Smells Like Teen Spirit

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Antonius & Kathleen's outfits are above!

"Niklaus, are you alright? You've been quiet since last night." Elijah says going to stand next to his brother.

"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" Klaus mutters.

"...I overheard your conversation with Anthony." Elijah says making Klaus look at him. "Is it about that?"


"Hey dad before you leave, can I ask you something?"

"Of course." Klaus says with a smile.

"...Have you ever lied to me?"

Klaus hides his shock and continues smiling. "Now why would ask me something like that?"

"Well... During summer vacation, I bumped into someone who told me about you've been lying to me this whole time... You haven't been keeping anything from me about my birth parents, have you?"

"Of course, I haven't!" Klaus takes a step forward and puts his hands on his son's shoulders. "Now who put those kinds of thoughts in your head? Tell me, I will gladly tear their head off."

Anthony chuckles and shakes his head. "It's all good, dad. Don't worry about it. You've always been truthful to me about your past so why would you lie to me about my birth parents?"

Klaus sighs and pulls his son into a hug. "You're the only one who never saw me as a monster even though you know about who I was back then... What did I do to deserve you?"

"Hmm... You do make some good honey muffins so..."

The father-son duo laugh.

End of Flashback

"Have you been keeping something from him?"

"Of course not! Why the bloody hell would I?!" Klaus snaps before walking away.

"Meow!" Sprinkles past Sun Hi into her house to greet Coco.


"My twin!" Caroline squeals and gives Sun Hi a tight hug. "I've missed you so much!"

Sun Hi laughs. "We spoke over the phone and texted every week, Caroline. But it's nice to know that you love me so much."

"Is Mimi awake?" Kathleen asks as she stands next to Caroline.

"Yes and chose to eat cream puffs for breakfast." She tells them as the two share amused glances. "But now she's refusing to go to school."

"Of course she is." Kathleen rolls her eyes playfully. "Mimi, time for school!"

"Why don't you make me?!" Eun Mi yells from inside.

"She's all yours." Sun Hi smiles as she steps aside and the two run inside.


"I'm sorry, my dongsaeng." Sun Hi says quietly as she covers her mouth to stop herself from laughing.


Anthony Spellman?

My fake last name is going to be Spellman?


Yes, it's different and unique

Something wrong with it?

Take it or take it!


Isn't it take it or leave it?🤨


I said what I said, okay?

See u at school😊

"Hey. Finish your breakfast before it gets cold." Rebekah tells him while tapping his plate with her fork.

"Sorry, Aunt Bex. I was just texting Kathy." He explains before putting his phone away.

"Ah, your girlfriend that Elijah told me all about. I've also heard lovely things about her mother, I can't wait to meet them both."

"You only like Celine because she doesn't like dad."

"...Is it wrong for me wanting another ally against Niklaus?" She asks as she gives him one of her pancakes.

He chuckles and shakes his head. "And Kathy isn't my girlfriend."

"You two have always been able to communicate with each other through your dreams and to find out she's your soulmate. When you finally met in real life, you ended up spending a whole summer together. And you mean to tell me that she isn't your girlfriend?" He nods in response. "What the bloody hell are you two waiting for?!"

"Slow my ass! Man up, take her out on a date and make it official! I mean it or no honey muffins for a month!" She threatens, pointing her fork at him.

"Okay, Aunt Bex! I'll do it when we have the time... Jeez, you really are bossy like dad said." He mumbles the last part.

"Did you say something?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No!" He gives an awkward laugh and gives her some of his berries.

"Mhmm... Oh, you have your father saved as Ancient Pops?" Rebekah asks with a teasing grin, holding up his phone.

"What... When did you take my phone?!"

"What..." Caroline's eyes widened. "What do you mean you're not together yet?! You spent a whole summer together and nothing happened?! What were you two doing then?! Did you make no progress?!"

Kathleen quickly shuts her locker and glances at the students staring at them. "Keep your voice down!"

Caroline gives her a look demanding that she explains herself.

"We're still taking things slow-"

"You're still using that same excuse?! You've known each other since you were kids! Were the talks in your dreams not enough?! Skip the handshake and move on to the kissing!"

"We've held hands and hugged, isn't that enough? Oh and we've kissed each other on the cheek!"

"I cannot believe this..." Caroline mumbles then shoots a moping Eun Mi a glare. "Eun Mi, could you help me out here and stop being grumpy for like five minutes?!"

