13- the grand master Madara

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Author's Notes – I claim no rights or anything associated with the Naruto series and/or its characters.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

 "..." regular speech, '...' beast speech, *...* mental telepathy, CAPS - ATTACKS, (author notes)

Chapter Thirteen: the grand master Madara

Deep with inside of a cave in the land of water in the village known as Kirigakure also known as the village hidden in the mist, the earth shook.

"Dam them. They prove far stronger than we anticipated. We have all ready lost five members. How many more do we plan to loose to this group before we complete our goal?" asked a cloaked figure with blazing red eyes. Two long scars ran down from the bridge of his nose down to his cheeks.

"Let us go after them master. We shall not fail were the others did." stated another with a fish-like face.

"No Kisame, you and Itachi must remain here. The ceremony is almost complete to transform the three of us into full demons. That is where the others have failed. They were not completed. The first two: Pain and Konan were failures; Sasori and Deidara were only at beginner levels; as Zetsu, Hidan, and Kakuzu were at the half stage. But we three shall be the ultimate in creation, the perfect demons. All the rest were simply test subjects against the three monster boys. None of the previous monsters had ever made it this far. Clearly those three must have awakened their beast haves. We must rethink our plan." replied an icy cold voice. His blazing red eyes looked ice cold as you couldn't make out his face.

"But I was looking forward to killing someone." moaned Kisame.

"Patience Kisame, I am certain that father is working as fast as possible." replied Itachi. "We shall leave you father. Please continue. Come on Kisame." stated Itachi as he bowed his head.

"I hope that he finishes soon." moaned Kisame as he and Itachi left. The master closed his eyes as strange chants began to echo through the cave.

The next morning along with Kurenai, Kakashi, and Jiraiya went to the house that Naruto, Gaara, and Sasuke lived in. They wondered if the three were all right considering what happened to them. They knocked on the door to have Sasuke answer in his half form as he let out a long guttered yawn.

"Morning." he half answered.

"Sasuke are you all right?" asked Kurenai as Sasuke's eyes began to droop. He let out another yawn as he was clearly still tired.

'Sasuke go back to bed. You need your rest. You have to excuse our human halves as they are still clearly tired because of yesterday. While one of you are here, can you undo the collar that around Naruto?' asked Taka as Sasuke slowly made his way back into the house going back to bed. None of them said a word as Kakashi entered the house heading towards Naruto's bed undoing the collar to have Naruto's half form rip out.

'Give our human a little while. They shall be up by noon.' stated Shukaku.

"All right we shall return at around noon. Are you certain that there is nothing that we can do?" asked Hiruzen.

'Not really. There isn't much even we can do. All we can do is give them time to recover.' replied Kyuubi. None of the elders bothered questioning the beasts as they knew more about what was going on with their human halves. 'just do us a favor and bring a lot of food as they will need the substance.' The elders understood as they left the teens to rest.

Around noon several people had come with food, clothing, and other items for the teens. After being told everything from the members of the teams and the elder of the village, it seemed that the villagers had new respect for the three teens. If they hadn't known any better they would have thought the three teems were ordinary human beings. Hiruzen proceeded to knock on the door to the boys house as Gaara answered the door in his human form. He didn't appeared surprised by the number of people there as if they knew that they were coming.

"Thank you for coming. We are sorry if we worried you." Gaara stated in a soft polite voice as he bowed his head. Gaara was shortly joined by Naruto and Sasuke. All three boys seemed in perfect health as they hardly seemed phased by what happened.

"Why wouldn't we be?" they asked in a unified voice.

'Considering what you three have been through they were just concerned.' replied Taka.

'Also you three had almost wiped yourselves out after that fight, no thanks to us.' added Kyuubi.

"But it is thanks to you and your beasts that everyone is still alive and well." stated Hiruzen as resounding cheers came from the villagers. This brought blood tears to their eyes as they have never been thought of as heroes considering what they were. Even their other halves were crying. They had all lived a hard life up until now, but now things were looking for them. For the first time in a long time they were happy.

MEANWHILE...Madara had finally completed the ceremony to allow three remaining Akatsuki members to become full fledged demons.

"Kisame Hoshigaki, Itachi Uchiha come...I have finally mastered the ceremony that allow us to become full fledged demons." Madara shouted out. Several minutes later Kisame and Itachi joined Madara.

"It is about time master Madara. I can hardly contain myself any longer." replied Kisame. Itachi glared at the fish man with a look intended to kill.

"Kisame watch your tongue. I will not allow to speak that way to father." Itachi snarled.

"It is all right Itachi, Kisame all ways had a sharp tongue. Come and join me and I shall enact the ceremony to allow the three of us to become full fledged demons. This shall give us the power to destroy those three that stand in our way gone this world shall truly become ours." stated Madara with an evil grin stretched across his face. Both Kisame and Itachi smiled joined Madara as he enacted the ceremony to grant them the full power to become full fledged demons.

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