Lost in a frozen labyrinth

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Roxy laid unconscious in the ice and snow when that freak sleigh accident sent them crashing into an ice cave causing their sleigh to be smashed to pieces. Roxy's black trench coat became mere shreds of warm fabric caught in the icicle stalagmites. Her red scarf, black gloves and black faux fur winter hat remained intact leaving her in her shiny red metallic catsuit and black boots. She wrapped her arms around herself as she shivered from the coldness of the cave.

"Santa is real!"  10 year old Roxy cried."Roxanne, how many times do your father and I have to say it, there is no such thing as Santa Claus! It's the parents and family members that buy the presents for their children." The man, Roxy's father had tears welling up in his eyes. "Oh Wendell grow up will you! You should know by now that there was a St. Nicholas in recorded history." He ran off crying his eyes out. Making her mother facepalm. 14 year old Maddie heard crying coming from her room that she and Roxy once shared. "Santa is real, I know it." She said sniffling. "What's wrong little sister?" She asked wiping away any tears falling down. "Mom says that there's no such thing as Santa." She brought her sister close not caring that she stained the frilly red and white Christmas themed Lolita dress with her tears. "Roxy, mom is just one of those people that don't believe in him." She softly whimpered as she continued to cry.  "But he is real. You believe it right?" She nodded as she gently stroked her black hair and used both her hands cupping her face gently. "I've always believed in Santa Claus, I never stopped. I don't think you should stop believing either. Even though mom says there's no such thing, forget what she said. You keep the Spirit of Christmas alive in your heart." More tears cascaded down her face. "Roxy, promise me that no matter what, you'll never stop believing." She nodded. "I promise, Maddie. I love you." She brought her sister in a warm and loving embrace. "I love you too, Roxy."

"Roxy, Roxy," She heard her name echoing in the cave. "Roxy, please wake up. We have to get out of here." Her eyes slowly opened to find Deadpool shaking her awake and Loki behind him. "That's enough, she's waking up." He pulled her close, "We thought we lost you again!" She struggled from his grip. "Can't... breathe..." She said strained. He let her go so she can catch her breath. Roxy looked at the busted sleigh and what used to be her trench coat. Loki sighed, removing his green cape, he wrapped it around the shivering teenager. "You need it more than I do." Deadpool led them to some part of the cave hoping it's a way out. "This way."  The troublesome trio followed the mercenary deeper into the ice cave. They came across a chasm and a narrow path to cross to the other side.


