•Chapter 3•

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(Isabell's point of view)

Before anymore could be said about the matter someone had already entered music room three. Tamaki already ready for another guest held a rose in his hand, only to be meet with a male.

"Isa, you disappeared after class. Don't worry me like that." Manka came in completely ignoring Tamaki and the others his eyes locked on me.

"Manka! I'm fine don't worry so much, I'm just negotiating that's all." I responded wondering what elicited such a response from my male best friend.

"No way, not happening Isa. You are not working with all of these boys." He replied trying to grab my wrist and to lead me out of music room three.

"Now wait a minute Manka!" I tried to say but he wasn't very keen on paying attention to me at all.

"I must ask you to let go of our employee Tsukumo Manka." I heard Ootori's voice behind us as a dark aura seemed to come upon the room.

"She's not your employee Ootori Kyoya, but she is my best friend. You're no good for her." He let go of my hand directing his attention towards Kyoya, with each word he walked a step closer until they were face to face with each other.

"Seems more like your servant since you want to control her so bad." Ootori responded and I noticed everyone else in the host club had gotten eerily silent.

"Shut up Ootori." I watched as Manka's fists clenched tightly, I had to stop him before he did something he would regret. The Tsukumo Family relied on the business of the Ootori Family. Without it then their company would most likely fall.

"Manka!" I grasped his fist into my hand just as he tried to jab at Kyoya, it hurt my arm and I knew he had used a lot of his power.

"Isabell?" He questioned as I winced in pain slightly, his eyes automatically filled with worry. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you! He just made me so angry, I don't want anyone to hurt you like before." He cupped my hand into his checking it over.

"It's definitely going to bruise, I'm sorry. You have that big piano recital coming up soon to." His face was down casted as his guilt surrounded him.

"Hey I'll be fine see?" I wiggled my injured hand like I was playing the piano, I slapped a smile on my face completely ignoring the pain I felt.

"I'll be fine here Manka, don't worry I won't let anything hurt me ok?" We both nodded our heads him smiling at me again.

"Yeah ok, I'll see you tomorrow then?" I nodded once telling him goodbye as he left music room three.

"I apologize everyone for the drama, Manka is just very protective of me." I bowed still ignoring the increasing pain of my hand, did he manage to break it.

"It's fine Isabell, but are you alright?" I didn't have the heart to tell Tamaki to use my last name. Mostly because I was trying to hard to mask my pain for anything else.

"Of course I am Tamaki-Sempai." I responded smiling at him slightly, although I don't really think he bought it.

A jolt of pain made my mask break as someone lifted up my hand to inspect it. I glanced over at the party seeing Kyoya looking at it, of course he would know that it was most likely-

"He managed to break your hand in a single punch, you won't be playing the piano for quite some time." He put some pressure on it making me whimper slightly.

"I have to play in two weeks, too many people are counting on me." I responded stubbornly, he pressed again on my hand making me yelp which only furthered his point.

"I don't think that's ok Isabell-Chan." Haruhi spoke worried tones lacing her voice as she drew closer to us. Tamaki seemed to be on edge with her being upset, still he kept himself an appropriate distance from her.

"You can barely move it Kazu-Chan!" A small boy who I could only assume was Honey-Sempai, joined the conversation. Mori-Sempai, I was assuming, was standing behind him silent.

"Go on show us then, if you can play the piano then we will drop all of this." Kyoya challenged as a piano appeared, I couldn't help but wonder if that had always been there or if it had appeared from Kyoya's whims.

"Alright, seems fair enough." I replied making my way towards the piano, I knew that it would be painful and probably would damage my hand further... but still I began to play.

The melody was fine and I played them flawlessly, but my broken hand missed a few notes in the chords. Overall the piece was adequate, but adequate didn't get scholarships at Ouran.

I stopped in the midst of playing, I refused to do something just adequately. But I needed to perform two weeks from now, it was a requirement of my scholarship.

"My hand will have more strength by the time the recital comes around in two weeks from now. It's a requirement of my scholarship and I will not be kicked out of this school." I stood up stubbornly, knowing that soon the guests would start to come in.

"Now then, let's welcome our guests to the host club. After all there is a new member now." I winked at all of them sitting on the stage and letting my legs dangle off the side of it.

They all got in their positions although I could tell that they were hesitate to do so. Hopefully I could be properly introduced to Honey-Sempai and Mori-Sempai after the club was over for today.

"Welcome to the host club!" Everyone settled to their seats before Tamaki made his way onto the stage to introduce me.

"Everyone! This is the host clubs newest member, Kazuki Isabell. She's going to create a nice calming atmosphere for us!" Tamaki smiled happily at all the girls while they all seemed to watch me carefully like I was their prey... They thought I was a threat to their love for Tamaki.

That almost made laugh, after all the only person blocking them from fully having Tamaki wasn't me. No it was Haruhi, of course they would never consider such a thing. After all Haruhi was a boy.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." I slapped on a fake smile, closing my eyes and tilting my head, "And if you girls ever need any advice I'm here for you ok?"

I wish I hadn't said such a thing, but perhaps if I was more than just a form of entertainment then I could prove useful to the club. Plus then I can keep note of Tamaki and Haruhi's progress.

"Of course that's an extra fee, males are also welcome to talk with Kazuki-San like all club members." Kyoya jumped in making sure that they knew I wasn't free, figures.

"I wanna talk to Kazuki-Sempai!" Multiple girls began to get out of their seats to join me, the guys seemed bewildered.

"Don't worry girlies, I can talk to all of you while I play us all some soft music." I responded going to get a guitar from the back, it would be difficult but I could play something simple with my hand.

"Wait, Kazuki-Sempai!" I turned back still smiling just softer this time, "Yes Girlies?"

"You're known as Melody-Chan around the school right, could you sing for us?" One of the girlies asked and I smiled, this time a true one.

"I would love to Girls." I responded glad to not have to strain my hand any further today.

"What would you like me to sing?"

MES: Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Reader: When are you going to get me and Kyoya to fall in love!😠

MES: All in good time Reader-chan!😁

Reader: Fine! Fine! Whatever! ☹️

MES: Now that that's taken care of *clears throat* As I was saying I hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow!

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