Love, Love or Love?

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It's the day of love. Love is a experiencing feeling whenever you're thinking about that person.

It can be a good feeling

And it can be a hurtful feeling towards others after what they experienced.

Love can be different to anyone due to what they think.
The yellow Fur mouse guy sees a female mouse sitting on the table drinking her coffee

His eyes was replaced with hearts and runs towards her in high speed and stops infront of her

Yellow-Fur mouse guy: *Lovestruck* Well hello there you Cutie~ *chuckles* what a beautiful women like you doing out here hm?

Yellow-Fur Mouse Guy: *She tries to speak but was cut off* Don't have to speak cutie~ I bet you're out here waiting for some Stud mouse like me *Flexes his arm and smiles* So what'd you say beautiful~ wanna go out on a Date~?

The Yellow fur Mouse smiles and winks at her.

But he don't know the unexpected surprise

Female Mouse: Um...I don't know who you are but

I'm a man!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Yellow-Fur mouse's eyes went wide

Yellow-Fur Mouse guy: Wait what?

Female mouse: I'm a man

Yellow-Fur mouse guy: Wait no This can't be but you look-

Female Mouse: like a female mouse well you're right on that one but I'm a man

Yellow-Fur mouse guy: No this can't be No! *Runs off while Screaming* Nooooooo!!

Female Mouse: *Smiles and goes back reading and drinking her hot coffee* Works every time

At the library Lil Chum and Cam are looking at the books trying to find the book Grandpa Rampy told them to get

Lil Chum: Ugh where is it? What's the name of it again

Cam: The name was the night of the calling bird? Wait no you're the light in my darkness yea that's it

Lil Chum: *Sighs* This is going to take foreve- Woah!

He bumped into someone who's carrying a stack of books as she fell down with books hitting the ground

Lil Chum: Oh no! I'm so sorry Are you ok *Picks the person's hand and lifts that person up Revealing Mandy*

Mandy: oh no it's fine. I was clumsy *Looks at Lil Chum* Oh hey chum how are you

Lil chum: Oh Mandy oh I'm doing okay. Me and cam are just trying to find the book called you're the light of my darkness for Grandpa Rampy

Cam: *Waves at her* Hey Mandy!

Mandy: *Waves at him* Hey Cam! Yea I think I have the book right here *Gives the book to Chum*

Lil Chum: *Smiles* Oh yes Finally thank you Mandy!

He reaches to grab it as his hand touches her hand

Once he did. He realizes what he did and frozed while Blushing

Mandy: *Looks at him with concern* Chum? Are you ok? *Looks at her hand being touched by his and blushes too* uh

Lil Chum: *Continues looking at her while blushing and frozen with his heart beating*

Cam: *Looks at them both and looks at the viewer and Smirks*

Lil Chum: *Shakes his head* Oh um Sorry I just Spaced out *Chuckles while grabbing the book*

Mandy: oh no it's fine you're good *chuckles awkwardly while scratching her head* um well gotta go back putting these books back.

Lil Chum: well alright see ya *Sees her walking away while carrying the books and sighs*

He then looks up to see Cam Smirking at him

Lil Chum: What?

Cam: *Still Smirking* you're happy to see your girlfriend~

Lil Chum: *his eyes widen when he said that* What No! Me and her are just Friends! I'm her friend and she's my friend

Cam: Yea well you're right

Lil Chum: Well goo-

Cam: *Smirks again* y'all friends with Benefits~

Lil Chum: Oh come on!

Cam: *Smirks and grabs the book* mhm~ come on let's check it out

Chum groans and stomped the ground with his foot and follows

They walked out of the Library with the book with The two them talking

Cam: listen all I'm saying is that you like her dude just admit it~

Lil Chum: I don't like like her she's just a friend to me. We're just friends

Cam: then why're you blushing~?

He was right. Chum's face was red as a tomato
Before the Lil mouse boy pat his face multiple times as it went away with Cam Chuckling

Cam: Just as I thought~

Then they noticed mouses and rat people gathered around and sees a sign that says

'Dance like you mean it'
'Starts Tomorrow night'

Cam: *Gasp* Ooo~ we having the dance and it's starts tomorrow night~ *Looks at Chum* and you know what that means right~ you bouta Dance with your Beautiful Princess Mandy~

Chum on the other hand is Trembling as he stared at the sign

Lil Chum: a-a D-Dance with Mandy! *Thoughts* This is bad! Really Bad I- mean she don't wanna go right? Wait no! What if she does!? What if she wanna ask me out on the dance?!

