Chapter 1

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We now see Y/n cooking some pancakes as Eri was seen drawing on a piece of paper, Ash was reading the morning news

Y/n: is everything okay, Eri?

Eri: yeah, I'm just tired

Y/n: overslept another horror Marathon?

Eri and Ash shared a look as Y/n chuckles

Y/n: it's alright, but next time. Don't choose some B flicks. Maybe we can watch some good zombie flicks

Ash: sounds great, but I wanna see the remake of Dawn of the dead, that's such a great movie

Eri: I love the fast zombies

Y/n: same here, here's breakfast

He set down some strawberry shortcake pancakes, with some crepes filled with cream, chocolate and strawberries

Ash: thanks kid

Y/n: no problem enjoy

They all sit down as the news was blaring something that they couldn't hear as they were conversing and eri and Y/n were trading laughs at Ash's usual jokes and tomfoolery

Newscaster: seems like things are getting very serious. The justice league with Superwoman at the helm managed to stop a robbery in progress that escalated to a brawl outside when captain cold, gorilla grodd and even the notorious livewire were behind the robbery. But with teamwork, Batwoman, Wonder Woman, the flash and Powergirl were able to deal with the threats. In other news Ronin the masked vigilante has struck again, this time over 40 traffickers were massacred not one left alive, this reporter personally thanks the man who saved countless women and children and has my thanks all around. The other news is.....

Y/n had turned his head to Ash, noting that he heard the news, y/n had to wave it off as Ash makes a thumbs up

Eri: is everything okay?

Y/n: everything's great, don't worry

Eri: okay

Y/n couldn't help but notice that eri looked a bit bored and came up with an idea

Y/n: hey eri, want to go to the beach today?

Eri's face lights up in confusion and slight wonder 

Eri: the beach?

We now see Y/n wearing a pair of swim trunks that are tight fitting exposing his well toned and muscular body, with his hair tied up. Next to him was eri was she was looking around a bit worried. Ash wanted to come but simply was ok with staying and relaxing, specially since he was tired from the day before

Eri: papa, what do we do?

Y/n: you can do anything, we can go swimming, watch the waves, surf? how about we go see a tide pool?

Eri: what's a tide pool?

Y/n: best to show you

Y/n and eri walked a distance away as they came upon a tide pool

Eri: it's so pretty

Y/n: isolated pockets of seawater, in fact there's many sea creatures here, from starfish to crabs to even small fish waiting for the tide and come and take them back to the ocean

Eri: really?

Y/n: yep

Eri and him kneel down as they observe a pink starfish and some small fish as Eri then points to something, y/n looks only for eri to splash him in the face

Eri: gotcha!

Y/n then splashes back as she screams in joy and looks at him

Eri: splash fight!!

Y/n and her splash each other as they were smiling at their fun, eri was even taught surfing as she was clinging to her dad as she was scared but Y/n made sure she was safe. Who was unknowingly a master at surfing and made eri's jaw alongside many others drop. They made it back to their cooler as y/n presents eri some homemade cherry slushies 

Eri: thanks papa *takes a sip* that's so delicious

Y/n: no problem

They both sit back as y/n was sunbathing even though he didn't need to. He loved the sun on his bare body, although the looks from many women made him stiffen up, but it's nothing he can't handle

Eri: you okay?

Y/n: I'm good, just want to enjoy the sun. Are you okay?

Eri: I'm good, thanks again papa, it's amazing to be out here

Y/n: *kisses Eri's head* anything for you, snow angel

Eri simply leans her head against her father's shoulders trying not to fall asleep as y/n smiles. Next thing we see y/n carrying a sleepy eri back to the house after a few hours at the beach

After making sure to have a nice hearty dinner, eri was seen sleeping on the couch as y/n tucks her in

Ash was seen on the recliner as he nods to Y/n, who brought out a small bag and takes it with him as he made his way out quietly

Next thing we see is y/n on top of a abandoned building as the wind was blowing, he slumps down as it began to rain and puts on a hood

Warehouse, Gotham city

Outside we see one man patrolling outside as he lit a cigarette and as he's about to take a puff. A hand covers his mouth, the cigarette sizzling out as the mans neck is twisted and he drops quietly. The figure steps out revealing Y/n now clad in his other attire, his ronin attire

He steps over the dead body as we see a large gathering of many others, but they seem to be waiting as Y/n looks, a portal comes out as they all look seeing a large man over 8ft in height as they all tense up, this is Stepphenwolf, Darkseid's master hunter

Stepphenwolf: I've arrived, don't waste my masters time

Thug: it's no problem...... we...

