Chapter 18

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Harvard, Around 15 Years Ago

Talia Nassar

"Have you seen my packet?" I ask as I frantically search under the piles of clothes in Gary's room.

"Babe, I'm trying to sleep. Can't it wait?" Gary replies sleepily and places a pillow on top of his head.

"No, seriously Gary. Where is it? I need it for my interview today."

"How the hell should I know?" He rubs his eyes as he sits up in bed.

I frown, scanning the room. I shouldn't have stayed with Gary last night. I should've gone to bed early, in my bed, like I was planning. One drink turned to two, then three, then four. Before I knew it, I was waking up half-naked in Gary's bed with a pounding headache and barely any time to get ready.

Gary sighs and stands up, now deciding to help look around the room on various surfaces. "What's the packet?"

"The one I showed you last night! It's my pre-interview assignment they asked me to do!"

"Do you need it?"

I make a face before leaving to check the living room. "Of course I need it! They'll be asking me about it during the interview and it's a way for them to see my skills."

"Here it is, babe," Gary calls out from the bedroom. I run back. The tension in my shoulders instantly releases as soon as I see the packet in his hand. "It was on the floor next to my side."

"Oh thank God!" I grab it and swiftly tuck it into my black leather tote. I spent days doing the assignment. This internship is one of the biggest opportunities anyone at school could ever get. An associate analyst position at one of the most prestigious firms would look dazzling on my resume. If I got the job, it would catapult my career after graduation.

While Gary applied with me, he didn't make it past the first round - a fact that appears to bother him. While it does dampen my excitement for the job, I try not to dwell on it too much. My dad and brothers are ecstatic and that feels good at least.

"I'll make you breakfast while you get ready," Gary says, making his way to the kitchen.

"Oh thank you!" My empty stomach churns and it only amplifies the nerves that are running through me. I hope Gary makes something hearty as it'd likely be a while before I could eat again. I heard waiting for interviews like this one always lasts a few hours minimum. I quickly make my way to my overnight bag and begin getting ready for the interview.

"Your food is on the counter," Gary calls out from the kitchen.

I put on my skirt, blouse, and heels before striding back to the kitchen, reciting the packet's contents in my head. A piece of toast with butter on it is presented to me on a plate on the countertop. "That's it?" I ask as I put on my rose gold studded earrings. "Gary, I'm going to need more than that."

"No, you shouldn't eat too much. I know how nervous you are, so it's better to not overload."

I nod tightly before taking a bite of the toast. I'm not in the mood to argue with Gary right now and need to go over my notes again. Plus, my headache isn't letting up. Ugh, I wish I didn't drink last night. What was I thinking?

"Is that what you're going to wear?" Gary asks with arms crossed, eyeing me up and down.

"What?" I glance down at my mint green form-fitting skirt that reaches just above my knees. My white button-down top is tucked in a little loosely, but it doesn't look bad, or so I think.

"It's... it's a bit much."

"A bit much? It's business formal."

He nods and then raises his brows. "Actually, wear it. You'll definitely get the job in that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I grimace.

"Babe, it's so short and whoever interviews you will either be staring at your legs or trying to get a peek down your shirt. They'll hire you just so that they can salivate over you all summer."

My mouth opens and then closes. My brows stretch up. "Wooow," is all I can say. But I shouldn't be surprised. This is just another turn on the Gary roller coaster I'm on. One second he's smitten with me, loving, telling me that I'm a princess, and begging me to spend the night. And the next, he's saying shit like that and pushing me into a bawling mess.

"What? You know it's true."

"You know, I thought you might be jealous of me, but I didn't realize it was this much." I scoff and grab my makeup bag before storming to the bathroom.

Gary yells out from across his apartment, "Oh come on! Me? Jealous? That's delusional."

I try to maintain my steady hand as I apply eyeliner. Gary's head pops up in the mirror next to mine with a scowl. I set my hand down and look at him through the glass of the mirror. "Listen. I'm sorry you didn't get the interview. Just don't take it out on me alright?"

"Don't go too heavy on the liner, then you'll definitely be sending the wrong kind of signal," he sneers before leaving the bathroom.

I slam my eye liner on the sink counter with flared nostrils. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I move to the living room where Gary is waiting with crossed arms.

"Me? What's wrong with you? You're the one practically shoving your tits in front of every person you speak with. No wonder you got the interview."

"It was a phone call pre-screen dumbass." I can't take it anymore, my whole body is shaking. I've never talked to anyone this way before but I can't hold back any longer. Gary has gotten on my last nerve and I'm done with pretending it's okay for him to talk to me like that.

"Oh sweetie, you're so naive. There's this little invention called Google that you might have heard of?"

"Seriously Gary, just shut up! I'm not going to stand here and let you talk to me like this." I dart to collect as many items that belong to me in his apartment and began shoving them in my bag. A boulder-sized lump appears in my throat and I will myself to hold back the tears.

"What do you want me to say? Do you want me to say that everything will be alright and you'll get the job?"

I glare at him. "That would be a good start, yeah."

Gary scoffs and shakes his head. "You don't get it, Tal. None of this matters. You're being overly nervous for no reason. Even if you get the job it won't take you anywhere. No one is going to take you seriously and you shouldn't even bother trying. Someone has to tell it like it is."

I gasp loudly. "Wow, okay. If that's how you really feel, then we're done."

"What do you mean we're done?" He clenches his fists and I take a step back. While he'd never do anything to physically hurt me, the thought briefly crosses my mind. "You would break up with me for telling you the truth?" he screeches out.

"Gary. I can't just sit here and let you treat me this way. You know how much I've wanted to get into finance and follow in my dad's footsteps. But every single second you're right there to tear me down."

"You don't mean that. It's just the hormones and nerves for the interview talking." Gary says, not even bothering to listen to what I was just saying.

"No, I mean it. We're done." I shake my head again, desperately trying to hold the tears back but feeling something hot run along my cheek. "Please don't ever speak to me again and don't ever call me again." I grab my bag and head toward the door. I only managed to get eyeliner on one eye but I'll fix up my makeup in the bathroom at the internship interview location.

"Hey!" Gary grabs my arm before I can move any further. "You're going to regret this."

My pulse shoots up. I take in the man who's gripping onto my arm and can't believe I told him I loved him all those times. While his charms and good looks invited me in, it was all a facade. He's a facade. Gary deceived me in so many ways. There's nothing I can do about it besides get out as quickly as possible.

My jaw clenches and I rip my arm out from his grip. "Don't you ever fucking touch me again." Gary staggers back slightly, yet maintains his menacing expression.

Without looking back, I leave his apartment in tears, sprinting to my interview.

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