Sally M. Monroe

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Remember that Cam was not the only person who was taken to the next world

His friends was also taken to the next world along with Cam

His friends are
And John

For the past chapters I've been giving Cam his chapters about where he is and how's he doing

Now you guys know he's been doing fine. It's time for a friend to have her chapter

Somewhere far away there's a place where fishes are preys to their predators and once they get hunted down...they lose a life

And that place is called Catikiya

At the house on top of the hill, a yellow haired girl slowly wakes up and yawns as she stretch her arms

She got up and slides open the door to see a Purple female cat walking with a breakfast Tray in hand

The Purple female cat her name is Canilia

Canilia: *sees Sally walking out of her room* Well good morning Sally you sleep well?

Sally: *Yawns* Morning yes I slept like a baby

Canilia: Hmm well here's your breakfast

Sally's eyes gleamed as she takes the tray and start eating the fish first with the chopsticks

Sally: *Talks with food in her mouth* This is so good!

Canilia: Phew then I'm glad. Anyways Master KatZuine is awake and want us to meet him in his room

Sally: *Looks up at her* Really? Ain't he's a heavy sleeper?

Canilia: I mean he is. But this time he woke up early

Sally: well let me finish my breakfast first

Canilia: Then keep eati-

Her sentence was stopped when she saw Sally's breakfast all gone

Sally: *Burps and Chuckles* I'm a fast eater

They went to Master Katzuine's room and saw him sitting down on the floor Chris cross apple Sauce

His fur is Red with his Kimono Dark green and red. He also has a scar on his left eye

Canilia: We're here Master KatZuine!

Master KatZuine: *Looks up at them* Good morning my Students

The two girls sat down infront of him

Sally: Soooo how am I supposed to get better at fighting! I mean I always use these babies

She said as she brings up her two hands.

Sally: *Chuckles* and dude! They always been helpful

Yesterday Master KatZuine told her have she ever fought with a weapon before

She told him that she always fight with her hands

So he decided to get her trained to get better

Master KatZuine: *Sighs* you know your hands can't always help you in any fights you're in.'s my question

He looks at her with a serious look

Master Katzuine: even though I already said this yesterday! Have you ever use a weapon on a fight before?

Sally: like I said! not really I always fight with my hands

Master Katzuine: You need to fight with a weapon.

Sally: but Hands can be Rated e for everyone

Master Katzuine: with your hands getting bruised you won't be able to get yourself through every fights. So that's the reason why I'm going to train you.

He pulls out a katana

Master Katzuine: This will be your weapon and Canilia will be your opponent

Canilia and Sally are now standing across from each other with Katana in their hands

Sally: *Thoughts* Ok all I have to do is watch her every move, dodge her attacks and once she leave herself open. That's where I swing in. It'll be easy

Master Katzuine: Go!

Then Canilia launched herself towards Sally in High speed

Sally: *Eyes Widen* What the!?

She swung her katana too early causing Canilia to Dodge it

Causing Canilia to kick her in the Stomach

Sally Flew back with her Katana flying out of her hand and lands on the ground

Sally: *Clenches her stomach* Agh my stomach! Ow that hurt!

Canilia: Oh crap! Sorry I didn't mean to- a-are you ok!

Master Katzuine: Ahem! Seems like you were to sloppy

Sally: *Looks at him with anger* I'm not Sloppy!!

Canilia: I mean you swung in Early

Master Katzuine: Sally you need to take this serious.

Sally: But I am getting Serious

Master Katzuine: Well to me you aren't

Sally opened her mouth to say something back but couldn't

Master Katzuine: If you don't take this training serious you won't be able to get better

Once he said that

Sally didn't say anything as she looked down

Sally: I need some time alone to think...

She got up and left the room

Canilia:*Worried* Is she gonna be okay?

Master Katzuine: she'll be okay. though training can be difficult but you need to learn it for the better

Canilia: if you say so Master Katzuine

Sally is now outside standing on the grass field as she look at the mountains

Sally: *Looks at her hand* Am i not really good in fighting...? I mean I always defend myself with my hands

Then she also thought about something that cause her to Think more

What if she and her Friends were in the War.

