Snow way Dude

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It's a Snow day at Mousetown.

Some Mouse people are throwing Snowballs at each other.

Some are building a Snow-mouse/Rat

Ms. Yuunda: *Drinks her hot tea while looking outside from the inside of her house*
Hmm it's the day that the rain of snow arrived and it's a good thing I collected some of the Logs before this happened

She continues drinking her hot tea.

Somewhere else there's a mouse and a rat talking to each other

Mouse guy: *Surprised* Wow really?

Rat guy: Yea. She told me I have to collect more logs for the house. I told her there's dangerous creatures out there but she said just do it anyways

Mouse Guy: dang do she even cares about how you feel?

Rat guy: she does care. I think she just wants to get this over with.

Mouse Guy: oh well I mean it's winter and it's cold and I mean super cold

Rat Guy: mhm. Good thing we're wearing warm clothes. Heh don't wanna get a cold and getting bitten by monsters at the same time

Mouse guy: *Chuckles* yea talking about getting a Frost-Bite

The two started laughing at the joke that the mouse guy made.

Back at the Khandi house. Cam, Chum and Isabella are chilling at the table with hot tea with blankets wrapped around them

Cam: *Drinks his hot tea* now that's the good stuff

Lil Chum: I know right

The two enjoy drinking and their little crazy mouse Isabella was chugging hers before putting it down on the table and wrapped herself in a blanket embracing the warmness.

Cam: *Looks at her in surprise* wow she really drunk the whole thing

Lil Chum: Yea she feels protected by blankets whenever it is cold

Cam: That's reasonable. Well it's a good thing we don't have to worry about going outside while it's snowing. We got a roof over our heads, food, blanket, drinking hot tea and it just Relaxing.

Lil Chum: You got that right

Cam: and we got nothing to worry about

Grandpa Ramps: there is something to worry about

Cam: Wait what?

Grandpa Rampy walks up to them wearing a coat and boots with an Axe on his hand

Grandpa Ramps: we have to go collect some woods from the trees so I think you kids can get your butt up and help me

Cam: I thought we had them Grandpa Rampy

Grandpa Ramps: Well we have them but someone have the nerve to chop them down *Looks at Lil Chum who's whistling while looking away nervously*

Lil Chum: Oh gee I wonder what happened to it...?

Grandpa Ramps: come on kids we gotta collect some logs. Come on *Snaps his fingers (2x)* get your butts out of the couch

Cam & Lil Chum: *Groans as they got up from the couch*

Except for Isabella who's still on the couch

Grandpa Ramps: And you too young lady come on

Lil Isabelle: *Pouts* No!

Grandpa Ramps: Isabelle Khandi you get your butt off this couch this instant!

Lil Isabelle: *Still Pouting* I don't care

Grandpa Rampy grabs the blanket and starts to pull and Isabella refuses to let go of the blanket.

Grandpa Ramps: *Still pulling the blanket* Let goooo!!

Lil Isabelle: *Still pouting and holds onto the blanket* NUUUUUUUU-


Now the four are walking through the Snowy forest with their Winter clothes and Isabella with a grumpy face

Grandpa Ramps: Alright kiddos all we gotta do is chop down theses trees and bring them back home

Cam: Yea we know

They continue before Isabella has a ideas and smirks as she picks up two snowballs and throws it at the back of Cam and Lil Chum's head.

Cam: *Turns around looking at Isabelle* are you challenging us?

Lil Chum: into a snowball fight?

Lil Isabelle: hmm I don't know *Smugs* Am I?

Cam: Oh ok I see (x2) *Picks up a snowball* challenge Accepted!!

The three start throwing snowballs at each other

Cam: *Continues throwing snowballs* For the Motherlaaaaaaaaaaand!!!

Grandpa Rampy looks at them with a blank expression before sighing

Grandpa Ramps: Kids these days *Looks at the trees* Hmm

He looks at the big tree

Grandpa Ramps: Too big

(That's what she said)

He looks at the medium sized Tree

Grandpa Ramps: Too medium

He then looks at the Small tree

Grandpa Ramps: *Smiles* just the right size

He then walks over to the small tree and starts swinging his axe as it cuts through. Before some snow falls onto him

He got out of the pile of snow shakes himself off of it.

