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A/n: there's gonna be a bit of deaths and gore from bnha, so just a warning specially of you like the heroes or even class A

Somewhere in the bnha universe, unknown planet

Here we now see a flaming skull surrounded by waves of energy, holding a Gauntlet that is glowing on a planet far away from earth

This is the cosmic ghost rider who turn morphs into his human form, his real name is Y/n Colt as he slicks his hair back as he looks around

Y/n sighs as he rubs his head as he makes sure to take out of the infinity stones and put them somewhere safe, and hold the gauntlet, as he hears another person come in behind him

???: you alright?

Y/n: just deep in thought

???: always are ain't ya? 

Y/n: yep, is everything okay, Spawn?

Spawn: you destroyed that world and got rid of all of the so called "quirks", where we off too now?

Y/n: another place, where is she......? Where's Eri?

Spawn then movies his cape revealing the sleeping form of Eri Y/n's adoptive daughter, Who was napping in his arms as he cradled her gently

Spawn: she'll be happy and safe, I'm sure of that

Y/n: let's get out of here, let's go somewhere better

Spawn: hope so, but let's make sure Eri is safe and has a childhood

He then summons a portal, as they go to god knows where as all 3 of them vanish.


Y/n stood on top of a chair as he was looking at Katsuki Bakugo, the bomb bitch as he calls him. His legs and arms were chopped off and he was hanging with his flesh tied into fishhooks and his mouth was stapled shut and burned off

Y/n: A hero? Someone like you, killed over 30 people with your temper and even a pregnant woman just cause she called you a monster. Sometimes I really wonder who's a real monster, me or you. But I acknowledge who I am as a monster, you believe yourself to be a hero, but your class is dead. I shot your family, burned them to ashes basically, izuku is crippled and dying as we speak. Your teacher, well let's just say he's grounded up like beef. You Katsuki are a parasite on this world, nothing more than a bug in a big world and there's always someone to be there to squash you and that's me

He then grabs his throat as Bakugo's anger was seen as well as fear. He then grabs his face and rips it off, as his skull was seen and he rips him off to the ground as he began to stomp on his head, like a grape it exploded all over his boots blood and brain matter all over

Y/n: *sighs* I just got these, Eh got enough money to buy more of these

He then leaves as the camera pans around showing the dead bodies of many heroes and villains, from all might having his intestines cut up and shoved down his throat, his prodigy izuku laying half dead, legless and armless, 1A's bodies decorated the floor alongside 1B and the rest of the school, Nezu's body was skinned, Mirio's head was gone, his heart was shoved down his throat, Midnight was decapitated, the rest were either headless, missing their lower body parts as y/n summons the infinity gauntlet as spawn came out of the darkness

Spawn: you're nothing more than a mistake, nothing but a mistake, guess even god makes mistake, you Scrawny, wannabe, sack of human shit

Y/n: you tried using eri, that was the...... FINAL FUCKING THING! No one tries using my daughter for her powers, she thought she trusted you, you stupid, tiny dicked, wanna be son of a bitch hero, Broccoli head, you hear me? DO YOU HEAR ME NOW??!!

Only gurgles were heard as spawn summons izuku to them, brings him close as his chains then entered his heart and body before he exploded in bits and gore.

Y/n: this time no one will suffer

He then snaps his fingers as a flash of light is seen

As we now see Y/n in his ghost rider form holding the gauntlet standing on the planet he was seen earlier

Timeskip, Unknown amount of Months later

Inside a beautiful apartment, Inside a large bedroom. A alarm was heard as we see a hand emerge from A pile of blankets as the man groans as he emerges revealing Y/n Colt, who wipes his head, clearing the sleep from his eyes

Y/n: *yawns* morning already?

He then feels someone sleep on his chest as he opens his blankets seeing his daughter Eri

Eri: *yawns* hey daddy

Y/n: couldn't sleep last night?

Eri: I'm sorry I....