Stepphenwolf: I didn't say to speak...... where's the weapons you promised me and my adversary?!

Thug: sir..... we

The lights suddenly go out as the sound of thuds and punches landing is heard.... the lights turned on again, with the bodies of all the thugs being dead, with their heads cut off, chests sliced open and one having a heart missing, Stepphenwolf turns around as he tried to locate the person


???: I am the shadows!!!

Stepphenwolf turns around as a boot plants itself in his face as he collided with a shipping container making a huge indent, as Y/n steps out holding his sword

Stepphenwolf: the ronin? I should've know.....

Y/n: knowing is something; you don't have a clue or even know; let alone even I'll dignify you when you're nothing but trash underneath my boot

Stepphenwolf charges at him and tried to punch him only for his fist to be caught easily as he looks shocked

Y/n: *chuckles* MEDIOCRE!!

He push kicks Stepphenwolf as he tried to regain his senses only for ronin to blur around him as he's hit in the head, feeling his spine rattle, and his skull in planted in the concrete and dragged down as he began to scream as his skin is being dragged into it, he's let go, as he fights back as best he can but only for Ronin to grab him and throw him as he performed a move that sends him to the ground again

As Stepphenwolf is beaten beaten, a kick lays him down on his back as ronin faces him as he unmasks himself much to Stepphenwolf's shock

Stepphenwolf: you?

Y/n: been a long time, don't worry; you'll tell me everything. Who are you working with?

Stepphenwolf: like I'll......

A foot breaks his ribs making him scream, as Y/n leans closer letting him see his flaming eyes


Stepphenwolf: fine........ we were supposed to meet up with a man named shao khan, he's planning something.... that's all I know

Y/n: good enough for me..... now look into my eyes!!

Stepphenwolf tries to look away only for Y/n to then rip off his eyelids as he looks as his face is burnt into a crisp as flames are seen in his permanently open eyes

A portal is conjured as Stepphenwolf is thrown into the portal to god knows where as Y/n puts back on his ronin mask as he disappears, as a woman steps forward wearing a skin tight catsuit with her short hair being the most significant thing about her; it's color not being seen due to the shadows obscuring it

???: What was that??

There was also another figure a woman dressed in a red and gold outfit with stars as she couldn't help but say this

???: great Hera, who was that?

Few hours later

It was already 3:30 am as Y/n steps into the house wearing just a t-shirt and jeans as he yawns seeing that Ash and eri were asleep as he made his way to his room as he sleeps


Around Y/n everyone began to disintegrate into ashes as he was holding onto a woman as she was beginning to turn into ash

???: y/n?

Y/n: no, no, no!!! Stay with me, don't leave

???: I love......

She disintegrated as Y/n then groans in pain seeing that his own skin was turning into ash, only for it to stop as he clenched his fist tightly

Y/n: fuck!

Flashbacks ends

Y/n is woken up by Eri as she jumps on his chest

Y/n: morning sweetie

Eri: hi daddy

Y/n: what's going on?

Eri: Dawn is here to talk to you

Y/n: okay let me get dressed

Eri: sure thing

She then gives him a kiss on the cheek as she smiles and goes to tell Dawn

Y/n is dressed in sweatpants and a shirt as he goes to see Eri's sitter when Ash isn't available, Dawn who was sitting down as ash and eri were eating some leftovers from yesterday

Dawn: Mr Y/n

Y/n: please, Dawn just call me Y/n

Dawn: you're aura is so beautiful today, you seem happy

Y/n: with my family by my side; I'll always be happy

Dawn: hehe..... I uh.... I have a favor to ask you?

Y/n: what is it, Dawn?

