5- Naruto's true appearance

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This is a Naruto fanfiction story as I claim no rights or anything associated with the Naruto series and/or its characters.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks

Chapter Five: Naruto's true appearance

Zabuza Momochi unstrapped his huge sword from his back as a smile stretched across his face which could be clearly seen through his bandages. The three monstrous boys seemed to stand perfectly still as they could sense Zabuza's intent to kill.

"You three honestly thing that you have a chance against me? I am Zabuza Momochi, I am known as the demon of the mist for a reason. I am the greatest assassin known world wide." Zabuza stated as he moved to attack. Gaara's sand acted like a barrier protecting the humans in their group. "What in the world?" Zabuza asked when he saw what happened.

"I will protect the humans. That leaves you two to take care of Zabuza." Gaara snarled. Lightning crackled in Sasuke's hand as fire burned in Naruto's hand. Sasuke charged at Zabuza narrowly avoiding the man's sword.

"Chidori!" Sasuke yelled out hitting the man dead center with his lightning attack. The lightning hardly phased the man as he swung his sword back around. Sasuke's Sharingan eyes saw the attack coming as he narrowly avoided it getting cut by Zabuza's blade. Zabuza seemed to move faster hand Sasuke as the teen tried his best to avoid the man's attacks. *Dam he is too fast. I am just barely avoiding his attacks. I have never sensed such blood lust before.* Sasuke thought mentally as out ot the corner of his eyes he could see Naruto's attack coming. Sasuke lept into the air allowing the fireball to hit Zabuza. The fireball threw Zabuza back a couple of feet.

"Sasuke, Gaara...get them out of here now!" Naruto snarled as his eyes became blood red. Chills went down the monstrous teens spines as they could clearly tell what was happening. Naruto was close to going full feral. Zabuza's lust for killing and blood were causing Naruto's beast half to unleash. Sasuke lept back towards Gaara as he grabbed Shikamaru and Temari leaping away up to the highest tree possible. Gaara did the same grabbing Sakura and Kurenai.

"What's going on?" Kurenai asked.

"Naruto is about to go full feral. Trust us you don't want to be anywhere near him when he transforms." replied Gaara and Sasuke in a unified voice.

Once everyone was a far enough distance away, Naruto hunched over in pain letting out loud guttered screams and snarls as his body began to shift into something inhuman. Zabuza watched almost too stunned to move as the once blond headed, blue eyed boy became a huge hulking half wolf/half fox creature that was the size of a house. The creature's fur was a dark auburn brown as it's nine fur tails were surrounded by fire. It's eyes were all blood red with no visible irises and/or pupils as they were glowing. It's claws and fangs fully lengthened giving the creature a wicked look that almost looked demonic. Zabuza finally moved once the transformation had completed itself attacking the beast with its sword. The sword broke in half as the creature stopped it with only one of it's paws. Smoke steamed out of it's mouth and nose as it let out a low snarl staring Zabuza dead in the eyes. For the first time in his life the assassin felt fear. The creature moved as the assassin tried to make a break for it. The creature seemed to be hunting only Zabuza as the assassin tried to use a smoke bomb to cover his escape but it was all ready too late as the creature lept on top of Zabuza tearing into the man with its fangs and claws as everyone could hear Zabuza's ghostly scream. The demon of the mist was no longer as the creature let out a loud guttered howl in triumph devouring Zabuza's corpse.

The four humans watched in horror as Naruto seemed to be no longer leaving only a huge creature in his place.

"What you have just seen is Naruto 's true appearance! Unlike us Naruto is capable of three different forms. The first is his ordinary human form, the second is his true monstrous form, and finally full feral form. Unfortunately we haven't reached our full forms yet. Usually Naruto goes into this form under certain moon phases such as a full moon, blood moon, blue moon, and the harvest moon." stated Sasuke and Gaara in a unified voice.

"So what brought out this form?" asked Sakura.

"Zabuza's lust for blood and killing. Naruto's beast could sense these things. Stay here until we call for you. We have to see if we can calm down Naruto. In this form, it is hard for him to separate friend from foe." stated Sasuke as he and Gaara lept down from the tree slowly walking up to the creature with their arms stretched straight out to the sides. The beast snarled sharply as Gaara and Sasuke approached. *Calm down Naruto, it is us, your brothers. No one is going to hurt you. You killed the man that attacked us. Everything is all right now. Calm down and transform back. We explained to the humans what they had witnessed.* Sasuke and Gaara told the creature mentally. The creature sniffed at the two approaching teens catching the sight of the four humans up in the tree. The creature let out a loud piercing howl full of sorrow. The creature's ears and tails dropped low as the nine tails wrapped close to it's body.

*They think that I am a monster.* stated a human voice deep within the two teens minds. Both Sasuke and Gaara shook their heads.

*They all ready knew that we were monsters, Naruto. Everything is going to be all right. You still have us.* they stated mentally.

Slowly but surely the creature began to shrink down into Naruto's true form. Tears of blood ran down his fur face as he stared at his blood covered hands. Naruto shook uncontrollably as Sasuke signaled that it was safe to come down. Both Sasuke and Gaara wrapped their arms around their brother allowing the teen to cry. Naruto was like this once before when he first went full feral. It took most of the guards to stun and tranquilize Naruto when he went on a blood path of destruction. Naruto after shifting back after the incident cried for weeks regretting what he had done. Even though in Sasuke's and Gaara's eyes and minds, they believed that those people had it coming. The last time they were unable to console their brother as they allowed to weep on their shoulders as the four humans slowly made their way up to the three monstrous teens unsure of what to say or to do to console Naruto from what had just happened and what he had been through.

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