"Leave me alone! You two dragged me out of my damn house this morning and then dragged me out of your damn car!" Eun Mi whines making Caroline roll her eyes.

"Kathy, help me understand." Caroline puts her hands on Kathleen's shoulders. "You like each other, right?"


"So, it's easy! Boy likes girl. Girl likes boy. And that leads to-"

"Stop." Kathleen holds up her hand. "I know where you're going with this and I'm telling you right now that I'm not having sex until I hit my twenties." She informs Caroline whose jaw drops wide open.

"You're joking." Caroline scoffs and looks at Eun Mi. "She's joking, right?"

"No because I'm doing the same. Our future husbands are just going to have hold it out." Eun Mi answers.

"...Who are you two?! Who did I raise?!" Caroline gives them both a look of disbelief.

Before either of them can reply, they hear a scuffle and look to see Stefan pinning Jeremy against the lockers as Elena tries to separate them.

"Oh, hell no." The best friends mutter before marching their way over to them.

"Get your hands off of me, buzzkill!" Jeremy tries prying Stefan's hands off him.

"Stefan, stop it! Let him go!" Elena begs.

Kathleen comes up behind Stefan and smacks the back of his head, making him let go of Jeremy.

"Ow! What the hell?!" Stefan holds the back of his head, glaring at Kathleen.

Eun Mi then takes her place beside Kathleen and kicks his leg, making him fall to the ground.

"Put your hands on him again and I will chop both your hands off and feed them to the bunnies." Eun Mi snaps at him before grabbing Jeremy's hand. "Let's go."

After the trio leave, Caroline crouches down next to Stefan.

"Stefan, I know your humanity is off and all but keep the kids out of this, okay? Let's not have any issues. Because if I so much see a scratch on my munchkins and you're the reason for it... 

"Caroline!" Elena gives her best friend a shocked look.

"What?" Caroline shrugs. "He may be one of my best friends and yeah, he helped me through my vampirism but my munchkins come first. See you guys in class!" She says with a smile and leaves them.

"You two be good, okay?" Sun Hi says as she once makes sure that Sprinkles and Coco's leashes are secured tightly.

"Yes, auntie!"

"Kathleen put a protection spell on you both just in case but what happens if someone tries to take either of you?"

Coco begins barking rapidly making her smile. "Good girl!" She praises her by gently rubbing her head.

She walks into the grill and looks around, her eyes settle on a familiar face that who is screaming.

"Sunny?! When did you get back?!" Jenna rushes over to her best friend and gives her a hug.

"Last night. I hope that Alaric is treating you well."

"He is. He's still scared by the threat that you gave him if he messed up again."

"...Good." They both giggle and Sun Hi lets Jenna lead her over to the bar.

Caroline heads into Alaric's classroom and takes her seat next to Kathleen. 

"How are Eun Mi and Jeremy doing?"

"She was cussing him out in Korean for trying to help out Elena." Kathleen sighs seeing Stefan entering the classroom. "Summer was nice while it lasted. Didn't have to deal with the Elena and her boy toys drama."

"Hey." Caroline pokes Kathleen's cheek. "We are not letting them ruin my senior year and your sophomore year, okay? You are coming back to cheerleading, right?"

"Of course, Mama Bear." Kathleen replies with a smile.

"Welcome back." Alaric addresses the class. "Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders...the Native Americans."

"What about the Vikings?" Rebekah asks as she enters the classroom. She smiles at Kathleen who sends her a small wave.

"There's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States." Alaric answers. "Who are you?"

"My name's Rebekah.  I'm new. And history's my favorite subject."

"And I'm Anthony Spellman." Anthony introduces himself, coming into the classroom and stands beside his aunt. "Hello there." He says with a smirk and sends a wink Kathleen's way.

The girls in class start giggling and giving him flirtatious looks, making Kathleen frown and Caroline laugh by the attention he's getting.

"Give me a c!" Kathleen shouts.

"C!" The cheerleaders shout.

"Give a u!"


"Give me a p!"


"Stop." Caroline says coming over to them. "I know where you're going with this, Kathy and no. You're not getting a cupcake."

"Dang it." Kathleen mumbles.

"Is there any opening on the squad?" Rebekah asks as she joins them.

"You want to join? You want to do cheerleading?" Caroline asks, shocked. "I need to see some moves before I let you join."

