Being Captured

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My eyes slowly fluttered open. Everything was hazy and blue. It took me a few moments to realize that I was in a body of water, but only this time, I wasn't in Mike's bathtub. I was in a large glass tank.

I cupped my hands over the glass to try and make out where I was, but I couldn't tell. This whole place seemed completely new to me.

I hit my fist against the glass, which made a rather loud 'thump'. The whole situation was making me angry. I didn't know why I was here, or how I even got here. Everything was a mystery, and I didn't like that.

A chubby looking male walked out in a white garment of clothing. I glared at him as he scribbled down observations on his clipboard. He paid me no mind however as he checked a few more things.

"Subject is awake and alert. There is a broken bone in the tail, but that should heal relatively quickly. Subject appears to be healthy and agitated." He said, speaking into a small box.

I didnt know why he was talking into a small box like that, but I figured it probably had to do with research. He looked me over again, a sickening grin on his face. I glared at him in disgust, being furious for once in my life.

This man took me away from Mike. Mike, the one person I've grown to love, the one person I deeply truly love. And this man took me away to observe me, to keep me locked up in a glass box.

"Now now little guppy, we'll do some fun things later." He teased, tracing his pencil along the glass.

I punched the glass hard, hurting my hand in the process, but I didn't care. I was too angry to care.

It's bad enough that I'm trapped in this tank, but now he's calling me a guppy? A guppy? That makes me so mad!

He snickered as he saw my anger. I slammed my body against the glass, hearing a small 'crack' sound. The smirk disappeared from his face when he saw the crack in the glass.

"You little shit..." He muttered under his breath. 

I stuck my tongue out at him just to piss him off more. I know it must have seen childish, but I was too irritated to care.

He walked out of the room quickly, muttering curses under his breath. I sighed and looked up, searching for a way out.

Then it hit me, even if there was a way out, I couldn't get to it. I didn't have legs and the tank is made of glass. It would be almost impossible to climb.

I pressed my forehead against the glass and sighed. There was no way out of here. I wasn't going to be able to escape.

I'm trapped. I've been captured, and now I'm stuck here in this tank. I hope Mike can save me. I love him.

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