They do need weapons to fight against the enemies and without them

They'll die

Sally realize that Master Katzuine was right.

She needs to take Training seriously in order to get better in fighting

Sally: *Clenches her fist* no I can't let this happen...never I'm not letting my friends die

She grabs a picture from her pocket and looks at it

It's a picture of Her, Nala, Cam and John together when they were at the Arcade

Sally: *Screams on top of her lungs* I'm going to train Hard no matter what and I'm not going to back down!!

Back Master KatZuine's room

Canilia: Do you think she'll get better from this Training

Master KatZuine: *Drinks tea* the more you train the more better you'll get. I don't mind if she wants to take a break

Canilia: Well I hope so

Then the door slides to the side Revealing Sally with a Smile

Sally: Master KatZuine! You're right!

Master Katzuine: Hm?

Sally: *Sits down infront of him and Canilia* I realize that training can help me get better and I need you and Canilia to Train me. I don't care what you throw at me
I'll still stand and fight No matter what.

Canilia: Sally...

Master KatZuine: *Chuckles and smiles* I knew you'll change your mind. The training starts now

And so they begin to Train Sally as she fights with her Katana

She barely blocks each of Canilia's Attacks

She then was kicked in the face by Canilia as she falls on the ground

Sally Breathes heavily and smiles before Grabbing her katana and got up to continue her training

Days pass by as she was now practicing throwing Ninja stars to the tree with Canilia Leaning next to it

She throw her next one as it lands perfectly on the tree log with other Ninja stars that's attached to it

Sally: I got it!

Canilia: Good job!

She then grabbed the next one and throws it perfectly but it flew past the tree and it lands on the random old Cat guy's arm

Old Cat Guy: Agh Damn it! *Pulls the ninja Star out of his arm* Who threw this at me!?

Canilia: *Grabs Sally's arm* Cheese it!

They both ran off before the old Cat guy noticed

once they ran off far they stopped and catches their breath

Canilia: ok I think we ran this far

Sally: Why the did we run away?

Canilia: Sally listen I just don't want to get in trouble and getting scolded by old people just annoys me

Sally: Well dang I guess you can't handle the lecture

The both girl's stomach growls in hunger

Sally: Dang we've been on my training for hours that we haven't ate anything

Canilia: Yea. Wanna go get some ramen

Sally: oh I'm down for some noodles

Canilia: let's go to the Catsoy's ramen

Sally: *Looks at her in Confusion* Catsoy???

Canilia: the place is owned by the Catsoy family

Sally: Oh I see

Sally and Canilia went back to the Catikiya village

Sally looks around as she sees Cat people minding their own business

Some Cat kids are playing tag with each other

Sally: This place looks peaceful

Canilia: Yea we have and sometimes we help each other out like carrying boxes for the Elderly, play with kids and look at the Sakura trees. It helps me clear my mind whenever I have issues

Sally: I see

They reached to a place called Catsoy's ramen and went inside

An Auburn fur Cat girl is cleaning the tables before hearing footsteps and turns around to see Canilia and Sally coming

???: *Smiles* Canilia!

Canilia: *Smiles* hey Annie

Her name is Annie Catsoy

She works At Catsoy's Ramen that's owned by her parents Mr. And Mrs. Catsoy

Annie: How're you? You doing ok

Canilia: Yea I'm doing fine and yes I'm still fighting

Sally: Who's she?

Canilia: Oh! Annie this is Sally my Friend and also my soon to be Ninja partner Sally this is Annie! We've been friends for 5 years and she works here with her parents

Sally: *Smiles at Annie and Shakes Annie's hand* It's nice to meet you Annie

Annie: *Smiles back and Shakes Sally's hand* It's nice to meet you too Sally and by the way. You look different from all of us

Sally: Well let's just say I'm from somewhere else

Canilia: I wanna hear all of it I'm curious

With Canilia saying that. Sally decided to tell her

They sat on the table and Ordered two bowls of Ramen. Annie and her parents made the noodles and serve it to them

Sally: *Looks at the bowl of Ramen and her mouth watering* Thank you for the food

Canilia: Thank you for the food

And so they start eating before Canilia speaking about her question

Canilia: So Sally. I'm curious to ask

Sally: what is it.

