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"Well as much as I want to stay Uncle Tempest, me and mom have to go," RK said as she hugged her uncle,"but we'll be back soon!"

"Okay little Reaper, be safe and remember that about those...targets we mentioned," Tempest said as he rubbed her head

"Hehehehe okay Uncle! See ya Madness!!"

"Later Rubes," Madness said as he smiled, waving his sister off

"So whats next," Ben asked as he sipped his soda

"Well first we need to wait for-," Tempest said but another portal opened and in came multiple figures

Weiss Kamado:

Willow Kamado:

"Phew, took us forever to find that damn portal," WK(Willow Kamado) said as she snapped her neck,"you should really label things Tempest, your system is confusing."

"True mother," Weiss(Kamado) said as she smiled,"hello Uncle, sorry for being late!"

"Ah don't worry kiddo," Tempest said as he rubbed her head,"just glad you could make it."

"Yep! And I took care of that...situation," Weiss(Kamado) whispered that last part as he nodded

"Good, now as payment, go to your Bull~"

Weiss(Kamado) smiled as she jumped straight into Bens' lap, who blushed as he was already rock hard and Weiss(Kamado) can feel it all. Coco, Grace and Yang glared at her, who smiled as she hugged Bens head, forcing it into her chest. He sighed as he expected this reaction from Weiss(Kamado), as she always did this when she came to his house

"Who is she," Mordred(FL) asked with a glare

"And why does she think she can sit on Bennys lap," Hood(FL) asked with a glare

"Cause I called dibs," Weiss(Kamado) said with a smile

"Girls its fine, I know her and shes good," Ben said as the other Bens chuckled

"But shes Weiss," Rachel said as if he was crazy


"Yes but this Weiss is completely different and isn't an entitled, snobby and arrogant bitch," Ben said in her defense,"she came around when the Demon Slayers came to the farm, at first I was a little hesitant but she was something else."

"Yep, plus I am way funnier then the rest with metal poles in their asses," Weiss(Kamado) said as she snuggled Ben,"besides I couldn't resist his charm, he made this Demons heart melt~"

"Cheesy but romantic I guess," Weiss(RODK) deadpanned

"Yeah, so what did you mean-," Ethan asked until

"GAH MOTHERFUCKER," a voice yelled

This made the others look as they saw another individual, who was groaning as he got up and rubbed his ass

Tyler Skelton:

"Okay what the fuck, where am I and why," Tyler asked until he stopped at he saw all of Union, every version

The next few seconds were chaos as the boy pulled a Glock 27, painted black with purple cracks on it, as he aimed and fired a few rounds at Union. He had a look of pure rage as he fired the gun, hitting mostly the Union(VI) versions, who screamed as they were pelted with bullets. Tyler growled as he reloaded and he just fired with deadly precision into team RWY(VI)

"TYLER THATS ENOUGH," a female yelled as girl with brown hair grabbed his hands

Soon two others ran up as they pulled the gun out, as the male pulled Tyler back as the female took the gun. Tyler thrashed as he yelled at Union(VI), with the male putting him a hug as the brown hair female sighed as she looked. Her eyes scanned as she saw the supposed dead fuckers, were actually healing, slowly at that, and getting back up

"Sooo...that happened," Zero said as he stared at the carnage

"I'll handle it," Tempest said as he got up,"okay you guys know Grace, but this is Justin and Heather Skelton, the parents of Tyler, who just went loco."

"I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU MOTHERFUCKERS," Tyler yelled as Justin tried to keep him calm

Grace Moon(Gunsmith or GS):

Justin Skelton:

Heather Skelton:


"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU," Bakubitch(VI) yelled

"WHY, YOU HIT MY DICK YOU BASTARD," Cumstain(VI) yelled as he held his crotch

"Like a worthless pathetic bastard like you had a dick," Tyler said as he looked and saw multiple Blakes,"B-Blake? What the hell?"

"Tyler, I don't think any of this Blakes are yours," Grace said she observers them

"Whats our relation with the gun wielding psychopath," Blake(VI) asked,"clearly I stay away from him, I can sense the racism off of him."

Tyler looked at Blake(VI) like she grew 2 extra heads, plus what she said kinda put a blade in his heart. His Blake never called him a racist, she knew he didn't care what she was, all he cared about was who she WAS. Hell he even helped White Fang operators, but only those who did it for the right reasons, hell he even helped Adam, Ilia and Seinna with their problems

So many therapy sessions

"Answer her or be punished for harming great heros in training," Bitchlander yelled

"Yes, cause you deserve it for killing innocents," Stormfront yelled as she glared at him

"Oh fuck off ya Milk chugged and Nazi bitch," Tyler said as he growled at them,"be glad I don't have my gear or I turn this place into Hacksaw Ridge!"

"Show them respect bastard," Rias(VI) yelled

"And the tomato head is here, I was hoping to avoid you."

"Enough," Tempest said as he sighed,"Ember can you clean this up? I need to explain this to the others."

