assist Vesti! Helm, Anis, push forwards with Neon! Emma, cover fire! "

Centi fired another rocket at the remaining 3 raptures that were with the energy shield rapture, killing them. Eunhwa used her scope to try and spot any more ambushes while the rest of the squad deals with the remaining enemies. After some minutes of Vesti tearing apart raptures, she walked back, grabbed her rocket launcher and shook her head. Her introvert demanour went back.

Emma, Helm, Anis and Neon stood on top of a dune, seeing a huge army of raptures approaching them. Emma started walking down the dune, firing her gatling and forcing the raptures to fire back. Helm went prone and prioritised the ones who were taking aim, destroying them before they could fire. Anis fired at big groups, forcing the raptures to separate and take more time to position themselves. Neon walked with Emma, firing at those who got too close for comfort.

Eunhwa and Centi flanked them from the left, Eunhwa doing the exact same thing as Helm, scoring kills on those that try to fire. Centi focus on destroying cover or energy shields. Meanwhile, on the right, Y/N follows Rapi and Vesti who used a smaller dune to go prone and hide, firing at the big horde.

A shadow was casted above the three, who looked up to see an enormous rapture about to crash on top of them. They rolled down the dune, avoiding getting crushed. The rapture fell to the ground and took aim at Emma, ready to kill her.

Y/N:"Emma! Defensive manuevers!"

Emma looked to her right to see the enormous creature, it's rockets locking on her. Before she could do anything, Centi appeared throwing a device in mid of the three, an energy dome appearing around them, the rockets exploding on the dome doing no damage to the Nikkes.

Rapi and Vesti aimed at the rapture, waiting for a fire command. If they fire now and attract it's attention, they are dead. Y/N looked at the monster and carefully examined it's design. He noticed a weak spot on it's arms, a place that's barely defended.

Y/N:"Helm! Aim at it's arms! Destroy the rocket batteries!"

Helm aimed her sniper rifle at the arm, charging her anti material rifle. When she fired, an enormous boom was heard. The arm exploded, one of the batteries falling down to the gound and pushing the creature back slightly.

Y/N:"Emma, Eunhwa, Anis! Fire at will! Centi, fire at it's legs! Make it fall! Vesti, the other arm! Rapi, charge! Ready for the rapture to fall, aim at it's head and go full auto!"

Nikkes:"To victory!"

Eunhwa fired at the rapture's head, trying to blind it. Anis and Emma fired at it's torso too keep doing damage. Helm charged her sniper again, ready to fire the leg Centi does not destroy. Once Centi fires a rocket and destroys one of the legs, Helm fires at the other, making it fall to the ground. Vesti fires her rocket, destroying the last rocket battery. Before the rapture coll roll down, Rapi placed her leg on it making it stop. She thrusted her assault rifle inside it's head and pressed a button to make it go full auto.

Rapi:"It's over."

With the press of the trigger, the entire magazine of 60 bullets was depleted in just 2 seconds. It was like a laser beam. The rapture was destroyed.

Rapi:"Enemies neutralised. Encounter's over."

Y/N:"Everyone, condition check."


Helm:"Me too."

Eunhwa:"No damage taken."

Emma:"Minor damage sustained. They scratched my armor. Nothing that can't be repaired."

Centi:"I'm fine. Initiating repairs on Emma."

Vesti:"...I've got sand on my boots."

Y/N:"Scratch that Centi. We can't get ambushed again. We look for a good defendable position and do repairs on Emma. Eunhwa, take the lead. Be on the lookout for enemy ambushes. Centi, Neon, with her. Keep her covered. The rest make a formation around Emma and I. Let's get the hell out of here."

Shifty:"There is an abandoned outpost 500 meters to the north from your position. You should see it once you climb the dune ahead of you."

Y/N:"Copy. Move it people."

Everyone resumed their walk, reloading their weapons and in pure silence, ready in case there's another ambush. Eunhwa kept looking at the ground through her scope, making sure there's no more hidden raptures. Centi and Neon around her to keep Eunhwa safe.

Emma:"So, Centi. What was that you used?"

Centi:"It's a small energy generator that fires a laser to the sky. When it reaches a certain height, the laser expands and goes down creating a dome around the generator. I made it myself!"

Emma:"Well, keep it close. That was really useful."

Anis:"Energy generator? You didn't found a better name yet?"

Centi:"W-well, it's still in development..."

Y/N:"Does the battery run out?"

Centi:"Battery could go for 24 hours if it doesn't recieve damage. Then, it depends on how much damage it takes. Since I was planning it to be used for missions in the surface I made sure batteries can be recharged with sun light."

Y/N:"Centi, how big do you think you could make that generator be?"

Centi:"With enough time and resources? I could make it keep an entire city safe. But that wouldn't be cheap at all. Why?"

Y/N:"No reason. Let's focus on the mission. Keep walking."

Nikke:"Copy, Commander."