Canilia: You remember that Annie said that you look different from us and you said you from somewhere else?

Sally: *Remembers it* Oh yea I do.

Canilia: Can you tell me?

Sally sighs and tells her where she came from

She told her that came from another universe and came from a place called Earth

And then told her about her Family and Friends

And now she's explaining how she got here

Sally: and then we found this Door that's attached to a tree

Canilia: a door?

Sally: *Nods* then we noticed there was four logos attach to it. The first was a Cheese, the second was a Bone, the Third was a Dead fish and the last one was an X

Canilia: what?

Sally: Yea...and before we questioned that. One of our friends John didn't care and opened the door, and a bright light came out of nowhere and blinded us

Canilia: so that's the reason why you're at the Grass field knocked out When we found you?

Sally: Yep...if it wasn't for an Idiot that I call a friend opening that door. I wouldn't be here neither does my friends

Canilia: I understand that

Sally: mhm *Looks at her bowl of Ramen* But I wanna know what those logos meant

Canilia: I know what you're saying

Sally: *Looks at her Surprised* You do?

Canilia: The dead fish represent us since we like to hunt down Fishes and eat them

Sally: is it because Tuna?

Canilia: It's because of Tuna Yes, Anyways the Bone represents the Dogs

Sally: *Eyes Widen* Dogs exist Too!?

Canilia: Yea and we sometimes fought

Sally: Dogs and Cats can be enemies sometimes

Canilia: and the X represents the Snakes

Sally: even Snakes too?

Canilia: *Gets Mad* They're our worst enemy and we can't stand them. They think they're so much better than us since they can have fangs and ability to squeeze us with their bodies!

Sally: *Listens while eating her Ramen* I get what you're saying

Canilia: And the cheese Represents the Mouses and Rats

Sally: Mouses?

Canilia: many years ago. The Snakes invaded Mousesenuali and they killed and kidnapped them....

Sally: Oh...that's sad to hear that

Canilia: Yea. They can't catch a break. The Snakes and Dogs sees them as the weak ones but Both of them see each other as Enemies too....

Sally didn't know what to say next

She knows that Mouses and rats are Snake's Treat but in this world

it's different

Now she knows that Snakes in this world are doing something that's way worse

Something that she don't want to imagine

Canilia: *Looks up at her* but I think your friends are over there...

Sally: Really?

Canilia: You said that you and the three of your friends was separated once y'all was taken to this world of maybe the three of them are over at their places...

Sally: I guess you're right...I mean we would've been together if we weren't separated

Canilia: So what're you going to do?

Sally: I'm going over there and find them...even if it's dangerous or not

Canilia: Wait you can't do that! You're not trained enough!

Sally: I- *Sighs* Damn it you're right...

???: It's not my fault you suck at Chess!

They both look over to see a Dark-Blue fur Cat and a light Brown fur Mouse Arguing with each other

Sally: What's going on?

Canilia: It's Thomas and Jeffrey. They come over here whenever they hang out together

Sally: I thought Mouses and Rats aren't welcome here?

Canilia: No they are. Ever since the Invasion the Snakes did. We felt sorry for them so we welcomed to Catikiya

Sally: I see

Thomas: I got confused in the Game

Jeffrey: oh no it's the fact that you're garbage at it.

Thomas: *Glares at him* if you call me Garbage one more time!

Jeffrey: *Smirks and leans close to him* You're Garbage!

Thomas: *Gets angry and Yells* Oh now you done it buddy!!

He then pulled a big hammer out of his back and swings it down towards Jeffrey

But Jeffrey jumped out of the way as the Hammer breaks the table

Jeffrey then pulls a pie and slams it on Thomas's face

Sally: *Watches them as they fight* This reminded of that one cartoon

Thomas got angry before he chased Jeffrey all around the place as he kept slamming his Big hammer

Canilia: *Chuckles* They do this all the time

Then Annie walks out of the kitchen and witness the place being a mess

Annie: *Gasps* What in the heck happened!?

