11- the villagers learn the truth

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I do not own or claim to own any of the characters from Naruto. The idea for this story and the story it's self is my own original idea. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews as I enjoy seeing and hearing what you think.  Thanks.

 "..." regular speech, '...' beast speech, *...* mental telepathy, "CAPS" attacks

 Chapter Eleven – the villagers learn the truth

When Sasuke opened his eyes he found himself staring at his beast form.

'I am Taka. I am sorry that it took me so long to awake Sasuke.' replied the dragon-bird.

*Taka why aren't I in any pain? I mean transforming into you is something that a normal human body can't withstand.* stated Sasuke.

'It is in part thanks to that technique that you had learned from Sakura. Once we learn or see a technique, power, and/or ability it becomes a part of us. This Healing Resuscitation Regeneration allows us to heal any part of our body from the inside out. I had used it just as I awoke. That is why you don't feel any pain.' replied the beast.

*I see. I guess that battle caused you to wake up.*

'Yes a dragon's rage is something that no one should ever face against.' replied Taka.

*I suppose that you want to make an agreement with me. My brothers told me about the beasts being a part of us as they have all ready made agreements with Kyuubi and Shukaku.*

'I see so my brothers have all ready been awakened as well.'

*Brothers?* asked Sasuke in a questioning tone.

'Yes in many ways that you feel and see Naruto and Gaara as your brothers even though you aren't related, we beasts feel the same way.' replied Taka as he folded his wings down by his side. 'Indeed Sasuke, I wish to make an agreement with you. Our needs and wants are one in the same. To protect our friends, family, and the people that we care about. To stop that group of demons from their plans. Upon this agreement, it shall allow you to use my full powers as your own and shall also open the pathways to allow us all to speak freely.' stated Taka.

*I have no problems with that Taka so, I agree to this arrangement.* replied Sasuke.

'Good, you may want to train in order to get used to my abilities as you have only been using a small fraction of my power.'

*I understand, thanks Taka.*

When Sasuke fully regained conscious, he found Sakara treating him.

"You don't have to do that Sakura, Taka had taken care of our wounds." Sasuke moaned moving his body before turning to Temari. "Sorry Temari, I hope that we didn't hurt you."

"That's all right. Naruto had me leap off of you when you began to transform. I have to say this much, your beast form is truly magnificent as I have never seen anything like it before." replied Temari which caused Sasuke to blush lightly.

"And what are we...chopped liver?" snarled Kyuubi in Naruto's voice.

"No...I didn't mean like that..." she replied.

"Don't mind Kyuubi, a fox is sort of like a dog whom longs for attention." stated Gaara. Kyuubi snarled something underneath his breath in response to what Gaara had said.

*Kyuubi stop it. What Temari meant is that Taka is little more unique compared to both you and Shukaku. I mean Taka is a type of creature that most only hear about in legends and fairy tails.* stated Naruto.

'Not you too Naruto, even my own human is against me.' whined Kyuubi.

'Face it Kyuubi, there isn't enough love in the world to satisfy your needs.' laughed Shukaku. Kyuubi felt so betrayed that he retreated to the back of Naruto's mind with his tails between his legs.

"I am sorry about that Temari. I think that Kyuubi is going to sulk for a while." replied Naruto.

"That was amazing everyone. I guess that you weren't kidding when you said that you were training." stated Kurenai as Sasuke made his way back up to his feet.

"So the demon Akatsuki are the ones behind these attacks. I wonder what they meant by change the world?" asked Jiariya.

"Who knows?" replied Kakashi.

The group headed back to Iwagakure village, it seemed too quite. Nothing seemed to move as no sound resonated around the village. Naruto stopped short of the village as strange scents drifted on the wind. Whatever they were, it wasn't human. His ears could clearly hear muffled cries.

"Naruto is something wrong?" asked Kurenai when a low guttered snarls escaped from his lips.

"Something doesn't feel right. I am hearing muffled cries and I am picking up strange scents that don't smell even human." replied Naruto with a mix of Kyuubi's voice. It was hard for him to decipher what he was exactly smelling even with Kyuubi's keen senses.

'Sorry Naruto, there is far too many scents for me to decipher what it is that I am smelling. But I would tread carefully, I don't like what I am sensing.' stated Kyuubi. Naruto gave them Kyuubi's warning as the monster teens remained in human form before they entered the village. Since only a small handful of the people knew the truth about what Naruto, Gaara, and Sasuke were.

As they entered the village, it was strangely quite. The group followed Naruto as it seemed that he was the only one whom was hearing the cries. Naruto stopped as his eyes turned blood red as the whiskered marks on his cheeks darkened and widened. The smell was a lot clearer as he knew that smell all too well. He was smelling three demonic humans. He was smelling a spider, wolf, and bones. It was taking most of Kyuubi's will to remain in Naruto's human form.

"We have unwelcomed guests. I think the demon Akatsuki knows that we have killed two of their members. This time there is three of them." snarled Kyuubi in Naruto's voice. Upon hearing this Sasuke activated his Byakugan to see that there laid a huge spider web trap about five feet in front of them. If they kept on walking they would of wound up ensnared. As Sasuke's eyes scanned further he could see them, the three that Naruto was smelling as well as all of the villagers. Jiariya was about to move as Sasuke stopped him.

"Wait...it's a trap." snarled Sasuke. Gaara gathered up a small amount of sand in his palm in order to spring the trap. The group prepared themselves to fight the demons. Gaara tossed the ball of sand springing the trap as it brought all of the villagers that laid snared in a huge web forward. The three Akatsuki members came out as they were surprised that the group didn't end up getting caught in the trap.

"I told you Zetsu that the trap was a little bit too obvious." snarled a half man-wolf whom had a wolf's tails, ears on top of his head, wolf paws for his hand and feet, whisker marks slashed across his face that were much like Naruto's, and deep golden wolf eyes.

"That is ridiculous Kakuzu. Nobody should have been able to see that trap." replied Zetsu whom had an extra set of arms, legs, and eyes.

"Stop arguing you two, master did warn us that this group does possess unnatural powers as three of them are a little bit like us as they are monsters." replied the third member with some of his bones sticking out of his body. How was it that their master knew about Naruto, Sasuke, and Gaara? Could it be that this person used to work in the lab that had created them?

"How can that be Hidan? They look human to me. If they were monsters then they would clearly look like we do." asked Zetsu.

"Maybe this master of yours isn't telling you everything." snarled Gaara. The demon Akatsuki shifted into their full demon forms attacking the group. The group split apart avoiding the attack. Even though Naruto, Gaara, and Sasuke were in human form it didn't mean that they couldn't use their powers. It was just their powers were a little stronger in their shifted forms.

"Naruto, Gaara, and Sasuke...I know that everyone has told you but if you have to then do it!" Kurenai shouted out at the three monster teens. The teens understood what she was saying even without her explaining herself.

'These demons are a little different from the ones that we had fought before. You may have to do something that we haven't tired before, merge with us.' stated their beasts in unison. The three monster teens looked at the human members of their groups and at the villagers. If their beasts were suggesting this course of action then they knew that things were very serious.

"GREAT WIND BREAKTHROUGH!" shouted out Temari as she kicked open her large fan which created a large burst of wind slamming into the enemy. "Hurry up you three, we can't stop them or hold them back for long." shouted out Temari. The three monstrous boys closed their eyes as they changed into their half forms combining their consciousness with that of their beasts. A sudden burst of power ran through their bodies as they snapped their eyes open moving to help their team mates. They could hear the whole village gasping when the three boys revealed their half forms.

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