The Spartan of Remnant: Part 2

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"Hey Ben, how you feeling," RK asked him

"I'm good Rubes," Ben said with a smile,"seeing these other dimensions shows how much I have to improve and train, I like seeing how different other me's are dealing with life."

"I can't wait for the next one, hopefully we get to see so me weapons," Ruby(RODK) said

"Same," Ruby(Union) said with a smile,"especially the ones Ben used!"

"Hmm I'm wondering how the Spartans are made," Desmond asked

"Its not pretty," Noble team said

"And I'm already sensing dread," Todoroki(RODK) said

"You would be an expert in that," Katsumi(RODK) said to him

"Says the girl who wants to try Ben in bed."


"Alright thats enough," Aizawa(RODK) said as he wrapped them in his scarf

"So whats next," Izumi asked

"Next is the Spartans going over the layout of Remnant and showing how wildly outclassed Humans are to Spartans," Tempest said as he chewed on gum

"How far," Bakugo(VI) asked,"no doubt I can kill one in a single blast!"

"Same here," Issei(VI) laughed with him

"...He's Pickle and all of you (VI) fuckers as Retsu," Tempest deadpanned

"...Oh yeah they are all fucked," Ethan said with wide eyes

"What the hell kinda name is Pickle," Ben asked in confusion

"He's a caveman found frozen in ice and was revived by a dumbass cooking T-Rex steak," a voice said

"Ah makes sense...wait who the hell are you?"

They looked as they saw a different person sitting at the very top of the theater, he was around 6'4, wearing a black jacket with black cargo pants, a red short and necklace around his neck. He was tanned, with red eyes and a shaved head, and he had an aura of death around him

"Umm who are you," Joshua asked him

"Oh right, I'm Jacob West, also called Obsidian Wold from my timeline," Jacob said with a smile,"also the sixth member of the Vanguardians."

"..Nani," the Vanguardians, Paradigms and Chaosbringers asked

"I'll explain later, right now I want to enjoy the show. Also Dystopian."

"Hmm what do you-GGGGAAAHHHH," Dystopian yelled in pain as he held his mouth

They were shocked as they looked at Jacob who was now at Dystopian location and had pulled the mans two front teeth, which had blood all over his fists. This made many shocked as to how the hell did he end up there in a spilt second, they didn't even see him move

"Ah thats better, okay then," he said as he sat back down

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR YOU LITTLE SHIT," Dystopian yelled as his teeth regrew

"Fuck you, thats why."


"Starting the show," Zero said with a smiled as he enjoyed the show


"...You guys good," I asked my team

"...I'm gonna kill them all," Emile said as he pulled his shotgun out

"Get in line," Jorge said

"Already choosing violence, my kinda team," Taeho said with a smile

"You wake up and automatically slap Mercury in the face every time you see him," Ben said to him

"Cause it's funny to see his reaction!"

"SCREW YOU DUDE," Mercury(RODK) yelled

"Woah woah okay thats enough," I said, stopping them,"look I know your all pissed, but whats done is done."

"How can you be so calm," Kat asked me,"they killed you! Those assholes killed you for the stupidest reason!"

"I know Kat, but I'm here now and thats all that matters to me. Right now, I want to focus on finding Remnant and make it a home for us and our forces."

"As much as I hate it, he's right," Carter said,"we need to go there go and establish a base and colony for our people."

"Ggrrr fine," Emile said, sheathing his shotgun,"but I swear to God I will kick their ass for one single insult."

"Agreed," they all said, making me deadpan

"You guys are crazy," I said

"We were recruited by a galactic government at the age of 4 years old and experimented on with guessable drugs," Jun said,"along with training to be the deadliest soldiers in the galaxy with the intention of being sent on suicidal missions with little to no chances of survival."


"I'M SORRY WHAT," many mothers and fathers in the theater yelled

"Called it," Vick said as he sighed,"but what he says is true, many of the Spartan-II and III's were once children taken by the UNSC to conduct the procedures to make Spartans."


"Thats just cruel," Spinner(Union) said as he shook his head

"But efficient," AFO(RODK) said,"children are in a term blanket sheets, their DNA more acceptable to augmentations then grown adults. It's like you're trying to repaint an already made one from Da Vinci."

"I hate it but he's right," Nezu(RODK) said,"I've only the receiving end of those kinda tests...didn't like them very much."

"But they were made for suicidal missions," Kirishima(Union) asked in surprise

"Many Spartan-II's were already dead, on mission or unavailable," Carter said,"Spartans were the greatest weapons against the Covenant, and many knew that. But sadly there weren't many and they had to make more."