Dawn: for the reality show I was in. We're doing a reunion and I need a plus one..... and I was thinking that you should come with me?

Y/n: total drama right?

Dawn: yes for revenge of the island

Y/n: of course I'll come with you, I'll do anything for you, you've been such a big help that I'll help with whatever you need

Dawn: oh that makes me so happy and it's in 2 days

Y/n: that's great, come by and I'll drive us there

Dawn: that's amazing, thank you so much

She then hugged him which surprised him, but he hugged her back as she steps out going to get her things ready soon

Y/n made his way back as he told eri and Ash about him and Dawn and he was teased relentlessly by Ash while Eri was excited to see her papa on Tv, they spent the day together and even helped Ash go grocery shopping, which ended in him getting the cashiers number as Y/n and eri stifle a chuckle

Y/n was seen combing his hair as eri was sitting on his bed playing a video game on her Nintendo switch; he was wearing a charcoal suit with a double breasted waistcoat and some nice dress shoes

Eri: you look amazing, Daddy

Y/n: thanks, sweetie. Oh man..... I gotta be going soon. Take care

He kisses her head as Ash from the recliner complimented him and said that he better not be jumped by the crowd as Y/n opens his door seeing Dawn there wearing a beautiful elegant dress

Y/n: wow, Dawn you look amazing

Dawn: I should say the same thing

Y/n: *chuckles* shall we?

Dawn: we shall

Y/n and her made their way to his car as he opens the door for her and goes in as he drives them their as they listen to some nice music on the way there

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As Y/n and Dawn went there, there was a small crowd there as Y/n's car was valeted and taken to park as Dawn was greeted by her fans as she held onto Y/n's arm, several of the reporters even asked him for interviews only for him to decline a bit forcefully since one female wanted to ask if he was comfortable with his shirt off, something he didn't like. He was walking in before.....

???: Y/n?

Y/n: Heather?!

She looks surprised as she went over and couldn't help herself giving Y/n a once over look

Heather: what're you doing here?

Y/n; Dawn invited me, oh shit..... that's what I forgot you both were in the show

Heather: wait..... how do you know Dawn?

Dawn: I babysit his daughter, Eri

Heather: you're a father.......? "man I want to call him daddy"

Dawn: of a beautiful and very sweet girl

Y/n: sorry I don't like to blurt out I'm a father to people

Heather: I can understand, it's good to see you again

Y/n: same here

???: people please make your way to the show, it'll be starting soon

A intern came by as Y/n and Dawn followed by Heather as they were escorted on stage to the other contestants and their plus ones or families, as Y/n's appearance causes many wolf whistles. Many of the female contestants were giving him the "look" as he sat down and is seen as chef was there as he was interviewing the others

Chef: before we get started. My name is Chef Hatchet

Y/n: good to meet ya, Y/n Colt

Chef: it's an honor and might I say, you're one really handsome man you know that

This causes everyone to cheer and whistle as Y/n had to hold back a nervous chuckle

Y/n: I don't get that a lot but thanks

Chef: but are you a model by any chance?

Y/n: formerly.......

The cheers and wolf whistles got even louder as Y/n had to sigh, honestly women went crazy hearing that about him, kinda makes him more nervous. The news about him being a dad seemed to make them even more lustful, they even shouted out daddy to him. What in the hells wrong with these ladies???

They then interview the others as Y/n tuned them out; honestly none of them really interested him as they were excused for a bit of catering as Y/n was eating some scalloped potatoes with some fried Chicken, with Dawn eating a salad next to him, He was approached by someone who made his blood boil a little, the shiteater himself, Scott

Scott: well look who scored a date...?

Dawn: Scott just leave it.....

Scott: oh wha.....

Y/n: how about you go eat shit and leave, oh wait half of your ladies already left because you exposed who the hell you are and of course you still wet the fucking bed, asshole

Scott growls as the other contestants lean forward knowing that Scott will made a fool out of himself

Scott: I don't need your opinion!

Y/n: Unlike you my opinion matters and your the stereotypical farm boy who can't even fill out a tank top, let alone even look good??!

Scott: fuck you asshole!!!

Y/n: didn't you do that to your duck, honestly you are a waste of a person, not even a man!!!