Grandpa Ramps: Ugh I hate snow days *Looks at the kids who's still snowball fighting* Can y'all kids stop playing and help me!

They heard him and saluted

Cam: Sir Yes Sir!

Lil Chum: You got it Grandpa!

Lil Isabelle: Mhm!

Grandpa Ramps: good

He turns around and went back to chopping the Small tree down with the Kids following him.

Once they got the tree to fall down and chopped it down to multiple logs.

Grandpa Ramps: Ok now that we chopped down this tree we also have to carry them back

Lil Chum: Don't we have a Sleigh wagon?

Grandpa Ramps: oh yea I forgot *Chuckles and rubs his head* Silly old me

Cam: *Mutters* I mean you're old tho..,

Grandpa Ramps: *Looks at Cam* What was that?

Cam: hm? nothing

Lil Isabella on the other hand is Shivering and chattering her teeth.

Lil Isabelle: I-It's so c-cold n-need w-warmness

The wind of cold blows into them as they got shivered too

Grandpa Ramps: Dang it she's right but we can't leave these logs here Cam and Chum Put the Logs on the Sleigh

They Nod as they put them on the Sleigh

Lil Chum: My fingers I can't f-feel them

Cam: Don't worry I got this

He then carry the rest of the logs to the sleigh  before turning around to see the three mouses shivering.

Grandpa Ramps: D-Dang it

Lil Isabelle: I-I'm so c-cold

Cam: Oh no Guys *Runs over to them while dragging the Sleigh Wagon* You guys are shivering

Lil Chum: W-What n-no we aren't w-we're g-good

He then falls to his knees on the snow while Shivering

Cam: No you guys aren't come on *Picks the three of them up* I'm going to find a spot for us to warm up

He starts looking for a spot while Carrying Grandpa Rampy, Lil Chum and Lil Isabella and dragging the Sleigh full of Logs.

He kept searching and searching with him shivering too until he found a spot.

Cam: F-Finally I-I found it

Cam walks inside an empty place till he sees a big footprint. He got confused and shakes it off and continues walking inside.

Cam: O-Ok *Sets three of them down* Dang it. It's s-so damn c-cold

He then turns around to warm his hands with his breath.

But not noticing two pair of big snowy hands behind them

Cam: *Finishes blowing heat onto his hands as he can feel his fingers moving* There we go

He hears a loud Thumping and turns around to a big snowman with Sharp Icy Teeth

Cam: *Shocked* Oh um...Hey frosty the are you man...?

The big Snowman monster roars at him

Cam: Ok never mind

Then out of nowhere. the big snowman blows his Icy breath towards Cam

Cam: Oh crap!

He jumps out of way but little did he know the Icy breath went towards Grandpa Rampy, Lil Chum and Lil Isabella as it froze them all.

Cam's eyes widen when he saw them get frozen

Cam: guys!?

He runs towards them before the Big Snowman's hand slammed infront causing him to stop and looks at the monster.

Cam: *Angry and yells* Frosty!! You froze my Second family!!

The Big Snowman gets mad and shoots Ice Dams at him.

Cam pulls out his Buzz-Sword and hits them with it

(He decided to keep the sword whenever they're in dangerous Situations)

Cam: *looks at the Big Snowman Monster* I guess you're not Jolly after all...

The Big Snowman reels his fist back and throws it towards Cam

He jumps onto his arm and ran towards his face before he sees another big arm of his coming towards him.

He then jumps at the other arm and continues running towards his face and Jumps to stab one of his eyes

But the monster opened his mouth and releases a beam of snow towards Cam

Cam: Oh crap!

The boy then blocks the beam with his Buzz-Sword as he falls and lands on his feet.

Cam: *Thoughts* Dang it. His body is made of snow. And The others are frozen *Looks at them* I can't just leave them here

Cam: *thoughts* Come on Cam, Think, Think!!

He kept hitting and Dodging the Monster's Ice powers with his Sword

before Frosty the monster snowman slams one of his big hands on Cam but luckily dodges as it hits the ground causing the whole place to rumble

Cam then looks up to see an Big rock that's attached to the ceiling

He then remembers The Radish Incident and gets an idea

Cam: *Smirks*

The Gray Hoodied boy aims his sword to the Big rock and throws it in High Speed

The Sword flew and it digs through the corners of the big rock before it Cracks through and falls down to the three khandi inside the Frozen Ice block.

