[Anthropod Force]: Antagonist List

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(Because I don't believe in heroes and villains)

Season 1
-Prime Hornbeam: King of the Plantae, he's the antagonist for "Season 1" (like how shows are divided into 26 episodes of a 52 episode run?)

Unlike his precedents, Hornbeam wasn't the type to stay underground. He didn't want to continue ruling a kingdom that was ready to die. All in his mind was two: Get a clearing of earth above, and get his population out.

However, it comes in the news that there is an another species above. It wasn't Insectioid however like the myths and legends that were told repeatedly by elders. It was a completely new species. Not a bother. Invaders they are, harboring the land for themselves. If it was only five warriors what's the bother?

Hornbeam would take any sorts of ways in order to take over the land, if it would mean they would get out.

While he does have advisors, Hornbeam isn't one to listen as much. From time to time, yes. Majority of the time however he ignores them, believing that they don't care much for the population. As such, he only trusts what Speculo and his team have in say.

His stubbornness and and dedication to his one goal may cause his demise later on by some of his traitorous advisors who figured out a plan for complete control over the kingdom without being on stage.

Season 2
-Successor Hawthorne: Hawthorne is just a kid. Around 11 years old? Maybe even younger in human mentality years.

He's not interested in being a Prime, which was the position that was shoved right into his unsuspecting hands, interloper with an extra package of the news of the death of his father by the "hands of the enemy" or so his advisors told him.

Both in grief and confusion, Hawthorne isn't the best with judgement. A perfect puppet for the nearby puppeteers to take control of with ease.


I just wanted to add more Egyptian references into the show (with Hawthorne being kinda like King Tut)

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