6- power training

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This is a Naruto fanfiction story as I claim no rights or anything associated with the Naruto series and/or its characters.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks

Chapter Six: Power Training

After several hours Naruto finally calmed down shifting back to his human form.

"I am sorry that you all had to see that. I am not too thrilled going full feral at times. I wish that there was a way for me to control my beastial urges at times." Naruto stated weakly. The group of humans looked at the teen rather shocked. They never experienced anybody for having remorse for their killing. Most people like Zabuza killed for pleasure or for the simple reason of fame. These three teens had no choice in how they were made or even why they were created. Even beneath those monstrous exteriors beat human hearts.

"Have you guys done power training before?" Kurenai asked the group.

"We used to before they slapped those power inhibitor collars around our necks. Each one of us know how to use and control our power as it has been programmed into us." replied Gaara.

"That is understandable Gaara but how long where you caged like that unable to let your full power loose?" Kurenai asked again as the three boys were unable to answer. "Now you see my point. Starting tomorrow we are going to power train in the cliffs. For now we should return back to the village and report our findings. I want everyone to get a lot of rest for we will start first thing in the morning." Kurenai replied.

The group made their way back to Iwagakure as Kurenai Yuhi dismissed the team reporting to the elders hut. The elder looked surprised to see the captain as they had only been gone for three hours.

"Kurenai...how did it go?" Hiruzen asked. Kurenai gave a full report about what happened at the land or rice paddies as the elders face went white when she told him about Naruto going full feral and killing Zabuza.

"How was Naruto afterwards?" asked Hiruzen.

"It took Gaara and Sasuke to calm him down. He was visibly shaken up. Sir may I ask if it is wise to trust them?" Kurenai asked.

"Even though they were created the way that they were. They have yet to see that not all human will view them as monsters and as weapons. We have to show them that some humans are good and deserve to be protected." replied Hiruzen. Kurenai understood where he was going, it was the same way how she felt growing up being called a freak for her unnatural talent. She never knew how she exactly she developed this power not until Sasuke explained what he had seen through his Sharingan eyes. It took Kurenai many years of training in order for her to fully control her powers. She had very little in the way of training with her team because of how fast this group attacked but one day of training would allow her to know the extent of everyone's abilities.

"Sir tomorrow I am having a power training session with my team. Can you have both Jiraya and Kakashi meet me at the training cliff platform?" asked Kurenai.

"Of course Kureani."

MEANWHILE...Naruto was still visibly shaken up that Sakura told Gaara and Sasuke to take him back to the hut. She had some research that she had to do so she would see them later. The boys said nothing as she ran off trying to catch up with Temari and Shikamaru.

"Shikamaru, Temari wait up I have to talk to you both." Sakura cried out stopping her team as both teens stopped.

"What's up Sakura?" asked Shikamaru.

"I have to talk to you guys about those three." she stated. She knew that both Shikamaru and Temari knew very little about Gaara, Naruto, and Sasuke. The least she could do was to share her knowledge and later read completely over the files that Kakashi had given to her.

BACK AT SAKURA'S HUT ...Sasuke and Gaara did their best to cheer Naruto up. Even though the place that had created them no longer existed, the three monster teens will never truly be free from what they were. Even though they hardly knew anybody in this village as a few have seen them for what they truly were. The three boys were starting to slowly trust humans. Maybe not all humans were bad. After many years of torment, they were free.

"Come on Naruto don't let it get to you. It wasn't as bad as that last time. You seemed to have more control over that half of you. You kept the members of our team safe and killed someone that possibly deserved his fate. Of course who knows how bad Gaara and I will have it when we reach that level." stated Sasuke.

"That's if we reach that level. But Sasuke is right Naruto. You will always have us to back you up and to calm you down if you do ever truly loose control." added Gaara as Naruto seemed to cheer up a little bit.

"Thanks guys. I guess that I needed that." Naruto stated as the three brothers hugged each other. "Now what do you say we walk around our new surroundings and get used to everything." stated Naruto with a sly smile stretched across his face as Sasuke and Gaara laughed. Sometimes Nartuo could just be as mischievous as a fox, Gaara was just as stealthy as a raccoon, while Sasuke played lookout because of his exceptional bird sight. They knew that Naruto was about to start trouble or anything like that as he knew better. It was just sometimes some habits are hard to break.

The next morning everyone made their way to meet Kurenai. She had met up with the human members to tell them where to meet. Since the monster teens were staying with Sakura, she lead the way to the training sight.

"Hey Naruto, I couldn't help by to see that you are in a better mood today." stated Sakura.

"I am Sakura. Gaara and Sasuke always know how to cheer me up." Naruto giggled in the back of his mind. The three teens had managed to pull a joke on the elder, Kakashi, and Jiraya. They were a bit surprised with how well the men took the joke. It seemed that the older adults wanted to see a cheerful group of teens. Even the teens had to admit that maybe not all humans were bad.

*It is nice to see those three in a cheerful mood. It must have been rough on them living in that place and being treated the way that they were.* Sakura thought to herself not knowing that the three boys could hear her thoughts.

Finally everyone was gathered on top of the training cliff platform. All of the humans were dressed in casual clothing as it looked like they were ready for a work out.