The Big rock breaks through the roof of the ice block with the cracks follows through before breaking down freeing them.

Cam: Jack Pot!!

The Buzz-Sword falls and lands on his hand and runs towards the big Snowman monster before jumping and aims his sword to one of eyes.

The monster opened his mouth and released another beam of Snow at him again.

Cam then blocks his arm with it.

His arm got covered in ice before doing the War Cry and stabs one of his eyes with his sword.

Once he did that. The Monster Screeched in pain and throws Cam off of him as he lands on his body.

Cam held the side of his stomach in pain

Cam: ok we need to get out of here

He grabs Grandpa Rampy, Lil Chum and Lil Isabella who's still knock out cold and puts them on the Sleigh with the Cutted Logs before pushing it forward while the Snow monster still screeching in pain.

Cam: *Breaths heavily while pushing the Sleigh  till he looks down to see a snowy hill going Downwards* oh I'm going to love this...

He pushes the sleigh down and jumps in.

The Snow Monster gets angry and starts chasing them

The sleigh goes downhill really fast with Cam being in the front.

Cam: Phew we're finally got out of there *Looks at the three mouses* I need to get them back home and get them warm fast

He then hears a loud roar and looks behind to see the monster chasing them

Cam: Oh you got to be Kidding me!!

The Monster jumps towards them but Cam moves out of the way by moving to the other way with the sleigh.

This kept going on but then lil Isabella fell out out the Sleigh. Before she did

Cam grabbed her by the back while she's still knocked out

The Sleigh keeps moving fast before the Monster morphed into a giant snowball and rolls down very fast catching up to Cam and the others.

Cam looks back again and Panics

Cam: Crap crap Crap come on *Sees an big wall with a hole and gets an idea* Let's hope this work!

The Sleigh goes very very fast with the Monster almost catching up close

Until the Sleigh goes through the small hole Clearly but for the monster once he slammed against the big wall causing him to break down

Cam looks back again and yells in victory


When the Sleigh reaches towards the end of the hill as it slows down

Cam: *jumps out of the sleigh and looks at the three mouses* Ok now I need to get them home

He pushes the sleigh with his strength


Back at the Khandi House the three of them slowly woke up and found themselves on the couch with the blankets Wrapped around them.

The logs are in the fireplace as the get embraced by the warm before Cam walks out of the kitchen with four hot teas

Cam: Oh you guys are awake I'm so glad

Grandpa Ramps: wait What happened?

Cam: Well. *Gives them their Hot tea as they start drinking* where can I start

And So Cam explained to them how things went. From fighting a Snow monster to riding a sleigh downhill while being chased.

Lil Chum: we were frozen!?

Grandpa Ramps: and knocked out cold!?

Lil Isabelle: That's so Brutal!?

Cam: Yea... *Sighs and smiles* but at least we're at home safe and sound

Grandpa Ramps: He's right I should've collected some woods before the snow came
Ugh I'm such an idiot

Lil Isabelle: oh Grandpa *Pats his back* we're all idiots

Lil Chum: I'm an idiot for chopping them with my hand

Cam: And I'm an idiot for getting you guys frozen

Grandpa Ramps: *Chuckles and Smiles* I guess you guys are right we're all idiots

Lil Isabelle: Yep and if you excuse me I'm going to cover myself in the place of warmness I call the Blanket *Wraps herself in a blanket with her face out and smiles while closing her eyes*

Lil Chum: Oh no you're going to share *Pulls the blanket from her*

Lil Isabelle: Oh no I'm not! *Pulls the blanket back from him*

The two Khandi siblings begin to play Tug of war with the blanket

Lil Chum: *Pulls the blanket back to him* Isabelle Just Share!!

Lil Isabelle: *pulls the blanket back to her* Never!!

Grandpa Ramps: Kids y'all do know there's a fire place!

Cam: *Pats his shoulder* Grandpa Rampy just let them be. You know they won't listen

Grandpa Ramps: I know

End of Snow way Dude

Oi you! Yea you
I wanna thank you fellas for the 1k on my story
Never thought this will happen

But seriously Thank you

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