24~ A Phone Call

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Kavita was busy supervising the butlers in arranging breakfast on the table. Just then, the door-bell rang. Kavita frowned wondering who it could be. She gestured one of the butlers to get the door.

A minute later, the butler entered the dining hall with a middle-aged woman. Kavita looked at her attire. Judging by her floral chiffon saree, her graying hair tied in a loose bun, a shady nose pin, and tiny Jhumkas Kavita guessed she must be a maid. The woman smiled revealing her Pan stained teeth. Kavita inwardly cringed but managed a small smile.

'Namaste Madam.' The woman joined her palms

'Namaste.' Kavita nodded.

'I am Anokhi.' The woman introduced herself.

'Yes, but we haven't-'

'Kabir Sahebji has asked me to come.' She interrupted her. Kavita bit her lip as she didn't like being interrupted. But before she could say anything Kabir walked into the dining hall.

'Yeah, Kavita,' – He walked up to her and stood beside her, - 'I called her.' He said tilting his head and looking at his wife.

'But why?' Kavita shrugged. Kabir smiled and moved his arm around her shoulder.

'For you, my love.' He said with a smile. Kavita blinked at Kabir and his smile widened.

'Now, that you are going to give me so much happiness,' – He gestured towards her tummy and she blushed, - 'I thought I will do something for my wife and child. So,' – He looked at Anokhi, - 'I got her, a maid. She will take care of you during your pregnancy and even after childbirth.' Kabir informed, a smile not leaving his face. But, Kavita's smile faded away.

A maid? But I want you by my side. Why not you? – Kavita questioned in her head. Kabir kissed the side of her head and moved back.

'Now please serve me food. I am hungry.' He said with a pout.

'Okay.' Kavita replied distracted. Then she looked at Anokhi and asked her to wait till she gives her husband food. Anokhi nodded and then she was led by the butler into the kitchen.


Eshaan adjusted his red and white striped tie and cleared his throat. Then, he knocked at the door.

'Come in.' Kabir's hoarse baritone called from inside. Eshaan twisted the doorknob and walked in.

'Sir, you called for me?' He asked. Kabir looked up from the file he had in his hand and nodded. He closed the file as Eshaan walked up to him.

'Firstly, I would like to thank you for finding Monica. She is a beautiful and an interesting woman,' – Something about the tone alarmed Eshaan but he continued to stand with a straight face, - 'And I genuinely want to help her. So, give me her number and you needn't bother after that. I will take care.' Kabir said and leaned back in his plush leather office chair. Eshaan gulped. He had been dreading this.

'Sir. If you don't mind, I want to give Monica a break.' He said politely. Inwardly he feared Kabir might take offense. Kabir's expressions changed. Eshaan noticed him clench his jaw and fist his fingers. He looked straight into Eshaan's eyes and a took a moment to react.

'Okay,' – He banged his fist angrily and Eshaan flinched, - 'Then don't expect any kind of help from me. If you two fail, then it is over for her. Either she chooses to keep struggling or pack her bags and go home.' Kabir said menacingly.

Oh, No! – Eshaan thought in his head. He felt helpless in front of the powerful Kabir. He knew about Kabir's Casanova ways and that is why he felt he needed to protect Monica. But maybe he should just trust Monica and not be a reason for her failure.


Monica sat crossed legs on the couch and watched Fashion TV. She ate from a bowl of salads that she clenched tightly with one hand. She was startled when her phone rang. She turned her head and stretched her neck to look at the screen of her phone. She frowned on seeing an unknown number flash on her screen. But something made her decide to pick up the call. She leaned and placed the bowl on the small wooden table in front of her. Then she picked up her phone from beside her.

Uncertainly, she answered, - 'Hello!'

'Hello. Miss Monica Rai?'


'Hi, this is Pooja from KC Modeling agency. We would like you to come and audition for the upcoming Fashion Week in Mumbai.' She said in a formal tune.

Monica bit her lip – Is this some kind of a joke?

'Hello, Miss. Rai?'

'Um...Pooja, who-who gave you my number?' Monica asked scratching her forehead.

'Mr. Kabir Singhal.' Pooja replied. Monica paused, and her eyes flung open. She shifted excitedly in her seat.

'Hello, Maam. Are you interested?' Pooja asked.

Monica nodded, - 'Yes, I am.' She said excitedly.


Fifteen minutes later, Monica cut the call and tossed her phone on the sofa. She placed her hands on her hips and huffed. A wide lingered on her face as she took deep breaths to calm herself. She can't believe this. She will be modeling for Jimmy Raazdan, India's Top Fashion designer. Getting to him is difficult for even big shots and for girls like Monica, it's impossible. Even the top celebrities feel honored and take it as an achievement to walk for Jimmy and flaunt a dress designed by him. And Monica, a struggler, will not only get to wear Jimmy's design but also get to walk just before the show stopper, Esha Oberoi, Bollywood's top actress.

Monica felt giddy, she turned around and dropped on the sofa. She took a moment to herself before she began to smile again.

She looked up at the ceiling and pointed an index finger at her, - 'Monica Rai your luck is going to change.' She told herself and her smile widened.

After she had composed herself she jumped up from the sofa.

'Woohoo!' She yelled and began shaking her hips to tunes only she could hear.

'Woo-hoo! Monica Rai, you will be a top model one day. One day, you will rule.' She self-motivated herself and danced her way to the tiny kitchen. She was also excited about the paycheck, she will be able to throw the money at Mrs. Saxena's face and haughtily walk out of the dodgy apartment. 


Waah! Monica ka toh nikal pada, right guys *smirks* Anyway, I am wondering what is in store for her *thinking* 

How was the Chapter, guys? Drop your comments, please *smiles* 

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