Ghost World

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Anthony and Kathleen's outfits are above!

"Grams!" Kathleen squeals as she gives her grandmother a hug.

"Hi, sweetheart." Sheila chuckles, gently patting her granddaughter's back. She then frowns when she hears screaming and things being thrown. "Your parents fighting again?"

"Yep. Mom got mad that dad was feeding me cupcakes for breakfast."

"You can't give our daughter a real breakfast?! Damn you and your cupcake obsession!" Celine yells.

"She got that from me but where did she get the buttercup obsession from?!" Dontrell yells back. "Ow! Woman, would you stop throwing things at me?!"


"...Wait! Not the broom!"

Sheila sighs and lets go of Kathleen. "I'll deal with them."

The both of them head into the living room only to find Celine chasing her husband around with her broom. Anthony stands behind the kitchen counter, eating a muffin while.

"Of course, you and your soulmate were watching your poor father suffer. Evil as your mama." Sheila says making her granddaughter giggle.

"Morning, Ms. Sheila." Anthony greets Sheila as he walks up to them. "If anything, I tried to help Dontrell, but Kathy forced me to watch. She lured me in with the honey muffins."

"Liar! Klaus sent you those muffins last night!" Kathleen continues giggling.

Sheila shakes her head, amused by the younger ones. She then grabs the couch pillows and throws them at her daughter and son-in-law.


"Bonnie, when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did you get rid of Anna too?" Caroline whispers to her.

"All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here. Jeremy's still got a direct line to the other side, and as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here." Bonnie whispers back then glances at Eun Mi. "How much longer are we going to keep this a secret from them?"

"I've tried to get him to tell them them truth, but he just won't budge!" Caroline sighs before sending a glare Eun Mi's way. "Eun Mi! Will you stop eating so many of those cream puffs and help us with these lanterns?!"

"No, I've could have been with my other half right now but no! Somebody forced me out of my warm comfy bed this morning and is trying to make me do manual labor!" Eun Mi snaps.

"You little-" Caroline is cut off when Damon pulls in his car.

"Greetings, witchy. Blondie. Batty. I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan."

"What do you mean?" Bonnie asks with a confused expression.

"Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost." He replies.

"And why would you think that?" Caroline asks.

"Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker in my chest. Let's just say I'm having déjà vu."

"Well to be fair, you kinda deserved it. You did the same thing to him before ripping his heart out." Eun Mi states with a smirk making Damon glare at her.

"Didn't you and Kathy say that ghosts couldn't physically interact with people?" Caroline asks Eun Mi.

"They can't." Eun Mi replies before looking at Bonnie. "Guess something went wrong with your spell."

"Look, I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead. Whatever you screwed up, fix it." Damon snaps before driving away.

"Oh yeah?! Well maybe if you weren't killing so much and making so many enemies, no one would be coming after you!" Eun Mi yells at him.

"Wait... So, the old hag is after you?"

"Did you just call your grandmother an old hag?" Kathleen asks, holding back a smile.

"My dad told me all about that woman and she sucks." Anthony replies.

"Yes, the original witch is after Kathleen for her powers." Dontrell sighs. "My daughter is a powerful witch because of the two bloodlines that she comes from. The Bennetts and a coven from New Orleans that I was originally a part of. I left them because I wasn't able to agree with their actions. But they don't know where I live or that I had a kid. A cloaking spell was placed on me when I left there."

"I would love to go to New Orleans for the gumbo, but dad doesn't want to risk it." Kathleen pouts.

"But where do I come into all this? Why are Kathleen and I soulmates?"

"There is this legend of how the firstborn hybrid and a Bennett witch will be the ones to bring together the witches, vampires and werewolves. The both of you will finally end this lifelong war between the species." Sheila answers. 

"And only the two of us will be able to save each other from what our enemies truly desire." Kathleen finishes. 

"Kathy told me that the witches are divided... Why did some of them take my dad's side? I thought they hated him."

"...Because that hybrid puppy saved my life a long time ago." Celine mutters.

"...Huh?!" The soulmates stand up from their seats, both with shocked expressions.

"What are you talking about?! You never told me about that!"

"My dad saved you?! What?!"

"It was... It was when my ex-sister and I fought against Mikael. As I nearly died, he showed up and fed me his blood." Celine shudders. "Out of all people, it had to be him! And I had to drink his blood!"

