3- first mission

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This is a Naruto fanfiction story as I claim no rights or anything associated with the Naruto series and/or its characters.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks

Chapter Three: First Mission

Naruto let out a terrible howls of pain as he thrashed about. It took most of Gaara's and Sasuke's strength to pin down their brother reassuring him that they would be done quickly. Leaving Sasuke with only one hand to treat Naruto with. Naruto's howls echoed through the jut as he tried his best not to resist the treatment but a part of him the more feral part resisted the treatment. Finally Gaara let out a hard grunt as he unplugged his gourde as the sand slithered out wrapping around Naruto's body holding the teen still. Parts of all three teens true nature had emerged through but for Naruto his full true form had emerged. The whiskers on his face had become much wider and more noticeable. His blue eyes was now blood red and looked more feral. His ears stretched becoming like a pair of foxes ears and his hands lengthened into claws as his back feet had transformed into a pair of foxes paws. Tan fur covered his entire body from his head all the way down to his feet. His golden blond hair became a little bit longer and more wild looking. Some of his nine fox tails began to break through his back side.

"Hurry Sasuke and Sakura. I will use the sand to hold him. Treat those wounds before he goes full feral form." Gaara snarled. Sasuke understood perfectly what he meant as lime green energy surrounded his hands. Sakura was stunned but kept working despite what she was seeing. Even after reading the files on the three teens, nothing could prepare her for what she was witnessing first hand. Both Sasuke and Gaara had witnessed Naruto go full feral only once before and it was something that they didn't want to face against. (Authors Notes: lets just say it is Kyuubi in full form only ten times worse than what is featured in the manga and/or anime. Put it this way think of combining a werewolf with a demon for Naruto when he goes feral. This is why the moon phases effect him greatly even if he is a fox there are part wolf within him. Will have more about this come later on.)

Several hours later all the teens were breathing heavily as Naruto laid completely exhausted on the table. Gaara slowly managed to pull the sand off of Naruto as it took all of his willpower and concentration to have the sand hold him down while using his mind link to help Naruto through the pain. Sasuke laid slump against a wall as his claw hands shook like he was nervous. Both Gaara and Sasuke were in their full forms along with Naruto as his nine tails slightly twitched as he slept soundly.

"Man I knew Naruto had it bad but never like that. Remind me to tell him that he has better control than I give him credit for." sighed Gaara.

"Agreed. Now I understand the reason why he sheltered us from feeling his pain all of those years. I have never felt such pain that it caused us to revert us to our true forms." moaned Sasuke.

"I think that I won't be able to move for a couple of days. Never before have I ever experienced anything like that. Even after what I have read on those file, I had to see it to believe it. I take it that nobody besides a select few know what you really are. Don't worry...I can keep a secret." Sakura stated weakly. Finally after several minutes all of the teens in the hut were asleep soundly.

It was morning as Kakashi Hatake entered into Sakura's hut unprepared for what he was going to see. All of the teens laid in the hut sleeping. The three boyish looking didn't even look human any more as they had all transformed into their true monstrous forms. Kakashi let out a long sigh as he could see the three boys stirring awake as they let out long guttered yawns revealing their sharp fangs.

"Good morning guys. You best get ready you have an appointment to see the elder but first you might want to change your forms."

"Would if we could but can't. Used too much of our power in helping Naruto." Sasuke replied in a rough voice.

"Sorry...I knew I was in pretty bad shape." stated Naruto in a mix of grunts and growls.

"No one is blaming you Naruto. It is those dam people whom created us." snarled Gaara. Kakashi blew out a long breath.

"Guess it can't be helped. Guess that I will have to bring the elder here. At least be up and ready. I shall return in a few hours." replied Kakashi. The three monster teens just watched as Kakashi left the hut. They could all hear as Sakura stirred awake rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her eyes widened when she saw the three boys in their true forms.

"Morning you guys. So I guess that today your taking it easy since you guys have very little power left. Naruto I have a fresh st of clothes for you. Well it seems that You guys still need a few alterations made to your clothes." she stated as she couldn't help to see the bulges in both Sasuke's and Gaara's clothes. "I should fix them and then make breakfast." she stated. Sakura helped Naruto as he put on a black tee shirt and a bright orange and blue jacket. Sakura made the necessary adjustments to Naruto's orange pants to allow his nine brown tails with white tips through. Sakura then made the necessary adjustments to both Sasuke's and Gaara's clothing allowing the boys to feel more comfortable. None of them wore a pair of shoes on their feet as Sakura couldn't help but to be amazed by their true forms of the boys that stood before them.

*Part of me is afraid but the other part is amazed. These three are nothing like I have seen before. But then again these three are the bi-product of genetic engineered and gene manipulation in order living and breathing weapons or hence the term monster.* Sakura thought to herself. The three boys had all heard her thoughts as clear as day. They shuttered at her thoughts as they all knew that Sakura thoughts rang true. Sakura managed to cook a large enough meal for them all. The three boys ate quietly before a knock on the door interrupted their meal. "Come on in!" Sakura replied as the door opened revealing Kakashi and another older looking man. "Mr. Hatake, elder welcome. Sorry I felt that they should remain here to recover."

"That is understandable Sakura Haruno. So you are the ones that I have heard about. Let me be the first to officially welcome you to the Land of Earth to the village hidden among the rocks to the village Iwagakure. I am the elder of the village, my name is Hiruzen Sarutobi. As no doubt Kakashi has told you the reason for your freedom is to hopefully help this world against it's current threat. Lately there has been many attacks on nearby villages by a strange group which possess supernatural powers. Unfortunately people like us don't have much of a chance against them. This is why we need your help. We are asking you to help save this world?" asked the elder man. The three boys simply looked at each other.

*Well?* Gaara asked mentally.

*I don't detect any deceit in their words. Even on entry into this village I could clearly see that a battle had been fought.* Sasuke added.

*There is no doubt. I can definitely pick up faint smells that smell a bit like us but different.* Naruto replied. The three teens then nodded their heads. Something felt off to them. Could it be possible that they weren't the only ones?

"We will help you since you have freed us from our captivity. We don't like what we are sensing. Whomever these beings are they are powerful but they are different from us." the three of them replied in a unified voice. Hiruzen smiled pleased to hear their reply.

"Excellent then from this day fourth you three shall be assigned to a special squad codename Monster Squad. I shall have a trusted person act as your advisor. I have a few conditions while in this village you are not to revert or take on your true forms except for in front of those who know. No one in the village shall know what you really are in order to prevent those who may come looking for you for the obvious reasons." Hiruzen stated. The three boys nodded understanding the terms. "Now I suggest that you three rest up and I will introduce you to your advisor and the team that you will be working with." Hiruzen before he and Kakashi left the hut.

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