Chapter 17

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Talia Nassar

Even though the dance ended over twenty minutes ago, my heart is still pumping harder than a jackhammer against concrete. After the final bow, I fled to the small office at the back of the theater. The loud chatter from the audience and the squeals of joy from the other performers were like incessant sirens and I needed space to think.

What the hell just happened?

Before I can even begin to process it, Ana barges into the room and slams the door behind her. "Okay, Tal. Take it from the top. Spill. Tell me everything!" Ana's excitement only makes my stomach churn harder.

I can see how it looks. A no-holds-back performance ending with an impromptu, passionate kiss - a mind-blowing, panty-dropping kiss with a man who I thought about stabbing with a fork last week.

"I have to know... is he the Lucas you work with?" Ana asks with childlike wonder grazing her eyes. When my brows furrow in response, Ana shrieks with excitement.

I laugh and cover my face before sitting on the navy blue couch that's on the side of the small room. "Oh my God, what if your patients heard their neurosurgeon squeal like that? Do you think they'd happily have you cut them open?"

"Oh, hush!" Ana playfully hits my shoulder and sits down next to me. "Okay, seriously I need to hear everything. Don't you dare leave out a single detail or else I won't give you free medical advice anymore."

"Ana, I don't know what happened. Obviously I didn't expect him to be here. And that was like I was possessed or something. And when he moved his mouth to kiss me, it was like a full-blown earthquake couldn't stop me from kissing him back."

"Oh my God, so you like him!"

"Like him?" My eyes grow wide and I shoot up from the couch. I start pacing the room, turning the word over in my mind and thinking about Lucas. The dark, distinct look in his eyes made me feel like the most beautiful and powerful woman in the world. I touch my cheek remembering the five o'clock shadow on his face brushing against me when our lips were connected. Another surge of heat flows through me and I quickly shake my head, unable to make sense of an answer.

"I have to say that was hands down one of the spiciest performances we've ever had for this event. I bet you anything, ticket sales are going to go through the roof on the next one just so people can see that again."

I press a hand against my forehead, feeling feverish. Images of Lucas' hands all over me flood through my mind and a pleasurable ache streams through my abdomen. "That can never happen again, Ana!"

"How do you think he found out about it?" Ana says, completely ignoring my desperation.

"I have no clue, but he's so crafty I should've seen it coming. Oh God, now he's going to use this whole thing as leverage against me."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I just know how guys like him work. All guys in finance are like this. They manipulate others to get ahead." I bite my bottom lip and nod. "Wow, it's so clear now. He kissed me just to mess with me." Even though I'm starting to convince myself of that, a small voice in the back of my mind is telling me that Lucas is different. There's no way a kiss like that could have been ill-intentioned. But maybe it was?

"Tal, you know that's a generalization. How do you know all guys in finance are the same?"

"After fifteen years, I just know. Plus, after Gary, I promised myself I would never get involved with any guy in finance. Whatsoever." I shudder as the memories of Gary resurface. I heard about his successes over the years - he's the head of some small firm in the area. Yet, I always managed to steer clear of him.

Still, a part of me wants him to see where I am now. And maybe I'll finally get to rub in his face how wrong he was about me. Like that moment in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts goes back to the store that denied her service with the iconic, "Big mistake! Huge!" line.

"Okay, one, Gary was a lunatic so you can't just blanket all guys because of one guy's actions. And two, there may be a trend but there's always an exception. And three, you're literally always saying your dates don't work out because the guy is too intimidated by you. Maybe Lucas is the first guy that isn't!"

I laugh incredulously. "I thought you were the one telling me to wipe the floor with Lucas!"

"I know! I did! But after seeing what I saw tonight, I can't sit here and say there's nothing to explore with him. You both just looked so happy to be up there together. And my goodness, Talia. That kiss!" Ana fans herself.

"But how can I just forget everything that's happened over the years? Lucas has been trying to one-up me since forever."

"Okay, but that's ancient history and people change all the time. You said it yourself after the dinner date, or whatever you want to call it, that you guys had. Remember you telling me that you didn't think you knew him at all?"

I nod pensively. That dinner at Medici did shift my perspective on Lucas. And seeing him interact with employees over the past couple of weeks always left me questioning who he really is. He seemed kind, and understanding even if someone messed up. It's unlike anything I ever thought about men in this industry or even men in general.