"Thanks to funding and many secrets in Section 3, S-IIIs were the next best thing to kill Covies," Kat said

"Still..thats fucked up," Jacob said as he sipped a soda

"Okay then," Owen said as he sighed,"let's get back to the mission."

Soon we were around the holographic display of the ships, so far we have around 20 ships, 10 Frigates, 2 Corvettes, 3 Destroyers and 5 Carriers. Seems those two gods gave us what we needed to carry supplies and personnel, enough to build a colony. I sighed as MaCallen walked to the front and tapped the console, soon he pulled up Remnant, making me raise an eyebrow

"It showed up in our databanks," he said with a sigh,"anyway, we calculated that we will arrive at Remnant within 1 Earth day."

"That fast," I asked him

"We've actually been here for a week straight," Emile said,"Kat was the first one here."

"Cause a Needle rifle decided to go through my head," Kat said with a shrug, making us grimace

"Thats a rough way to go out," Nightwing said as he sucked his teeth

"Yep, sadly I didn't start up my shields in time to do so," Kat said as she shook her head,"my carelessness got me killed."

"We were being glassed Kat and we had move, its not your fault," Jorge said as he pats her shoulder


"Hmm interesting ship designs," Ironwood(RODK) said,"these are definitely superior to Atlas."

"As if, they're just flying buckets of metal," Ironwood(VI) said, making the rest deadpan him

'Idiotic fool,' they thought

"They have a weapon that could rip your toy ships in half," Aka said,"it's called the MAC cannon, and that will level hordes of Girmm, Hollows or whatever you want dead."

"What does MAC stand for," Powerloader(RODK) asked

"Magnetic Accelerator Cannon," Tempest explained,"it fires a ferric-tungsten round at supersonic speeds, basically that shit will rock you like a hurricane."

"Hmm if we could make that, clearing a Grimm Pool would be easy work," Ironwood said

"True, but those weapons they're using would also be a major boost," Clover said

"Hmm I wonder if I could use the metal of Spartan armor for Thumper," Harriet asked as she rubbed her chin

"Or maybe some material where our clothes don't burn," Harriet(RODK) said, making her counterparts blush,"yeah thought so."

"What-," Ethan asked but silenced by Ben

"I'll explain later," he said

"Okay then," I said as I rolled my eyes,"back to the debriefing."

"Right," MaCallen said as he zoomed on the planet,"we have no real intelligence yet on the planet, but thanks to those gods, we have some basis on it. So we were hoping you can tell us where to begin."

"Fair enough," I said

I looked at the planet, feeling some form of...nostalgia? I hummed as I turned the planet around, checking it out as I try to form a plan. I kept spinning as I see one continent that could prove beneficial to us, if my memories are coming back, this is the Dragon Continent. It was mostly abandoned cause of Grimm but still able to host villages, but lacked proper security

Thus leads to bandits, Grimm and White Fang to attack and raid them for years. The Kingdoms won't do anything cause of any reason they can give, lack of funding, troops or they just don't want to waste time and Dust to help. Grimm, White Fang and Dust, must be the local wildlife, terror cells and resources on the planet, hmm might need to get a notebook

"Is that true," Weiss(RODK) asked

"Unfortunately," Winter said with a sigh,"nothing is ever free in a world where money and social status thrives."

"Thats not right, we should help everyone no matter what," Ruby said,"money and all that shouldn't matter, helping people is everyone's responsibility!"

"Nice thought, not good for the economy," Jacob said,"sadly people will do anything to ensure their power over a city or others to keep in control."

"Says a killer no doubt," Blake said with a scoff

"Yeah, cause I hurt innocent for fun and killing bad guys is just for shits and giggles. Bitch I killed the Chaosbringers in a day, just to protect the world, everyone and everything in it."

"...You did what," Uvos asked with wide eyes


"With the Vanguardians right," Embera asked him


This made both the OG and Neo Chaosbringers stare at him in surprise, as Dystopian cleared his throat and looked at Tempest.

"Is he lying," he asked

"Nope," Tempest said, not looking at him

Dystopian said nothing as he picked Grace up and used her as a shield, making her and many deadpan him. Martin was laughing his ass off as he saw his rival seem like a whimpy bitch

"Here," I said as I tapped the planet,"the Dragon Continent, thats where we'll start."

"Dragon Continent, seriously," Emile asked me

"Hey don't look at me, I didn't name it. It's mostly inhabitant by villages who try to expand beyond the Four kingdoms, but sadly that means no real protection from the threats looming over them."

