Chapter 1-The walk

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   As i walked down the hallway, one of the boys tripped me. "HA HA, HEY reddy? feeling any better" The boy said with an evil tone. As i start to put my books back in my bag the boys turned around to see a red eyed, oranged hair boy standing in front of them. "What the hell was that for?!" He said with a rude look. "uhh, uhh, uhh" the boys mumbled.

    As i start to grab my last book i saw two untied high tops in front of me.  I look up while he offered to help me up."thx.." i said with a depressed look. "HEY!" "Whats wrong" He said as i grabbed the book from his hands and turned around and walked away."Kuroe, wait!" He ran and grabbed my shoulder. " do you know my name?" I said. "Its on this forgot to get it" He said while handing me the half crumpled paper. "Uh, thx.." I say while snatching the paper from him.

~Kuroes pov~

    "That was one of the Somhas, there was always something strange about the Sohmas." as I wright in my journal. "Ugh, i was so rude. he is probably thinking what a rude brat just like the other boys in this school. I need to forget about it, I just need to not run into anyone today"

~Kyos pov~

    "That was a bit weird, oh well. Like i really care. Well i bet i am not the only one in this school that gets teasded about there hair color, even know i have seen her in this school before" "I wonder if she has any friends, why she sits it the back of her classes. huh, ugh nevermind. I need to just win that race to the house before that damn rat gets there before i do" Kyo starts to race back to the house.

~normal pov~

    I walked to the bench at the back of the school waiting for Madi. "Where is she" as I say under my breathe. I started to get worried. "Oh wait, I forgot. She stayed home today... great. I might get my self lost" I started to think. I started to walk right into the woods thinking i am going in the right way.

Tell me what ya'll think guys :D

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