"Oh, is that why you've made friends with him, dad? Because he saved mom?" Kathleen giggles.

"If it hadn't been for him, your mother wouldn't had been here with us right now." Dontrell answers as he gently caresses his wife's cheek. "So shouldn't you be a bit nicer to him- Ow!" He holds the back of his head after she smacks the back of it.

"And let that hybrid puppy hold something over me? Hell no!" Sheila reaches across the table and smacks her daughter's hand. "Ow! Mama, what was that for?!"

"Stop hitting your husband!" Sheila scolds her.

"Tsk... Always taking his side." Celine mumbles.

"What was that?" Sheila asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing, mama! Now I know my baby girl won't tell him anything." Celine says sweetly, gently pinching her daughter's cheek before sending a glare Anthony's way. "But you on the other hand. You better not snitch, or you'll get the broom treatment. Got it?"

"Wait... Did you call my daughter your girl?" Dontrell asks and Celine smacks the back of his head again.

Kathleen's phone rings and she checks it to see a text from Bonnie.

Favorite Cuz? (Still Undecided!)

Need help

Ghosts are roaming around MF

Meet up at the old witch house

Best Cuz


"Umm, Grams? There's a big problem." Kathleen laughs nervously.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

"The ghosts roaming Mystic Falls can all be seen now. Dummy Two has Mason's ghost haunting him which he deserves." Eun Mi tells her sister over the phone.

"I see..."

"Unnie. Do you think he might know something about Anthony's family?"

"I'll find out. Be careful, my dongsaeng. Try not to get into too much trouble, okay? I love you."

"What kind of mess have you created, child?!" Sheila yells as she marches into the witches' house with Kathleen right behind her, shocking Bonnie and Caroline.

"I love you too, unnie!" Eun Mi hangs up and smiles seeing her best friend, running over to her. "Nae soulmeiteu!"

"Grams?! I-"

"Shush!" Sheila snaps before sitting next to her eldest granddaughter. "You've made a fine mess here, now why is that?"

"It's... I..."

"Ms. Sheila, Bonnie didn't have a choice! She had to bring Jeremy back!" Caroline defends her best friend.


"Oops! I..." Forgetting that the best friends didn't know, Caroline looks back and forth between them with a guilty look.

"Bring Jeremy back? What is she talking about?" Kathleen asks her cousin with a suspicious look.

Leaving the grill, Mason stops when he sees Sun Hi approaching him.

"Whoa, Sunny! Still as beautiful as ever." He says with a flirtatious smile.

"Mason." She bows her head. "I'm sorry that-"

"Hey. Don't even think about apologizing for that dick, alright?" He gently pokes her forehead. "I'm going to get that apology from him."

She nods. "I don't know how much time you have but I need to ask you about-"


Dontrell walks out of the house to find Anthony sitting on the front porch and goes to take a seat next to him.

"Mr. Bennett-"


"Sorry... Why would a parent lie to their kid?"

"Hmm... Sometimes it might be to protect them from something. Or they may be protecting themselves."

"Have you ever lied to Kathy?"

"No. I've told her what she needs to know. Of how I'm originally from a coven back in New Orleans so she knows of the full powers she carries. And how the original witch is after her... What is this about?"

"...Back when we were at Myrtle Beach, some old woman said some things like when I discover the truth about my birth parents, I'll find out that my dad has been lying to me my whole life. And how Uncle Elijah will destroy everything... Also, that I shouldn't let go of Kathleen's hand or it will lead to her death."

Dontrell is silent for a moment before patting Anthony's shoulder.

"Try not to think about it or worry too much. I'll try to find out more to this, alright? We'll..." Dontrell sighs seeing the person approaching them. "Mason."

"Mr. Bennett." Mason nods at Dontrell then looks at Anthony. "...You're that kid everyone on the other side has been talking about." He says, causing Anthony to stand. "I don't know anything about your parents, but I can help you out with something... The type of wolf that you are? I've heard a bit about your kind when I was still alive. The thing is your kind are supposed to be extinct. But you might be able to find out something about them... Try finding someone called the Expert. Just know whoever he or she is, they're not easy to find." Just as he is about to leave, he turns back to them once more. "Oh, and you should thank Stella for sending me here."

Caroline worriedly watches a silent Kathleen and gently places her hand on top of hers.

"The witches told you there'd be consequences to bringing Jeremy back and you did it anyway."

"I didn't have a choice... I had to save him and Kathy and Emilia's sake." Bonnie defends herself.

