Going To The University

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Mike pov

I grabbed my car keys and ran down the stairs. Fritz would have had to have taken him to the university. There really isn't anywhere else he would have taken him. 

I will get Jeremy back, even if I have to fight for him. There will be guards, I know that, but I think I'll be able to sneak passed them.

Once I'm in, I'll have to try to go unnoticed. I'll find Jeremy, get him out, and go home.

My car roared to life as I turned the key in the ignition. It was dark, so the university was already closed. I parked at the end of the street so I wouldn't cause any suspicion.

I put the hood of my jacket up and kept my head down. The wind was blowing, making the leaves on the ground dance as I walked.

I glanced at the fence and checked my surroundings before hopping over it. There was nothing but bright lighting that I had to avoid. Luckily there were many bushes that I used to hide.

I used the lights to my advantage however when I located the marine life building. I waited for a few moments before sprinting in that direction.

All the windows were dark except for one. It was on the third floor, which if I had remembered correctly, was one of the lab rooms. It was either a lab, or a rehabilitation room.

I'd much rather it be a rehab room than a lab. I don't want to think about what could happen in a lab.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked from the inside. I sighed and looked up to the nearest window.

I used the creases in the brick wall to climb up and open it before crawling in. I could always unlock the door on my way out. Jeremy was my top priority right now, and I just wanted to focus on getting him out.

There was a map of the building in the hall, which I found convenient. I checked to see where lab or rehab rooms were. I repeated the room numbers to myself a few times before beginning to look.

By the numbers on the doors, I was heading the right direction. I reached one hall full of different lab rooms. The window of each one showed nothing but clean glass wear and organized stations.

I muttered a curse under my breath as I walked towards the last room. It was classified as a species containment room by the plaque on the door.

I saw a large glass tank with something inside. One flash of green told me all that I needed to know: this is where Jeremy was.

I tried to open the door, which was of course, locked. Nothing about this situation was going to be made easy. I knocked on the glass window of the door to try and get Jeremy's attention, but it seemed like he was asleep.

I sighed and glanced back, only to be met with something hard hitting my face and knocking me on my ass.

"I don't think so Mikey."

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