Talking It Out

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Jeremy pov

Right now I feel paralyzed by my own fear. I'm not even ashamed to admit it. My father terrifies me, and the fact that he's somehow on land in human form, terrifies me even more.

Although there is one good thing about this situation: I've figured out that mermaids actually can transform into humans. While that's good news, it's not good news that my father has that ability.

Mike better be coming up with an escape plan, because my mind is going blank... I hope he can figure this one out...

Mike pov

I stared at Fritz and Jeremy's father as they glanced at one another. They seemed to be planning something sickening, and I wanted to figure out just exactly what that was.

"Why did you take him?" I asked, wanting as many answers as I could get.

"Once I had found out from Vincent that Scott said he'd met your little fish friend, I had to check things out for myself. I do work here after all. The discovery of mermaids existence would be a major discovery for me." Fritz explained, a mocking tone in his voice.

I growled under my breath and cracked my knuckles on my right hand with my thumb. It was a habit I had developed and acted upon when I got frustrated. 

"What about you douchebag, why are you on land?" I snapped towards the abuser of my love.

"Fritz told me once he was done with his little experiment and got what he needed, that I could take that little shit back home to the water." He sneered.

That dick. I hate the way he talks about Jeremy. I can't let him take Jeremy away, I made a promise and I'm going to keep it.

"He did nothing to you. You're just some deadbeat dad that has nothing better to do than beat his son. You're no father to him. You don't deserve to have a child like him." I hissed.

He glared at me with a fiery anger that could melt ice, but did nothing to phase me. I didn't think he was scary, but I could understand why Jeremy would think he is.

"You're not getting him back, so don't even try. No matter what you do, he isn't leaving with you." Fritz said, standing up.

I growled out of frustration from the fact that Fritz could think such a thing.

He thinks he can keep me from getting Jeremy back. I'm going to get him back, even if it's the last thing I do. I can't just leave Jeremy here to be experimented on, tortured, and then taken back to an abusive home. I refuse to let that happen to the person I love. No one is going to keep me from saving him. Not Fritz, not his dad, no one.

"Y'know Fritz, you're not very smart." I pointed out.

"Oh, and why's that?" He asked, not being too happy that I had pointed it out.

"You'll find out." 

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