"I understand." Sheila sighs. "I guess she's finally coming."

"Who?" Caroline asks.

"Bonnie, you cracked open the door to the other side. There's an old witch over here who's after your cousin. She took advantage of it. She took advantage of you, honey. When you did that spell to send Vicki Donovan away, she wedged the door wide open, giving a free pass to anybody with unfinished business."

"Grams, how do you know this?" Bonnie asks.

"Witches talk. Even on the other side. Who do you think makes all the rules?"

"Why does she want Kathy though?" Caroline asks, concerned for the youngest Bennett.

" it possible for humans to be on the other side?" Kathleen speaks up for the first time ever since learning of Jeremy's secret.

"Are you asking because of them?"

Eun Mi walks into the Mystic Grill with an angry look on her face and walks over to Alaric.

"Where is he?"

"I... I think he went to the bathroom. But what's-" 

She brushes past him and makes her way towards the restrooms, startling Jeremy and Anna who were just kissing.

"So, it's true..." She scoffs. "You've really been seeing them all this time..."


"All summer you've been lying to us! You died before we went on our summer vacation! You kept that from Kiki and me!" Jeremy's eyes widened. "Kiki and I had to hear from Bonnie and Caroline that you got shot by Liz when she was aiming for Damon! Then Bonnie had to resurrect you and you're the one who had to suffer the consequences! No wonder you were acting so weird over the summer! You've been seeing ghosts all this time! So, when were you going to tell us about this?!"

 "Hey-" Anna tries to step in but flinches from Eun Mi's glare.

"Hey, you gonna answer me? Huh? How could you not tell us that you died?! Are you serious?! You just went on about and acted like everything was normal! You damn idiot!" Eun Mi screams at him.



"You're a gumiho and Kathy is a witch. You two have powers but me? I'm just the weak pathetic human who can now see ghosts. You two are always protecting me. Last time you both had to step in when Stefan attacked me. If I had done something, I likely would have messed up and exposed everyone... I'm just useless."

"Jeremy... Are you forgetting when you staked your ghost sidepiece here when she feed off of Kiki? And that time Jules tried to attack me? You knocked her out with my baseball bat. You're not useless because we're the Charlie's Angels." A soft laugh escapes his throat as both their eyes glisten with tears. "Don't you ever keep something like that from us ever again. Must I once again explain how this friendship works?"

"I'm sorry." He sniffles.

"And I get that you two didn't get closure but if she really loves you, she needs let you go. You're dead, Anna. He's alive and I'll be damned if you think I'll let you take him with you. Do you understand me?" Eun Mi walks towards Anna as her eyes change to her glowing golden color. Anna hastily nods.


Hearing the familiar voice, Eun Mi's eyes go back to normal. She slowly turns around and her eyes widened seeing the people standing next to her older sister...

"Appa... Eomma?"

Ji-ah Lee as Mi Kyong

Ji Sung as Jin Sun

Staring at her parents in disbelief, she sheds a tear. Her mother walks up to her and wipes it away.

"Wow... Did you get even more prettier since your father and I passed?" Mi Kyong smiles, booping her daughter's nose.

Eun Mi begins sobbing and her mother immediately gives her a hug. Jin Sun joins them, gently patting the back of his youngest daughter's head.

"Eomma! Appa!"

After Jeremy arrives at the witches' house, he finds Kathleen sitting in front of the fireplace and sits next to her.

"...I'm sorry." He says, handing her the necklace.

"I'm not going to bother giving you a lecture because I know that Mimi already gave you one." She says, taking the necklace. "We love you. Don't forget that."

He nods and blinks back his tears. "Should you really get rid of it? What about Rebekah?"

"I think I can break the connection without destroying the necklace so that I can return it to its rightful owner. Elena nor Stefan have no claim to this."

"...Stalling so that they can have some more time?" She nods. "Why aren't you going to see them?"

"Because I already said my goodbyes... I was with them when it happened, remember?" Kathleen answers, closing her eyes as she sheds a tear.

The Jung family back together in their home, sitting in the living room.

"...Why did you both die? The accident shouldn't have killed you guys." Eun Mi sniffles.

"Because we weren't supernatural in this lifetime, satang." Jin Sin answers as he wipes away her tears. "So that accident caused your powers to awaken."

"Huh? What do you mean this lifetime?"