"Okay I'll get a Pelican ready for you Spartans," Owen said,"anything else?"

"We need to repair our armor and get weapons," Carter said as he tapped my right shoulder,"might need to get an upgrade there Six."

"Understood sir," I said,"where can I find the closest armory?"

"Follow me, I know where everything is," Kat said as she walked out

I nodded as I followed her through the ship, seeing the state of the repaired vessel and shocked to see it was repaired. From reports, it was destroyed during the Fall of Reach, one of the firsts to fall when the Covenant came and attacked. I hummed as we came into the armorer station, where I see multiple armor stations that disassemble and reassemble our armor

"Those help you put and take the armor off," Mei(RODK) asked

"Yep, it takes a while but its worth it," Emile said

"Says the one who never took his off," Jun said with a chuckle

"I do too."

"When was the last time then," Kat asked


"They got you there," Carter said with a chuckle

We walked down as we see one kid, who looked no older than 18, trying to fix a pair of MJOLNIR shoulder pads, which he seems to have trouble. He groaned as he turned around and yelled as he saw us standing right behind him

"SON OF A BITCH," he yelled as he crashed into the floor,"HOW ABOUT A LITTLE WARNING NEXT TIME?!"

"Sorry about that Morgan," Kat said,"but we need to upgrade Six's armor, his a little in need for a new one."

The kid looked at him as he studied my armor, looking it over as he grabbed my helmet and inspected it. He frowned as he deadpanned me and sighed, clearly a little irritated by me, which I didn't react much due to me facing worse and my emotions are still a little suppressed. He sighed as he turned around as he tossed the helmet to the side, making me growl

I liked that helmet.

"Wonder whats gonna happen to it," Kota(RODK) asked

The gods chuckled as they knew, let's say it fell out a window and into a certain Nikkes boobs.

"Okay then, I got some armor parts here for you to use, no idea how it got here," he said as he looked at me,"take a look at them and pick what you want."

I nodded as I looked at the massive selection he had, hmm so many choices, so little time. I hummed as I picked some and set them to the side, as I see Morgan and Kat working on her armor and her prosthetic. He looked at me as he saw the parts I selected, which he hummed in curiosity and looked at it, seemed he agreed on my selection.

"Okay get in the disassembler and we'll get started," he said

I nodded as I stood in and let the progress start


Ben New Armor:

"Nice choice," Kat said,"red suits you."

"Naw thats Adam," Blake(RODK) said

"True, blue always been Bens color," Adam said as they looked at them

"Hold on, why is Bens hair blue and Adam," Kaminari(Union)m asked

"Thats...actually a good question," Blake asked

"Yes how, I mean we got our hair color form mother," Weiss said,"father got his from stress at work, and his hair was black."

"Huh so thats how it happened," Winter(RODK) said

"Well I was actually born with this hair color," Ben said,"it was from dad's side, as his genes were no doubt stronger given he was the God of Darkness. Adam got red from mom, maybe it was supposed to be like that or Dad was fucking around."

"20 bucks on the latter," Ember said with a laugh

"Thanks Kat," I said as I stretched my arms

"You completely wrecked the helmet," he said as he groaned he looked at my old armor,"not to mention the power cell used to power up your shields and the basic functions of your suit. Do you have any idea how much this costs dude?"

I looked at him as I grabbed my helmet and placed it on, soon making the latches lock on

"Tell that to the Covenant," I said

"So manly," the Kirishimas said together

"Can't blame him," Taiyang(RODK) said,"he uses the tech and the weapons these Covies use are super powerful."

"Sucks when the military has to spent so much money on equipment," Elm said with a sigh

"Like Specialist Winter said, nothing in this world is free," Ironwood said,"too bad the council won't open up to new ideas, to conceited on Dust and monopolizing it."

"Someone to see outside the box," Ruby(Union) said

"Thats hard when no one gives a shit cause they arrogant and ignorant," Ei said with a sigh

"Ugh," Morgan said as he tossed the burnt cell away,"never mind then, now go grab your weapons."

"Okay then, also thanks for the upgrade kid."

"Yeah yeah, go make sure our new home is Covie free!"

I chuckled as me and Kat went to the armory, where I see a few squads of Marines and ODSTs all arming up with their weapons. I walked to the lockers and there I see a multitude of weapons we use, thou I see some I haven't see in a while, like the BR-55 and M7s, wow I haven't seen them in a while. But I picked something I more use to

MA37 Assault Rifle:

M392 DMR:

"Your favorites," Kat asked as she had an AR and M6G Magnum

"Yep, though I wish I can use the Sniper Rifle," I said as I added some grenades,"but this works for me."

