Chapter 2

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Y/n is seen a coffee shop with eri and ash as he was drinking some coffee and laughing at their jokes

Ash: and you know what he said?

Y/n: what?

Ash: Groovy?!!!!!

Eri and Y/n laugh as he smiles but sensed something as he looks around and asked for the bill, as he faced ash

Y/n: hey.... can you take eri somewhere you both can enjoy? Something came up! Something urgent

Ash: alright, ready sweetie?

Eri: sure thing, love you daddy

Y/n: I love you too, sweetie!

He went out after kissing Eri's head as he went through a few alleys and hid himself behind a wall that has fence, hearing footsteps coming from where he was walking he grabs the figure revealed to be a woman, into the alley as he threw her into a trash can denting it, she gets up as he drop kicked her, as he then got on top of her

The woman groans as Y/n fished out a blade and held it to her throat

Y/n: you've been following me for the past few days! Tell me who you are and who you work for

???: no...... I don't want to hurt you.... or your little girl....

Y/n's grip increased as her throat was gripped hard

Y/n: Don't...... you dare.... mention my daughter!

???: please I mean you no harm....please I don't mean any harm

Y/n let's go, he knew she was telling the truth as he faces her

Y/n: wait a minute..... you gotta kidding me, you're Wonder Woman....Diana prince

Diana: how.....?

Y/n: don't answer, just leave me and my family alone, you and your friends have only 1 warning

Y/n simply teleports in a bath of flames as Diana covers her eyes

Diana: what in hera's name are you?

Y/n had teleported back to the apartment and seeing no one home is able to conjure up a flaming image as spawn comes into view

Spawn: hey kid..... any news?

Y/n: shao khan and Darkseid are planning something, I couldn't figure out what the plans are, but it doesn't look good, Stepphenwolf has been dealt with

Spawn: *chuckles* I know you gave him Hell son!

Y/n: thanks pops. Also what about our other Allies?

Spawn: the 2 clan leaders know if we'll need to make our move, nothing more as of yet from anyone else, been hearing about some kind of team with Vandal savage in the mix, especially since I managed to find his children's souls and make them turn against him.... also there's words on more of those B.O.W.S that are running around, the Avengers as well have been assembled, then there's the mutant problem we face especially against that magneto guy

Y/n: some plans in motion, what about Outworld? Then we'll focus on those other things

Spawn: kotal still is Kahn for now, unfortunately the netherrealm has eluded me due to me trying to find any information on our "friends". But we'll be ok kid, I'm sure of it!

Y/n: hope so.....?

Flashback, Arrival in new Dimension

As the earth was being attacked by Thanagarians And parademons as a woman and her child are cowering before a stalking parademon and a weird alien being with pointed ears and green skin

???: leave us alone, please just leave us alone.....

The parademon just roars as they close their eyes only to hear a crunch and a pained squeal as the mom looks seeing a rather handsome young man behind him a devilish figure with a red cape that moved on its own

Y/n: you ok?

???: yes..... thank you so much

Y/n: this place ain't safe go! Hide!

The woman obliged as Y/n looks at spawn and the parademons alongside the Thanagarians attacking people and even each other.....

Y/n: I thought we arrived somewhere safer....?

Spawn: ain't no where safe kid, no matter what we do....

Eri who was still snugged into spawn's cape starts to move as spawn gently rocked the girl back to sleep

Y/n; ok, let me assess what's going on because we can't.....

???: say that again you filthy human....

Y/n holds up his hand as he sneaked around a corner seeing a bunch of Thanagarians 7 in total, around a man who was bloody from being hit, this man is Ash Williams as his wooden hand was knocked out of its stump

Ash: oh come on! That's supposed to be a hit? I know girl scouts that can hit harder and they're human, Hot wings

Thanagarian: why you....?

Raising a large axe the thanagarian then felt his axe leave his hands before a bright flash of light knocked him out

Y/n now stood over the knocked out bird before stomping down on his back a loud snap and scream is heard

Y/n: now how do you like it, hot wings? *looks around* im actually in a good mood; so I'll give you til the count of 3 to leave and disperse

Thanagarian: or what....?

Y/n: one, two.....

Y/n grabs one close to him and breaks his neck and as another rushes Y/n kicks her in the stomach before he leaps up and wraps a chain around them and as the chain slices them both in half

Thanagarian 4: you fucking monster! That was my wife!

As the 3 others charge a set of chains wrap around each of their necks and strangle them slowly until snaps are heard

Ash then looks up as Y/n was offering a hand as he grabs it with his only hand as Y/n gave him back his wooden hand as well

Ash: hey thanks kid, nice moves there, you apart of the justice league?

Y/n: who?