They arrived at the abandoned outpost. It has sandbags and a couple tents with emblems and crests of military groups from the old world. There are skeletons still around of the last human fighters used in the original invasion. The supplies are either a direct downgrade to what Nikkes currently have or, they were degraded due to how much time has passed. However it doesn't matter, they came here to have an easy to defend position.

Y/N:"We will rest here. Centi, initiate repairs on Emma. Anis go-"

Eunhwa:"Wait. What's that?"

Eunhwa looked far ahead to find multiple humanoid figures walking in the distance. It seems they haven't heard of the fight Y/N's squad just had, or they're actively ignoring it. There's three of them, all females and are armed.

Y/N:"Helm, Eunhwa, don't lose sight of them. Rapi, Anis, Vesti, enter guard mode. Stand around the camp and make sure no one can ambush us. Be quiet. Let's not attract unwanted attention."


Emma sat on a supply crate and let Centi do the repairs needed. Meanwhile, the Commander walked inside the tents to find something useful. As expected, there's not. However he did find a pair of binoculars. He grabbed them, cleaned the dust with his jacket and put them away for later use.

Once he goes outside, he decides to speak with Shifty. He noticed how the heat was slowly getting worse.

Y/N:"Shifty, the temperature is rising. I think it's not a good idea to keep walking in mid of the desert any longer."

Shifty:"Agreed. Make camp and wait for night time. Temperature will drop."

Eunhwa:"Commander, the figures have left the area. We lost sight of them."

Y/N:"Good. Eunhwa, Helm. Take turns to guard. Same goes with you, Centi, Emma. Once you're over, take turns to mount guard. Take the other's spots."

Centi:"Yes sir."


Y/N sighed and sat next to Emma, ready to close his eyes a little and have a small nap.

Chapter 22-1. Distractions. (Snow White/Scarlet/Rapunzel.)

Far away from Y/N's current position, hidden in an unkown location, inside an undeground bunker that our new protagonist uses to hide, Snow White can be seen looking at her phone.

Snow White's phone is inside an application called BlaBla, an application who to send message to your phone contacts. She was looking at Y/N's phone contact, wondering if she should message him or not. During one of her many, many stealthy invasions to The Outpost to keep an eye on Y/N, she stole his contact number.

She started to tap her feet nervously. Snow White wants to spend more time with him but, at the same time, she cannot due to her duties.

"Should I... go with him? He is serious about retaking the surface... but I can't leave my team behind. However I'd like to fight alongside him... damn, what is wrong with me?" she thought.

???:"Such behaviour is not befitting of a honorable soldier like you, Snow White."

She glanced to her right, seeing Scarlet approaching her with a cheeky smile. It seems she senses her awkwardness.

Snow White:"...what do you want?"

Scarlet:"To unravel the mysteries of your mind, see what has your judgement clouded." *Looks at her phone* "My word. Who's that fine gentleman? Could it be..."

Snow White:"Not your business."

???:"Oh my. He is quite a fine specimen."

Another Nikke appeared, from Snow White's left. She was staring at her phone with a very... interesting expression.

Snow White:"He's not yours Rapunzel."

Rapunzel:"Why, don't get on the defensive my dear. I haven't said anything. Now now, why are you so... jumpy?"

She placed a hand on Snow White's shoulder making her jump and stand up. She turned around, hiding her phone behind her back.

Snow White:"He's... important to me. That's all. Nothing to worry about."

Scarlet:"Is he the cause of your bad mood, young one? A rival who has you beaten and figured out? Or perhaps..."

Rapunzel:*Gasp* "Our dear Snow White is in love!"

Snow White:"S-Stop it! You should not read those weird mangas, Rapunzel! They're a bad influence!" *Sigh* "Why did you have to show her that, Red..."

Scarlet:"So he's the source of your joy, am I correct?"

Snow White:"..."

Scarlet:"Given by his clothes, he must be a Commander. Perhaps a strong or fortunate one. After all, it is common to see them succumb to the raptures. Tell me, friend. Is this... 'Y/N' someone you wish to protect?"

Snow White:"He is."

Scarlet:"I don't see you doing something about it then. Humans are rather vulnerable to the rapture's weapons. Why are you still here, then?"

Snow White:"I thought it was obvious. I'm not going to leave you guys behind."

Rapunzel:"You don't need to cut all communications with us. Just give us a message every now and then."

???:"They're right. If he is half the Commander you think he is, you should protect him."

A woman spoke from the shadows, looking at Snow White with a smile. As soon as she heard her, Snow White's head lowered a bit. Clearly, this female was in a position of power.

Snow White:"Yes, ma'am. Will you tell Dorothy?"

???:"I'll handle her. Now go. Oh, one more thing. Make sure he lives to meet me. It's been a long time since I've seen a Commander worth following. Now, off you go. If you want him, don't miss out on this opportunity. You will regret it otherwise."

Snow White:"In that case, I'll take my leave. I..." *Snow White looks at the entrance, then at her friends with doubts and worry. She shook her head, her eyes showing determination.* "...farewell. Please, stay safe."

Scarlet:"You too, my friend."

Snow White nods and turns to leave, walking towards the entrance.

Maybe I will join you afterall, Y/N.

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