"I remember you two had a sniper contest," Jorge said, seeing Jun grumble

"Lucky shot," Jun whispered

"Agreed, come on let's move."

We walked out as we see the Marines and ODSTs eyeing us, I was use to it since Marines were suspicious of us and ODSTs hated us. I don't blame them, we didn't have a good reputation with working well with others, but eh I got over it. We walked out to the hangar bay, where I see Carter and the rest talking with some troopers and such.

"Nobel Two and Six reporting for duty sir," I said as we saluted

"Welcome back Nobel Six," Carter said,"ready for an assignment?"

"Dying for one sir."

"Hahahahaha, okay that was a good one," Yang laughed

"Like I said, Ben had a knack for jokes," Kat said with a laugh

"...Hahahaha," Jun and Emile chuckled loudly as Jorge sniffled a laugh

"Seems you've picked up some humor while you died," Carter deadpanned me

"Eh once you've seen the other side you need something to satisfy the disappointment when you get there," I said with a shrug

"Thats...depressing," Qrow said

"You would know that huh," Jacob asked


"You literally drink yourself to sleep every night," Summer(SK) said to him

"...No I-."

"Say that and I will use a bat on your head," Ben said, holding an aluminum bat

"HEY DON'T USE THAT, ITS SPECIAL," Tempest yelled as he pulled it out of his hands,"this was signed by Bo Jackson!"

"...Who," many asked


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA," some laughed as they held their stomachs

"Okay then," Carter said, but failed to hide the smile,"you and Jorge will be taken to this location."

He points at the south of the Dragon Continent, which I nodded, it was close to Mistral...close to my former home. I stayed silent as he went over the mission details, as I stared at the map, trying to remember my past. Sadly still murky, but I digress and focused on the mission, which was a simple scout and recon mission, look around and see what's there

'Easy, though I am wondering on how much has changed,' I wondered as I spin my knife

"Six, you'll take 5 Marines with you and two warthogs," Carter said

"Copy that," I said

"Okay, you got your assignments, now move, we gotta find a home soon for our fleet."

"OOO-RAH," the Marines yelled

Me and the Marines assigned to my team, who were all experienced during the Human-Covenant War. All were Privates with a Sergeant Frist class leading them, a Jackson Green, a man armed with a MA37, as he looked at me as we took off in the Pelican. I breathed as we flew to the planet, which I had to admit was nice to see the green lands and bright blue oceans

"You don't see many of those in our universe anymore," Jorge said with a sigh

"Try Warhammer 40k," Tempest said, making some oof

"Cardia fell before the Guard did," Vick said, making him and Tempest bow their heads in respect

"What are you fuckers on about," Homelander(VI) asked

"Nothing you would understand jackass," Tempest said with a glare,"but know none of you, and I mean NONE OF YOU, can withstand W40K."

"Please, we can handle some pussies," Issei(VI) said with a laugh

Vick teleported Issei(VI) to the Warhammer 40K for a few seconds and brought him back. Issei(VI) now looked like a skinny boy who had no food, drained of all his blood and shook like a rattlesnake. He hides behind the Rias Peerage(VI) as they saw the damage to him, as he covered his dick

"Nonononononono," he whispered over and over

"Slaanesh," Zero asked

"Yep, and be glad she hasn't meet any of us yet," Ember said

"Sadly I have and mine is more crazy," Tempest said

"...YOU HAVE A SLANNESH," the gods yelled at him

"Yes, I'll explain later."

"Sir, mind telling us what we'll expect down there," Jackson asked me

"Certainly," I said,"once we touch down, we have to watch out for hostile creatures called Grimm, they are monsters that sense negative emotions and go for it."

"Grimm, like Brothers Grimm," Private Pendleton asked

"Something like that I guess. Next is the location bandit population, local raiders and killers, they target the local villages which have little militias to defend but sadly they get trampled on."

"Sheesh sounds like hell," another said, he was armed with a sniper rifle

"Sounds like my kinda party," a Private armed with a BR-55 and a SPNRK rocket launcher said,"oh we didn't introduce ourselves! Im Duke, resident demolitions expert and ladies man. This rain of sunshine is Crash."

"Do you have to tell everyone that story?!"

"What story," many asked

"No idea, its still a mystery," Kat said

"Duke and Crash, nice to meet you," I said, and looked at the others,"and you lot?"

"I'm Isabelle, but you can call me Izzy," the only female said

"Im Private Pendleton," the young one said in an southern tone

"We call him Target," Duke said with a laugh

"Target," I asked

"He accidentally ran into line of fire with Covenant forces in one of our engagements," Jackson said, making the other chuckle,"well I'm Jackson Green, but call me Jackson, easier that way."

