Trying To Escape

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Jeremy pov

I was sleeping in the glass prison I was in for a bit. The chubby man had stuck some duct tape over the crack in the glass as a temporary fix.

I was pulled from my slumber when the door slammed shut. I glanced around the room before my eyes focused on why the door was opened to begin with. Mike was tied up in a chair.

I swam towards him and hit the glass. He needed to wake up, now.

"M-Mike!!!" I yelled, hoping I wouldn't be too muffled for him to hear.

He snorted and sat up, slowly regaining consciousness. I hit the glass again to get his attention. I had to wake him up.

Mike pov

My eyes slowly fluttered open. I glanced around the room I was in before seeing Jeremy.

He was in a large tank of water, hitting the glass to get my attention. I struggled, only to realize I was tied to the chair I was sitting in.

I muttered a curse under my breath and rocked the chair. I needed to figure out a way to get out of this.

"M-Mike, w-what are you d-doing here?" Jeremy asked, staying above the water in the tank.

"I came to get you, I wasn't just gonna leave you here..." I said, my voice straining from the struggling.

The chair tipped over and shattered, obviously being some cheap piece of furniture from one of the college student dorms. I threw the rope off and hopped up.

I needed to make sure the coast was clear before I made any moves to help Jeremy escape. The windows were painted shut, and the door wouldn't open.

"Do you know of a way out Jere?" I asked, having a small hope that he would.

Unfortunately he shook his head "no", knowing just about as much about this building as I did.

I sighed and took my jacket off. I wrapped it around my arm and broke the window with my elbow. I used my jacket so I wouldn't cut my arm.

Before I was able to get Jeremy, the door flew open. Fritz and another man ran in, growling out of anger.

"Hello again Michael, long time no see." Fritz hissed, having his usual pissed off tone towards me.

"Oh shove it up your ass, Fritz." I snapped.

I could see the other man's anger level rise as he glanced at Jeremy. Jeremy had backed into the farthest corner of the tank, seeming to be terrified of the man.

"Jeremy, why did you swim away from home?" He asked, his scratchy voice making him sound like a complete pedophile.

"B-Because of y-you! A f-father s-should n-never treat his s-son that way!" Jeremy cried, staying as far away from, who I know as his father, as he could.

I wanted to kick his ass for all that he's done to Jeremy, but it was a risk. I knew Fritz was a horrible fighter, but that he could manage to get a hold of me for Jeremy's dad if he tried. Plus, I had no idea how skilled Jere's dad was.

"Now now, why don't we all just calm down? There's plenty of time to talk about this. No one has to get violent, yet." Fritz sneered, gesturing to a few chairs on the other side of the room.

I stood and leaned against the tank Jeremy was trapped in. I didn't want to be too far from him, or particularly close to either one of them.

"Okay, let's talk."

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