He starts to calm himself down

Lil Chum: *Thoughts* Ok calm's just a dance... what could possibly go wrong?

Then a Demon version of Chum appears on his Shoulder

Demon Lil Chum: *Chuckles Evilly* What if you messed up

Then an Angel version of Chum appears on his other shoulder

Angel Lil Chum: He's not going to mess it up
Don't worry kid I'm sure it'll go great! I'm sure of it

Demon Lil Chum: *Looks at Angel Chum* And how would you know? You're not a guy who knows everything

Angel Lil Chum: *Looks back at him* Speak for yourself! You don't know anything either!

Cam pat Chum's face multiple times as he snapped out of it

Cam: Dude you're ok?

Lil Chum: Uh yea I'm fine yep mhm i'm absolutely ok

Cam looks at him with Concern

Cam: Chum you do know you don't have to go
I mean it's just a dance that'll last one day, it's not a big deal

Lil Chum: It is a big deal! I need to ask her out to a dance and besides you were teasing me about it

Cam: I was just messing with you. You don't have to go and I feel like Mandy doesn't want to go eith- and you're gone

Chum was not next to him as he ran off

Cam walked back to the house as he opened the door and hands the book to Grandpa Rampy

Grandpa Ramps: Thank you Cam

Cam: your welcome! *Looks around as look for Lil Chum* Grandpa Rampy have you see Chum Somewhere?

Grandpa Ramps: Oh he came in the house and went down to the basement

Cam: Oh

He went inside the basement as Grandpa Rampy follows behind in Curiosity

They both enter and sees Chum flipping through pages of 'How to ask a girl out in as Nice gentlemen'ish way'

Cam: *Walks up to him and reaches out* Lil Chum? *Pats his shoulder* Little Chum buddy?

Chum turn his head around with his eyes twitching and body shaking

Cam: *Shocked* WOAH!

Grandpa Ramps: *Shocked* Oh goodness Gracious!?

Lil Chum: What do you guys what?! I'm busy

Cam: Dude you're reading a how to love book? You don't have to do that to impress her!

Lil Chum: Yes I do! I have to do something to impress her! Something cool! Something that a girl likes in a man! I just don't want her to not like me

Grandpa Rampy sighs, walks over to his Grandson and pats on his shoulder

Grandpa Ramps: Chum listen to me. You don't have to change your true self for someone else

Cam: It's like sacrificing your true self to be someone that you never want to be

Lil Chum: *Looks at them both* But I want to impress her...

Grandpa Ramps: Did she say she likes people who's rich and being wealthy

Lil Chum: No?...

Grandpa Ramps: Exactly. Chum it's okay for being who you are

Cam: he's right you know. Be who you are

Chum stays silent and he closes the book

Lil Chum: *Sighs* I guess you guys are right...I need to take. I need to clear my mind by walking at the forest

He got up on his feet and left the basement and left the Khandi House with Cam and Grandpa Rampy watching

Cam: Love can change a person am i right?

Grandpa Ramps: *Looks concern* Cam I need you to follow him

Cam: Hm? How come?

Grandpa Ramps: there's Something that tells me. I can't put a finger on it

Cam: uh well alright then

Cam then walks out of the house and follows him

Lil Isabella appears behind Grandpa Rampy

Lil Isabelle: What I miss?

Grandpa Ramps: Well sweetie you missed a lot

Back to Chum as he walk through forest with many questions that comes from his mind

Lil chum: What if...what if she don't like me? she might wanna go...maybe because she don't wanna hurt my feelings?....ugh I don't know what to do?...

???: Oh really huh?

Chum's ears perked up as he hears a voice

Lil Chum: Hello? who's there? Show yourself!? *pulls out his Axe* I'm not scared to fight!?

???: Woah Hey relax kid! I'm not gonna harm you

A figure comes out revealing a person in a black Cloak with a Mask

Chum backs up with his Axe in Defense

Lil Chum: Who are you?

???: A guy who's going to make your day better
We'll just call me Mask dude

Lil Chum: Ok?....mask dude? What do you mean you're going to make my day better?

