Too much Eggnog

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"This eggnog is so good." Loki was in the loving room reading. He made a trip to the bookstore since all Deadpool has are pin-up magazines and a few issues of Playboy lying around. He was able to find some decent books worth reading. "Want another round, Roxerella?" She nodded. "Mom and dad never let me drink this. They say I'm "too young" and to wait until I reach Maddie's age." Deadpool gave her more eggnog in a Chrismassy coffee mug. "Keep it coming, Wade." He gave her more and told her to save some if Loki or their elf friends, Frank and Holly wanted some. "Roxzilla, I made us a fruitcake."
"You better not have gotten the recipe of a foreign webpage and mistranslated "some" of the ingredients." He looked at him confused. Roxy explained to him that Darcy made a fruitcake with a "super special" recipe off a Chinese website and she mistranslated the ingredients almost giving Thor, Jane and himself food poisoning last Christmas. "Nope, I bought a recipe book at Barnes & Noble." Loki gave a weak smile. "What do I have to lose now?"

"It seems we got another one to help those two save Christmas from being ruined, Holly." The female elf placed the green and red binoculars in her side pouch and turned to her partner. "You have a point, Frank. If they worked together, they'll take down Ajax."

"Roxy, Loki and I are gonna make sugar cookies and-" the mercenary found his sidekick dizzy and disoriented with a half empty bottle of eggnog. "Did you jus-" She ran off to throw up somewhere. "I'm not sure whether to feel disappointed or proud of her. I should be proud of since I haven't seen anyone drink that much since last year's Christmas party where Cable, Wolverine and Weasel had an eggnog drinking contest." She came back wiping off some lingering barf. "Oops."
"Don't sweat it, Roxster. We got plenty more and I'm impressed." She gave him a cheeky grin as she raced into the kitchen with Loki to make those sugar cookies.

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