18- Akatsuki attacks

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Author's Notes – I claim no rights or anything associated with the Naruto series and/or its characters.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

 "..." regular speech, '...' beast speech, *...* mental telepathy, CAPS - ATTACKS, (author notes)

Chapter eighteen: Akatsuki attacks

Konan ran back to the Akatsuki hideout. The signs he saw at the village didn't look too well. If the Akatuski were going to achieve their goal they had to attack now. The three living remaining Akatsuki looked at Konan as he knelt in front of them.

"Master Madara terrible news. Naruto went through the phase just as you predicted. But some girl was able to calm him." stated Konan. Madara looked at the corpse angrily. Demonic curses slipped from his lips.

"Itachi, Kisame, it is time. That brat Naruto is close to fully awakening. If either he or Kyuubi can recall their full name then it is all over for us." growled Madara in frustration. "ICE PRISION!" he shouted out as he trapped Konan in a prison made of ice that would never melt. Madara then stormed out of the hideout being followed by Itachi and Kisame.

Naruto laid near the entry way to the village with Hinata curled up next to him. Several of his tails laid protectively around Hinata as the rest laid around his long slender body. Suddenly a familiar scent drifted into the village as Naruto stood up on his paws letting out a low deep threatening snarl. He could smell them coming. Naruto's snarls awoke Hinata as she could feel that there was something wrong.

"Naruto what is it, what's wrong?" she asked petting Naruto's side. Naruto looked out past the entry way of the village as he continued snarling. All of the fur on his body was stiff in anger as the fire that surrounded his tails burned almost a reddish black. Hinata squinted trying to see what had Naruto all riled up. But she couldn't see anything.

*Danger...go...get...others...* Naruto barely managed to say as it was very hard and difficult to speak while he was going through this phase. Hinata seemed to understand what Naruto was saying as she ran off to go get Gaara and Sasuke. He hated that he was powerless to stop the Akatsuki while he was trapped in this phase. The Akatsuki seemed to know this and this was why they have chosen now to attack.

The Akatuski were just about to enter Iwagakure village but there standing in their way was Naruto in full beast form. Naruto snarled loudly at the three Akatsuki members bout and determined to hold them off even if he was powerless. A wicked smile stretched across Madara's face when he only saw Naruto.

"Step aside Naruto, you know that you can't stop us in your present condition." Madara stated as Naruto shook his head no. "Fine have it your way." stated Madara. Before he had a chance to attack, a bolt of lightning came crashing down causing Madara to leap back. Both Sasuke and Gaara came to Naruto's side in half form. "Well I wasn't hoping to see you two anytime soon but since you are all here we can kill you all at once." To Sasuke both Itachi and Madara looked familiar to him.

"Why is it that I seem to know you?" Sasuke snarled at the two Uchiha's.

"Unfortunately you won't live long enough to discover the truth." snapped Itachi as he went to move finding himself paralyzed. "Why can't I move?" he snarled.

"That's because you are caught in my SHADOW POSSESSION and won't be able to move unless I move." replied Shikamaru. The whole team showed up prepared to fight and defend their village.

"If you think a little thing like this is going to stop us then think again! SPLIT EARTH TURN AROUND!" snapped Itachi as the ground began to split apart causing Shikamaru to break his hold.

"GIANT WATER VORTEX!" shouted out Kisame as a huge spiraling wave of water hit the humans.

"WOLF FANG AVALANCE!" stated Madara as ice coted over Kisame's water freezing the humans in their tracks. Naruto snarled sharply as he knew if he could use his fire he could free them. "I think that it is time that you three learn your place. ICE PRISON!" shouted out Madara as he trapped the three monster teens in ice. The three Akasuki members laughed as no one seemed to be able to stop them now!

Deep within his prison of ice, Naruto and Kyuubi cursed as they wished they could use their powers. The flames around their nine tails began to flicker out as slowly the fox began to drift off to sleep.

Begin Flashback – Naruto began to remember when he was first born as he could remember hearing people.

"Another one this one makes nine now."

"Put him in a holding cell until he is old enough to be placed with the others." The scientists kept Naruto separate until he was five years old as they began experimenting on him changing his genetic make up. Then they placed him in a holding area along with several others that were just like him. There were three older adults, three teens, and two kids close to his own age.

"Roshi we have another one. A nine tale fox." stated a creature that looked half boar with eight tails.

"All right Killer Bee." replied a half gorilla with four tails. Roshi walked over to the frightened Naruto whom had no idea of what was happening. "Easy little one we are all the same here. What is your name?" asked Roshi as he took Naruto's tags into his paws. "Naruto. Sasuke, Gaara why don't you show Naruto around since he is new." stated Roshi. Both Sasuke and Gaara befriended Naruto as the three of them were closer than brothers. The experiments never stopped as slowly one by one they dwindled down to three. Gaara the one tail, Sasuke the three tail, and Naruto the nine tail. Naruto then remembered a human coming into his cell when he was eight years old. This human looked much like him.

"My lord what have they done to you Naruto? This is unforgivable and has to stop. I am sorry that I didn't find out about this until now." stated Minato.

"Do I know you?" Naruto asked in a weak voice as tears streaked down Minato's face.

"Yes you do Naruto, I am your father." he stated hugging Naruto. Wave of emotions hit Naruto as he cried into his father's shoulder. Minato gently patted Naruto telling him that it was all right. Minato had told the three of them that he planned to get them out of there.

On the night that Minato had tried to escape with Naruto, Sasuke, and Gaara, the other lab scientists were there to stop him. Madara the leader of the Akatsuki killed Minato right before Naruto's eyes.

"Dad!" shouted out Naruto as he ran to his father's side as he laid in his own blood.

"Naruto listen to me carefully...no mater what they tell you or do to you, you must remember that you were born as a human with a guardian spirit within you. Always remember that you are Naruto Uzamaki." stated Minato before he drew his last breath. Seeing his father's death and it being a full moon triggered Naruto's transformation into his beast form. - End Flashback.

The ice surrounding Naruto began to crack as power began to pulse within Naruto's body.

"No it can't be. He is actually awakening to the truth. Do whatever you can to keep him contained!" shouted Madara. The three Akatuski members combined their powers trying to keep Naruto contained within the ice.

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