Ash: oh.....! Then thanks man that was groovy back there

Y/n: just doing what's right...... sir

Ash: no..... call me Ash, Ash Williams kid

Y/n: Y/n Colt at your service

Spawn: hey kid......

Ash: what the fuck?

Ash recoils seeing spawn before he grabbed a double barrel shotgun that was on the ground.....

Y/n simply held his hands up knowing that most people got scared at spawn's own appearance

Y/n: woah! Come on man, he means no harm

Spawn: and I ain't a deadite, zombie or even a revenant I'm a hell spawn

Y/n: and he's like a father to me...... please Ash, he's not a bad person

Ash: oh is that it.....? Ok then

Ash simply lowers the gun as he looks at spawn

Ash: no offense there, but your spooky as hell!

Spawn: that's the intention

Ash then noticed the sleeping girl in spawn's cape

Ash: who's ....?

Y/n: that's my daughter; eri

Spawn: and what's the question?

Ash: I can take her to safety..... I know you guys might not like me as of yet, but everyone does eventually.....

Spawn: it's ok I'll be taking care of her, just come with me I might need your assistance

Y/n knew that ash had no Ill intentions and was just wanting to help as spawn and ash go together as Y/n then closes his eyes as he's engulfed in flames in his cosmic ghost rider suit

Y/n looks around as he senses a great concentration of power and immediately flys over seeing a bunch of people in costumes with a large man towering over them, this is Darkseid

Darkseid: and who in the universe are you?

Y/n: Damnation and Justice!

Darkseid then fired his omega beams only for the beams to seemly hit no one as Darkseid looks around

Darkseid: What? GUUUGH!

The cosmic ghost riders hand goes through Darkseid's stomach as the people around him are shocked

As the man tried to hit him Y/n simply teleported behind him and jabbed a flaming knife through his side and even his right eye was cut, before Y/n kicked him away before he fell with debris covering him

???: that's no possible; not even my strength could've done that

Y/n looks at the lying down heroine he didn't pay attention much cept for the S on her chest

Y/n: I'm special that's why sweet cheeks

He then seemly teleported to him and blasted Darkseid into a hole that seemly opened out of nowhere but before that he managed to cut his arm and damage his eyes even
Ore as Darkseid's rage is felt but not before he's taken back through his own boom tube as the cosmic ghost rider seemly looks at another spaceship in the air

Y/n: huh, so there's the command center!

He shoots up in a shot of flames as instantly the ship explodes in a fiery rain of metal that hurts only the remaining Thanagarians and whatever parademons are left, as the people see the fiery explosion the cosmic ghost rider is nowhere to be found

As for whatever else was left, there was only charred remains

End flashback

Spawn: kid?

Y/n: sorry Al, just reminiscing about our first time here

Spawn: quite the problem wasn't it?

Y/n: yep, see you when the time comes, Pops

Spawn: see ya kiddo!

Y/n cuts the connection off as he sighs before going to the stove and putting a pan on and dropping some oil in as the smell of cooking wafted through the apartment

Ash: hey kid, we're back!

Eri: daddy?

Y/n: I'm in here sweetie, just finishing up

Ash comes in as eri was holding his hand

Ash: oh my? What's that delicious smell

Y/n: beef Wellington it's just about done

Ash: what's the special occasion for?

Y/n: it's nothing; just wanted do something special for the people I care about

Ash: I don't wanna get all wussy but I love ya kiddo

Eri: I love you too daddy

Y/n: I love y'all too, come on let's enjoy these while they're still hot

As Y/n served his family they ate in silence as they just enjoyed the atmosphere as Y/n even brought out a dessert classic, a white chocolate sphere inside of it is a pistachio cake with caramelized oranges with a hot chocolate sauce

Ash: ok... this is art

Y/n: just watch this

As the chocolate melts it shows the vanilla ice cream on top of the brownie style cake as they dig in

Eri: this is so yummy!

Ash: I might die, but I'll die happy!

As they enjoy the desert, a knock is heard as Y/n exited out of the kitchen and went to the door as he walked there and dried his hands

Going to open the door Y/n opens it seeing a red haired woman wearing black jeans, a leather jacket and a red shirt and Y/n's perception flares up

???: hi, I'm sorry to interrupt you, my name is Natalie Rushman; I'm your new neighbor

Y/n: *thoughts* "guarded eyes, hands on pockets, definitely a dual wielder, and sleek like a panther; definitely an assassin but not one to hurt me"

Y/n: nice to meet ya, ma'am I'm Y/n Colt

Eri had suddenly come by as she peeks her head out and comes out

Eri: daddy is.....