"Try not to look down." He simply said. It was a good thing Loki and Roxy aren't afraid of heights. But they are terrified on the thought of falling to their deaths into that deep, dark, icy chasm. "We're almost there." Some ice cracked below Roxy's foot making her fall and catch the ledge on time. "Roxy!"
"Help!" She cried. She looked down to see Loki's cape drift below the chasm. "It's gonna be okay!" Deapool took Loki's scepter. "Here, grab this magic spear thingy!" Her gloved hand was about to reach for the base of the scepter when she felt her own hand lose it's grip from the icy ledge. "I'm slipping!" He got it lower for her to grab on. She started to lose her grip.
"I can't hold on much longer!"
"You're gonna be okay, you're not gonna die on us. Not this time!" Loki got her free hand and pulled her up. Roxy was able to catch her footing and reach the ledge. They made it to the other side of the chasm. "Thanks guys, that's the second time you saved me."
"I can't risk losing the only partner I have." Wade said helping her up. Still following his lead, they hoped to find a way out until they reached the crossroads. "Which path should we go on, the one on the left or the one on the right?"
"Let's go right?" Loki stopped him. "Let's go on the left path it may lead us to an exit."
"Hell no! We're going right." The trickster god growled at him.
"We're going left."
"I'm the leader and I say we're going right!"
Roxy saw that this argument is getting a bit stupid yet funny. "We're going left and that's final!" Deadpool led them to the left pathway. Roxy laughed when Deadpool Bugs Bunny'd Loki. Oldest trick in cartoon history. As they went left, that part of the cavern had razor sharp icicles hanging above their heads. One loud noise and it'll come crashing down on them. Those icicles can really poke someone's eye out. She heard something break and it was a bone. It's human bone and there was a skeleton of an explorer trapped in snow and ice. Her eyes widended with fear as she laid eyes on it. She felt like she wanted to scream. She almost did if it wasn't for Deadpool and Loki  stopping her from doing so. He covered her mouth and screamed into his hand. Loki looked above to see that the icicles are still on the ceiling of the cave. "Roxanne, that was very reckless of you to almost scream like that."
"It's not my fault that there's a skeleton of someone who died in here for who knows how long." She said defensively. They continued walking until they reached a dead end. "Told you we should've gone right." This made Loki lose his temper. "You were the one who led us onto the left path in the first place, you mewling quim!" His voice echoed and the icicles began to shake making the troublesome trio run for it. "Nice going, genius." She said sarcastically. "Run!!!!" They ran out of the tunnel avoiding the falling icicles.
"That was a close one!" Going on the right path, it seemed a bit safer instead of the other one where they nearly lost their eyes with those icicles. The walls of the cavern looked like mirrors. "Looks like we've entered nature's hall of mirrors." Roxy laughed at his comment. "If we go down this direction, it'll lead us out of this cave and to the North Pole!" Roxy wandered off to find a way out of the ice cave by herself only to find herself lost. "Roxy's been gone for quite some time now." Deadpool realized that his sidekick wasn't with them. "Dammit! I knew I should've brought walkie talkies!"
"She can't be that far now." They searched everywhere for her until they spotted her. "Roxy! I'm coming for you, partner!" He ran into a reflection of her in the ice. Loki found it humorous because it reminded him of those pigeons in New York hitting the glass windows of the many buildings in the city. "Through here." They ran in to find a literal maze of natural ice mirrors. "Damn, this is gonna tough finding Roxy." They walked through the mirror labyrinth to look for the teen sidekick. "Guys! Over here!" Her voice echoed across the maze. Multiple reflections of her surrounded them. "I'm right here!" They ran in multiple directions trying to follow her echoing voice and most of it involved Wade hitting himself against the ice. "You definitely have the attention span of a pigeon." Snarked Loki. "I'm over here you idiots!" She yelled. Loki was fed up with this nonsense. Using his scepter, he blasted all of the reflections of Roxy shattering the ice. "Stop it! You're gonna make this collapse!" Cried Deadpool. "There's one more!" He took the scepter from the agitated trickster god. "Roxy, is it really you?" She turned to see them. "Yep, I'm the real deal." Ran to them and knocked Deadpool over. "What were you thinking?"
"I thought I would find a way out faster and all I got was Loki throwing an angry temper tantrum and you hitting the ice like a fricken pigeon." They both got up and he wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay and I'm happy that you're okay." They heard a crackling noise. Loki looked to see that his magic blasts are causing the cave to collapse on them. "We gotta get out of here!" The troublesome trio ran like their lives depended on it. "I think I see a light!" Roxy was right when she saw a bright light and a crevice big enough for them to pass through. Loki and Deadpool passed through. Roxy, was almost out. They heard her cry out in pain. "What happened?!" She struggled to get out only making the pain she's experiencing worse. "My ankle, it's stuck." Loki saw that her ankle is stuck tight. "If you continue struggling, it'll only get worse for you." She listened to him as he tried to help her out. "You may feel slight discomfort but bear with it for a moment. He used the lobster claw-like part of his scepter to pick away any ice and snow surrounding her injured ankle. It started to hurt a little for her. "You'll be okay." Deadpool got both her wrists and pulled her out. "You're okay." She nodded then looked down at her ankle. "It's broken or twisted or anything right?" She shook her head. "It's just a bit sore." She said rubbing it gently. "But I can walk, really, I can."

The troublesome trio
Are on the last leg of their journey
With the North Pole in their in their midst
Francis won't be able destroy Christmas
When they let his blood flow thick in the snow

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