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Mike pov

I sat with Jeremy since I didn't exactly want to leave him alone. I also wanted to know more about him.

Living underwater must be interesting. Sure it's different, to me at least. I'm sure for Jeremy everything here is different because he's used to water. There has to be differences in the way we live.

"So, what's it like, living under water I mean?" I asked, trying not to be too awkward about it.

"I-It's um... W-Well... C-Colorful a-and f-full of l-life... A-And um... I-I h-have my f-father..." He explained.

"Oh, so you probably want to get back to him..." I said, assuming if Jeremy did have family that he'd rather be with them.

"W-Well uh... N-No..." He admitted quietly, which honestly surprised me.

If Jeremy has family where he lives then why wouldn't he want to go back home to them? They must be worried about him. Surely they would want him home.

"Why wouldn't you want to go back home?" I asked.

He looked to the side and rubbed the back of his neck, as if he didn't want to tell me the reason.

I guess it's just personal. Everyone has their reasons for disliking something about their families. It just makes me wonder what Jeremy could have against his family, or what they could have against him.

"M-My f-father he... He u-used to... B-Beat my m-mother b-before she d-died... And he s-still b-beats m-me..." He whispered quietly.

I wasn't sure what to say after that. Finding out that Jeremy's father beat him and his mother, was a good reason for him not to want to go back.

But I mean, if I'm being honest, what can I do? Jeremy is a mermaid and I'm a human. How could I possibly keep him from his abusive father? I don't think he could actually live on land, it seems like it'd be torture.

He wouldn't have the freedom of open water and if anyone discovered I had him, they might try to take him from me. It would be horrible if someone took him. He could be experimented on, or tortured. I wouldn't want that to happen to him. I couldn't let that happen to him.

"That's horrible Jeremy, and I'm sorry it happened to you... Would there be anything I could do to help?" I asked.

"K-Keep me a-away from h-him..." He replied softly, looking at me with his bright green eyes.

It would be incredibly hard to deny him. His eyes were a bright shade of green, similar to his tail, but I'm sure they would make anyone's heart melt. I just couldn't bring myself to turn him down.

"Alright Jere, I'll do my best..." I replied.

He hugged my neck and pulled me closer to the tub. I felt my face heat up slightly from the close contact.

"T-Thank you M-Mike..."

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