Seeing Natalie Eri hides behind Y/n's back shyly as Natalie looks at her

Natalie: oh my goodness; what a beautiful child you are

Eri: h..... hi ma'am

Natalie: it's great to meet ya but I must go; got a lot of unpacking to do

Ash suddenly pops up

Ash: if you ever need a helper; call this guy in! He's good at moving a lot of things

Eri: sure is!

Natalie: no problem; thank you, have a great one! See ya later sweetie

Natalie blows a kiss at Eri as they go in and relax and watch some movies as they're watching dumb and dumber, Dawn of the dead and Jurassic park

Ash: oh god! I think I'll die happy today

Eri: I always wanted to see a real dinosaur

Y/n: dreams will come true soon!

As they commented on the movies and laughed their butts off, Y/n dozed off, eri slept on top of him as Ash slept on another couch with a blanket draped over him

Next day

The next day at 1:00 pm, Y/n is seen walking with Eri on his shoulders and Ash alongside him, as they were enjoying some Italian ice

Ash: if I ever found this out, I would've ditched snow cones long time

Eri: so refreshing for a hot day

Y/n: agreed, great for a hot day, better than snow cones, but Hawaiian shaved ice rivals this

Ash: oh definitely; the portion size is quite crazy as well

Eri: whatever that is; I'll try it!

Y/n: you will soon!

Instantly the sounds of sirens and some gunfire are heard as Y/n's eyes narrowed and Ash sighs

Ash: no rest for the weary huh?

Y/n: never a time? Eri stay with uncle, I'll be right back

Eri: ok be safe daddy!

Y/n: always sweetie!

Y/n runs away as he gave eri his other cup of Italian ice as he begins to look at his watch and begins to turn the hands on it

An armored truck is seen with the back doors busted open as gun men are seen firing their Ar-15s at police vehicles; and even hitting civilians in the process as they laugh seeing the police back off

???: this is just dumb! The avengers might get us

???: oh don't worry we got an ace in the hole

Y/n: and what might that ace be?

???: oh it's..... HOLY SHIT!

The guys inside all panic as they see the black and gold clad Ronin

???: kill him!

Ronin instantly moves towards the man and easily with a tanto in hand slashes the mans neck as the other man raised his gun before he shot wildly as the bullets ricochets off Ronins armor and the inside of the armored car

Ronin: really?

He simply kicked the man out over the opened doors as he slid down and hits his head on the pavement as armored truck stops and skids to a halt as someone crashed through the roof

???: the mighty ronin; I've been wanting to meet you

Y/n turns seeing a man with a skull mask and a hood on

Y/n: taskmaster!

Taskmaster: well spotted

Taskmaster instantly unsheathed a sword as Y/n instantly deploys his own as they clash before they tumbled out side before backing away from each other as taskmaster looks at him

Y/n: you can't  read me taskmaster; that's what infuriating isn't it?

Taskmaster: even if I can't read you; I'll still beat you

Both men clash as they keep at each other As they switched to their knives for close quarter combat

Taskmaster: you're clearly skilled but you won't beat.....

A knife stabbed taskmaster in his stomach before he's tossed aside easily, before a helicopter armed with a machine gun fired but the bullets didn't affect Ronin's armor at all

Taskmaster: let's..... gugg!

Y/n is seen relaxed as Taskmaster's body falls into cubed pieces of flesh

Y/n: you're still too slow

???: shit! He killed Taskmaster run!

Before they could do that a S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier descends as they are taken down as the men are arrested as several agents come down as one black man in a black eye patch comes down

???: ronin my name is.... Nick fury?

Nick looks around as he sees no one

Fury: motherfucker! Guys good

In the crowd as people are looking Y/n looks at Fury

Y/n: "this has gotten interesting"

Y/n leaves with the crowd as he begins to go back home

Y/n heads back home as he sees Natalie his next door neighbor taking out the trash

Natalie: oh hi Y/n!

Y/n: miss Rushman

He nods to her as he goes to his door and opens it

Eri: daddy!

Eri rushes and hugs him as Y/n hoists her up and Carrying her

Eri: you ok?

Y/n: oh yeah! I'm just a little tired from today

Ash: hey kiddo!

Y/n: hey buddy!

He gives a high five to Ash

Ash: you ok?

Y/n: yeah but I'm just glad I have you guys with me

Ash: always my friend

Eri: and I'll always be here with you papa!

Y/n smiles and kisses eri

Unknown area

???: where's Ronin?

???: he's not here sure

Several men are seen looking at a man wearing a Victorian era attire even a Victorian style haircut

???: such a shame one man can't be trusted, Taskmaster was nothing to us

???: don't worry, sooner or later! Ronin will join the hellfire club

???: and he won't say no this time!

A/n: now this has gotten more interesting and please comment and tell me what y'all want next

Recommendations for the harem right here!

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