Figuring Out The Problem

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Scott pov

Mike hung up the phone, leaving me to deal with Vincent. I sighed and clicked his contact, tapping my foot out of habit as it rang.

I mumbled "pick up" under my breath several times before Vincent answered the call. He was obviously still asleep from working the nightshift.

"What?" He groaned, his voice being slightly muffled.

"Who did you talk to Jeremy about?" I asked, a pretty harsh tone in my voice.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, still being half asleep.

"Jeremy! The mermaid in Mike's bathtub! Who did you tell?!" I snapped, being a bit angry that he hadn't kept his promise.

"Did you take your meds today?"

"Fuck you! This doesn't have anything to do with my anxiety! This has to do with you not keeping your promise to me! You promised me you wouldn't tell anyone about Jeremy! Now he's gone! He's fucking gone Vincent! Someone kidnapped him! So you better tell me who the fuck you told right fucking now!" I yelled, being very furious with his attitude.

Vincent didn't speak for a few moments. He was most likely in shock since I had never been so harsh, or even yelled at him before.

"I'm sorry... I thought it was just your anxiety... You know it's messed with you before, so I just thought... I'm sorry... I told Fritz about Jeremy when we went to the bar, but he was the only person I told..." He explained.

I felt my stomach drop to the floor. Of all the people Vincent could have told, he chose Fritz.

"Oh fuck Vincent... You told Fritz?" I asked, being only half sarcastic.

"Why?" He asked, not understanding why that would be the worst decision to make.

"Did you seriously not realize that Fritz is a marine biology student at the university???"

He went quiet and sighed. He had either forgotten, or hadn't thought about it when telling Fritz.

He thought I had made it up due to a side effect in my medication... I guess it makes sense that he would tell one of his friends... Especially if they were drinking... I just wish he hadn't told Fritz... But at least I know who else knows now...

"I'll call you back later Vincent... I have to talk to Mike..." I said, hanging up the call.

I texted Mike everything I had just found out. I was praying that Mike would be able to find him and get him back, otherwise things will be very bad.

Mike pov

My phone went off, signaling a text message. I opened it up and muttered a curse under my breath.

I never did like Fritz very much. I always thought he was sketchy and just not trustworthy. Now I know he isn't trustworthy.

He broke into my apartment and stole Jeremy. He kidnapped the one person I truly love. He took him away from me.

I will get him back, even if it's the very last thing I do.

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