Chapter I: The House of Old

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She had gotten through the entire ceremony without dying. Yay! She tied her hair into a bun. Omega decided to take it out in the end. She didn't need it up. She was going to the Hebra Mountains for the Goddesses sake!

"Ready to go?" Emerie asked.

"Yep," Omega said, gripping Tech's flute.

"Do you take that thing everywhere?" Emerie asked.

"Yes!" Omega said. "Now, let's go!"


"Welcome to the House of Old!" Emerie declared, standing outside an intimidating mansion that was half falling apart.

"Is that what you called it, or is that it's actual name?" Omega asked.

"Its it's actual name," Emerie replied.

"So...who lived here?" Omega asked.

"Unknown," Emerie responded.

"Think we could find that out?" Omega asked.

"That's the goal!" Emerie said.

"I thought the goal was to—never mind, let's go," Omega said.

"Are you still taking that flute? You may need your hands, you know," Emerie said.

"I know! But I'm still taking it!" Omega said.

Emerie saw Omega's bracelet. It had a key latched into it.

Recognise the Key? What do you think it may unlock?

"Did you know your bracelet has a key in it?" Emerie said.

"You didn't?" Omega asked. "Yes, I know, it's kinda hard to miss. It doesn't unlock anything though."

"Oh," Emerie said. "Who's it from, or did you make it?"

"Why would I make a bracelet, that has a key in it, that I don't know what it unlocks?" Omega asked. "It's a gift from Tech. He gave it to me back on Pabu. I've worn it ever since."

"I've got a feeling that he gave that key to you for a reason," Emerie said. She noticed Omega walking towards a patch of ice. "Omega look out there's-" She winced as Omega slipped on the ice and ran straight into a pole. "-ice."

"Yeah, I got that now," Omega said, rubbing her sore head.

They continued through the house. They eventually found a key, which seemed to open the door to a bedroom. The bedroom was grand, but damaged. They looked around, walking through the room. Omega spotted a book, presumably a diary, on the table. She placed her flute on the table before studying the book.

"If we can find out who wrote in this diary, we might be able to find out who lived here," Omega said.

She began reading the first entry.

Today I helped the Princess to the Spring of Courage. It was a long journey and my feet ache. I really should consider putting bandages around my ankles for support. The Princess doesn't have a horse, so we must walk. Plus, I'm still training Midnight to like me. She still tries to run of course and disobey me. I've never walked this far in my life. At least I don't think I have...

Tomorrow I shall ask the Princess to get a horse. I don't think I can do that again. I barely made it back to the Castle, let alone my room, without collapsing.

Omega sighed. No name. However, whoever lived here protected and helped the Princess. That's a start. She decided to skip ahead, reading the last few entries.

In a week the Princess turns 17. In a week she will head up Mount Lanayru to pray at the Spring of Wisdom. In a week I fear that something bad will happen. The rapid increase of hostile monsters and attacks are worrying. Being targeted by the Yiga doesn't help either. The King fears for my safety as I seem to be a primary target, along with Link and Zelda. Why are they targeting me? What do I have that they fear? It's not like I'm part of the prophecy!

Soon I shall get to the bottom of this.

Omega read the next entry.

Today I am furious. I have never been this angry before. I'm very rarely annoyed, let alone furious. I found out why Zelda's been coming back with these weird cuts after meetings with her father. She always told me that it was from her travels. But I never really believed her. Today, she came back looking half dead. I found out that her father had been purposely hurting her! Punishing her for her failures! Why can't he see that she's trying as hard as she can?!

I also found out the truth about how Storm died. Natural causes, the King said? Yeah right. The Queen was killed. By the Yiga. The King just lied to everyone.

I need to cool off. But tomorrow I talk to the King. And it's not going to be a nice respectful chat. Oh, no, I am going to make sure he knows that he is NOT being a good father. I am not a citizen of Hyrule, I'm only protecting Zelda because I want to. I want to! If he listens to me, which he probably won't, then I'll be surprised.

Omega gasped. Whoever wrote this had some guts. Especially to commit such an act.

Today I talked to the King. There was lots of yelling. The poor maidens got scared away. He asked me what I knew about parenting. He's right, I don't know as much a parent would. My Drop of Golden Sunshine is a good girl, doesn't need to much parenting, but I DO know that what he's doing is not okay. What he's doing is child abuse. Zelda deserves better. I also confronted him about lying to us, but he ignored me.

Three days until the Princess's birthday. I'm nervous.

"Emerie," Omega called. "This person said 'his Drop of Golden Sunshine'. That's what my brother's call me."

"Well, he could mean his daughter," Emerie said.

"No, he said he wouldn't know as much as a parent would, meaning he doesn't have a child," Omega said.

"Keep reading, he might say his name soon," Emerie.

Today is the day. The day of Zelda's 17th birthday. I anxiously await for her to be ready to leave. There was an earthquake today. I think this is the day. The day the Calamity will awaken. I'm scared of what will happen if she fails to find her power at the Spring. Hopefully she'll awaken it today, for I fear Hyrule will be lost if she doesn't. I never figured out why the Yiga were targeting me, but that doesn't matter now.

Perhaps it was because of my so-called visions and nightmares that told the future? It doesn't matter. All that matters now is Zelda and survival. My nightmares have all told me that the Calamity would awaken the day of Zelda's 17th birthday, and that's today. I can only pray for her power or that I'm seriously wrong. This may be my last entry, so I guess I sign off.

Tech signing off.

Omega knew it. It was Tech's diary.

"Well, well, well," a voice said.

It almost Tech. But it was deep and sounded...evil. It couldn't be Tech. He was dead!Omega slowly turned around to meet the voice. The figure was wearing goggles that were illuminated by the glow of his red eyes. That was all Omega could make out because it was so dark. The figure conjured up a sword. It's marking glowed red, matching the figure's eyes.

Omega stood there as she was slowly able to make out who it was. can't can't be!

Omega's eyes went wide as Tech lunged, aiming for her throat.

Okay! Did you figure out who's diary it was before I revealed it?

Also...cliffhanger!!!! Happy Monday! Next chapter probably won't be out until the end of the week. Baiii!

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