•Chapter 4•

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(Isabell's point of view)

Several days had past and we had all gotten into a rhythm of doing things, I became more of a host than entertainment. I of course still sang in between my guests, but until my hand could heal fully I was in no position to do much else. The guests were all very understanding, most of them knew I had a recital coming up that was representing the school... so they might be scared of me being an embarrassment otherwise.

Men and women started visiting me to once the word spread that the host club had gained a female host. Which granted me the title of: 'the sweet melody type'. Although I didn't really understand it, after all that wasn't an adjective. But I let the people have what they wanted, a lot of my guests asked me to sing for them.

The whole club got used to my voice floating through the room with the wind, it was more of a rare occurrence for me to not be singing. The girls often asked me for tips on how to win the guys over, they figured that since I was working with them that I had to know them well. Most of the time I would direct their attention elsewhere as I didn't really know what to say.

If they found out that Tamaki's heart was already spoken for then the news would spread like wildfire and the host club would be in ruins. Of course Haruhi was spoken for, plus no one really knew that she was a girl anyhow. As for the rest of the group I really couldn't see them with any of the girls. Ootori especially, he probably would never marry if he had a say in it.

"Kazu-Sempai! I made something for you!" The son of a baker, Nakamura Yuroti , came up to me with a bright smile on his face. He had become one of my regulars and out of all the people he talked to he was certainly my favorite.

"Nakamura-San, its great to see you again." I got down off of the stage since my hosting came first and the singing came second. I was always genuine when I talked to the first-year with brown hair and green eyes, he was like a cute little puppy.

"It's great to see you to Kazu-Sempai! I hope you like the sweets!" He handed me the box of goodies as we both took our seats at my table, once Ootori saw that I was getting a lot of clients he got us a table like everyone else. Matching my style the back of the seats were shaped like music notes and the stand of the table was a treble clef.

"I always enjoy your sweets Nakamura-San, you're the best baker I've ever met." I smiled at him as I opened the box, they were macaroons in the shapes of music notes. It made me chuckle a bit, who knew how long he had to practice to make these, I popped one into my mouth. The macaroon melted against my tongue giving tastes of strawberries and cream, it was extraordinary.

"They are so good Nakamura-San!" My eyes sparkled as I looked at him with awe, his cheeks turned bright red as he smiled shyly at me.

"I'm glad that you like them Kazu-sempai." We chatted until his time with me was up, he waved to me goodbye telling me he would be back next week at the same time. He didn't have a very big surplus of free time on his hands, which made me feel bad that he was making me things during it.

"So you like guys younger than you Kazuki-Chan?" Hikaru asked as the twins descended upon me, the rest of the group watching as the rest of the clients left for the day.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Hikaru-San, Nakamura-San is just a client." I responded gathering my things wincing slightly as I carried too much weight on my broken hand.

"Are you ok Kazuki-Chan?" Haruhi asked as I struggled with my far too heavy backpack, I slapped on a grin and turned towards my best girl friend.

"Of course Haruhi, I'm fine see?" I quickly vaulted my backpack over my shoulder feeling my broken hand strain against me. Still nonetheless she seemed to leave me be simply nodding her head. The twins looked at me as well as the rest of the group, minus Mori and Honey who weren't here today because of university.

"Are you sure you-" The twins tried to ask but I immediately cut them off, "Of course I am, I'm not some fragile princess boys."

I began to leave ignoring the dull stinging pain in my hand, I waved to everyone and made my way out of the school. I walked a good mile before collapsing against the brick walls that ran against one side of the sidewalk. The pain of my hand was becoming more unbearable, even though I tried not to bother it too much i sometimes forgot about it until it was too late.

I unwrapped the bandages the lined my entire hand seeing the purple, blue, and black bruise marks that lined my palms and parts of my wrist. I hadn't talked much to Manka recently, I think he feels really bad about my hand. I still don't know why I protected Ootori of all people, after all his family has caused mine so much grief. But he still wasn't deserving of a punch from Manka, not when it was my fault for not explaining the situation to Manka.

"You're pretty stubborn you know." I looked up to see Ootori staring down at me, his face held a small smirk on his face as he held out his hand to me.

"Go away Ootori." I spat out his name hoping that he would get the hint and would leave me alone, I didn't even want to be in this stupid club. But if I could help my family then I would in a heartbeat, after all they lost so much to protect me.

"Stop being Stubborn Kazuki." He took my broken hand and raised me up to my feet making me yelp in pain, "I should have never let you leave this hand untreated." He let the rest of the bandages fall to the ground as his hands held mine.

"I'm fine, besides as long as I'm making your little host club money why does it matter?" I gritted out watching as his face softened towards me, for a moment he almost looked... human.

"You're coming with me." Before I could stop him he had already dragged me into his limo and we had begun driving away. "Wait a minute this is kidnapping, release me this instant Ootori!" I tried to open the door only for it to be locked, I huffed settling into the seat.

"Once your hand gets checked out then I'll let you go, until then relax its not like I'm gonna take advantage of you or something." He laughed to himself as if the idea of us ever kissing was hilarious, I rolled my eyes I suppose the idea was ludicrous.

Eventually we arrived at the hospital where they told me that my hand was severely broken in multiple places and that I would need a cast for the next five weeks. I told them I had a recital that I couldn't possibly miss in a week and a half, they all laughed at me. They said they could put my hand in a sling and when the recital was over I could come and get a proper cast. Although they said that I would be risking further breaking my hand and possibly damaging it beyond repair. Too bad I'm extremely stubborn.

"You can't be serious Kazuki-San, you're risking your entire career for one recital." Ootori tried to reason with me but I wasn't listening to him, I had made up my mind and that was that.

"Listen to me darn it!" He made me turn towards him and look at him, I looked blankly at him just wanting to go home now.

"I'm sure Tamaki can get the recital moved until your hand it better, our families are really powerful remember? You shouldn't throw away your future for something so meaningless." We both didn't speak for a moment until I smacked him across the cheek with my good hand very hard.

"My music isn't meaningless, it's the only thing that I have that's just mine." I walked off after that not seeing his reaction or waiting for him to speak. I didn't see him reach his hand up to the cheek I had slapped him, nor did I see the small amount of emotion that came through his cold exterior.

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