Mask dude: With this

The Mask Dude pulls a Bottle with Pink Liquid from the inside of his Cloak

The name of the Potion was 'The Ritual of Loverman'

Lil Chum *Reads the name* the Ritual of Loverman? Who's...the Loverman?

Mask Dude: *Chuckles* He's the Love Spirit that gives the abilities of his that can get you some ladies with an Ease

Lil Chum: The ladies?

Mask Dude: Yea

Chum to think about this and thinks it's a good idea

Lil Chum: *Thoughts* If I ask the Loverman to give me the abilities so I can get Mandy to love me *Gasps* It can work!

Chum smiles and looks at the Mask dude

Lil Chum: I'll take it Mask dude! How much it cost?

Mask Dude: the price is free kid just take it

He then gives Chum the the link bottle and walks away

But chum forgot to tell him something

Lil Chum: Wait! Can you tell me how to summon him?

Mask dude: *Turns back to him* Oh yea I forgot! Gather 4 candles and say these words

'Oh Loverman, spirit of love
Rise at where you will come
And grant me the powers of
Your love'

Lil Chum: *Writes it down on his Diary* Got it! Thanks!

Mask Dude: No pro- 

Then the both hears a loud voice


Lil Chum: oh it's cam  sorry I have to go...huh?*Looks at the mask dude as he was nowhere to be see before he put the pink potion in his front pocket*

Cam: *Founds him and runs over to him* There you are dude! I was looking all over for you

Lil Chum: My fault I'm better now

Cam: well that's good! Grandpa Rampy is cooking Mac and Cheese toast for dinner

Lil Chum: *Gasps Happily* Mac and cheese Toast!! There my favorite! Let's go

The Lil Mouse Boy runs back to the house very fast with Cam following behind

And then day ends and now it's night time on the next day as the Dance party has started with Grandpa Rampy and Lil Isabella wearing some dresses inside the house

Lil Isabella is wearing a pink dress

Grandpa Rampy is wearing a white Button up shirt with blue pants

Grandpa Ramps: Oh Isabelle you look so adorable

Lil Isabelle: Ok I get it Grandpa but it's just a dress it's not that serious

Grandpa Ramps: Oh I know but *Rubs her hair while smiling* you look so adorable in that dress!

Lil Isabelle: *Feels Embarrassed and gets Angry* GRANDPA!

Grandpa Ramps: *Chuckles*

Then Cam comes out of the bathroom wearing a white button shirt with Suspenders

Cam: *Checks himself out* Ok I look good Mhm *Walks up to the others* So y'all ready to go?

Grandpa Ramps: Yea

Lil Isabelle: Mhm

Cam: Great! *Looks around* I think Chum is at the basement I'll go check

He went to the basement and yells out to Chum

Cam: Chum are you getting ready!

Lil Chum: *Yells back* Yea just give me a minute! In fact just go without me I'll be there

Cam: Oh well! I'll see you there!

They left the house to go to the dance

Lil Chum: *Hears the door close and hears silence* Ok the coast is clear

He lit up four candles and pours the pink liquid to make a symbol of love

After he did that he starts to chant the words that the Mask guy told him

Lil Chum: 'Oh Loverman, spirit of love
Rise at where you will come
And grant me the powers of

Once he did that, the area around him starts to shake

With the pink liquid starts to glow as an pink ghost flies out of it and Laughs

Loverman: *Laughs loudly* It seems someone has summoned me *Looks at Chum who's back against the wall* and that must've been you little boy

Lil Chum: Uh yep that's me

Loverman: welp I guess I'm right! So what do ya want kid!

He flies towards him and wraps his arm around Chum's neck

Loverman: *Spins his cane on his hand* Money? A big ole mansion? Maybe some cute ladies that you'll have as girlfriends and live in a big ole mansion? Wait no let me guess you wants so revenge on some who wronged you before

Lil Chum: What no! I don't want that I don't want any of that! I just want-

Loverman: *Cuts him off* To be someone that a girl likes?

Lil Chum: Yes that one!

Loverman: Well why you didn't say so! Of course I'll do it

Lil Chum: *Gets happy* Yes!

Loverman: But it'll cost you

Lil Chum: Is it going to be coppers?