Ana's expression grows serious as if she's about to share the secret of life and we don't have much time left. "Listen, I'm saying this because I love you. I know you put up a front and act all tough so that people can respect you or whatever. But, Tal, babe. You need to let someone in. It's okay to not have your shit together all the time. I know you have me and the girls, but having that special someone is different. And maybe it's not Lucas. That's fine. But, you can't just go through life fighting everyone. I'm exhausted even thinking about it and it's not because of my thirteen-hour shift this morning."

A large lump appears in my throat. Ana hit the nail on the head. The trouble is that I have no idea of any other way to be. Challenging men is what I've done my whole life. While I acted like it didn't bother me - the rumors, the snide remarks about my work, my physique, my everything - deep down it's eating away at my sanity, festering like an untreated wound. I gulp back the lump and shake my head. We're chartering into territory that I seldom dare to think about. It's in a dark corner filing cabinet covered in rusted metal and cobwebs.

Ana hugs me. "Okay, don't look so sad. You're still a queen."

I smile weakly and set my arms behind me. A knock on the door catches both of our attention. Maria, a member of our dance team, pops in and glances between us. "Sorry to interrupt," she says timidly. She's still in her dance uniform and her black hair is French braided perfectly on each side of her head.

"Hey Maria, everything okay?" Ana asks.

"Yeah, I was just looking for Talia. Someone said they saw her come in here."

"Hey, what's up?"

"I know this is a weird time for me to ask but I was just talking to Kiara and she said you'd be the best person to talk to."

My mind instantly reels back to when Kiara was at my office three days ago and I found her talking to Lucas. "Oh my God, Ana." I turn to face her. "Kiara told Lucas. When she was at my office I could've sworn I saw them talking when she left."

Ana's eyes grow wide before she lets out a laugh. "Go, Ki!"

Maria shifts on her feet as I shake my head in amusement. I should be upset with Kiara but the girl was likely trying to do me a solid by telling Lucas about the event. I motion for Maria to sit. "Sorry, Maria! Come sit on the couch. Tell me what's up!" I'm grateful for a way to try to take my mind off of the earth-shattering kiss with Lucas.

Maria smiles feebly and follows my directive. She clasps her hands together before speaking. "So, um I'm having some trouble paying these guys back. Kiara said you gave her some really good money advice and it got me thinking. I was wondering if you'd be able to help me figure some of this stuff out?"

I smile back. "Of course! I'd be happy to help anytime."

"Wait!" Ana interjects and I look at her puzzled. "She'll do it but you have to do something for her first."

Maria looks between us and raises a brow. "Um, sure. What is it?"

"She's having boy trouble right now and since you're the resident boy whisperer you need to help her."

I roll my eyes while Maria's face lights up like the fourth of July. "Oh yes! Tell me, what is it? Is it about the volunteer in your act? I didn't see it, but Fernando said two people nearly had sex on stage."

Ana busts out laughing and I cover my face. Note to self: track down a video of the performance to watch it. And then delete it.

"First of all, you have to start wearing better clothes to work. I see how you come to dance practice in your manly suits," Maria starts without waiting for any explanation of what said boy troubles are.

"Take out your phone! You need to take notes." Ana nods toward me as I continue to shake my head in disbelief.

"It's not like I want to wear those suits. It's a part of the dress code and it's one of the ways people take me seriously."

"And second," Maria continues without responding to my defense, "you need to wear more push-up bras. You don't have a lot to work with, so you need to do what you can."

Ana cracks up laughing again and I can't help but join her. "Alright, alright. That's enough advice. Thank you, Maria. I'll text you my assistant's info for us to set up some time to chat."

Maria beams back at us. "No problem, girl! And thank you so much! I'll be on the lookout."

After Maria leaves, I give Ana a look. "So who's going to tell her fixing guy trouble is not trendy clothes and push-up bras?"

"Chop chop, time to get shopping. I hear Victoria's Secret is having a sale!"

I roll my eyes. "No push-up bras. No new clothes. And no more kissing Lucas. I hear everything you're saying Ana but this is just getting too complicated. We're competing for the same job for goodness' sake and I need to stay focused!"

"Mhmm. I say it'll be two days or so before you cave in and end up making out with him on your desk or someplace steamy."

I shake my head with determination. "I promise you, I will never ever, ever kiss Lucas Handler again." No matter how badly I want to.

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