4- the team

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This is a Naruto fanfiction story as I claim no rights or anything associated with the Naruto series and/or its characters.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks

Chapter Four: The Team

The following day Sasuke, Naruto, and Gaara made their way to the elders hut in their human form. Today they were going to meet the members whom were going to be a part of their team.

"Do you actually think that it wise to have humans be a part of this?" Gaara asked. The three boys looked at the devastation of the village not sure if it was wise to have humans with them especially considering Naruto's special condition. Only Sasuke and Gaara have seen Naruto go full feral as they hated the simple fact that neither of them had reached that potential yet.

"It may depend. Remember Sakura has a special blood line ability. Who knows if there are others like her in this village." stated Sasuke.

"Just as long as they understand what they are getting themselves into." replied Naruto before they entered the elders hut. Kakashi Hatake, Sakura Haruno, and Jiraya were there along with the elder Hiruzen Sarutobi, and a few others that the boys didn't recognize.

"Welcome boys, I assume that you had a pleasant rest. Allow me to introduce your team members. Both Kakashi Hatake and Master Jiraya will be acting as co-captains for when they will be needed." stated Hiruzen as both Kakashi and Jiraya stepped forth bowing their heads. "Your leader and regular captain will be Kurenai Yuhi." A female with long raven black hair and blood red eyes stepped forward. Naruto could smell something different about this woman as Sasuke's eyes changed revealing his Sharingan. "You already know Sakura Haruno as she will be on your team along with Shikamaru Nara and Temari." Hiruzen stated as Sakura stepped forward along with a guy with jet black hair which was tied up into a ponytail and jet black eyes along with a blond female whom had her hair tied up into four pigtails and blue-green eyes. According to Sasuke's eyes they each possessed a power much like Sakura but each were different. For Kurenai her power seemed to be in her eyes and her mind, for Shikamaru it seemed like his shadow was alive, and for Temari it looked like a swirling aura surrounded her entire body.

*This should be interesting , they all possess a blood line ability except for Kakashi and Jiraya.* Sasuke stated mentally.

*That could explain the strange and unusual smells that I am picking up.* added Naruto mentally. Hiruzen coughed lightly grabbing the boys attention.

"Just be assured that these people here in this hut know what you truly are. No one else knows. Here is your first mission...there has been reports that state that the land of rice paddies has been under attack by possibly the same group that attacked this place. I want you to all go and find out what you can discover. Alright you guys are dismissed." stated Hiruzen.

As the team left the elders hut Sasuke's eyes still hadn't returned back to normal. It was Sakura whom grabbed his attention.

"Hey Sasuke, why are your using your Sharingan eyes?" asked Sakura. Sasuke's eyes shifted back to normal as the three boys had to explain about Sasuke's ability. The three new members didn't seemed to be surprised when Sasuke told them that they all possessed a power but Sasuke couldn't make out what power they possessed.

"So it is true what we were told about you three, that you are monsters." stated Temari. The three boys shuttered at the word but how else could you truly explain what they were. Supposedly gene manipulation and genetic engineering was supposed to be against the law but it didn't stop those scientists from creating living breathing weapons. They were the only three of them left from the project. None of them knew exactly what happened to their seven other brothers and sisters. They knew that they were dead they just didn't know how they died.

"I guess that you could call us that." the three boys replied in unison.

"Anyway we will try to avoid using that term around you three. If we are going to work together, we have to earn each others trust. I understand after being briefed by the elder how you feel towards humans but know this much not all humans are bad. But granted I can seem to understand how you three might be the only ones whom can stop the ones that are behind these attacks." stated Kurenai.

"Um...Captain Yuhi do you know which abilities Sasuke's Sharingan eyes were seeing?" asked Sakura as they finally existed the village. Kurenai whistled out loud as the horses approached the group. The four humans mounted the horses as Naruto, Gaara, and Sasuke couldn't get near the animals as they went wild because the horses could sense that the boys were dangerous. So the three boys would run on foot.

"Of course I do Sakura. As Sasuke had pointed out each of us were specially chosen for our unique abilities. You for your healing capabilities and medical knowledge. I was chosen because I have a unique ability to cast illusions simply by thought as the person whom sees these illusions believe them to be real. I also have the ability to see through any and all illusions." stated Kurenai.

"My ability is in my shadow. I can use my shadow to take over another person and have them do what I do." added Shikamaru.

"My ability is with the wind as I can control and manipulate the wind binding it to my will." added Temari. The small group traveled to the land of rice paddies as the three monstrous boys made sure to keep their distance from the horses.

When the group arrived at the land of rice paddies, the village was in total devastation as bodies laid everywhere. The village looked much worse than the Iwagakure village.

"Why in the world would someone attack a peaceful village that couldn't defend themselves?" asked Temari. The four humans dismounted from their horses looking for any survivors.

"Who knows their reasons? But after seeing this devastation only one thing is clear...we have to stop whomever is behind this." replied Shikamaru. Naruto's keen sense of smell and hearing picked up that someone was still alive. Naruto bolted on all fours making his way through the rubble approaching where he could pick up the smell and hear a human still alive.

"Over here!" he snarled as he begun to try to dig out the human carefully.

"Naruto stand back." Gaara stated as the sand poured out of his gourde gently lifting up the fallen debris off of the human. Gaara motioned the sand to move the debris out of the way before dropping it to a safer location. Sakura moved in to assess how bad the persons injuries was.

"Her wounds are too serious. There is not much I can do for her." Sakura stated in a sad tone. The human appeared to be a young woman who was possibly in her mid-twenties to early thirties.

"Miss...can you tell us who did this?" asked Kurenai.

"Didn't see them too clearly but I can remember they wore black cloaks with red clouds." the woman replied weakly before she passed away.

"Well we didn't learn much beyond what they wear. But it does sound like it was the same group that attacked Iwagakure village." stated Kurenai. Naruto sniffed around picking up various different scents. He could definitely pick up two strong familiar scents, the same scents that he picked up back in the village.

"Naruto do you have their scent?" asked Gaara. Naruto snarled low and deep as he could smell someone approaching. This person reeked of death. It was hard for Gaara not to smell it as well. Gaara's sense of smell wasn't as strong as Naruto's but he could still pick up on some scents. "Who goes there?" Gaara snarled as tall man whose face was bandaged up.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the demon of the mist Zabuza Momochi. Have you come to pick off of the dead as usual or do you plan to take all of the credit for this death and destruction?" asked Kurenai. Zabuza laughed as his laughter sent chills down the younger teen humans spines. The three monstrous boys stepped in front of the humans. Instinct kicked in as they knew that they had to protect the humans. They had never felt this kind of instinct before for people they had just meet.

"Allow us to handle this." they snarled in a unified voice as Zabuza laughed again.

"You three against me...this should be fun."

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