Loverman: What? oh No *Chuckles and looks down at him with a evil smile* I'm going to be inside your mind and tell you what to do

Lil Chum: Wait what!

Loverman: like I said kid I'm going to be inside your head and tell you how to impress a girl you like~ Trust me~ I'll help you out~

Chum then thought about this.

If he let the Loverman go inside his head and tells him how to do it

It'll work

So the mouse boy then decided

Lil Chum: Alright I'll let you inside my head

Loverman: good~ *Extends his hand* Deal~?

Lil Chum: *Looks at his hand and shook it and smiles* Deal!

Then the Love ghost flies inside Chum's head as the Mouse boy falls on the ground

His body got up and laughs as he opens his eyes Revealing two hearts as his pupils

Turns out the Loverman tricked Chum to take over his body

Loverman: *possessing Chum's body* This is great~ that little mouse brat was stupid enough to fall for my trap! *Chuckles Evilishly* now that's out of the way! Time to get funky~
At the Dance party there's mouse and rat people enjoying their time with snacks and drinks

Yellow-Fur mouse guy: I'm telling you man She was a freaking guy when she told me and that day I felt traumatized...

Green-fur mouse guy: *Looks at him with a blank Expression* How come you didn't realize you were lied to?

We see Cam who's drinking a cup of fruit punch

Cam: *Sighs* Man I missed drinking these back at earth...

???: Hey cam

Cam: *Looks over to see Beanie* Oh hey Beanie! Haven't seen you in a while

Beanie: Yea I was busy with stuff and realized that I needed a break so I just came to the party to clear my mind!

Cam: I understand that *Drinks his fruit punch* So where's the Lil Golden hat dude?

Beanie: Oh he's over there *Points at where he's at*

The Lil golden hat dude was dancing with crowd

Lil Golden hat dude:

Cam: *Impressed* dang he's getting good

We see Mandy as she's sitting on the chair looking sad until Isabella walks up the her with snacks

Lil Isabella: Hey Mandy *Munches on some snacks* Why the long face?

Mandy: I thought Chum will come but he's not here...

Lil Isabelle: oh. *Munches more of the snacks* well he'll come I'm sure of it. Plus he'll always want to go to places that is fun

Mandy: I guess you're right *Says as she looks down*

Then she hears footsteps and looks up to see Lil Chum (Still possessed by Loverman) who's wearing a pink Tuxedo and pink glasses with a smirk on his face

Mandy: *Confused and Surprised* Chum?

Loverchum: Sup cutie~ can I have this dance *Extends his Hand To her*

Mandy then smiles and accepts it

Then they both start to dance together

Cam saw them and smirks but stops when he notice something different about Chum

Then he went to find Grandpa Rampy

Cam: *Founds Grandpa Rampy and rubs up to him* Grandpa Rampy!

Grandpa Ramps: What is it boy?

Cam: Something's about Chum! He's acting weird

Grandpa Ramps: He's Acting weird?

Cam: Yes

Grandpa Ramps: What type of weird?

Cam: *facepalms and Groans* Come on! *Grabs his hand and drags him*

During the Dance between LoverChum and Mandy

She starting to feel uncomfortable with his different personality

This kept going on until Mandy said she needs to go use the bathroom

When she left. LoverChum Chuckles and walks to where the drinks at

LoverChum: *Drinks a cup of Fruit Punch* Now that hits the spot~

Then two shadows covered him as he looks up to see Cam and Grandpa Rampy

LoverChum: oh Sup guys! This party is the Fantastic if you catch my drift~

Cam: What? I never in my life hear a personsay th- Nevermind that back to the topic! Chum what's gotten into you! You were being shy and scared not so long ago and now you're this!

Grandpa Ramps: Lil Chum remembered what I said. You don't have to be someone that you never want to become...

LoverChum: Pfft. What are you talking about I'm Chum! The one and only Chum boy Mousey mouse!

Cam: *Stares at him for awhile* You're not him...

LoverChum: What? Yes I am!

Cam: then Prove it by answering my question
What's his favorite food?

LoverChum: Uh...Leaves?

Cam: incorrect! His favorite food is Mac and Cheese toast!

LoverChum: Dang it!

Cam: The jig is up! Who are you and what did you do to Chum?!

There was nothing but music in the back as LoverChum looks down at the Ground

LoverChum: *Chuckles evilishly and Grins* You Caught me little boy~

Cam: Huh?