"Hahahaha that's stupid asshole," Cardin(VI) laughed with the rest

"That seems mean," Ruby said

"The nickname or the laughing," Yang asked

"The laughing, I mean he was probably a rookie who didn't know or wasn't informed. Laughing at him just doesn't seem right."

"And ignoring me when I was bullied is okay," Ben said with a flat voice

"That's different."

"I'm gonna need a bigger chancla," SK said

"I'll help," Ava said as she glared

"I see, well next is the local Huntsmen population. They are usually hired to kill and destroy Grimm, but they can be hired to defend villages, which isn't a lot since most tend to flee, sell the village out and die trying to show off."

"They sound like assholes," Duke said

"They are, they're egotistical, selfish, arrogant, and so conceited they believe they're the only solution in the world. Even some think that Huntsmen are only thing needed in the world and everything else makes you a pussy. Then there's the White Fang, a group of radical terrorists that try and fight for equality and independence, more like killing Humans cause they see them as inferior."

"Ugh this is gonna be a pain," Izzy said

"No shit, I think they'll attack us on sight cause we have different armor or won't answer to them," Crash said

"Especially Atlas military," I said,"they're the only remaining military presence on Remnant after the Great War. After the Treaty of Vale, three Kingdoms dissolved their militaries to preserve peace, while leaving one for security reasons."

"Please tell me I didn't order my forces to attack," all Ironwoods asked

"No," Tempest said,"that was a dumbass named Shepherd who thought he can bully the UNSC into giving them their technology."

"Luckily for you, you tried to broker peace and when Atlas went off the rails you managed to sneak intel," Zero said

"At least one of us did the right thing," Ironwood(Union) said

"Agreed," Ironwood said

"...THATS FUCKING STUPID," they all yelled loud

"It was, but sadly it was to ensure peace," Ozpin said with a sigh

"When one of my other OCs get here, he'll say different," Tempest said

"Why, militaries only cause more unnecessary death and destruction," Jaune said,"they did the right thing."

"Sometimes the right thing isn't always the solution," Vick said,"the military is a necessary evil for some worlds, but dismantling them is flat out idiotic."

"Its what kept the peace, that's better then more war," Blake said

"Ugh, yeah yeah we get, Human military bad, Faunus terrorist group good," Ben said as he rolled his eyes,"if Vale still had a military I would have joined instead wasting time at Beacon."

"Amen," the other Bens said

"I mean the Decepticon army uses Humans as soldiers to help in situations we can't do," Ben(Megatron) said

"Better then an army of demons that eat, rip and fuck you for pleasure," Ben(Guts) said

"...I'm sorry excuse the fuck outta you," Moxxie asked

"Da hell," Alastor asked in surprise

"Don't ask until my universe comes in," Ben (Guts) said

"Alpha Team, we're close to the RV," the pilot said,"get ready to drop off with the Warthogs."

"Copy," I said,"everyone lock and load, get ready to roll out."

"Yes sir," they said

Soon we were on the ground with the Warthogs, with me driving, Jackson in passenger and Crash in gunner. I looked around as I see the emerald green leafs falling, the winds bashing against my helmet and the exposed parts of my armor. I didn't know why, but I shook my head and drove the Warthog, going through the terrain, seeing the vast lands we can use

"How long as it's been since this me was last there," Ben asked

"Well time differences are different in universes," Tempest said,"1 year it was there, for Ben in the Halo verse he was there for 22 years, so I guess you can say 23 years."

"Wow," many said

"I really hope he shares the history of Reach to the other me there," Oobleck said

"Your one of my favorite teachers, of course he would," Ben said, then looked at Tempest,"he does right?

Tempest only smiled, but Ben knew the answer already

"Sir I seen smoke in the air," Izzy reported

I looked to the side and see a huge pillar of smoke, about 5 miles southwest of us. I remembered there was one village close to the ridge where boats dock and unload supplies for them to trade and sell to other villages along the coast. I hummed as I turned to the pillar of smoke, along with the other following close behind us

"Whats the plan now boss," Duke asked as he gripped the handles of the turrent

"We go help the villagers, secure the area and help those in need," I said,"Jackson radio Trafalgar and ask for medical, there'll be people needing medical aid."

"Copy that sir," Jackson said as he tapped comms,"Trafalgar this is Alpha squad, we are responding to a possible hostile attack. Requesting medical teams on our coordinates, relaying them now, over."

