Part 4

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Alright guys enjoy! (=ω)

(Serena's POV)

"And he said no! Can you believe that? I've liked him for such a long time and I finally tell him how I feel but he rejects me!" I complained to my mom as she was cleaning the family room.

"Technically you love him." She exclaimed to me.
"What do you mean? It was just a crush." I confusingly asked her.
"Well, I've heard that if you have a crush on someone that lasts for more than four months it's considered to be love." She explained to me, not bothering to look my way as she said it.

So maybe I still do like Ash, but would I really consider it as love?
"Just give him another chance. Maybe he'll realize what he left behind and come back for you." She tried to tell me as I got up and walked to my room.

"Yeah right." I mumbled as I closed my door shut.

(Ash's POV)

"Plane number 12 is now boarding passengers." A mans voice said, his deep tone echoing throughout the airport. Getting up to board the plane, I tried to think of a way to tell Serena why I was coming back for her. Should I tell her why I said no? Or do I just tell her that I feel the same way?

I sighed, not completely satisfied and still wondering why I didn't notice before how much she really liked me. I was so dense and now that she finally opened my eyes for me, I forced her to close them again.

I mentally screamed at myself for being such an idiot when I heard the man's voice once again. "Plane 12 passengers last chance."

"Oh shoot!" I said to myself as I ran to the boarding station.


Despite the fact that I almost missed my plane, this trip was turning out pretty well. Let's just hope it stays that way when I meet Serena.

"Is something bugging you?" The lady that was sitting next to asked.I looked at her in surprise, not responding to her question right away. I didn't even notice that she was sitting there.

"Sorry for asking but I thought I could help." She gave me a warm smile, her light blonde hair covering part of her face.

"It's kind of a long story." I tried not to start a conversation.
"Well, it's kind of a long ride." She mimicked with a mischievous grin.

I sighed in defeat and told her what happened that night between me and Serena. The way Serena confessed to me and how I rejected her feelings just because of what happened in the past. Once I finished telling her she didn't say anything, like if she didn't know what to tell me.

"All I can say is try not to live in the past." She started to say, I remained silent waiting for her to finish.
"That's it?"
"That's it." She repeated my words.

I laid back in my chair and looked out of the plane window. This lady tried to help and all she say is 'try not to live in the past.' I closed my eyes as the world around me seemed to blur into nothing but darkness, falling into a deep sleep.


(Serena's POV)

"Serena can you go check on Rhyhorn please!" My mom screamed at me from across the house. I groaned, since I didn't want to get up from my bed but I didn't argue.
Walking to the backyard where Rhyhorn was, I was surprised to see that it was already dark outside. The stars were as bright like the night Ash broke my heart.

My eyes started to sting as I tried to hold back my tears, the horrible memory playing in my head over and over again. I sat down on the grass, pulling my knees to my chest as I gazed up at the shining balls of fire and shivered as a cold breeze hit me on the side.

I was about to get up and go back inside when a familiar voice called my name.
I looked behind me to see a certain raven haired boy wearing his blue jacket and red hat. He walked towards me and sat down on the grass next to me, still not saying a word.

"Why are you here?" I flatly asked him.
"I know you're mad but please just listen. I said no because I didn't want to get hurt like how I did a long time ago. I was scared. But I realize that you're the one who got hurt and I'm the one who caused that."

I looked at him, still not sure if I should believe what he's saying but I let him continue.

"Someone told me that I shouldn't live in the past and now that I know how you feel about me, I can show you how I feel about you."

Show me? Before I could react, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me closer to him, his lips pressing against mine. My eyes widened as his closed, my heart pounding out of my chest.

He tangled his fingers into my honey colored hair and I felt my face turn hot, blushing like crazy. I've always dreamt about this day but I never thought it would actually happen.

He finally pulled away, breaking the kiss that I wish could've been forever. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't even get words out of my mouth. Just looking into his brown eyes made me melt.

"Serena, I regret making the mistake I made of leaving you. I love you."

A smile grew on my face as I leaned in to give him a hug.
"I love you too."

Yay I finished the book! I hoped you liked it! Please comment and votes are great too!
Oh and I'm in the middle of writing another book (already at chapter 16) but I want to finish it before I post it so that I don't have to update :/ follow me to see when it comes out?

*\(^o^)/* LOVE YOU ALL, BYE!!!

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