Chapter 2- Woods

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    I started walking down the woods, it was getting slowly dark. "What the heck?! I swear i have been walking in circles!" I yell while pounding my foot on the ground. I close my eyes and sit on a tree root. I start to here talking, a soft voice and a angry voice yelling, both of them were male voices. "Hey, did you here that yell?" One of them said. "Yeah, i did." the other one said.

    I started to stand up and look were i was walking from. "There coming over here, what do i do?!?! hide? yes!" I think as i ran behind one of the ignoramus trees. The boy that tried to help me, Kyo Sohma and Yuki Shoma, they were the two male voices i herd. Kyo was yelling at him for tripping him on the way to the house and Yuki was just walking. 

    I suddenly hurd "sehhhh" It sounded like a snake. "AHHH" i yelled. I ran out from behind the tree and i trip on the root and bumped my head. "What the hell?  Kyo said. "Its a young girl" Yuki said while starting to sit on his knees and felling her head. "Well? What the hell are we suppose to do?" Kyo snapped at Yuki. "The think you can do is stop yelling at me and shut up!" Yuki snapped back. Yuki picked her up princess style and carried her to the house.

    "I started to open my eyes, "Were the heck am I....." I thought. "Looks like little red finally woke up" A male voice spoke. I sat up as fast as i could and i looked over while leaning back. "Wh...Who are you?" I said fast with a worried tone. "Hi, my name is Shigure Sohma, Yuki and Kyo brought you in last night."  he said. He walked towards me and leaned down. "You were bleeding on your head and we had to put a bandage on it."

   "I....I think i should go" I said while starting to stand up and walking to the door. I opened the door while starring at Shigure and ran into Kyo. "Hey! Watch were your goin!" Kyo snapped and push me to the floor. "Eh" He said realizing he did not change into form and I falling" "Eh... I got to go." I said. I got back up and pushed him aside and walked out the door. "Nice going you stupid cat" Kyo turned around and saw Yuki there standing behind him. "I did not do anything!" He yelled.

    I walked out the door and saw the three boys that always tease me at school. "Hey! look guys, its reddy!" one of the boys pointed at me. "I started to walk past them till one of them tripped me and I accidentally fell on one of the other boys. Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure walked out on the front step and saw. I tranced formed into the fox. "What the hell? one of the boys said. Yuki walked toward them and erased each of there minds. "They walked away not remembering a thing. "So, you must be the fox, Shigure said while walking with Kyo towards me. "Eh......" I said while i started to stand up. 

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