"Understood Alpha squad, medical response on route," the radio operator said

"Copy that, over and out. Medicals on the way."

"Good, okay Marines let's help those people," I said as I stepped on the pedal

3rd POV, Dagon Village


In Dagon village, they were under attack by the Gimmjaw bandits, a group of Grimm worshipping fanatics that dressed up as Grimm to strike fear and terror into the defenders. It worked a lot, as the Hunstmen ran at the first sight of them, leaving the villagers to defend themselves against the horde. They managed to hold them for a bit, but the gate fell within hours

"COWARD," Port yelled

"Wow, definitely didn't see that coming a mile away," Raven(RODK) sarcastically said with a dead look

"If I find him I'm kicking his ass," Cardin said

"Get in line," Ben and Adam said

Right now a giant crocodile man, standing at nearly 10 feet tall, was bashing one bandit with his tail and grabbed another, slamming him into the floor, breaking his neck. He roared as he looked to see some bandits trying to gun some kids down, so he ran as fast as he can and dived in front of them, taking the bullets form the guns, making him grunt

"LUKE," one boy yelled

"RUN, GET OUT OF HERE," Luke, the crocodile boy, yelled as he tail whips the Grimmjaws away,"I just wanted a normal fucking day, that to hard to ask!?"

"Yeah I know bud," Clay Carmine, a Dragon Faunus, said as he fired his rifle at the bandits,"but right now we need to deal with this!"

"Who's that," Xenovia(RODK) asked, a blush on her face

"Clay Carmine," Zero said,"someone who loves to invent guns, drink ungodly amount of coffee and smoke 100 packs of cigarettes a day,"

"...THAT UNHEALTHY," many yelled

"Eh his a Dragon Faunus, he heals quickly," Vicks said

"A Dragon Faunus," Blake asked,"that's incredibly rare."

"I thought they all died out," Ilia said with shock

"Maybe he's the last of his kinda," Sienna said as she looked at him,"hmm...he's cute."

"Oh I see~," Adam said with a snicker


"I'm surprised to see another me there," Luke said

"Big Bro is awesome," Lily yelled in support

"Hehehehe," Christina gigged

"Grr! They took the west gate, if we don't take that back and kill the leader, they'll keep coming!"

"Got it, but we need to stop those at the...wait, do you hear that music?"

"What music?"

They look east as they see two vechiles rolling in and coming in hot, with music blaring out loudly. The guard grew wide eyed, think the Grimmjaws had support, but the vehicles blew right passed them and went to the village center. Luke was thinking they were mercenaries, but the high tech they were using didn't support that. He was about to them and ask for help until an Ursa Major jumped on  his back

"LUKE," Clay yelled and was about to fire


Suddenly the Ursa head was filled with lead, making them look at who fired at them and froze at the figure. He was 7'4, wearing crimson red armor, wielding a rifle they've never seen before and stomped when he walked over to them. He aimed his rifle at some Grimmjaws charging at them, he fired in short round bursts at them, the bullets ripping through their Aura

"Huh this reminds of the times I've seen Superman arrive to help people," Connor said

"Same with All Might," Izuku said,"but this feels...I don't know how to describe it."

"Holy shit," Luke said

"You okay," the armored man said

Luke froze as that voice...that voice was so...familiar to him. He thought it was just his imagination, but it reminded him of someone he once knew.

'It can't be...his dead,' he thought with a frown

"We were friends there huh," Ben asked

"The best of friends," Zero said

"Hmm, nice to see we get to work together," Luke said with a smile

"Nice to see my crocodile have friends in his life," Grace(CH) said with a smile

"Y-Yeah, but who the hell are you," he asked the man

"We'll explain later, right one tell us how to win."

"We need to secure the west gate and I have some detonators in the field," Clay said as he flew down,"I would have if that dumbass Hunstmen didn't say he handle it, said I would ruin his limelight...then proceeded to run like a bitch!"

"Sigh, God damn those show off cunt sucking show offs," the armored man sighed,"okay, Dragon boy."


"Clay, you and your buddy will follow me to the gate and secure it, then Clay...blow them up."

"Hell yeah," Clay said as he smiled but he caught the man's second weapon,"da hell?"

"Use that, works better then standard gear. JACKSON, COVER THE EAST GATE WITH THE REST!'

"I noticed that their bullets penetrated the Aura faster," Marrow said

"Maybe has to do with the bullets," Yang(VI) asked

"Possibly," Ruby(VI) said,"if we're using bullet speed, standard UNSC ammo travels faster then a Dust bullet, so penetration would be easier for them since Auras aren't use to the level of speed the bullets of a MA37 go."