Scott then tried to punch him only for Y/n to kick his knee as the cartilage is broken and he cries out crying like a bitch as everyone gets back to what they're doing; he then felt a hand on his shoulder

It was a man wearing a cape and a wizards hat, looking like the stereotypical wizards you see in games, this was Leonard

Leonard: my my, handsome knight. May art thou drink thi solution so I can be just as gallant as thou!

Y/n: what in the fuck are you even talking about?

Leonard: thou elixir from thy body must be drunk, for this wizard to become a Prince Charming

Y/n: oh get away from me, you piece of delusional shit!!!!

He shoves him away as he sits down next to Dawn as she lays her head against his shoulder, as he didn't mind it one bit. Heather joins them

Heather: it's gonna be a long night

Y/n: you're telling me, I don't get shows but this one isn't bad. But some of the people are the worse

Heather: *chuckles* trust me, I was worse. But I learned to grow up and become a better person, I just needed a reality check per say

Y/n: *chuckles* some lessons are learned the hard way

Heather: ain't that the truth

Chef: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: yes chef hatchet? How can I help you?

Chef: come Chris would like to talk to you

Y/n: be right back

He leaves getting up as he made his way to Chris McClain, the host and creator of the show

Chris: Colt, my man. Seems you raised some anger from those guys, honestly I wanted someone to kick their asses

Y/n: thanks......???

Chris: you know it would be good to see you make a later appearance in the new show were pitching..... total drama uncharted, it takes place on one the most uncharted islands in the world in 6 months, hope you'll consider it?! At least?

Y/n: Chris..... I appreciate the offer but I can't leave my daughter alone just cause of a reality show and hope for a shot of fame..... I'll consider it for now but it's most likely a no. My family comes before my game

Chris: I understand; honestly most people would've accepted it. But I can appreciate a honest man, hope you'll join if you can?

Y/n: we'll see......

They shake hands as chef was nearly tearing up before he looks at his tear

Chef: get back in there tear *the tear gets sucked back into his eye*

Y/n had returned as he was glared at by some of the guys for the girls undivided attention being brought to him

He was sitting down with Heather and one of the other contestants Duncan and Owen, a Mohawked punk guy and the big friendly Oaf

Owen: man I wish you could've been in the earlier reality show, would've been nice Y/n

Y/n: *chuckles* fame isn't really my thing, but it would be fun to see how far I'll go

Duncan: trust me man you would've made it far without any trouble. But watched out for those ladies, they're eyeing you like a piece of meat

Y/n: ain't the first time and technically I don't care

Duncan: but don't you wanna hook up.....?

Y/n: hooking up is fun and all. But I want something more substantial, I want to be able to talk to a lady, have a great time, make some dinner and chat about our day, our lives and even enjoy some music and movies together. I also want eri to have a mother that she'll love.....

Duncan: dude....... that's so awesome.... you're almost making me cry

Scott: blah.... blah.... blah? That's a tactic only to screw these ladies aren't ya?

Y/n: how about you shut up? Or I'll put you in a wheelchair permanently and roll you down a whole 30 story stairway?!

Scott shuts up after peeing himself as Y/n and the others were about to leave and he was asked to give his number to Heather again, one to a goth named Gwen, the other was a vegetarian named Laurie, next was a blonde bombshell named Lindsay, Y/n drove Dawn home and made sure she was safe and Dawn told him that she'll love to see eri again

Y/n made it back as he goes out of his car and was being watched by a woman in midair as she began to ponder

Y/n however knew she was there

Y/n: "I don't wanna cause trouble, but if she tries to threaten eri or Ash. I'll subject her and anyone to a lifetime of torment and death"

He made his way to the apartment as he was there and sees eri and ash sleeping as he smiles and kisses eri goodnight and made sure to replay their movie in case

Going to bed Y/n simply smiles remembering how he was once a man who lost everything and meeting eri gave him the hope and life he wanted, spawn did the same to him. Closing his eyes, Y/n allows a smile to come on his face

A/n: hope you all enjoyed this; anyone else you wanna see Y/n end up with?

Also what should he do next, or who would eri call mom first?

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