17- Naruto's first phase

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Author's Notes – I claim no rights or anything associated with the Naruto series and/or its characters.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

 "..." regular speech, '...' beast speech, *...* mental telepathy, CAPS - ATTACKS, (author notes)

Chapter Seventeen: Naruto's first phase

Even with Hinata by his side and slowly learning about these new emotions and feelings that Naruto had, he was on edge. Not many noticed the difference except for Gaara and Sasuke. They knew what was coming for Naruto.

"Getting a little bit anxious about the up coming phase Naruto?" asked Gaara late one night as Naruto continued pacing around, his claws digging into the wood.

"It's worse than before Gaara especially when I am around Hinata. I can't stop the feeling of wanting to..." Naruto stopped himself short as his fangs bit his lip as his claws dug into the wood of the house. He couldn't get the image out of his head of having rough sex with Hinata. He could barely remember anything that he did during this phase of what the scientists often refereed to as Naruto's first phase. It happened precisely at the same time, at the same month, on the same date every year. Naruto would end up going primal transforming into his full beast form. The last time he had attacked one of the workers and had sex with a woman. What was even worse was the after phase. He would be stuck in beast form completely powerless for a whole day. Naruto nor Kyuubi had any control over what happened to them during this phase. Gaara couldn't stand to see his brother like this.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Gaara asked in general as Sasuke finally looked up from the mound of paper work that was laid out in front of him.

"I have gone over the files asking Sakura to let me examine them. I never fully told her for what. Every thing I have gone over says the same thing over and over again. I wish there was something we could do for him Gaara but Naruto has been through this time and time again. Even without Kyuubi he has survived this phase. I know how you hate to see Naruto like this but not even my powers can stop this from happening." replied Sasuke. Naruto finally undug his claws from the wood post as he licked the blood off of his lips.

"Don't worry so much about me Gaara and Sasuke. I will get through this like I usually do." Naruto stated with a slight chuckle.

'Don't kid yourself Naruto. The phase hasn't even hit us yet and we are a wreck. We are too worried about what we will do to the people in this village let alone Hinata. We highly doubt that even our brothers can stop us.' Kyuubi stated bluntly. This brought tears to Naruto's eyes as he knew that his beast half spoke the truth.

'It is all right Naruto, Kyuubi we know that you will pull through this.' stated Shukaku.

'That is right. If you have survived this time and again then you two will be able to pull through this.' added Taka.

"But to be on the safe side we should warn the elder and everyone to what is happening." stated Sasuke.

"I hate to agree with Sasuke on this but I think that he maybe right Naruto." added Gaara. It was rare for the three of them to ever agree on anything but this time Naruto and Kyuubi agreed with Sasuke and Gaara.

After going through what the plan was the three teens headed to the elders hut. No mater how much Naruto tried to keep it concealed the phase was hitting much harder and faster than usual. Time was running out for Naruto as the full phase had yet to hit. As they entered the elders hut, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked surprised to see them.

"What's up you three? Naruto you don't look so well." stated Hiruzen.

"Could be better." he replied in a mix of his own voice and Kyuubi's.

"He is the reason to why we are here elder." stated Gaara and Sasuke in a unified voice.

"Is he sick?" Hiruzen asked as Sasuke and Gaara looked at each other confused. They didn't understand that humans do get sick.

"No it's nothing like what you think." Sasuke stated as the two began to explain about Naruto's condition. Hiruzen's face began to pale when the teens told him about Naruto's phase. A wave of pain hit Naruto hard as he went into convulsions biting his lip trying to keep from howling and screaming in pain. "Even despite all of our powers there is nothing we can do to help or even stop Naruto when he is in this phase." stated Sasuke.

"What's even worse is after the phase hits, Naruto is completely powerless for one whole day and stuck in his beast form." added Gaara.

"Is he the only one who goes through this phase?" asked Hiruzen as the teens nodded their heads yes. "But why only Naruto? It seems to me that those scientists wanted to make him suffer." stated Hiruzen angrily.   

"The scientists had no control or say of how my body reacts to the day of my birth. All of my life all I have known is pain. Even when we were living in the lab chained up like animals, both Sasuke and Gaara wanted to ease my pain and help me but they couldn't. I have been through these phases without Kyuubi but now even Kyuubi is feeling all of the effects that this phase produces." panted Naruto as his voice sounded much huskier than normal. He couldn't hold out much longer as the time was drawing closer. He had to get out and get away from the village before he lost control.

"Would that collar that he wore that one time help?" asked Hiruzen as Naruto stumbled for the door panting hard.

"No the phase seems not to be effected by that collar." Sasuke replied as Gaara helped Naruto outside. Night had begun to fall as Naruto could begin to feel it hitting him much harder than before. Naruto collapsed onto his hands and knees as the change hit his body. Naruto let out loud guttered screams and howls of pain as his full beastial transformation ripped through his body. Naruto's long muzzled face looked up at the moon as tears streaked down his face. Waves of pain kept hitting Naruto's body as his howled screams echoed through the village. People came out of their homes to see what was happening.

Both Gaara and Sasuke did their best to keep them back while Hiruzen explained what was going on. Finally the last wave of pain washed through Naruto's body as he stared at everyone through blood hungry eyes. He looked more like a wolf than a fox as his body was covered by flames. His nine tails was surrounded by darker flames. Naruto sat there unmoved for a moment staring straight into the crowd at one person in particular. There was no way that he could forget that scent of lavender. Hinata walked up to Naruto easily slipping past Sasuke's and Gaara's guard. Tears were in Hinata's eyes as her shaky right hand reached up for Naruto's muzzle. Both Sasuke and Gaara turned around sharply as they moved to stop Hinata when the unexpected happened. Naruto dipped his head towards Hinata's hand licking her outstretched hand whimpering like a puppy. Hinata gently brushed Naruto's muzzle as tears streaked down her face.

"It's all right Naruto, I am here." she cried holding Naruto's muzzle close to her face. Sasuke and Gaara slowly moved as Naruto's eyes darted up acknowledging his brothers. Sasuke and Gaara couldn't believe it. Never in their life have they ever seen Naruto this calm especially when he is in this phase.

"Hinata how...?" both Gaara and Sasuke asked.

"I don't know. It was like I was feeling Naruto's pain. I knew that I had to be here for him." Hinata replied as she wiped away the tears from her face. Was it possible that Naruto's mate had a calming presence to her that it managed to affect Naruto even when he was in this phase? Naruto made no movements to show any aggression and/or longing to mate with Hinata.

"Is it still safe for him to remain in this village?" asked Hiruzen. Both Gaara and Sasuke looked at each other unsure of how to even answer the elders question.

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