"True, but we mainly use Dust rounds and those go slower, around 850-900FPS," Ruby(Union) said

"...Those were words," Sero(Union) said with shock

"Copy that said sir," Jackson yelled as he moved the Warthogs to the gate,"alright Alpha squad, defend this gate!"

"OOO-RAH," they yelled as they ripped into the Grimmjaws

"Hey whats your name," Clay asked,"better then calling you armored dude."

"Call me Noble Six, now keep up kids."

Six took off at incredible speeds that weren't even human and this made the two shocked as they tried to keep up with him. Six run and gunned as he massacred the Grimmjaws in front of him with the two catching up, barely, as Clay gunned the Grimmjaws on top of the wall. Luke, running on all four, charged ahead as a Beringel came through the gate

Luke growled as he tackled the Grimm, wrestling with each other as he threw the Grimm into the side and punched its face hard, but it roared and bites into him. Luke roared as he tumbled with the Beringel, rolling round in the open Six jumped up on top of the wall, gunning the stragglers on top, then he ran to the controls, but a huge man stood in his way.

This was the leader, Marius. He was 6'8, with black fur covering his head and shoulders, with a white mask of a Beowulf. He wielded a massive double headed axe with flames on the edges.

"You flithy mongrel, you ruined my-," he yelled

"No one can say mongrel, only I can," all Gilgamesh's yelled

"Only Ben may call me mongrel when he pounds me in bed," Angela(Female Gilgamesh) yelled with a smirk

This made many blush as the male Gilgamesh's went wide eyes at this, but humped it as they didn't care. This made Jiro(RODK) look at Ben, who was impassive at that statement

"How many of the FATE girls did you fuck," she asked him

"Hmm depends, how much bread have you eaten," Ben asked her

"...I am both shocked and scared."

But Six pulled his knife and stabbed him in the throat, then ripped it out and kicked him hard in the side. This caused Marius groan as he fell over the edge and slammed into the floor, breaking his neck on impact. Six just looked down on the body, making him hum

"Hmm...that was anticlimactic," he said disappointed

"Damn," Clay said as he tapped on console,"you know how to murk someone huh?"

"Comes with the territory, now arm those explosives."

"What the hell do you think I'm doing?"

"FUCK OFF YOU MONKEY EATING SHIT STAIN," Luke yelled as he threw the Beringel off him

"Luke get inside, the explosives are about to blow!"


"On it," Clay said as he pushed the red button

"NO DON'T," some yelled

"Wait don't," Six yelled

Suddenly one Grimmjaw exploded when he stepped on a landline

"Oh landmine," one said,"OH LANDMINES!"




"HOLY SHIT THEY PLANTED LANDMINES," the sub-commander yelled

"Oh they found the landmines," Clay said with a smirk

"We walk our cattle's out here," Luke saids as he was covered in smoke and dirt

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," many laughed cause they knew what this was

"TEMPEST I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIT," Aka laughed as he fell to the floor

"THAT WAS GLORIOUS," Seraphim laughed as he leaned back in his chair

"Lucky me I have tough skin," Luke said with a sigh

"How are you alive," Six asked with surprise

"Tough skin and crocodile scales. But it seems they've given up, they're running away."

They all looked at the running Grimmjaws, with their tails literally between their legs. Luke sighed as he dropped onto the floor, Clay groaned as he slumped into the floor, panting as he looked at Six, who was on talking on comms. He was surprised to see how he is still calm and not breathing heavy when he was wearing that fuck ton armor

"This is Nobel Six to Nobel One, we've just repelled an enemy attack," Six said as he reloaded

"Understood Nobel Six," Carter said,"we're still working on our end, so your new orders are to defend the village till reinforcements arrive."

"Copy, we have medical on route, so we'll start setting up defenses."

"Understood Six, over and out."

Six signed off as he looked at Clay, who was looking at his weapon, humming in anticipation of the gun. He wondered how he can mass produce it, since he wanted to run a weapons company that will crush Atlas cause they make shit weapons. He hummed as Six grabbed his rifle back, making Clay yelp as he reached back for the gun faceplant the floor

"Sorry kid," Six said,"but protocol dictates no civilian can copy or mass produce UNSC weapons without authorization."

"Awww shucks," all Rubys said with pouts

"So what, if he started a corporation and got a contract with the UNSC he can start making them," Willow said, drinking tea,"it helps when you have friends in the government...sometimes."