Canilia: Ooo Someone's getting in Trouble!

Then a big hand lands on Annie's shoulder as she turned around to see her Father

Annie: Dad?

Mr. Catsoy: *Sighs* They'll never learn. Move aside sweetie

Annie moved to the side so her father can walk Through

Thomas slammed his big hammer as Jeffrey dodged and jumps on top of his head and pulls his hair

But they soon stopped fighting before looking up to see Mr.Catsoy looking down at them with a glare

They both chuckles Nervously

Thomas: Oh hey...Mr. Catsoy

Jeffrey: How's it hanging?

Mr. Catsoy:....

Outside of Catsoy's Ramen

Thomas and Jeffrey soon was kicked out of there and landed on the ground

Mr. Catsoy: *Walks out and dust his hands or Paws* If you guys wanna fight!! Take it somewhere else!!

He went back inside

Thomas: *Gets up and Dust himself*

Jeffrey: *Smirks* You're still Garbage!

Thomas: *Gets Angry again* Can you just Shut up!

Back inside Catsoy's Ramen

Mrs. Catsoy: *Looks around the place* Oh dear....they made quite a mess

Annie: *Sighs* I'll go get the broom and Dustpan

She went back to the kitchen

Canilia: You guys need help?

Mr. Catsoy: No but thank you for asking

Sally: Oh come on! We can't have you guys cleaning up stuff behind their mess and plus y'all gave us Ramen! Can we at least help you out?

Mrs. Catsoy: I see. Thank you girls for y'all kindness

And so Sally and Canilia Help them cleaning up the place

And after that they got a bunch of Riceballs, Sushi rolls and a bunch of Dangos as a Thank you gift from The Catsoys


Today's the day for Sally to see how far she went on her Training

And now they're at the Forest as Master KatZuine sitting on top of a Big rock watching the both of his students stand across from each other

There's nothing but the sound of wind with the leaves passing by as Sally and Canilia staring at each other

Ready to fight

Master KatZuine: Begin!

They both launched themselves at each other with their Katanas as they clash

They start swinging their Katanas at each other

before Canilia Swings her katana towards her neck before she parried it to the side and swings her leg to Canilia

She notices this quickly and moves her head back to avoid Sally's kick

Canilia Jumps back to gain distance before pulling out Ninja stars and throws them towards Sally

Sally hits the Incoming ninja stars with her Katana before running towards Canilia

Canilia Jumped to the Tree and Jumps to another as Sally did the same thing

The both launched themselves to each other from the trees and Clashed again in the air

Canilia Swings her leg towards Sally but she Blocks it with her arm

Then she Grabbed Canilia's leg and swings her around and throws her back to the Ground

Canilia landed on her feet on time before looking up to see Sally throwing Smoke bombs towards her

Canilia: Crap!

She jumps away again as the Smoke bombs hit the ground causing it to spread all Smoke around

Canilia: *Chuckles* Oh Sally You shouldn't never done that

Sally Threw a Ninja star at Canilia through the Smoke

Once the smoke clears

Her eyes widen to see a carved Wood that shapes like Canilia's body

Sally: *Shocked* What!? How!?

Behind Sally there's two yellow slit eyes

then out of nowhere Sally felt a Strong kick on her face.

Causing her to stumble before looking behind to see no one

Sally: *Looks around the forest* Where are you Canilia! Come out and fight me!

She hears multiple footsteps only to see Canilia with Multiple clones of her

Sally: W-What!?

