We made it!

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Climbing a snowy hill, they saw a pole that looked like a candy cane with a sign covered in snow. Wade crawled past Roxy and Loki sliding down the snow until he tumbled and hit the pole shaking the snow off and falling on him. Roxy and Loki slid down and saw that the without the snow it revealed the sign that said "North Pole". Roxy had a grin bigger than the Joker's own insane smile. "We made it to the North Pole!" She hugged Loki tight. "Deadpool, Loki, we finally made it!" They walked past the pole to find a small village wrecked. "This has Francis written all over it." Deadpool said darkly. "Hello?" Roxy's voice echoed across the village. Loki heard footsteps crunching the snow. "In here." They hid behind a few trashcans. "I could've sword I heard a girl's voice." Roxy heard footsteps coming closer to their hiding spot. He looked over the trashcans and no one was there. The troublesome trio came out of the snow they buried themselves in. "That was close one. Good thinking, Roxerella."
"Thanks, let's keep going." They continued their walk over to Santa's Workshop. "Over the years I imagined that it would be a happy cheerful place not a dark, creepy setting. Where is everyone?" Wade saw someone in the snow. "Are you dead?" The elf slowly opened her eyes to find the troublesome trio. "Wade, Roxy, Loki, you guys came." Roxy helped Holly up. "We got your call and you had no idea on what we've been through to get here."
"Most of the elves are badly hurt when Francis attacked. Thank God none of them died... yet."
"You're gonna be okay, Holly. We have a plan to stop Francis, rescue Santa and save Christmas." She smiled at them. "I believe in you three. Now go beat the stocking stuffing out of him." Loki was skeptical. "When she means that, does she mean-"
"Beat the $h*% out of him? Yes." Deadpool said answering that question for him.

"We need a way to get inside." Deadpool got out a grappling hook from his Hello Kitty bag. "We'll scale the building like in the old Batman series." He tossed it to the roof and the hook got the ledge. He tugged the rope twice confirming that the hook is secure.


"It's go time!" They started scaling the workshop until they reached the roof. One elf looked out the window holding a candy cane. "What are you guys doing?"
"Saving Christmas." Roxy simply stated. Deadpool took the candy from him. "If you excuse us, we have a holiday to save." The reached the roof to find a chimney. Loki led to to a vent. "Hawkeye taught me how to crawl through the ventilation system and it's a better tactic than climbing down the chimney." Roxy used her katana to pry off the vent grate. "This looks like a long fall, so we have to be careful and make less noise." Roxy carefully crawled down first and crawled to make space for her friends. Loki carefully made it down and Deapool just fell on top of his back. "Get off me, you mewling quim." Loki pushed the mercenary off him and carefully crawled through the vents. "Be very quiet and make not a sound." Roxy gave a nod. "Is crawling through the vents part of your plan?" She whispered. He nodded. They looked below a vent grate to find the main entrance of the workshop. "Help me unscrew this thing, Roxerella." He handed her a screwdriver and removed the grate. "Just climb down this rope and-" Roxy and Loki saw Deapool falling and holding the other end. They fell landing on top of each other. "Loki, some of Asgardian armor is hurting me."
"You were supposed to hold the rope." Roxy pushed them aside. "We can't afford to be picking anymore fights with each other." She heard a gunshot. "Roxy look out!" Good thing she missed. "Not another step." A sinister voice said in front of them. They looked to see Francis with Santa Claus and a gun close to his head. "I see you traveled a long way to get here. Well, here's where your journey ends." Deadpool unsheathed his katana, "Not if we have anything about it!" Francis nearly shot the three of them, Roxy found a lone piece of coal and tossed it at him. "You really are a pathetic little girl, aren't you?" Loki used his scepter to knock the gun off his hand. "She is not! You're the pathetic one." Loki blasted him out into the snow. Some of the white snow stained red with his blood. Roxy shot him several times. "This is what you get for trying to destroy Christmas!" She was about to shoot him again when she heard a weird battle cry. She turned to see Deadpool with his two katanas ready to deliver the final blow. Using the two katanas, he stabbed Francis hard finally killing him. "Let's see you try to ruin Christmas now!" He pulled out letting the blood stain the snow. "We did it." She said softly. "We did it!" Roxy and Deadpool hugged each other despite being covered in blood and snow. "We saved Christmas!" Loki saw the calendar nearby. "Christmas Eve is tomorrow, a year's worth of presents are destroyed and most of the elves are horribly injured after Francis' attack."

With Francis dead
A year's worth of presents wrecked
Injured elves
There is no way the troublesome trio is gonna pull off Santa's work themselves
It would take a Christmas miracle to help them.

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