Talking To Scott

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Mike pov

I called Scott to see if he knew anything, because he's the only other person who knows about Jeremy. I haven't told anyone else about him.

"What Mike? It's six-thirty in the morning..." He groaned as he answered the phone.

"Jeremy is gone!" I practically yelled into my phone.

"What?! How?!" He screeched, obviously being more awake now.

"I don't know! That's why I called you, you're the only other person that knows I had him!" I exclaimed, my stress level rising higher every second I didn't know anything more.

Scott pov

Jeremy is missing?! What happened?! It's not like he can just get up and walk out, he doesn't have legs!

That means someone took him. But who knew besides me that Mike had a mermaid in his bathtub?

"Mike I don't know who could have taken him..." I said softly.

I heard him sigh on the other end of the phone. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. I really don't know who could have taken him.

Who would want to take a mermaid anyway? I mean honestly, why would you want to take him anyway? What would be the point? I didn't see why anyone would actually want to take him, unless they had some connection to something with marine biology.

The thought of someone taking him is horrifying. I know him and Mike are close, very close, so this can't be good. I just can't seem to remember telling anyone... 

"Are you sure you didn't tell anyone? Anyone at all?" Mike asked, breaking my train of thought.

Then it suddenly came back. I had needed to vent so I called Vincent and told him. But he was the only person I told, and he promised not to. Which probably didn't happen, considering the situation we're in now.

"I did tell Vincent... But he promised he wouldn't tell... I just needed to vent because you know how I get with secrets... I was really stressed..." I explained quietly, hoping Mike wouldn't be too mad at me.

"God damnit Scott... I told you not to tell..." He muttered under his breath, it being obvious that he wasn't happy with me.

I know what I did was wrong. I regret it so much now. Vincent promised me he wouldn't tell, but knowing him for as long as I have, he probably just blamed it on my anxiety. He probably told one of his friends after that and they told someone and so on and so on...

"I'm so sorry Mike... I just needed to tell someone before I exploded, and I figured Vincent wouldn't tell anyone... But I guess I was wrong... I'll talk to him about it..." I apologized.

"Just call me when you find something out." He said, hanging up the phone.

Mike pov

Of fucking course. I should have known Scott wouldn't be able to keep quiet. I swear if Vincent told anyone who would want him, there will be a major ass kicking.

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