"Yep, normally I would be against it but with my past and the circumstances here, I say they have no choice," Tony said

"Agreed, plus if their were smarter people there, they start looking into better materials with the UNSC," Batman offered up

"Yeah and if you want to supply an army," Ben said,"you need to get help from people that can make them in factories. Plus is opens jobs for people in need of one and such."

"It would expand the economy," Jacques said,"and if they have the laws in place, they be booming."

"You would know huh," Blake said

"I have learned from my past and mistakes young lady, Benjamin over here certainly put it in my memory to not forget."

"Its so weird seeing a nice Jacques," Ember whispered

"What the fuck is the UNSC," Clay said as he stood up,"never heard of it."

"Let's say we came from somewhere FAR FAR AWAY. Anyway come on, we need to find your wounded, repair damages and set up a defensive perimeter."

"Heheh nice one," Mace Windu said

"Fine, yo Luke you alive?'

He poked his head out to see Luke walking in, with him grunting as he walked beside Clay, looking at Six. He was speaking with Jackson and the team, but Luke needed to know something, which made Clay wondered what was up with him. Luke marched to Six, making the man look up at him, staring at each other as Six wondered what was going on

"Can I help you," he asked him

"...Ben," Luke asked

"...How do you know my name," Six asked, ready to fight if necessary

"Why," Yang asked

"Many of the names of the Spartans are kept in house," Emile said,"only military personnel know, such as officers or soldiers."

"And if a civilian knew it, that would be a breach of security," Winter stated

"Yes, its not pretty but the UNSC were kinda hardcore back then," Tempest said

"Take the helmet off! Show me your face, you sound like him and you said something that only he said! NOW...TAKE...IT OFF!!"

Luke growled as he leaned over Six, which made Six see a Brute in his place. Six sighed as he didn't care anymore, this kid knew who he was and just thought if he showed his face the kid would calm down. He took his helmet off and rubbed his hair, then looked at Luke, who looked shocked to see him, as he trembled as he never thought he see him again

"BEN," Luke yelled as he grabbed him into a tight hug,"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!? YOU DIED ONE YEAR AGO!"

"GAH, DOWN SHERK DOWN," Ben yelled as he felt bones pop

"HAHAHAHAHA," many laughed

"Thats a lot of snapping bones," Ben said as he grimaced

"Yeah, and Spartan bones aren't easy to pop like that," Jorge said,"unless you're a Brute."

"Da hell is a Brute," Miruko(RODK) asked

"Think of a gorilla on thousands of steroids and fucked a rhino," Aka said, getting noises of disgust 

Wait, Spartans bones never break, so how the hell is he doing that?!

' least I feel a little less tense, maybe I should pop my back more often,' Ben thought as Luke set him down

"But I saw you die, I saw you get shot," Luke yelled in shock

"Did we know each other," Ben asked him,"sorry my memory is still hazy from being reincarnated twice."

"Reincarnated, what the hell you talking about," Clay asked

"It's a long story, anyway, what was our connection Luke?"

"You are...were my best friend back then, you accepted me when others turned me away. You gave me...a home."

"Oh I see, well look, how about we talk after I'm done? That way we can catch up on what happened."

"Sure thing Ben, man Glynda is gonna lose her mind when she hears about you."

"My...adoptive mother right?"

"Wow your totally messed up in the head."

'In more ways then one,' Ben thought with a smirk

"OWOWOWOWOWOWOW, MOM WHAT THE HELL," Ben yelled as Glynda smacked his head

"THATS NOT FUNNY YOUNG MAN," Glynda yelled as she swayed him

"Hmph, should teach that brute some manners and discipline," Glynda(VI) said with a smirk

That earned her a smack from Cardin(RODK), he was using a toilet plunger

"When did you get that back," M/N(HH) asked

"Tempest," he said


"Well, come on, let's get to work," Ben said as he patted his back,"we have a shit ton of work to do."

"You got it man, lets work," Luke said as he smiled

Ben smiled as he walked to the others, getting ready to see what else this life has in store for him.

"And done, what did ya think," Tempest asked

"Very insightful and gave us a lot of ideas," Ironwood said,"plus showed that we need to be more better at training Huntsmen."

"Agreed," Ozpin said,"that Huntsmen will shame the name of Huntsmen for years to come."

"Killing was unnecessary," Ruby said

"Its a dude of a soldier child," Darth Vader

"Indeed, war isn't always clean or doesn't end with some casualties," Splinter said sagely

"Indeed, and we've had our fair share of it," Carter said

"Okay, take a 10 minute break before the next one comes on," Tempest said

Whats next anyway," Slater asked in curiosity

"'ll show you how powerful true love can be...and how the dead won't rest until everything is set right."

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