"Sure man," Ember said as he cleaned up

Madness was just collecting random bodies and dragged them to the study...don't ask

"Okay, Skelton family, allow me to explain," Tempest said

French Narrator: 2 hours later

"My head hurts," Heather said as she held her head

"I was making coffee and suddenly here I am, in a multiverse theater," Justin said as he sighed

"So these are Blake...just not...mine," Tyler frowned as he looked away

"Whats was your connection to Blake," Yang(RODK) asked, but got a glare from Tyler

"Burn in fucking hell bitch, I ain't telling you shit."

"Ookkaayy Yang back up slowly," Ruby(RODK) said in fear

She knew there were many who hated them for being idiots and pretty much the worse. But the way Tyler spoke to them and the burning hatred in his eyes, she can tell they must've did something very very bad to him that he is close to killing them.

"Hey there's no reason to curse at them," Weiss said as she glared at him

"Get fucked by a Beowulf you flat chested chopping board," Tyler growled at her, his hand close to pulling his gun out


"SHUT UP," a voice yelled

Weiss was punched by a shadow, making them flinch as they looked to see who punched her

Blake Belladonna(Gunsmith, or GS):

"I've been waiting to do that forever," Blake(GS) said as she looked at Tyler,"hey Gunner boy~."

"B-Blakey," Tyler asked her, tears in her eyes

"Who else calls you that, or know you have a 14 inch cock?"


This make many women blush and some men sulk as they know Tyler was packing more then them. Blake(GS) giggled as she ran to him and jumped in his arms, as he hugged her hard as he cried a bit. He set her down and they kissed deeply, her arms around his neck as he held her cheeks, the kiss lasting for a good bit until they separated

"I'm so happy to see you," he said

"Same baby," Blake(GS) said as she smiled


"From what I was told in the afterlife, your the racist skank who calls everyone racist and bully others for their opinions. Your the dumbass who can't stop pitying yourself that your calling everyone racist when your the biggest one here...well besides the Nazi."


"Also, he is probably the greatest boyfriend I ever had," Blake(GS) continues,"he's kind, generous, thinks of others when it matters and willing to help when he has the chance. He doesn't think his better than anyone, treats everyone fairly and makes the bad people pay, hell he fucked all the Nikkes!"

"HE DID WHAT," Ben(JJK) and Grace(JJK) yelled in shock

"Your not saying all of them right," Ethan asked, as he knows one of his counterparts was a Nikke Commander

And he knew there were a LOT of them.

"Not all all, but a pretty good chunk of them," Blake(GS) said with a smile

"Blake why must you keep recounting Tylers conquests every time he sleeps with a woman," Grace(GS) asked her,"

"Says the girl who's one of them, as I watched in my ghostly form~."


"Wait...what does she mean," Tyler asked her

"Oohhh fuck me," Grace(GS) said as he rubbed her head

"I WILL," Issei(VI) yelled, stars in his eyes


"GAH," Issei(VI) yelled as he now had two bullets in his kneecaps and one in the dick,"OH COME AGAIN!?"

"Those screams satisfy me more," Cassidy said with a wild grin

"I hate to agree, but its entertaining," Roxy said with a shrug

"Okay Grace, dear," Heather said as she held her shoulder,"can you please explain what you meant?"

Grace(GS) looks as her and saw those bright blue eyes, making her sigh as she did blurt it out. Besides she knew they wouldn't stop asking till she answered, besides Tyler at least deserved to know what was happening

"Okay fine," she said,"might as well get it out of the way, since you know thanks to Blakes loud mouth."

"Your welcome," Blake(GS) said as she sat on Tyler's lap

"Shut up. But what she means is...I can see the dead."

"...Neat, so like the kid from The Sixth Sense," Tyler asked

"Oh I love that movie," Blake(GS) said,"actually I made that reference!"

"Meh I'm more of a Die Hard fan," Justin said

"So like a Soul Reaper," Heather said with a smile,"reminds me of my Soul Reaper days!"

"MOM YOUR A SOUL REAPER," Tyler yelled in shock

"Why ain't you guys more shocked that I can see ghosts," Grace(GS) asked in shock

"Grace, I just learned my mom is a Soul Reaper and they basically see ghosts," Tyler deadpanned her,"plus we live in a world with powers that break laws of physics and nature. Seeing the dead is like nothing, I would have just said cool and accepted it."

"..., Ah"

She may have missed that part, but given how she can see ghosts when shes an android to say, it was weird."

"Besides it's your personal life, so I don't blame you for not saying anything, thats an invasion of privacy. And I don't do that shit."

"Thanks for understanding Tyler, no wonder Blake loves you."

"Yep, I'll ask how you can later, when you're open to it."

"That reminds me, is this permanent or only a time time thing for my son," Justin asked

"Sadly only one time," Tempest said as he walked up,"sorry Tyler, but she's not able to comeback home with you."

Tyler frowned as he was sad he won't have the girl he loves back, it was like the universe was telling him he can't have one simple thing. He sighed as Blake(GS) hugged him as he held her close.

"Shit, sorry kid," Ben said as he pats his back,"but hey, at least you have others who love you and take care of you."

"Hmm yeah your right," Tyler said as he sat in a chair with Blake on his lap

"Okay so now can you show us what Ben is," Yang asked

"Let's just say...true love never dies, and he is willing to do anything to avenge it," Tempest said with a smile as he pushed play, smiling

FATE: The Vengeful Servant

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