Trying To Keep The Secret

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Scott pov

I sighed as I paced back and forth in the living room of my apartment. I knew what Mike was getting himself into, and I knew it wasn't good.

Mike is going to fall in love with Jeremy. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to fall in love, but the circumstances aren't the best. Mike is human and Jeremy is a mermaid. Unless there's a way for Mike to keep Jeremy on land permanently, it wouldn't work out.

And there are other risks too. If someone found out about Jeremy, it could be disastrous. They might try to take him away, give him to the government, experiment on him, ultimately end up torturing him.

It would kill me to see Mike have to go through that heart break and for Jeremy to be treated like an alien. I may be a human myself, but that doesn't mean I always agree with the ways my species treats other living things. Honestly, sometimes I'm ashamed to be human and to be called "civilized". With all the testing we preform on animals and all the killing of other humans, it just proves how savage and inconsiderate people can really be in this world. It just isn't right...

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. I was going to have to keep this a secret, even from my closest friends, for Mike and Jeremy's sake. If I told anyone anything about the existence of mermaids, shit would hit the fan, without a doubt.

Hopefully there's a way to make Jeremy human. That would be extremely convenient in this situation. It would mean I wouldn't have to keep secrets, Jeremy could stay safe from his father, and Mike could love Jeremy without the risk of losing him due to the fact that he is a mermaid. If only that could happen now...

I sighed as I sat down, resting my forearm over my eyes. It has only been a few hours since I first encountered Jeremy, but it feels like it's been days. Time flies when you need it and is as slow as molasses when you want it over with quickly. The world just really hates making things too easy, now doesn't it?

Plus, I never really have been good at keeping secrets. I do manage to keep them for a while, but eventually something will just come flying out of nowhere. I am definitely the worst person to know about this.

I just have to keep my mouth shut about it. I'll just pretend Jeremy doesn't exist, and that Mike isn't in love with the mermaid he's hiding in his bathtub. That will totally work. Nothing could possibly go wrong!

Not even sarcasm can distract me from the fact that Mike is becoming involved with a mermaid. It's impossible not to think about. I was just so shocked because I was always told that mermaids were mythical. Now it makes me wonder what other mythical creatures are actually out there...

What I do know is that this is not going to end well if it isn't resolved soon... 

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