The Bar

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Hearing that Scott found a mermaid in Mike's apartment was a bit hard to believe. Mermaids are supposed to be mythical creatures only found in fairy tales, so most people would naturally assume he was just imagining it.

As much as I want to believe Scott, it isn't easy. I know he's had hallucinations as side effects of his medication before, so I'm thinking it might just be that. It wouldn't surprise me if it was.

Although, I'm not against the thought of mermaids being real, but it's not easy to hear and believe, especially because a lot of marine biologists have come up with reasons that they can't exist. I still want to believe him because I love him and I don't want him to think that I'm against him, in any way.

I'll just talk to him again tomorrow once his medication wears off. If he still thinks he saw a mermaid in Mike's apartment then I'll talk to Mike about it. Maybe Mike will be able to explain the truth to him. I'm just going to let him relax and clear his head right now. It's the best thing to do for the time being.

After I talked to Scott I had decided to go to a bar with Fritz. It was late and Scott wanted to get some sleep, so it was better to leave. I also hadn't gotten to hang out with Fritz since our shifts were at opposite times of the day.

Fritz waved me over to the barstool that was next to his and slid a drink over. I nodded as a "thank you" gesture and took a swig.

"Anything new going on in life?" He asked, drinking some of the liquor in his glass.

"I'm honestly worried about Scott... I think his medication is giving him hallucinations again..." I replied.

"Oh, that isn't good... What did he see this time?" He questioned, knowing that this kind of thing had happened in the past with Scott before.

"A mermaid in Mike's apartment or something, I'm not too sure. He said something about Mike finding a boy at the beach, and that the same boy was the mermaid in the bathtub... Honestly, I just think it's his medication acting up again..." I explained, drinking a good amount of liquor.

"Huh, well Mike did find a boy during the storm cleanup. He left early to take him to the hospital. Supposedly the boy got swept up in the storm and was found by the rocks. He was probably out boating with some friends or something. Nobody knows for sure. Maybe the meds took that information and just twisted it around so it would make him think that's what happened, unstable minds tend to do that to a person." He suggested.

"Yeah probably... It wouldn't be the first time it's happened... Anxiety sure is a real bitch..." I mumbled under my breath.

"Cheers to that." Fritz said as he raised his glass before downing it.

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