Needing To Vent

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Scott pov

I sat down on my couch and sighed. I never liked keeping secrets, about anything. It was just extremely difficult and I had the urge to tell someone, but if I did, it would have to be a person I could trust.

I know it's not a good idea. Hell, it's probably the worst idea ever. There are so many risks to even consider telling someone of the existence of mermaids. But I know there is one person that I can definitely trust, no matter what.

I texted Vincent to come over so I could talk to him. I knew I could trust him for several reasons: he's my partner, he's kept secrets for me before, and I trust him.

He replied, telling me he would be here as soon as he could, which would probably be about twenty minutes. He doesn't live too far, but he had just gotten off of his shift from Fazbear's.

I looked at the time and saw it was getting late, very late. I sighed, realizing I was late on my anxiety medication, which wasn't exactly good for me. I decided late was better than never and took them before Vincent got here.

He knocked on the door to my apartment, even though I had given him a key weeks ago. He told me he prefers to be invited, rather than just walking in.

I opened the door and hugged Vincent tight, since I had been missing him the last few days. He smiled and hugged back.

"Hey Scott, what did you want to talk about?" He asked.

I pulled him in and closed the door with my foot. Now would be the hard part of this situation. I would have to explain the existence of Jeremy to Vincent.

"Well, um... If I tell you, you have yo promise not to tell anyone." I started, still thinking of exactly how to explain this.

"Alright, I promise I won't tell anyone." He replied.

"Okay. Um, you're going to think I'm crazy, but it's true... Mike found a mermaid on the beach after the storm and he was hurt, so he took him home. His name is Jeremy and he's very sweet, but I know that it could never work out unless he could stay on land. And it's killing me inside to know that I can't tell anyone unless I trust them with my life, which is why I'm telling you. I know that if I told the wrong person then someone could possible try and take Jeremy away to God knows where and do weird experiments on him because he is a mermaid, and I know Mike would blame me if that happened and then I would feel absolutely terrible. I can't let that happen, but you know how I get when I know secrets and I just had to tell someone, so I figured I would tell you because I know you wouldn't tell." I explained, rather quickly.

Vincent took a moment to process all I had blurted out before speaking.

"Scott, did you take your medication today?" He asked, obviously not believing me.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Yes I took it. I'm not making this up." I snapped back, sounding a bit more harsh than I meant to be.

"Sorry, it's just hard to believe is all. I didn't mean it like that..." He apologized softly.

"It's alright, I shouldn't have snapped...But, just please don't tell..." I replied, hugging him softly.

"I won't..."

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