Canilia and her clones smiles at her with her getting confused

But she didn't know that one of Canilia's clones was behind her

Canilia's clone sweep kicked Sally and kicks her on the back

Her body flew towards the others as they get their turn

Sally was getting punched and kicked by all of them

She barely had to recover

This kept going until one of Canilia's clones jumps and did the Bicycle kick on her

She swings one last kick as it lands on Sally's face

Her body flew and hits her back against the tree

Sally was Breathing heavily as she's trying to get up but due to the damage she took.
She can't

Canilia and the rest of her clones start running towards her in high speed

Then everything around Sally start to slow down

Sally closes her eyes while breathing heavily and gritting her teeth

Sally: I'

She said as her eyes opened revealing a glowing light blue

Everything around her returned to normal

Canilia and her clones stopped as they saw that she's not there

They turned around to see Sally with her back turned on them with her Katana in her hand

Sally Turns her head and death stares at them with her eyes still glowing light blue

Her glare cause Canilia's clones to turned into smoke in a quick instant leaving Canilia to be the only one

Her eyes widen as she witnessed her clones disappeared

Canilia: How!?

Sally: *Chuckles*

Sally then appeared infront of her within a second Ready to swing her Katana towards the Purple cat

Canilia quickly noticed it in time as she blocks it with hers

Sally sweep kick Canilia and falling on the ground with her back

Sally lift her foot in the air to stomp on Canilia

Canilia rolled over in time and got up with her Katana

But her Katana was knocked out of her hand and flew to the Tree

She looks up to see Sally ready to Strike her down

Canilia pulled out a Kunai and blocks Sally's strike


Canilia got up to jump back to gain Distance from her

Canilia: I'm impressed! But are you able survive through this!!

Canilia did some hand signs with both of her paws as multiple clones of her appears.

Her and the clones pulled out Multiple Ninja Stars

Canilia: *Chuckles* What're you going to do now!? You're not going to survive this!!

All of them threw the ninja stars in high speed towards Sally

Everything around her again slows down

Sally: *Breathes in and out with her Light blue glowing Eyes* ok!

Then out of nowhere she ran towards her while hitting every incoming ninja stars with her katana in high speed

And after that she was infront of Canilia's neck with the blade close to her neck

Canilia: *Eyes widen* N-NANI!?

But it stop as Sally pulling it away

Sally: *Looks down at Canilia and chuckles* That was...interesting...

She continued chuckling before falling on the ground and went to sleep

Canilia: *Looks at her with her Eyes still widen* What the heck did I just witnessed...

Master KatZuine: I knew it...

Canilia turns her head to see Master MatZuine walking towards both of them

Canilia: Master KatZuine...? What do you mean?

Master KatZuine: it's a long story...but after I tell you this. It's best to tell her what she has

Canilia looks worried before nodding her head

It was now night time with Sally still knocked out on her Futon

Sally: *Slowly Waking up* Wha...? What happened...?

Canilia slides open the door and walks inside her room

Canilia: Oh thank the cat god you're awake

Sally: *Looks at her* Canilia...what happened?

Canilia: Well we were in the forest fighting and then all of the sudden you locked in. You were hitting every ninja stars I threw at you and your eyes! It was light blue

Sally: Light blue?

Canilla explained what happened to her in that fight

And after that Sally was Shocked

Sally: So you're telling me

Canilia: Yeah but you can't tell anyone about this. It's serious

Sally: I'm not going to tell anyone about this.

Canilla: Good...

Now there's silence between them before Master KatZuine comes in

Master Katzuine: You're awake. How's your sleep Sally?

Sally: It was ok Master KatZuine. I do needed that nap. So *Looks at Master KatZuine* how did I do? I did well in fighting?

Master KatZuine: *Smiles* You did well...After all that training and stuff you've not given up on what's your goal...

When she heard those words she felt proud of herself for that

Sally: Thanks Master KatZuine

Master MatZuine: *Turns around and walks out of the room* There's no need to thank me...I just want you to get better at fighting

Canilia: *Looks at Sally with a smile and offers a Fist bump* Well I guess we gotta train Right Ninja partner?

Sally: *Chuckles and Fist bumps her back* Yes Dude!

The Tomboy is now a ninja who was trained by an Elderly Cat and her Ninja Partner

She wishes that Cam and Nala was here with her.

But since she's by herself she don't know where they were

And hopefully one day she'll reunited with them

She don't know what they're doing right now

But she hopes that they're doing alright

End of Sally M. Monroe

(No it's not going to be a Foreshadowing death. I'll never do that to any of my characters)

(I'm not Gege Akutami)

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