| Chapter 40, Goodbye

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|Waking up and letting go to the sound of angels

|Song: Hold me now, Red


Lisa's P.O.V.

The peaceful sound of waves hitting the shore woke me up. I turned around on the wooden bed, pulling the blanket closer around me. A small smile appeared on my lips as my eyes fell on a sleeping Minho. He was lying next to me, his hair a mess as his chest slowly rose and fell.

Sighing deeply I sat up, my eyes wondering around our hut. Everything was made of wood, the only resource that we had enough of with the never ending forest surrounding us. Our bed stood in the right corner, a table in the middle of the room with four chairs around it. The wall next to the door was covered in shelves which contained food and supplies. In the left corner stood another bed, occupied by two little boys curled up against each other under the blankets.

Being pregnant had come as a surprise, having twins was an even bigger surprise but I never, not once, wasn't happy with it. No matter how many pranks they pulled.

Standing up I walked over to a large trunk that stood at the end of our bed. Opening it I took out a fresh set out clothes. After dressing up I took one of Frypan's baked breads from our food shelf before stepping outside. I threw some water from the rain barrel that stood next to door in my face to wake myself up completely. Then, chewing on the delicious bread, I started making my way to the fishers boat that lay on the shore.

As I walked towards it I crossed multiple wooden huts, much like ours. In the years that had passed since we'd come here the field had grown out into a small village with huts scattered all around the place. Exactly in the middle of our little village was a huge fire place where we often held bonfires and parties.

Frypan had built his very own kitchen, making sure everyone had enough the eat. We had planted the seeds from the shed and on the left side of our village a field with all kinds of vegetables and fruits spread out towards the forest. We had even planted some wheat for bread.

We had turned into a well functioning community where everyone had their own jobs to do. It actually reminded me of the Glade sometimes, just without being surrounded by a Maze.
I was running the infirmary together with Clint, bandaging up people had become something I was actually really good at. Minho was technically speaking still a Runner. He had put together a crew to scout our surroundings. Once they had gone on a two weeks trip into the forest. They were still planning on travelling behind the mountains one day, just to see if there were any other people out there, or cranks. So far we hadn't run into any. We lived a simple, peaceful life and I actually really enjoyed it. I had been through enough adventures and danger for the rest of my life.

On my way towards the fishers boat I crossed the rock where Carter had made his speech so long ago. Many names were carved into the stone. After gathering his courage Minho had carved Newt his name into the rock and I had watched as Thomas paid honor to Teresa. Frypan had carved out Winston his name, as well as Alby's while Clint had put the name of his best friend Jeff on the rock. I had even seen Gally, under the cover of darkness, carve out Chuck his name.

Gally and I had actually become very close friends and he even managed to make his peace with Minho. Though I had caught our boys calling him Captain Gally once, something they surely couldn't have come up with on their own.

Minho and I had held long conversation about naming them and after endless disscusions we had settled on Isaac and Ben. Thomas had almost cried when we revealed the names. He and Brenda were together but not thinking of kids. Brenda told me she simply didn't see herself as the motherly type. The one who had been most enthousiastic when we told them was Frypan. He had thrown a party and baked the most delicious meals.

I walked unto the beach, the sand sticking to my shoes. Reaching the boat I could see Thomas was already pulling the ropes, pushing it towards the sea. 'You going out today?' I asked him.

He looked up at me, dropping the rope from his hand and nodded. 'Jorge said that with this weather there would be more fish than usual.'

I looked around, expecting to see the hispanic man around somewhere but he was nowhere insight. 'Isn't he coming to join you?'

'He will, once he's woken up,' Thomas reassured me as he started pulling the ropes again. 'It's still early.'

'Before you go I need to take a look at that cut,' I said, gesturing towards the bandage on around his arm. Helping out with the Builders hadn't turned out to be the best option for Thomas, even under the ever watchful eye of Gally. Somehow he'd managed to cut himself while carrying wood towards the place where we were building new cottages. Minho had offered him a place on the scout team but Thomas had refused and instead helped out with simple tasks. And no one blamed him for it.

