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Jacob's POV:

I woke up quickly. The girl was standing in front of me. The one I saved.

"I know you.."

I whispered. She just looked at me blankly. She stared me up and down, and shook her head as if saying she doesn't know me.

"I know you.. And I know you know me."

I said. I was positive. She came closer, and I reached out to touch her. I was restrained from moving anything but my arms and face.

"I know you, I remember."

I said. She stopped right in front of me. She looked at my outstretched arm and reached for it.

Slowly and carefully, she took my hand in hers and held it for only a few seconds, which felt like infinity. She let go and began walking away.


I yelled.

"Come back! Come back, please!"

Jacobs POV.

"Come back!"

I jerked awake. I was breathing hard and scanning my surroundings, realizing what a horrible nightmare it was.

"You had the same dream, didn't you?"

I heard. I looked over and saw the girl. The one I saved, the one in my dream.

I was in the hospital bed right next to her.

"How did you-"

"Because I saw you. You saw me. You would talk, but no sound would come out. I could read your lips though, and I know you don't know me. That's the last thing I'm saying."

She said. She was laying down and I saw some of her bruises, scratches, and any other trace of bodily harm were very red, looking brand new.

She turned on her side, facing away from me.

"I do know you, I know I know you. And you can't deny the fact that you know me."

I said to her. A door cracked open and I saw a male pop his head through the door. It was the kid who saved me in that fight.

"Is he still alive?"

He asked the girl. She nodded her head and closed her eyes, as if wanting nothing to do with whatever he wanted.

He looked at me and walked towards me.

"You're lucky I was there to save your behind from gettin' sliced to pieces."

He chuckled.


I muttered.

"I meant to say thanks.. How's your side?"

I asked. He smiled and lifted his shirt, revealing a bandage, with a red splotch covering it.

"It's doing better, but I've been stabbed worse so I can't say it hurts."

He said. I nodded.

"I never got your name, by the way. Sorry if I have but if I did I don't remember."

I said.

"Names Dallas, but you can call me Dally."

"Dallas.. As in.. Dallas Winston?"

I asked. He raised his chest and dropped his smile, as if remembering his reputation.

"The one and only."

He said, pulling out a smoke.

"Don't tell the doc, he'd kick me out."

He said. I made a motion with my fingers to let him know my lips are sealed.

"Your not too bad, kid. Maybe you could be one of us."

He said.

"You seem tough enough,"

He laughed.

"And I can assume from many observations that that was your first knife fight."

He laughed. I looked over at the girl. She looked as if she was sleeping. She looked peaceful.

"Um.. That sounds great Dally but.. It's important that I know who she is,"

I said motioning towards her. He looked over his shoulder at the now sleeping girl, and leaned in closer.

"That's Elizabeth. We call her Fizz, but she don't remember.. She don't remember any of us."

He whispered. I looked down and felt concerned for her.

"Well I'm sorry if I seem rude, but I'm gettin' kind of tired.."

I said. He shook his head, putting out his cigarette and throwing it away.

"Nah, I get it kid. Your mom will be here soon, so get some rest."

He said. He opened the door and looked back one last time at her before he left.

When I was positive nobody was around anymore, I spoke up one last time before drifting off again to sleep.

"You do know me Elizabeth."



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