Scott Meets Jeremy

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Jeremy pov

Mike told me he would keep me safe from my father, which made me happy. Knowing I had someone on my side for once, since my mother died at least, felt nice.

I really like Mike. I haven't known many humans, but I feel like I trust him. He just seems very trustworthy, and I wouldn't have any reason not to believe him. He's been nothing but kind to me.

The only thing I worry about are the other people, because Mike told me not everyone is like him. I know some people will be kind like him, but then some... Some will be cruel, like my father... And I'd prefer not to meet those people...

Mike told me he was leaving for work. I wasn't sure what his job was, or what a "pizzeria" did, but I figured it was probably important.

I looked around the room and sighed. There wasn't much space to swim, or move in general. It was a little crammed, but I could still manage.

Mike pov

I felt bad to leave Jeremy alone, but Boss wouldn't let me take time off. Hopefully he can manage to keep himself occupied while I'm gone.

I do worry about leaving him alone because I don't know what can happen while I'm gone. I would hate for something bad to happen because I left him alone in the apartment.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I was just being paranoid. I live in a pretty good area of town, in a crappy little apartment, what would actually have a chance of happening? Nothing. Nothing even remotely interesting ever happens in my neighborhood. I was just being paranoid about having a mermaid in my bathtub.

Scott pov

It had been a few hours since the beach cleanup. Mike had left early to take that boy to the hospital, so the rest of us finished cleaning, not that there was much left anyway.

I was just about to leave when I found Mike's jacket laying in the sand. I remembered him taking it off before we started cleaning.

I sighed and picked it up. He would probably be looking for it, so I would just take it back now. I'd just drop by his apartment to give it back.

I got in my car and drove over to his building, parking my car and hopping out. The walk wasn't long and I reached his floor in a few minutes.

I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I thought it was weird at first, but then I remembered that it was time for his shift at the pizzeria. He wouldn't be home for a few more hours.

I can't just leave it out here... I'm sure Mike wouldn't mind if I just dropped it off...

His door wasn't locked, so I just let myself in. I didn't think it would take long.

Jeremy pov

I sat up when I heard a door open. I figured it had to be Mike, but I hadn't expected him to be back so early.

"M-Mike?" I asked.

There was no answer, which made me worry slightly. I became concerned that it might not be Mike who was here with me.

The door opened and a man who was not Mike saw me and looked shocked. I didn't say anything at all before he fainted.

This is bad...

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