"All right team before we actually begin I need for Naruto, Gaara, and Sasuke to transform into their other forms. Not all of us here have seen what you look like in your other form. Yesterday we have seen Naruto's true form and what he is capable of. In order to have a better understanding we need to see those forms. Don't worry, we are a good distance away from the village and no one will be coming up here." stated Kurenai. The three monster teens looked at each other nodding their heads as they all changed into their true monstrous forms. About half of the groups eyes went wide when they say the true forms of the three teens. "Now Naruto have you ever willingly tired to shift into your true form?" asked Kurenai as Naruto shook his head no. "Are you willing to give it a try?" she asked again. Naruto knew that eventually he would have to give it a try. Naruto stepped back away from the group closing his eyes focusing deep within himself calling the best forward. The change was all most instantaneous as he could feel the sharp jars of pain as his full feral form was unleashed. The group took several steps back except for Gaara and Sasuke who remained absolutely still. The beast opened his eyes sitting down much like a dog would as its tails wrapped close to his body.

*It is all right. I am in control.* the beast stated telepathically as the look of shock stretched across the humans faces.

"Was that Naruto?" asked Shikamaru as both Gaara and Sasuke nooded their heads yes.

"In this form, Naruto is only able to speak telepathically. All three of us have the same ability. We can speak to each other mentally and hear people's thoughts." they both stated.

*This is the first time I have every truly tried to transform into this form but it isn't easy to remain in full control. It maybe easier over time.* Naruto stated as he transformed back into his half form. Even though in full feral form his powers were stronger than in half form, Naruto wasn't going to risk loosing control over his beast self.

"All right, I have set up some practice targets to test your abilities. We need to find out what everyone's capabilities are and how strong their abilities are." stated Kurenai.

Sakura proved better at healing than fighting, she knew how to defend herself but she had very little in attack power. Gaara's sand proved to be better defense than offense all though he could pull of some attacks which could be used for dealing with large numbers. Shikamaru's shadow technique could also be used to delay or capture large numbers, he had very little in attack power as he did seem to know how to defend himself. These three were the best for defense rather than attacking unless they had to. Temari's wind technique was good for long range attacks, she could also deal with large numbers as well. Sasuke's lightning proved good with dealing with a person in close hand combat as he also had some long range attacks. Naruto's fire was good in close hand combat, long range, and dealing with large numbers. These three were the best offense out of the group. The three monstrous boys also had great speed and strength that surpassed any human. Sasuke had the best eye sight out of the group as he had two different eye sight capabilities. The group had witnessed his Sharingan eyes which allowed him to see a persons power and to copy it, the second was his Byakugan eyes which allowed him to see far distances in 360 degrees. (AN: I know that Sasuke doesn't have the Byakugan power only the Hyuga clan but remember that Sasuke is supposed to have bird-like abilities so I felt that he should have the Byakugan. Also know that Naruto doesn't have any fire attacks but I wanted him to have the power of fire because it best suited his character.) Gaara had the best stealth followed only by Shikamaru. Naruto had perhaps the strongest power when he was in full feral form. The three monstrous teens seemed to know how to fully control and use their powers even though Naruto admitted that he could use better control over his full feral form. The humans in the group could use more training in using their capabilities and to strengthen their powers.

The group broke for lunch only to meet back and train some more. Seeing how the monstrous teens knew how to use their capabilities when they got back they would fight against the humans giving them a few pointers on how they could improve. The three monstrous teens transformed back to their human forms before heading back to the village. Kurenai told them that she would meet up with them later.

"Man am I exhausted. And to think that we have to fight you guys when we get back. Is Captain Kurenai crazy?" asked Temari.

"It is the best way to strengthen yourselves. Even if we held back, you might be able to strengthen your powers considerably." stated Gaara.

"You do have a point but I would hate to face against Naruto on a bad day or during a lunar cycle." stated Shikamaru.

"Trust me, just be lucky that I consider you guys my friends. I think this is the reason why my beast has been under control lately. I think that even it won't harm people that it considers friends and/or family." stated Naruto.

"Hopefully you won't have to use that power except under extreme measures. That power is way to violent to use all the time no matter how strong it is." stated Sakura.

"Trust us Sakura, we know first hand how deadly Naruto's power is when he does go full feral but what you have seen is only a fraction of his full power when he is that form." stated Sasuke.

"What...that's only a fraction?" the three humans stated with their mouths half open as the three boys just nodded their heads yes.

After lunch, the group went back to the training cliff platform to get some more training in. Sakura and Sasuke were in one group, Gaara and Shikamaru were in the second, as Naruto and Temari were in the third group. Kurenai asked Sasuke to observe each battle through his Sharingan eyes in order to tell the person how they could strengthen the ability. The three monstrous boys remained in human form for this training session. The group continued their training until sunset.

"All right team go on home and rest up. You all did pretty well for your first training session. Is there something wrong Naruto? You seem to be a bit on edge."

"Is there a place further from the village surrounded by the mountains that isn't easy for humans to get too?" he asked in guttered growls. He could tell it is the first new moon cycle as the beast within him raised its head. Sasuke used his Byakugan eyes to scan finding a suitable place for Naruto to let loose.

"Follow me Naruto." Sasuke stated as he spread open his wings half transforming into his true form. Naruto sprinted after his brother on all fours holding the beast back the best he could. Right after they had disappeared everyone turned to Gaara who shook his head.

"New full moon." he simply stated.

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