Y/n: you don't have to be sorry, You're always welcome to sleep in my bed

Eri hugs her dad as he brings her in close, making her smile as he does as well. For Y/n he never felt alive, but when Eri came into his life. He was........ reborn. Spawn was still in the underworld, but Y/n visits him and checks on the man, specially since he does miss seeing Eri

Y/n gets up as his shirtless body was revealed only wearing gray pants

He's stretched as Eri hugs him form behind as he goes to Make some breakfast as there's a knocking sound as Eri goes to answer it

Eri: uncle Ash

???: hey kiddo, where's that dad of yours?

Y/n: making breakfast, im making some of your favorites

???: is that right?

Eri comes in as she was riding on Ash's shoulders

Ash: looks like the little munchkin is getting bigger

Eri: I hope so. I want to be as strong as papa

Y/n: I know you will be. Come on let's eat

He then sets down some pancakes, alongside sausages, hash browns and eggs

All 3 dig in, later as Y/n had to head off to do some errands, he turns to Ash and Eri

Y/n: you guys have fun. I'll be doing a few errands

Ash: sure thing kiddo..... and I promise no hi-c this time

As Y/n turned around to get his jacket he gives Eri a small wink and smile

Y/n: I saw that

Ash: no you didn't

Y/n: oh yeah, I did

Ash: sorry...... flame boy, you're being delusional

Eri: be safe daddy

Y/n: I will, I'll see you both later. You guys want anything else to eat at the grocery store?

Eri: more apples

Y/n: I'll make you guys some great candy apples

Eri: yay thanks, you're the best daddy

Ash: I'll be good for now, but don't forget the bubble gum?

Y/n: okay then, I'll be back

He goes down to the garage as he opens the door seeing his Dodge Charger hellcat

He then goes inside as he starts some music to listen too

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He goes out of the door as he drives off in the morning day and he was shopping In a large grocery store. He was grabbing a large sackful of apples and something/something fell against him as he caught the woman who fell against him and catches her basket, but dropped a bottle of soda that cracked and spilled on the floor

???: oh shit!

Y/n: I'm sorry ma'am, I wasn't watching where I was looking

He got a good look at the woman, she wore a maroon top and pair of  tight shorts

???: no I'm sorry I....

She got a good look at him as she blushes intensely, seeing a very handsome, if not beautiful man like Y/n

Y/n: are you okay?

???: yy.... yes, I'm Heather

Y/n: Y/n Colt at your service, I'm sorry for spilling your soda

Heather: it's okay

And they found themselves talking among each other as Y/n helped pay for her groceries, as a apology for breaking and spilling her soda, which she was very thankful for. They made it to Y/n's car as Heather was looking at the beautiful car

Heather: nice car

Y/n: thanks, it's one of my favorite models

Heather: hey........ can I have your number? It's just cause I think I would love to get to know you a little better

Y/n: sounds good, Heather

They exchange numbers as y/n went to do a few more things and found himself lugging up the massive amount of groceries as he goes in seeing Eri and Ash watching some cartoons, it was a marathon of chowder, they were laughing at chowder and his giant hand

Y/n: I'm back

Eri: daddy!

She runs to him as they decided to make some Vanilla cream soda floats

Y/n was seen drinking the last of his drink deep in thought, as Eri came to him

Eri: you okay?

Y/n: just deep in thought, Sweetie. Are you okay?

Eri: yeah, you gave me a reason to smile, a better life.... and I can't....

He then kneels down and hugs her

Y/n: I wouldn't trade for anything in the world, cause you brought me happiness, alongside, spawn and ash. I will Always be there for you, Eri. Cause even if my body turns to ash, I'll never stop loving you and being your protector, cause I love you my little angel

This causes Eri to smile as y/n hugs her tightly

Ash is seen watching as he came to get something to snack on, he wipes a tear from his eye and let's out a small smile as he makes his way into the kitchen as the 3 of them decide to watch some scooby doo movies as they binged watched all night, eventually with Ash falling asleep on the recliner, Y/n on the couch with Eri sleeping on his chest

A/n: hope you guys enjoyed this and sorry for the long ass wait

Any girls you guys wanna see Y/n Colt pair up with?

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