Mi Kyong sighs. "Just focus on what you have to do now, okay? Listen to your sister and protect the ones that you care for. Don't stray down the wrong path, nae ttal."

"But I don't understand."

"You'll understand one day, Eun Mi... But I hope you never do. Just be happy this time, okay?" He tells her before sending a sad smile to his eldest daughter. "Sun Hi... I'm sorry."

Sun Hi shakes her head as her eyes glisten with tears. "Appa."

"You grew up to be such a strong and remarkable woman." Mi Kyong gently places her hand on top of Sun Hi's hand. "I'm so proud of you... But I am also truly sorry that you had to go through so much."

"You both shouldn't apologize but instead...promise me that the both of you will be there once I arrive."

The Jung parents immediately both begin to shed tears and nod to her request.

"UnnieAppaEomma. What are you all talking about?"

"Satang." Jin Sin cups his youngest daughter's right cheek. "Your mother and I weren't on the other side because we aren't supernatural. There's this place, an afterlife those are able to find peace. It's quite beautiful... Word got out that ghosts were able to be seen in Mystic Falls, so an old friend of ours made an exception and allowed us to come see our girls one last time."

"And now that we know you both are doing well, I no longer have any worries." Mi Kyong says as the doorbell rings. "Who could that be?"

Sun Hi giggles. "It's for you, eomma."

Mi Kyong stares at her for a moment until quickly getting up from her seat and rushing over to the door, making her family burst out in laughter. She opens the door and squeals.

"Lili!" Mi Kyong pulls her best friend into a hug.

"Hey, Mimi." Celine smirks, hugging her back.

"Time is almost up." Jin Sun informs his daughters, taking both their hands, leading them over to the best friends.

"Appa." Eun Mi whimpers and he kisses the top of both of his daughters' heads.

"Your mother and I love you both, okay?"

"Ow! Why did you flick me?!" Celine yells.

"I come back for a short visit and you're already cussing out my husband!"

Jin Sun groans. "What did I do now?"

"Ah, Jimmy is here too." Celine mutters.

"It's Jin Sun!" Mi Kyong flicks Celine's forehead again. 

"Ow! You-"

"Take care of my girls. Spoil my precious niece with buttercup cupcakes. Try to be a bit nicer to your husband. And use the broom only when necessary. I'm telling this all now since I didn't get to before... Saranghae, nae soulmeiteu."

"...I love you too." Celine says, looking away from her. "I'll see you on the other side."

Mi Kyong tearfully smiles at her before looking back to her family. "I love you, haesbich. I love you, satang."

"Celine... Thank you." Jin Sun says with a smile before disappearing along with his wife.

"Eomma! Appa!"

Eun Mi beings sobbing causing her sister to pull her into a hug, silently crying herself. Celine sighs, holding back her tears and wrapping her arms around both her nieces.

Anthony is still sitting outside in deep thought until he takes out his phone and calls a certain someone...

"Hello, Mini Klaus. Missed me?"

"Pretty sure that you missed me." He chuckles. "Hey, can you do me a favor?"


Nae soulmeiteu - My soulmate

Haesbich - Sunshine

Satang - Sweetie

Eomma - Mom

Appa - Dad

Saranghae - I love you

So sorry for the late update! My schedule has been all over the place and I wasn't able to get this done sooner! Hopefully I'll have another update of this out soon!

How was everything? Did I handle it well? I'm sorry if I made you cry!

Surprise! Guess you didn't see that coming! Mama Linnie actually met Klaus a long time ago, he just didn't recognize her, and she has no intentions of ever telling him! But will he ever find out though? Hmm... And even Dontrell is originally from New Orleans!

Kathleen, Jeremy and Eun Mi are just so precious!

I'm happy that I got to introduce the Jung parents and give a little insight to what the Jung sisters roles are. Because while writing this, I came up with the perfect backstory to the Jung family, ya'll are not ready for it!

You're going to learn a bit more about the accident they were in soon and why Kathleen and Dontrell didn't go see them. I did try to include them, but I have a flashback planned! I felt that Celine and the Jung sisters needed this more than them!

How was Mi Kyong and Celine's friendship? I wanted to make them a parallel to Eun Mi and Kathleen!

Anthony might find a clue thanks to Sun Hi and Mason! So, this is where Katherine is filling in! She'll be helping Anthony out since he did get her freedom! Happy that she made a small return? Don't worry, we'll be seeing her again soon!

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