Grandpa Ramps: Wha?

Then Loverman flies out of Chum's body and turns into a Giant crab

The Mouse and rat people turned around and screams and ran off

Mayor Mousewell: *Collects some of the snacks* Damn it! Can't we have just one day without any freaking monsters attacking us! *Runs off*

As they ran off leaving the party

Cam and Grandpa Rampy's Eyes widen when the Loverman grew into a big crab monster

Cam: *Turns around to see Chum's body laying down* Chum! *Runs and kneels down to him* Are you ok? Wake up dude!

Chum's body moves a little as he wakes up

Lil Chum: W-What happened?

Cam: Dude! oh thank god you're ok! This pink spirit ghost flew out of your body and turned into that

He points at the Loverman who's a Giant freaking crab

Lil Chum: *Eyes widen* Oh no what have I've done!?

Chum then remember that he got possessed by Loverman once he made a deal and shook hands with him

Cam: We gotta stop this monster!

Lil Chum: *Snaps out of it* R-Right

They both ran to fight the giant crab monster

Back to Loverman he was attack the town and spots a guy who tripped

Mouse guy: *Scared* Wait no please!

Loverman: *Grins and reels his claws back and throws it towards the guy*

Lil Chum: Loverman! Stop!

Loverman Scoffs and looks back to see Cam and Chum who's standing there while the Mouse guy got up and runs off

Loverman: What'd you want little boy can't you see that I'm doing my business!?

Lil Chum: Doing your business!? I didn't perform a ritual to summon you just to destroy the town! I wanted you to Help me!

Loverman: Help you? *Laughs* I'd never wanted to help you! All those words about me giving you want you wanted were lies!!

Lil Chum: huh?!

Cam: What is he talking about Chum?

Loverman: You was stupid enough to fall for my trap! Now if you excuse me! Let me continue my business! Starting with eating this little one

He raises his claw revealing Mandy

Cam: Mandy!

Lil Chum: Mandy!

Mandy: *Scared* Someone! Help me please!

Loverman opened his mouth and lowers Mandy

Preparing to eat Mandy as his Dinner

(It feels so wrong)

Chum panicked as he saw this. His mind is over run by words about what should he do to save her

Until he sees a little Rock and picks it up.

He aims it at Loverman's Heart glasses and throws it

Once the Little Rock landed, it broke

Loverman stopped his claw and looked at his Heart Glasses

He got angry and looked towards Cam and Chum

Loverman: *Drops Mandy* oh now you're going to get it. When I'm finished with you two y'all heads will be on my wall!!

He jumps high in the air and falls towards Them

They both got out of the way once he slammed

Cam: Alright Giant crab dude i don't know why you want to destroy the town! But I'm not letting that happen!

Loverman launches himself towards Cam and swings his Claw at him.

Cam dodges it and throws a few punches and kicks at him

But Loverman parried all of them and knees him in the stomach, then grabbed the back of his shirt and throws him afar

Chum jumps towards him with a cake Knife and attacks him with

Lil Chum: *Angry* I can't believe you tricked me you freaking liar!!

Loverman: *Dodges his attack and laughs* It's not my fault! Maybe if you had common sense none of this would've happened!

This angered Chum more as he swing the knife towards his stomach but was punched in the face and flew back and lands next to Cam

Loverman Walks toward them as he snap both of his Crab claws

Loverman: Face it. Y'all terrible at fighting! Y'all not even strong enough to beat me!

The two boys stands up and breaths heavily
While looking at Him

???: Guys!

They both looked and saw Isabelle throwing their weapons at them

Cam caught his Buzz-Sword and Chum caught his Axe

Loverman: What the weapons gonna do huh? Nothing!

Cam: *Stretches his Arms and legs as he grins and readies himself* Ok now I'm fired up

Lil Chum: you're not the only one

They both look at Loverman with a glare

Cam: We're going to have crabs for dinner!

They both ran at him

Chum jumps to swing his axe

Loverman blocks it with his arm

While he was distracted

Cam then hit him in the head with the butt of his Buzz-sword

Loverman held his head in pain

This gave Chum an Opportunity to get his revenge as he swing both of his hands at Loverman's head

Loverman: *Gets angry and yells* GET OFF ME!!

