[Detective Dorks] Lawyer Notetaker

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Lawyer Notetaker is pretty much the on and off friend of Tape. She's a snappy narcissistic lawyer who believes in taking in cases that she knows for a fact that she will win. An opposer of detectives who she believes to be mere peepers and people who ruin the privacies of others (hypocritical she is, accepting Tape's help grudgingly from time to time for evidence on harder times)

Her first appearance is noted (HAHAHAHHA) at the High School Prom in which she had a conversation with Tape about college plans and a questioning of why he's desperate to take on such a vile job of being a detective. After all, Tape did mention of taking up a few years of an FBI-like job before branching away.

He simply replied "Because there's a thrill to it. Because some people have to uncover the secrets of people that could damage others and endanger innocents. Isn't this what YOUR job is, Miss Lawyer in Training? To save innocents from being sent to jail?"

See, Tape and Zoom (who was dragged into it against his will back in the time) were paid rather well amount of money to find out if his girlfriend was cheating on him

The girlfriend of the client just so happened to be one of Notetaker's friend, which really pissed her off that someone is spying on her friend ("What is your business?" She yelled at the amateur in annoyance. "She's as loyal and dedicated as any respected lady would be!")

As shown above, Notetaker is really defensive of anyone. Even war criminals she would start listing out reasons why they made horrendous decisions.

She takes everything seriously, resulting in her lack-to-dry humor that rarely comes to light.

However, Notetaker later on does seem to take an interest on Tape's solved cases (picking up the newspaper every morning to see if he solved any cases) just as Tape in turn looked out for releases of court cases that went final that Notetaker took play in.

Do they love each other? No. Not much. Id say it's more of a respect between each other.


HA! Like I'd ever not ship those two now FUCK

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