Sighing deeply he dropped the rope and walked over to me. Together we headed towards the infirmary as the village slowly awoke around us.

Once inside I told him to sit down as I checked his stitches and changed his bandage. Finally I patted him on the shoulder. 'You're good to do, just try to keep the bandage dry.'

He nodded at me and was about to stand up when the door was thrown up and two boys stormed inside, followed by their father.

'Uncle Thomas!' They yelled, running up to him and attacking him into a hug.

'I tried to stop them,' a tired voice sighed, making me turn around. Minho came walking inside, a tired expression written on his features, making me smile. 'I don't know how you do it,' he said, walking up to me and taking my hand.

'It's a talent,' I said, smiling before standing on my toes and placing a kiss on his lips.

'Gross!' Ben cried out, making me pull away from Minho to raise my eyebrows at my kids. I noticed how Isaac made a throwing up gesture while Thomas had a hard time holding back his smile.

'Alright, that's enough, both of you,' I said, but wasn't completely able to hide my smile. 'Go outside before Clint arrives. He won't be happy to have my kids jumping all around his working place.'

'But we just wanted to ask if we could go fishing with uncle Tom,' Ben said, walking over to me with an innocent and very wise expression painted on his small features.

'Yes, we wanna go fishing!' Isaac yelled, jumping up and down while waving his hands.

Sighing deeply I threw a glare at Thomas who pretended to be thinking really hard. 'I don't know guys, it's very dangerous on the sea. I'm not sure you're ready.'

Immediately the two boys started yelling as they rushed towards Thomas. 'We are! We are!' 'Yes, we're just as brave as daddy beating up the Grever's ass!'

'I-It's a Griever, Ben,' Minho sighed.

'And watch your language, young sir,' I warned him.

'But it's true!' Ben yelled.

'Yes, daddy told us,' Isaac added.

Then they both turned back to Thomas. 'Pleaseeeee!' They begged impatiently.

Thomas looked at me and I turned to look at Minho. He let out a small sigh and nodded, probably just relieved to be rid of them for a day. Smiling at Thomas I nodded at him.

Our friend knelt down to face the boys on eye level and offered them a smile. 'Alright, but I have one condition.'

The two boys nodded eagerly, leaning in closer to listen to him.

'You can come under the condition that you bring those Griever's ass kicking skills from your father and that you won't run when it gets dangerous, you hear me?' Thomas told them, raising his hand at them.

'Promise,' Ben said, high-fiving him.

Isaac bit his lip before nodding and high-fiving Thomas as well. 'Alright then, let's go!' Thomas called and he stood up, walking outside while the two boys ran after him, laughing.

Minho took my hand as we walked after them towards the beach. This time Jorge was with the boat, busy pulling it into the water. Thomas lifted Ben into the boat while Minho placed Isaac inside.

'Now, you two shuck-faces listen to every word that comes out of uncle Thomas his mouth. Good that?' Minho said, pointing at his sons.

'Good that!' They called at the same time.

Minho nodded, backing away from the boat to come stand next to me. Together we waved at them until the boat was too far on the water to make out their faces.

A heavy sigh escaped Minho's lips. 'Finally a day of peace and quiet.'

A small laugh escaped my lips as I pulled him closer to me, standing to face him. Even after all these years he was just as handsome and I only loved him more. 'Don't tell me you don't love their little pranks.'

'I would if they decided to try them out on some other slinthead than me,' Minho said but a small smirk lingered in the corner of his mouth.

Smiling at him I stood on my toes and placed my lips on his. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. Even after all this time my heart still glowed whenever he kissed me and I knew that feeling would never go away. Never.


I loved writing this so much. Just Minho and Lisa being happy with their kids. What did you think about their names? :)

Also, I have a surprise for you guys...there will an epilogue! I honestly couldn't choose between this ending and another one I wrote. I know I said this chapter would be the last one but well...I lied. The epilogue will be published on Wednesday and then it's really over.

I can't wait to share the last chapter with you all even though it's gonna hurt like hell, probably, he he he. See you all wednesday!




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