"Alright. And it's nice to meet you, Kathleen. We didn't a chance to talk last night so let's make some time." Rebekah says with a smile before joining the other cheerleaders.

"Ooh, we should invite her to our movie night!" Kathleen suggests to Caroline. "We're watching Tomb Raider, right?" 

"Munchkin! Why are you fraternizing with the enemy?! Are you forgetting that I'm the only one allowed to be the favorite blonde in your life?"

"And you always will be! Look from what Anthony has told me about her, she sounds like a meaner version of you." Kathleen says with a smile making Caroline's jaw drop. "Now be nice and make another friend, okay?"

Kathleen runs away to join Anthony who is sitting on the bleachers, leaving Caroline glaring daggers at the back of her head. 

"Why did you have to throw me into that conversation? She's glaring at me now too." He chuckles as she joins him.

"You're the one who said it so take responsibility. Now what do you plan on joining? Football? Lacrosse? Hockey? Golf or..." She gives him a teasing smirk. "Cheerleading?"

"...Do I have to join a sport?"

"If you're attending any school that has Caroline Forbes in it and you're close to her, you're joining a sport. And don't get me started on the clubs..."

He groans. "Fine... You can forget me being on the same team with the one who uses too much damn hair gel, the douchebag or the human who has managed to live this long." He says making her roll her eyes playfully. "And I don't think I could pull off wearing that skirt so... I'll decide later but for now... Anthony Spellman?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you like it?"

"...Doesn't sound too bad." He wraps his arm around her shoulders. "It kinda has a nice ring to it... Hey, want to go on a date soon?"

"...Let me guess. Rebekah threatened you just like Caroline threatened me?"

"You should see how scary she is..." He shudders making her giggle.

Nearby Elena sees how close they are and becomes curious. She decides to head over to them.

"Hey." Elena comes up to them and Kathleen holds back her eye roll. "Do you two know each other?"

"Yes and I don't know why you need to know but we met each other when Anthony moved here shortly before summer vacation started." Kathleen half-lies.

"Oh really? You never mentioned that."

"Do I report everything that goes on in my life back to you?" Kathleen snaps.

"I'm Elena Gilbert." Elena introduces herself to him, ignoring Kathleen's question.

"Yeah, I know. I heard a lot about you." He says, uninterested.

"Really? Uh, listen... I don't think you two should be hanging around Rebekah."

Just as Kathleen is about to speak, Anthony cuts her off. "And why is that?"

"Kathy can explain-"

"But I want you to explain."

"Well... She's dangerous and-"

"Oh, dangerous? Hmm..." He removes himself from Kathy's side and goes to stand in front of Elena. "Tell me. What's so dangerous about her?"

"Well... She..."

"You can't even give me an answer." He sighs. "You want to know what I think? She's been through a lot of throughout her life because of her family. She's just a girl who wants a to live a good life and you're going to stand there and tell me that she's dangerous? How about you actually take the time to get to know someone before you judge them? Besides, you're the last person who should be judging people. From what my girl told me, you like to go back and forth between the Salvatore brothers, correct? And those two have done a lot of damage."

"I'M NOT JOINING CHEERLEADING, CAROLINE!" Eun Mi screams, running away from Caroline.

"KATHY! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE AND HELP ME!" Caroline yells at Kathleen as she chases Eun Mi.

"Looks like your mama bear requires your assistance." He says to Kathleen who gets up from her seat and goes to stand next to him. "I'm going to go find Jeremy. I'll see you later."

She nods and he kisses her cheek. The two part ways, leaving behind a shocked Elena.

During the night, the nephew-aunt duo are enjoying their time together, sitting near the campfire while laughing and roasting marshmallows over the fire. When his phone rings and he looks at it, he frowns at the text he received.

Uncle Jay

Have you've heard from your father?

He took off sometime this morning and hasn't returned

He won't respond to my calls or texts

Little Prince


I'll contact him

"What's the matter?" Rebekah asks.

"Uncle hasn't seen dad since this morning. I'm texting him now." He explains before getting up and walking away to have some privacy.

"If he's not accepting his brother's calls why would he accept yours?" She yells.

"Because I'm his favorite." He yells back.

Klaus phone rings and when he looks at it, he sees that it's Little Prince calling him and he accepts the call.


"Polo." Klaus answers.

