Falling In Love?

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Jeremy pov

It was late so Mike had gone to bed. I wasn't exactly tired, so I stayed up. There was a window where the moon's light could shine in, so it wasn't completely dark either.

It felt peaceful right now. It was quiet and calm and the only sound was my tail in the water. There was no reason I shouldn't be able to fall asleep, I just didn't want to.

I sighed as I looked at the door. It was actually kind of boring, being alone in this room and all. There wasn't anything to do, even if I could move around. I had nothing but my thoughts.

If I fell in love with a human, then maybe I could stay. Although, I've only known Mike for about a day, so I doubt he would fall in love with me anytime soon.

My father always told me love at first site is fake and made up, but my mother told me otherwise. I personally like to believe my mother, but I'm not sure it's true. I mean, I was scared of Mike when I first saw him, but now I really like him. Maybe it is possible...

~Time Skip~

Mike pov

I groaned as my alarm clock blared its irritating sound right by my face. Some days I just wanted to throw it out my window because of how loud it was.

I sighed and sat up, letting out a yawn as I stretched. There was a splash from the bathroom, reminding me that Jeremy was there, not that I had actually forgotten.

I got up and put on a T-shirt and jeans before checking on Jeremy. He was still asleep, a cute grin plastered on his face. I found it simply adorable.

Jeremy is always so cute, he doesn't even have to try. It's like I just find him naturally adorable no matter what he does.

The events of the night before were slowly coming back. I remembered now that Jeremy had kissed me.

I felt my face heat up just from the thought of it. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy it, because I did, very much actually. It was that I wasn't sure if it was a good idea.

Jeremy is a mermaid and I'm a human. I'm not sure if it could actually work between us. It all truly depends on whether or not Jeremy can become human or not.

If the stories he has heard are true, then it could possibly work out between us, if I'm staying positive about it. But there's really only a fifty fifty chance of that being true. Plus, there's always the possibility of a relationship failing, which is true for any relationship.

There's no guarantee that a relationship will last forever, and that could be bad. I feel myself attracted to Jeremy now, but if he did become human, and something didn't work between us, would he be able to stay human?

The more I think about it, the more I realize, I'm falling in love...

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