Before he grabbed Chum

He felt a strong kick that landed on his face

Cam and Chum jumps off of him

Loverman: *Breaths heavily* Damn it!! You two are starting to Tick me off!!

He launched himself at them but he shouldn't done that when Cam moves out of the way to see Chum swings a Wooden chair at his head

Loverman was going to get up but feels Cam grabbed him by the feet and start to swinging him around in Circles

He was getting spinned around faster and faster


Cam then throws Loverman as he flew and landed on his back against a big tree

They also hear a loud crack coming from his back

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Loverman then laid on the ground and didn't get up

Cam and Chum walks up to him slowly with their Weapon.

Cam: is he dead?

Loverman then slowly got up

Loverman: I can't take this anymore! You people are insane! Loverman is Out!!

He summoned his Cane and snaps his finger as the portal opens up and walks through it and then the portal closes

Lil Chum: *Gets angry and yells* Oh speak for yourself!

Cam: *Pats his shoulder* Calm down it's over

Few minutes later

The party was over as the people cleaned up with Cam, Chum, Grandpa Rampy and Isabella sitting on the chairs with drinks on their hands

Cam: *Eyes widen after hear his story* You borrowed it from a mask dude!

Lil Chum: yea...*Rubs his arm* I know. I should've known better...but I was so desperate in the first place plus I barely even know what type of guy Mandy likes...

Lil Isabelle: dang

Grandpa Ramps: Chum I've told you many times..if a person looks suspicious! Walk away

Lil Chum: I'm sorry Grandpa...

Grandpa Ramps: *Rubs the top of his head* please don't do that ever again. You'll get us worried sick.

Mandy: Chum *Walks up to him* Are you ok?

Lil Chum: *Smiles* I'm okay Mandy. I'm glad you didn't get hurt by that monster

Mandy: mhm. But you were so brave to fight against him

Lil Chum: R-Really?

Mandy: Yea. Someone who's brave and not scared to fight in order to save other people lives is the definition of having a good heart

When she said those sentences
Chum was nothing but a blushing Mess

Lil Chum: *Blushes* oh um thanks Mandy that was very nice for you to say that

Mandy: *Giggles and yawns* welp I'm tired Imma go to bed

She then walked away but comes back

Mandy: oh and I almost forgot

Cam, Isabella and Grandpa Rampy gasps
When Mandy gave Chum a kiss on a cheek

Mandy: *Smiles* This is for having a good heart~

She then left to go home.

Cam: Chum?

Lil Chum: *Didn't say anything as he stand there blushing madly*

He then smiles and laughs happily and jumps around before jumping on Cam

Lil Chum: I got a kiss on a cheek!! *Laughs again* I GOT A KISS ON THE CHEEK!


It was now midnight as Cam and Chum are in the basement

Chum is still awake and still smiling as he hums a song

Cam is still awake as he scrolls through his phone while Hearing Chum humming

Cam: *Smiles while scrolling through his phone* I see you're still happy?

Lil Chum: Why shouldn't I? I just got my first kiss on a cheek by Mandy!

Cam: yea we know we saw it with our own eyes

Lil Chum: *Chuckles nervously* oh yea I forgot

Now there's silence in the basement before Chum has a question in mind

Lil Chum: Hey cam!

Cam: Yea dude?

Lil Chum: Can I ask you a question?

Cam: Go ahead

Lil Chum: do you have a crush on someone?

Once Chum said that question Cam stopped moving his thumb on the screen of his phone

Lil Chum: Cam

Cam: U-uh yea?

Lil Chum: Do you have a crush on someone?

Cam: *Blushes as he remembered the girl he likes and sighs* Yes

Lil Chum: Ooo la la~ tell me more about this girl! Is she cool? Is she dangerous! Is she annoying like Isabelle?

Cam: Well she's cool but slightly dangerous

Lil Chum: What's her name? Actually tell me more about her

Cam: *Sighs* Alright come down here

Chum jumped down from the top bunk and lands on his bed and criss cross apple sauce infront of him

Cam grabs a Lantern as it glows up in the dark

Cam: alright the girl that I have a crush on and still have feelings for till this day

Cam: Her name is Sally M. Monroe and we were Childhood friends

End of Love, Love or Love?


Now we found out the truth that Cam has a crush on this girl named Sally

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