"You alright? Uncle Jay told me you've been gone almost the whole day and you haven't been back."

"I'm fine, I just needed time to myself. I spent a whole summer with your uncle, remember? If I have to hear another word about his suits or have to smell his stench of judgement of who I feast upon-"

"...Does he really only wear nothing but suits? Is that all he wore the whole summer?"

Klaus chuckles. "Yes, he does. He needs to get his wardrobe an upgrade, get with the times."

"Okay, remind me to get someone on that... You didn't kill anybody did you?"

"Of course, I haven't."

"So, you really haven't gotten mad at anyone? You're not really a people person, dad."

"...Do you really have that little faith in me?"


"Why did you take so long to answer? Why was there a pause then?"

"Uh, you know what? You sound like you're doing alright so I gotta go. Love you, old man!"

Even though Anthony already hung up, Klaus smiles and still replies with, "I love you too, son."

After a moment, he puts his phone away and gets out of his car. He walks down the road, stopping once he is front of the entrance of the city. He stares at it with a troubled look and reminisces of the past...


Klaus sits in his car, deciding whether or not to drive in the city. Before he can make a decision, he hears something...

An injured woman is limping through the woods while holding her crying baby and suddenly collapses.

"I'm sorry... But I don't think I can go any further... I can barely move... I think my time is almost up." She whimpers from the pain. "But I... I think I hear someone nearby... Hopefully they will take care of you..." She gives her baby a tearful smile while gently patting his side. "Anthony, my baby boy... Don't ever come back here, okay? Live far away from here... Be happy... Be kind... Be strong... And don't ever let people walk over you... Live well, my little prince... Mommy loves you..."

Klaus finally arrives and finds that the mother has already passed. He sighs and puts his attention on the crying baby. He walks over and gently takes him into his arms.

"Shh, it's alright." He gently pats the baby's side. "I'm here. You are not alone."

Once the cries stop, the baby looks up at Klaus with wonder. Not understanding why, he already feels a strong attachment to the baby. He then looks back at the dead mother with a frown.

"What happened to you?" He asks, noticing how bad her wounds are. "I don't know what exactly happened but I'll take care of your son." He then looks back at the baby and gives him a sad smile. "Guess you're stuck with me since your mother is gone now... I know what it's like to be alone and I won't let you share the same experience. I will always protect you."

End of Flashback

Klaus heads back to his car, completely unaware of the person watching him from the other side. He then drives away from the city called the French Quarter...

Okay so I can explain to why this update was late! Well, you see I was going back to work on this story after updating Ariel Forbes Rewrite... I kinda got distracted working on the future plans on this series! I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself!😂

Yes, I don't remember if I may have hinted it but Jenna is also alive! I chose to keep her alive in this! Even though she was in a relationship with Sun Hi, they didn't let that ruin their friendship. You'll learn a bit more about their past relationship later!

And what about that Sabrina Spellman reference?

Weren't expecting that ending, were you? Anthony is originally from the French Quarter and Klaus has been lying to him about where he really found him. We all know that area to be where The Originals takes place! I wanted to reveal something in TVD, I didn't expect to reveal it this soon though. I'm trying to save a lot of the bigger reveals for that storyline and it'll be a while till we get there!

Now that flashback went quite a few different ways before. Originally, I had planned that Klaus briefly met Anthony's dying mother. He would have tried to save her but she would have refused and give him her final request in taking care of her son. There was also another idea where I was trying to reveal to her that Klaus was a vampire or at least who he really was but it wasn't working out the way that I wanted. But none of them were working out so I decided that Klaus should overhear her last words to her child as he made way over to them. But she died before he could help her and took Anthony in as his own. At the same time, he's keeping a promise to not bring him back to New Orleans. What do you think about Klaus' secret? Could that be all that he's hiding?

And I thought it was best that she didn't know that her son would end up being raised by the Original Hybrid. We'll just have to wait for her reaction for The Originals!

I'm happy that I finally got to include more Caroline here! She's such a sister/mother figure to the girls and I love it! I'm doing more of brotp here between her and Rebekah since I didn't get to really do that much in Ariel Forbes.

Also, what do you think about Anthony and Rebekah? This is going to be another favorite relationship to write here! It's also going to be interesting when he's caught between her and his father's feuds.

I was going to include a bit more about the soulmate bond about this chapter but I'll save for the next chapter instead since I wanted to get this out now!

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